Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Making Ends Meet | By : Muhabba Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > General Views: 2205 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I share it & make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this. All characters are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or the characters from it. |
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or the characters from it. Comments are always welcome and appreciated so you should feel free to share.
Story Code: M/F, Oral, Blackmail
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Trying To Make Ends Meet Pt. 01
By Muhabba
Chap. 01
When she had been there everything had been beautiful. Calling it happiness would be using the wrong word for her life after death. Contentment. She had been perfectly content. She had known what her place in the universe had been, had known where her friends and family had belonged, knew that everything would turn out okay for them, that they would get along without her. And she knew with perfect clarity that she would see them again. And then they had raised her from the dead.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer sat on the bottom step of her basement, her feet below the water line as she watched the water spewing from the pipe. Life had been so much simpler when she had been dead.
Buffy checked her blonde hair in the bathroom mirror and then her make-up. Next, she checked her outfit and decided that a simple white blouse with a tan skirt looked professional enough for where she was going. She slid on her tan pumps and headed downstairs and out the front door. Dawn was at school while Willow and Tara were at classes so she had until five to get back and start dinner. Plenty of time to do the unspeakable.
"So what brings you to the Doublemeat Palace?" the manager asked.
"Complete and total desperation," Buffy thought to herself. If the manager looked any plainer she would have forgotten him while looking at him. Kind of a chubby build without too much fat, middle-aged with brownish hair. He looked exactly how she would have thought a fast food manager would look. "Well, I've been ill so I was really needing a job with flexible hours since I take care of my sister," the Slayer explained.
The manager didn't even try to hide the fact that he was checking out the hot blonde. She was on the short side but she was built for it with wide hips, firm breasts, and a nearly perfect heart-shaped ass he had ogled when she had first walked in. With her sitting nervously across his desk he could easily imagine bending her over and fucking the shit out of her. Instead, he looked down at her application and then back up at her. "It says here that you were in college," he said.
Buffy nodded as she struggled to remember the manager's name, Doug. Even his name was plain. "Until I got ill, yes and I'm hoping to get back next semester," she chirped hoping she sounded professional.
Doug looked back at her application. She was hot, there was no doubt, and he could already think of several positions he'd like to get her in but there was her age too. He usually kept the ages of his hires as low as he could which was perfect for a part-time job with no benefits. Also, easier to coerce. But if you'd seen one desperate girl you've seen them all and the key was to keep them defensive. "Well, you're a bit older than most of the people I hire and you said you're also taking care of your sister. I'm afraid once I've set the schedule it's pretty hard to change," he said and tried to keep a smirk from his lips as her face began to fall, "You'd be responsible for finding someone to cover your shift before you could take time off for any family emergencies much less college classes."
"I... I understand," Buffy stammered nervously.
"Plus there's no benefits for part-time employees," Doug explained, "So that would mean no health coverage for you or your sister. Most of the kids we hire are just that, kids, who are still under their parent's coverage."
"Oh, we... we're already covered," Buffy stammered. Her nerves practically had her vibrating. This was literally the last job in Sunnydale she could apply to and it was just flipping burgers or whatever was in the sandwiches they served here.
"Plus, with your age, it looks like you'd be over-qualified," Doug said, pulling the statement out of his ass.
It wasn't the healthcare that Buffy was worried about, it was the house care plus food care. It seemed that Dawn could eat her weight in food during the day and their mother had, for some reason, brought them up under the belief that you should eat at least three times a day. She needed this job and decided it was time to show it. “I understand your hiring policies are geared toward younger workers but I really need this job,” she pleaded, “And I will prove to you how good of a worker I can be. I promise.”
Doug pretended to think over what Buffy had just said. Desperation was a good quality for a worker, especially for the position he had in mind for her but he wanted her to wiggle a bit before he agreed to hire her. And he couldn't wait to see her wiggle naked. And with how desperate she was acting right now he could imagine the things she would do to keep her job after she’d gotten a few paychecks in her wallet.
Pretending to look over the blonde’s application for another few moments, Doug finally placed it down on his desk. “Tell you what,” he offered, “We’ll give it a month and see how it goes. How’s that sound?”
Buffy held herself back from jumping up and clapping, trying to maintain her professionalism. “That sounds great!” she said happily.
Doug peered at her and felt extremely proud of himself. He was sure she’d be another good hire.
Buffy had worked at the Doublemeat Palace for only a couple of days before she hated the manager. He was a total perv that leered at all the girls that worked there, some as young as 16. If it ever turned out that he was some kind of demon she'd slay him with a blunt spork in a heartbeat. But she kept her temper. Her sister needed her to keep this job.
The job sucked and wages were pretty much next to nothing but it was just barely enough to get the bills paid. Barely. She needed some overtime to get some extra cash. Hopefully enough to buy some real vegetables for once. She hinted at the manager a couple of times but he just blew her off so she decided the time had come for desperate measures.
Buffy stood outside Doug’s office and adjusted her work uniform. She undid a couple of extra buttons on her top to reveal her tan cleavage jiggling around in her push-up bra. Then she pulled her pants up as high and tight as she could to show off her ass before cinching her belt tighter to give her a slimmer waist. It was uncomfortable but she’d only need it for a few minutes since the restaurant was closed and everybody else was gone.
She knocked on the door before entering and found the manager sitting behind the desk. "Hey, Doug, do you have a minute?" she asked.
“Sure. Come on in,” Doug said and then watched the petite blonde walk over. He noticed the sight of her cleavage jiggling in her bra and the way her hips swayed as she walked. She sure was a hottie. “What can I do for you?” he said as he licked his lips.
Buffy couldn't help but notice the way that Doug was looking at her and repressed a shudder. He didn't even try to pretend that he wasn't ogling the female staff. “I… I just noticed the schedule for next week was up,” she said.
Since the hot blonde had started, Doug had used every trick he knew to get her into the right mindset for what he had planned for her. He gave her the worst jobs in the whole restaurant from cleaning toilets to cleaning the meat grinders. And no matter how good of a job she did he constantly looked for some small detail she may or may not have missed to complain about. And every time he found a fault in her work he reminded her of how lucky she had been that he had hired her and of how much she needed the money to support her sister. She was putty in his hands.
“Yep,” Doug answered.
“But I’m only up there for three days,” Buffy said, trying to keep the worry out of her voice.
“Yep,” Doug agreed.
“But I’ve usually been working four and even five days a week,” she explained, “And I really need the money.”
“You haven't done anything wrong,” Doug said, placing the blame on the young girl, “It's just that your training period is over. But that nickel raise in your paycheck will surely help.”
Buffy didn't know what to say. She needed those days or she’d lose the house. “But I need the money,” she said pitifully.
“It’s like this, Buffy,” Doug said in a condescending tone of voice, “The Doublemeat Palace is only offering part-time employment. There's a lot of paperwork for me if an employee somehow gets over thirty hours a week.”
“But there's a way?” Buffy asked. It was like a beautiful light at the end of a very greasy tunnel.
"Yeah, but, like I said there's a lot of effort for me, personally, if that were to happen," Doug said and tried to keep the smirk off his face. He'd lost track of the number of girls he said these exact words to and it had worked every time.
Buffy tried not to let on how happy she was. She and Dawn might make it after all. “Oh, please, Doug, I’d do anything,” she said gleefully.
Doug sighed and pretended to think it over. "Well, you're not the best employee," he said plainly.
“I’ll do better,” Buffy immediately snapped back.
“And your work isn’t exactly spotless,” Doug continued.
“From now on everything I touch will be spotless,” she exclaimed.
"But if you're willing to put the time in on the job…" he said drawing the sentence out.
“I will do an amazing job!” Buffy said excitedly.
“…then I can't see the harm.” he finished as he pushed his chair back from the desk and pulled his cock out of his pants.
Buffy stared in silent shock at the semi-erect cock.
"And let's try not to take too much time, I have to open in the morning," Doug said nonchalantly.
Buffy’s feet were frozen to the spot. She barely even noticed Doug snapping his fingers trying to get her attention. “Wha…?”
“Do you need the job or not, Ms. Summers?” Doug asked sternly.
Buffy couldn't answer.
“You need the money, right?”
Buffy nodded her head.
“And you have to take care of your sister or the state will take her away. Right?”
Buffy gulped before nodding her head again and she tried to fight back tears. She wasn't prepared for this. It wasn't that long ago when she had been perfectly content. And then ripped out of heaven by her friends. Had life always been this hard? Had she always had to fight this hard to take care of Dawn? Life had been so much better when she had been dead. And the wicked, awful things she had done since coming back… Well, this would just be one more.
“Maybe I deserve this?” Buffy thought to herself as she shuffled forward. A single tear rolled down her face as she stood in front of Doug and she let it fall. It didn't matter. Nothing really mattered it seemed. She got on her knees and placed her palms on top of her manager's thighs.
Buffy leaned in as she ran her hands up Doug's thighs until her fingers were circling his slowly growing prick. With her eyes filled with tears, everything was blurry but she could still see the strange prick straining up to meet her. She lightly tugged on it as she used her tongue to draw it into her mouth before sealing her pink lips around it.
Above her, Doug groaned but she didn't care. But if she didn't care then how come she couldn't stop crying? She sucked lightly on the organ in her mouth, slowly running her moist tongue around the tip as it grew. Her fingers continued to stroke the lengthening shaft as the tip grew into the back of her mouth. When the tip of his cock reached the top of her throat she pulled back until the tip was just barely inside of her mouth and then swallowed it again.
Bobbing up and down on Doug’s dick, Buffy barely felt him run his hands through her hair and then grip the sides of her head. He began thrusting up into her mouth, grunting each time and she met his pace, sucking his prick while jerking him off. Her tongue danced around his shaft while she gripped him with both hands, her lips meeting her fists as they both worked together to get him off.
Doug pulled his dick out of Buffy's mouth and looked down at her beautiful, tear-streaked face. It was so hot when they cried. He rubbed his shaft across her face before thrusting himself back into her mouth. She immediately began blowing him again, never missing a beat. "You are soooo talented,” he groaned happily.
Buffy released her hold on Doug's cock and wiped the tears from her eyes, letting him fuck her mouth. She sat still and let herself be used, all she did was rest him on her tongue and suck, everything else was all his. After all, what was the point really?
Sitting halfway out of his chair, Doug continued fucking Buffy’s mouth. He slowly stood up still gripping the sides of her head as he thrust in and out of her. He peered down at her with his cock disappearing between her lips and her running mascara as she cried and thought that he had made a good choice when he had hired her. He had such an eye for talent.
Suddenly, Doug yanked himself out of the crying girl’s mouth and yanked her to her feet. He shoved her towards his desk and began hurriedly tugging down her pants and panties. Her golden ass was everything he had thought it would be and he couldn't help but squeeze her taunt cheeks. He knew he’d get in there one day but it wasn't going to be today.
Buffy let herself be manhandled until she was bent over Doug’s desk with her pants around her ankles. She told herself that it didn't really matter what he was about to do, that nothing really mattered but, for some reason, she couldn't stop crying.
She heard the manager rummaging around in his desk beside her and then heard him grunt in glee when he found what he was looking for. A moment later she felt something wet and cold splash against her ass and immediately knew what it was. Lube. And oddly enough she was grateful for it.
Doug shoved Buffy down roughly so her chest was pressed against the desk and her ass was high in the air. She felt his hard, slick cock nudging around behind her and couldn't work up the will to stop him. It felt like the sooner he started the sooner he'd be done and this would be over with and she could go home and pretend that it hadn't happened at all. Finally, he found what he was looking for.
As Doug began pushing into her pussy, Buffy tried to relax. Lube or not her body was still unprepared and he had to work himself into her gradually. He gave a tiny little shove before pulling out and then shoving himself back in just a bit further each time. And she just let him. He slowly violated her and she found herself oddly grateful that he was taking his time. It was going to be uncomfortable but at least it wouldn’t hurt.
“Jesus,” Doug gasped as he got the last inch of himself inside of Buffy. He slid his hands across her tanned ass, relishing the feel of it. He’d made such a good choice hiring the needy college drop-out. The desperate girls were always the best.
The Doublemeat manager gripped Buffy's hips and began fucking her. He gave no concern about how this was affecting her, this was all about him. Her little pussy and valentine-shaped ass were all his. And he was enjoying every little thrust, push, and shove into her. Right now he didn't care anything about her above the waist. Except when she'd give the occasional grunt or uncomfortable moan as he fucked her slow and deep.
Dispassionately Buffy watched as her tears formed a small puddle on Doug’s desk. Her small body was shoved forward again and again, her tummy feeling bruised against the edge of the desk as her manager fucked her. Her eyes were glazed and she stared down and waited for Doug to be finished with her.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” Doug grunted as he fucked Buffy's tight little hole. His hands danced across the smooth flesh of her ass and he couldn't wait for the day he’d eventually sodomize her. It would be heaven. She was so silent and pliant as he fucked her, just like he liked his women.
“Fu- u- u- ck,” he stuttered as he felt his balls boiling over. He held himself balls deep inside of Buffy and erupted, filling her hot little pussy with his thick, sticky cum.
“That was soooo good,” Doug groaned as he allowed his softening cock to slip out of Buffy’s gooey, used pussy, “You definitely earned some extra hours next week.” He collapsed in his chair and watched Buffy’s ass as she stood up and wordlessly began tugging her pants back up. She didn't even bother to look at him as she got cleaned up. Silently she walked out of the office and closed the door behind her.
Smiling wickedly to himself, Doug knew that he and Buffy were going to have a bright future together.
To be continued…
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