Spiked | By : Deadman Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 6058 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or Angel nor the characters from it I do not make any money from the writing of this story |
Spike is lying on the stone slab in the middle of his crypt. He is waiting to see Buffy who should be showing up as soon as the sun goes down. Despite the way Buffy often talked about what was happening between them, things always went the same way. She always came to see him when the sun went down. It went down a few minutes ago and the regular cycle they go through is about to begin. Or so he thought. This time was different.
The door to Spike's crypt opens and he can't help but smile at what's about to happen. Then he hears a voice he wasn't expecting.
“Spike...” says Harmony as if it shouldn't be a surprise.
Spike remains calm, just turning his head on the crypt to face her, “Harmony... what are you doing here?”
“Well isn't that a nice way to greet your ex?” Harmony says, slightly irritated.
Spike sits up on the stone slab without much enthusiasm, “Last time we spoke, you said I shouldn't expect to see your ass again. It's a fair question.”
“I guess I'm being generous then. I'm a generous person.” suggests Harmony.
Spike chuckles at that, “Since when?”
Harmony frowns at his question, “I've always been generous... more generous than I should be. Particularly now.”
“Still not hearing what you're doing here.” Spike pushes back dismissively.
Harmony lets out a sigh.
“We need to clear the air.” starts Harmony.
“Clear the air?” questions Spike, somewhat intrigued.
“I don't like how we left things.”
Spike grins at that, “Really?”
“Yeah... it was really angry and... I didn't like it.” Harmony attempts to explain.
“Is that so? How exactly would you like to leave things?”
“I guess... less angry? Maybe even nicely?” Harmony asks, somewhat uncertain.
“Fine. I'm over it. We're good.” Spike insists, knowing if things went on much longer things might get complicated.
Harmony gives him a questioning look, clearly not believing it, “It's that easy for you?”
He shrugs, “I've moved on.”
That makes Harmony curious while also obviously jealous, “With who?”
Spike gives her an annoyed look.
“None of your business.”
Similarly, Harmony gives Spike an annoyed look.
“Because you and I aren't a thing.” declares Spike, trying to end the conversation despite Harmony's efforts.
“And you and this girl are?” Harmony asks, her curiosity peaked.
He doesn't respond right away.
“You don't know.” declares Harmony, somewhat happy about that. After Spike just continues to stare, she adds, “Well, maybe I could help with that.”
That has Spike's interest, “How's that?”
“I could test her for you. Invite her over, see how she reacts to me being here.” Harmony puts forward.
“Not necessary. Besides, she's on her way over. I'd rather you not be here when she does.” insists Spike.
“Why? You expecting to hook up with her? In this place?” asks Harmony.
Spike doesn't say anything.
“Wow... she must really like you.” points out Harmony, then adding, “Maybe we can make that work then.”
Spike gets a curious look on his face.
“How's that?”
“Offer her a threesome.” declares Harmony as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
Spike's curiosity becomes a smile.
“With you? I thought you said that was off the table unless it was with a guy... or that Charlize Theron girl?”
“Maybe I'm just growing as a person, besides...” Harmony presents herself, arms out like a model, “Why wouldn't they want a piece of this? Why wouldn't you want one more shot?”
Spike raises an eyebrow at the idea.
“Plus, if you offer it to her, you'll know if she has feelings for you. Any girl who would do it is either really into you or will get offended because she doesn't want to share. At least you'll know.” explains Harmony.
“You might be right.” responds Spike.
“So you're on board with the idea?” asks Harmony.
It takes Spike a second, “Assuming she is? Yes.”
“Great, so...” Harmony attempts before being interrupted.
There's noise outside the crypt and Spike knows exactly who's on the way.
“Head down stairs.” he insists.
“It'll be easier to talk her into the idea if she doesn't see you first. Plus, you can make yourself more enticing. I'll bring her down if she's into it.” Spike pushes, with Harmony eventually relenting.
“All right, fine.” Harmony says as she turns towards the stairs to the lower levels of the crypt, “I'll be waiting.”
She goes down to the lower levels of the crypt as Spike watches her go. Not long after she disappears, Buffy enters the crypt with her usual depressed look on her face. Spike smiles at that.
“Slayer... this is becoming a bit of a habit.” he says rather playfully.
“What is?” Buffy pushes back, trying to act like they both don't know why she's here.
“The sun goes down and you show up here. It's almost like you enjoy coming to me.” suggests Spike with a smirk.
“And why would I like it?” questions Buffy, attempting to look annoyed.
Spike chuckles at that, “We both know why. It's because you have feelings for me.”
“I don't have feelings for you Spike. How many times do I have to say it?” Buffy pushes back.
“Actions speak louder than words Slayer. Day after day, you come to me and I give you what you want.” Spike points out rather slyly.
Buffy rolls her eyes and sighs dismissively, “That's not about feelings.”
“Really? Then what's it about? And are you willing to prove it?” Spike says, setting things up for what comes next.
Buffy watches Spike for a while, sensing this might be going somewhere.
“I'm guessing you have something in mind?” Buffy wonders out loud, knowing she might regret asking.
“Yes, I do. A friend recently stopped by.” suggests Spike.
Buffy crosses her arms over her chest, “A friend? A vampire you mean?”
“Yes... but a friendly one. In fact, she's the one who suggested that we try having a little... fun together.” says Spike, the look on his face making it clear what exactly he means by fun.
Buffy gets the suggestion that he's putting forward, leading her to ask the obvious, “Why should I?”
“Because if you go through with it, then this isn't about me. It's just about scratching an itch for you. But if you don't, then I'm right and you actually like me. So what do you say? Is this about feelings or isn't it?” explains Spike, seeing Buffy isn't entirely opposed to the idea as he does.
Buffy considers the suggestion, not sure how she wants to handle it for a while. Eventually, she sighs and rolls her eyes, “Of course it's not about feelings, I'll do it.”
That makes Spike smile at the slayer, “I had a feeling you'd say that, let's go meet our friend.”
Buffy firms up her stance as Spike gets off the stone slab, sighing, “Looking forward to it.”
Spike heads towards the stairs, stopping just before it and looking at Buffy. After a while, Buffy starts to follow him. He makes his way down, followed closely by Buffy. When they get downstairs to meet Harmony, Spike smiles as he sees Harmony. She's stripped down to just her bra and panties and is lying on Spike's bed.
"Hey Spike-y, what did she say?"
Buffy and Harmony see each other and both have the same reaction, "Her?"
Spike smiles and says "If you think about it, it's kinda perfect."
Buffy asks with an annoyed tone, "What are you talking about?"
"Well we all have unfinished business with each other, why not work it out together?" suggests Spike to the two blonde women in his crypt.
Harmony thinks about it for a moment before dismissively saying "Fine, whatever. I'll do it."
Buffy has to ask, "Why should I?"
Spike reminds Buffy of what she agreed to, "Aside from proving that you don't have feelings for me? Well, to prove you're not exactly alike.”
Harmony says "We're nothing alike."
"What the idiot said." confirms Buffy.
"You don't see it? You're both seen as ditsy blondes by most people, you're both supernaturally powerful... and you both have a thing for me." points out Spike, rather pleased with himself.
"I don't have a thing for you Spike." pushes back Buffy.
Spike reaches out and grabs Buffy's crotch. She gasps as he rubs her pussy over her jeans as he pushes back, "Are you still willing to prove it?"
Buffy squirms as he keeps doing it, eventually making her gasp and agreeing with a breathless, "Yes."
He grabs her and pulls her closer to him before asking, "Yes what?"
Buffy smiles and grabs the waist of his pants, saying "Yes I can prove it."
She starts to unbuckle his belt, which has Spike stopping what he's doing to Buffy. Harmony sees things progressing and decides to jump in, trying to get in on unbuckling Spike's pants. The blonde female vampire gets up off the bed and makes her way over, grabbing Spike's pants too.
"Don't leave me out." insist Harmony, struggling to get his pants off.
"You're making it worse Harmony." Buffy suggests, having similar problems though mostly because of Harmony.
They struggle to work Spike's pants open, each pushing the other's hands away.
Eventually Spike has to step in and stop them both, saying "Ladies, let's not fight, we're here to work out our problems, not create more. Clearly what we need is some ground rules."
Buffy gives him a questioning look as she asks, "Such as?"
"Well to start with, this is my bedroom in my crypt, so how about, my rules?" Spike lays out as a ground rule.
Buffy is stand off-ish saying, "I don't know."
Harmony is quick to come back with, "Fine with me."
Buffy's competitive streak comes in and so she says, "All right, fine... within reason."
Spike smiles at that, saying "Good, with that settled, I think we need to start working through some of the aggression between you two."
"How's that?" Buffy asks, partly concerned about what she just agreed to.
"Well, Harm, I think the Slayer is a little over dressed, don't you think?" says Spike suggestively.
Harmony looks over Buffy, giving her still clothed body a once over, before saying "Yeah, I definitely think she needs to get out of these terrible clothes."
"Gee, thanks Harm." Buffy shoots back.
"Why don't you help her with that?" suggests Spike.
She looks at him, then Buffy before shrugging and turning to focus on Buffy. The slayer looks at Harmony and then focuses on Spike as Harmony grabs hold of Buffy's jacket and pushes it off her shoulders. The jacket falls to the floor but Buffy doesn't shift her focus. Harmony then reaches out and grips the hem of Buffy's shirt, pulling it up until her arms become an obstacle.
"Come on now Slayer, my crypt, my rules." declares Spike when she doesn't help Harmony.
After a few moments, Buffy lifts her arms up and Harmony takes her shirt up over her head and off. Spike grins, looking over the newly revealed skin on the slayer's body and enjoy the look on her somewhat blank face.
"Keep going Harm." Spike insists.
Harmony reaches out and starts undoing Buffy's pants, unbuckling the belt and then pops the button on her jeans. Buffy and Spike keep their eyes on each other as Harmony opens up the waist of her jeans and pulls them down. Harmony kneels down as she peels Buffy's jeans off her hips and butt, down her thighs. Harmony pulls Buffy's jeans over her knees and stops when she gets close to Buffy's ankles. She grabs one of Buffy's ankles.
"Step out..." asks Harmony in a slightly commanding tone.
Buffy lifts her right leg and Harmony takes her jean's right leg off her. When that's done, Buffy lifts her left leg and Harmony does the same. Harmony pushes Buffy's jeans away before standing back up. There's a long silence between the three of them.
"Aren't you going to thank Harmony for her help, Slayer?" asks Spike.
Buffy gives Spike a weird look, saying "Really?"
Spike smiles at her, "My crypt..."
"Your rules, right..." Buffy finishes before adding sarcastically "Thanks Harm."
Spike chuckles at Buffy then continues, "That didn't sound all that appreciative. It actually sounded kinda angry. Clearly we still have some aggression to resolve between you. We're going to have to do something about that. How about... you two kiss and make up."
Buffy and Harmony are surprised at the suggestion, with both saying, "What?"
"What better way to get out all these aggressive tendencies then to create some nice ones?" insists Spike.
Buffy and Harmony look at each other, the suspicious look on their faces visible to both. They look each other over, both in their bras and panties. It's pretty clear from the way they're looking at each other that Harmony is more on board than Buffy, making Buffy look over at Spike.
"Go ahead ladies." says Spike, smiling at Buffy.
Harmony and Buffy step closer to each other tentatively, as Buffy is the first to reach out and grab Harmony's arm, pulling it around her own waist. She then leans in and gives Harmony a short, simple kiss.
"Oh come now Slayer, you can do better than that. You two have a lot of history together. You need to work out years of problems with each other." Spike pushes his slayer lover.
Buffy looks at Spike for a while before turning to Harmony again and leaning into her. She reaches out and pulls Harmony's face to hers, drawing her into a deeper kiss.
"That's it Slayer, really get into it. Harmony, don't slack off, you have just as many issues to work out." comments Spike.
Harmony does as Spike asks, pulling Buffy closer to her and pressing herself up against the Slayer to make their kiss even deeper. Spike moves in to their personal space behind Buffy, reaching out and teasing her skin with his fingers. He then leans forward and kisses her right shoulder before moving left and doing the same to her other. He kisses his way up her shoulder to her neck, when he gets to her jawbone it makes her moan into Harmony's mouth. He gets up to her ear and starts nibbling on it. That makes Buffy break her kiss with Harmony.
Harmony starts kissing the right side of Buffy's face, going to her cheek, then jawbone and neck. Both vampires basically attack Buffy from both sides, adding licking to their kissing. It causes a shiver from Buffy. Eventually, Harmony pulls back, licking her lips.
"Definitely starting to understand the appeal you have for her. What's the policy on biting? Is it still his crypt, his rules?" asks Harmony, what she's implying obvious.
Buffy grabs Harmony by the neck firmly making the female vampire step back and Spike stops what he's doing.
"And the rule is don't." Buffy commands forcefully.
Spike smiles at the sight of the two of them, saying "How about a compromise? No fangs, no breaking the skin without the Slayer's permission?"
Spike starts teasing Buffy again, his arms wrapping around her midsection, one hand moving to cup her breast while the other glides over her panties. The friction makes her gasp.
"How's that sound?" he asks as he teases her.
Buffy's grip on Harmony's neck loosens as she pulls the vampire back to her, saying "I can live with that."
Harmony invades Buffy's personal space as Buffy's hand runs down Harmony's front, teasing her skin and grazing her breast. The touch makes Harmony smile and reach for Buffy's sides, teasing the Slayer's ribs just below her bra. There's a mixture of anger and desire in their eyes as they look at each other. Harmony gently grips Buffy's wrist trying to guide Buffy in her touch of the female vampire's body. Spike reaches for Harmony's hand, moving Buffy's hand on her own breast to Harmony's. He keeps rubbing Buffy's crotch through her panties as Harmony teases her way to Buffy's tits with her fingers through the fabric of her bra.
It isn't long before Buffy and Harmony lean into each other again and kiss deeply, if aggressively. Spike steps back from Buffy as they kiss and moves to behind Harmony. He kisses the female vampire's left shoulder and starts making his way along her shoulder blades to her right shoulder. Spike reaches around with one hand, careful not to interrupt the vampire and Slayer as they kiss and dips his hand between Harmony's thighs. That makes Harmony moan into Buffy's mouth.
"Very nice ladies, you're really working through your issues." says Spike as he moves back from both of them, "But I think it's time to move forward. Really learn to appreciate each other's company."
Buffy and Harmony stop kissing and turn to Spike before Buffy asks, "What did you have in mind?"
"Teamwork." he says with a smirk.
Spike adjusts the belt on his pants, suggestively, "You ladies had such trouble with it earlier. Now that you've worked through some of that, I think we should see if you can work together."
The Slayer and female vampire look at each other before Harmony smiles, "I'm up for it if you are."
Buffy sneers at Harmony, closing the distance between her and Spike. Harmony is quick to follow, watching as Buffy leans in and kisses him. Harmony reaches down and starts to unbuckle Spike's pants while the kiss ends.
"Thought this wasn't about feelings Slayer?" says Spike.
"It's not, just because I kiss you, doesn't mean there's feelings." insists Buffy.
Spike smiles back, "Keep telling yourself that."
Harmony steps back when his pants come undone. She puts her hand on Buffy's shoulder as they turn to each other. She encourages Buffy down by putting pressure on her shoulder. Buffy gives her a bit of an angry look.
"Teamwork, remember?" Harmony says with a smirk.
The Slayer glares at the blonde vampire but does as she's encouraged, getting down on her knees slowly with her comment, "Right, teamwork."
Buffy grabs the waist of Spike's pants and pulls them down as Harmony kisses him. As Spike steps out of his pants with Buffy's help, Harmony breaks the kiss and moves down to Buffy's level, kneeling next to her. They look at each other then turn their focus to the erect cock between them.
"Slayer's first." offers Harmony with a smirk.
Buffy looks at Harmony, then at Spike's cock and reaches for it, taking it in her hand, much to the delight of its owner.
"Gee, thanks." Buffy says as she starts to stroke him.
Her strokes get longer and harder with each stroke, causing a grunt from Spike. She licks her lips unconsciously at what she's doing to him.
"Go for it." suggests Harmony.
Buffy looks at Harmony as she keeps up the pace with her hand.
"Oh come on, you know you want to. Hell, I want to." Harmony says "Here, I'll help."
The blonde female vampire reaches out and pulls the Slayer's hair back, eventually using both hands to get it out of her face. She gathers Buffy's hair and twists it into a ponytail then wraps it lightly around her hand. Buffy's focus turns to the cock in her hand, the desire clear on her face as she licks her lips again.
"Go on Slayer." insists Spike, a grin on his face as she looks up at him for a moment.
Buffy readjusts herself on the hard floor of the crypt, getting into a comfortable position as her focus returns to the cock in her hand. She leans in close and licks her lips again before opening them and wrapping them around the head of his cock. The Slayer starts to suck him off while her hand keeps stroking it, eventually adding her wrist to it with a bit of a twisting motion. She pulls her head back but not too far as Harmony holds firm on her grip of Buffy's hair, keeping her close to Spike's cock.
"You can do better than that Buffy. Really get in there." Harmony says, using her hold on the Slayer's hair to encourage her forward.
Buffy looks at Harmony with a sneer as she opens up her mouth again and wraps her lips around his cock. Partly guided by the hand in her hair, she takes more in slowly, going past the head before pulling back and going down again. It isn't long before she starts to build up a rhythm, egged on by the hand on the back of her head. With every downward stroke, Buffy is pushed to take more and more of the cock into her mouth.
The hold Harmony has over Buffy's head increases the speed of each bob of her head. Buffy starts to choke on Spike's cock as the rhythm has it hitting the back of her throat. She struggles to breath a little. Eventually, Buffy puts her hand up and pushes Spike away, relieving her from what Harmony is doing and Harmony lets go of Buffy's hair.
"What the hell Harmony?" Buffy says angrily.
"Just trying to be a team player." insists Harmony.
Buffy scowls at Harmony for a long moment.
"It's not a problem for you, is it Slayer? It's not like you have feelings about this, do you?" asks Spike.
The Slayer looks up at Spike with a similar scowl, "Of course not." then back at Harmony "Tag, your turn."
She taps Harmony on the shoulder before moving out of the way to make space for her female vampire counterpart to join her. Harmony looks at her suspiciously.
"Teamwork, remember?" Buffy says sarcastically.
Harmony looks up at Spike as she moves into position beside the Slayer on her knees. Spike steps up, closing the gap Buffy created so that his cock is between both of them. Buffy tilts her head toward her with a bit of a smirk.
"You said you wanted to. Now's your chance." Buffy continues her sarcasm.
Harmony sneers at the Slayer then turns her attention to the cock in front of her. She reaches for it and grips it firmly. It makes him gasp at the touch. The blonde female vampire starts working his cock, stroking it slowly at first before adding her wrist to it with a bit of a twisting motion. Her strokes pick up speed quickly, making Spike moan at the sensations.
"Oh come on Harmony, I never thought you'd be such a prude in the bedroom." Buffy insults her.
Harmony frowns at Buffy as she says, "I'm not a prude."
"Prove it." Buffy insists with a smirk.
Harmony takes a long moment before turning her attention back to Spike's cock and licking her lips and leaning into the cock in her hand. It isn't long before she opens her lips and takes the head in her mouth. Unlike Buffy, she's quick to take more in, bobbing her head much quicker.
At the same time, Buffy traces her fingers behind Harmony's back. They trace their way along the small of the blonde female vampire's back. She brings her fingers up to the clasp of Harmony's bra, fiddling with it until it comes lose. The Slayer pushes Harmony's bra straps forward, revealing her round, supple breasts and making Harmony let go of Spike's cock in her mouth. Before Harmony gets her arms out of her bra, Buffy grabs the back of Harmony's head and pushes it forward onto Spike's cock.
The blonde Slayer holds firm as Harmony tries to pull back, pushing her forward to take more in. Harmony does as she's encouraged and swallows more of Spike's cock. Buffy starts to guide Harmony's head on Spike's cock, encouraging her up and down, each downward stroke pushing more and more of it into the blonde female vampire's mouth until it starts to hit the back of her throat. They start a bit of a push-pull game, Harmony pulling back while Buffy keeps hold of Harmony's head with more and more of her slayer strength until she gets it all the way down her throat and holds it there.
"You know, I always wanted to see whether the whole vamps don't breath thing applies to cock." suggests Buffy with a sarcastic tone.
Harmony reaches behind her head to try and free herself but without the urgency of Buffy because she's not choking. Spike then pulls back from Harmony and lets her breath.
"Okay Slayer, let her go." insists Spike.
Buffy doesn't do as Spike says.
"Yeah, let me go." says Harmony, breathing heavily.
"My crypt, my rules Slayer." Spike reminds her.
Buffy looks up at Spike from her knees on the hard crypt floor. Eventually, she lets go of Harmony. The blonde female vampire turns quickly to Buffy and lunges at her. They hit the floor, Harmony on top of Buffy as the slayer fends her off.
"You bitch." Harmony says.
"Hey, fair's fair. You did it to me. And I'm the one who actually breathes." Buffy jokes.
"We'll see about that." says Harmony angrily.
"God this is hot." Spike says as he watches for a moment before reaching for Harmony and pulling her off Buffy, "All right, let's take a breath... sorry, wrong way to put it. Obviously, you two still have some issues to work out."
Buffy sits up "You think?"
"Let's do something about that." Spike says with a smile.
Harmony calms down finally and Spike lets her go before saying, "Fine, but can we do it somewhere where my knees won't kill me?"
"I agree with the blood sucking cock sucker." Buffy confirms.
Right as Harmony is about to go at Buffy again, Spike grabs her again "Whoa, all right fine. Let's do that. Harm, why don't you go get comfortable on the bed?" before pushing her towards it.
"Fine, whatever." Harmony says as she does as she's told.
Spike moves over to Buffy and holds out his hand, which after a few moments she takes and he helps her to her feet. They stare into each other's eyes as Spike reaches out and grabs the front clasp of Buffy's bra between his fingers. It isn't long before the clasp comes lose and he pulls down the shoulder straps of Buffy's bra, revealing her breasts, exposing them to the air. Despite that, Spike and Buffy keep their eyes on each other, to the point that Buffy eventually shrugs off her own bra and lets it fall to the floor behind her.
"What next?" asks Buffy, clearly trying to avoid his gaze when she looks away.
This brings Spike back to reality, "Right, Slayer, why don't you join your new friend and get comfortable on the bed?"
Buffy looks to Harmony who has laid herself out on the bed in a similar position to when Buffy came in. She looks at Spike then makes her way over, "Make some room, will you?"
"Face each other on the bed." insists Spike as he moves closer to the bed with the two blonde ladies.
It isn't long before they're laying on the bed together, Harmony smirking at a slightly turned on but also annoyed Buffy expression on her face looking back.
Spike comes up behind Buffy and kisses her shoulder, "Now, I want you to touch yourself."
Both Buffy and Harmony seem confused at the command, "Who?" asks Harmony.
"Both. I want both of you to touch yourselves while you look at each other." Spike explains to the women on his bed.
Harmony and Buffy look at each other, unsure of what to do.
"My crypt, my rules." points out Spike.
After a few moments of hesitation, Harmony moves her right hand down her body, teasing her breast for a moment before going further down, eventually placing it against her panties. All the while, her eyes focused on Buffy in front of her. Shortly after, Buffy begins moving her left arm down her body but she gives her tit a squeeze before moving her way down. Spike watches as he moves around the bed, enjoying the beautiful rivals as they start to rub themselves over their panties.
"That's so hot, but I want you to go deeper, open up your legs and really get into it." suggests Spike.
This time it's Buffy who goes first, lifting her leg and bending at the knee to open herself up, then curling her fingers enough to dig beneath her panties and moving it against herself. It isn't long before Harmony joins her, her own leg mirroring Buffy's and her fingers disappearing under the fabric of her panties and rubbing herself.
Spike smiles as he moves behind Buffy when she moans at the sensations she's doing to herself. He speaks with a predatory softness in her ear, "You like that Slayer?"
Her only response is a louder moan so he pushes further, "What's that Slayer?"
Again her response is an even louder moan, making him insist, "I asked you a question."
It takes her a few more moments to answer, "Yes."
Spike traces his fingers along Buffy's side, starting just above her hips and teasing it up to her ribs cage then teasing just along the underside of her breast. She gasps at the combination of his teasing and the touch of her hand against her pussy.
"I thought so." Spike says as he reaches down and slips his fingers underneath the elastic of Buffy's panties, pulling it down her thighs.
Buffy lifts her hips to help him and then her legs so he can take them off. When he manages it, he brings her panties to his face and smells them, "God I love the way you smell."
He leans over Buffy and holds out her panties to Harmony's face, "Don't you Harm?"
Harmony looks at Spike then at Buffy, before going back to Spike and eventually taking a deep breath of the Slayer's panties, looking at Buffy as she says "It's not bad."
"Open your mouth," insists Spike, and as Harmony does, he puts Buffy's panties in her mouth, "Hold on to those would you?"
Harmony glares at him and Buffy but keeps the panties in her mouth. Buffy has a grin on her face and is about to brag when she notices that Spike has left his position behind her and moved to a similar position behind Harmony. He gets close to Harmony and whispers in her ear, "Don't worry Harm, you're not going to be alone."
Spike traces his fingers along her body, starting just above her hips, along her ribs then teasing the underside of her breast. He traces over her shoulder, along her neck and to her chin. As he does, a series of gasps are heard from both girls, Harmony's through the panties in her mouth and Buffy's more full throated.
He moves down to Harmony's hips and starts taking off her panties, the blonde female vampire raising her hips to help him get them quickly. He gathers the panties in his hand and turns his focus to the Slayer. Buffy's attention is clearly focused on him with a mixture of uncertainty and desire on her face. He leans over Harmony and puts the panties in Buffy's face.
"Come on Slayer, fair's fair. Take a whiff." insists Spike to his slayer lover.
She looks at Harmony, then back at Spike, taking a quick sniff.
"You can do better than that Slayer, can't she Harm?" Spike pushes her further.
Harmony groans and then nods, Buffy's panties still in her mouth.
"She played, now it's your turn." encourages Spike again.
After a few moments, Buffy leans in a little more and takes a deeper smell of Harmony's panties.
"You like that don't you Slayer?" asks the blonde male vampire to the slayer.
Buffy doesn't respond.
"What's that Slayer?" he asks one more time.
She looks at Harmony and then Spike for a moment before responding, "I guess."
"Open your mouth and get more familiar with it."
The conflict between anger and desire is obvious on Buffy's face, eventually the desire wins out as she opens her mouth and Spike smiles, while putting Harmony's panties in her mouth.
"Good Slayer." says Spike, patting her on the cheek.
Buffy glares at Spike and Harmony for a moment before another moan is brought out of her by the way she's playing with herself.
"Okay, now, get closer to each other." Spike insists, watching as they hesitantly do what he asks, "I want you so close that your nipples are touching."
Again Buffy and Harmony are clearly hesitant but do as they're told, their bodies so close that the movement of their bodies has their nipples grazing each other, making them both groan through the panties in their mouths.
"That's it, now... switch pussies." commands Spike, causing the two blonde women to look at each other with a mixture of desire and confusion, "You're going to play with each other instead of yourselves. Do it."
Harmony is the first to move, her hand moving off her own pussy and over Buffy's, adding her fingers and playing with the Slayer's folds. It makes Buffy groan into the panties in her mouth.
"Turn about is fair play Slayer." demands Spike.
Buffy slowly moves her hand away, leaving Harmony's in its place and reaching out, running her hand over the female vampire's pussy lips. They both start to moan into the other's panties in their mouths, the movement making their nipples brush against each other. Spike grabs the back of Harmony's head, turning it to his crotch as he kneels on the bed, his cock on full display. He takes the panties out of her mouth and she licks her lips at the change before he moves in closer, sticking his cock in her face. She gasps at the way Buffy's fingers play with her lower lips and Spike takes the opportunity to enter her mouth.
Harmony wraps her lips around his cock as he feeds it to her. Slowly, he builds up a rhythm, pulling back and feeding into her again, going deeper with every thrust. She moans around the cock as the combination of being hit at both ends with pleasure keeps her senses busy. With Buffy so close, all she can do is watch Spike's cock in Harmony's mouth as he continues to thrust into her. Harmony's fingers still playing with her pussy has her moaning. Eventually, Spike grabs the back of Harmony's head more firmly as he thrusts into her mouth as deep as it will go, hitting the back of her throat.
It isn't long before he lets her go and pulls his cock out completely. As she gasps and coughs, he puts the panties in her face, inserting it back into her mouth. He turns his attention to Buffy, her own attention on him in expectation of what is coming. She doesn't have to wait long as Spike takes the panties out of Buffy's mouth and gives her a bit of a reprieve before putting his cock in the Slayer's face. Buffy opens up and Spike feeds her his cock, sliding it deep into her throat as her lips wrap themselves around it.
The male vampire with his cock deep in the Slayer's throat puts his hand on her head and keeps her steady as he starts pumping in and out of her mouth. Like with Harmony, the combination of both Harmony and Spike going at her from either end of her body pushes all the right buttons at all the right times. She starts to moan into the cock in her mouth and Buffy's not entirely sure which one of them is making it happen.
Spike pushes forward even deeper with every thrust, hitting the back of her throat a few times and making Buffy gag before he goes all the way in. She chokes on it for a few moments as he holds her firm before finally letting her go to breathe. He's quick to replace Harmony's panties in the Slayer's mouth.
"Now, you think you two can get along?" Spike asks almost rhetorically.
The two blonde supernaturally inclined women look at each other for a few moments with a mixture of anger and desire before kind of coming to an unspoken agreement. They look up at Spike from their position lying on the bed and both sort of nod at Spike.
"Good... now let's see if you can live up to that and get along. I want you end to end, head to toe. Slayer, I want you on your back and your head at the other end of the bed." insists Spike, smiling as Buffy does as she's told, and enjoying the sight of the naked Slayer in front of him.
"God damn Slayer, you really are stunning, you know that? No wonder I want you so bad." Spike says before turning his attention to Harmony, "Now, Harm? I want you on top of our little girl here. Head to toe like I said."
Slowly, Harmony lifts her right leg, crossing it over Buffy's chest and straddling her as she climbs on top. The blonde female vampire looks up at Spike from her new position. She reaches out and runs her hand along his stomach, enjoying the feel of his six pack then moving up to his collarbone. As she moves along it, he grabs her wrist and smiles. He guides her hand to her face, encouraging her fingers to take hold of the panties in her mouth.
"I don't think we need these anymore, do we?" suggests Spike with a fun tone.
It makes Harmony shake her head no with a mixture of sexy and cute. She takes the Slayer's panties out of her mouth, handing them to Spike. Buffy squirms underneath Harmony and grumbles from behind the panties in her mouth.
"Don't worry Slayer, I'm not going to forget about you. Harm, why don't you give her a better look at that sweet little pussy of yours?" suggests Spike.
Harmony smiles "Yes sir," she responds, backing herself up so that her pussy is in Buffy's face. It makes Buffy squirm underneath Harmony.
Spike opens up Buffy's legs a little more, exposing her pussy to him and moving in to position with his cock, pressing it against her pussy. Moments after he does, Buffy reaches out and starts running her fingers along the folds of Harmony's pussy. It makes Harmony moan the more the Slayer works her most sensitive area.
With that, Spike pushes forward, a vampire entering a Slayer in a way that few other vampires would but one that he had done several times before. Being entered causes a moan out of Buffy from behind the panties in her mouth.
"Mmm, yeah, fuck that Slayer. Fuck her good." suggests Harmony as she runs her hand along Spike's stomach.
"You know I will, don't you Harm?" Spike responds, pushing into Buffy again before adding, "You know how good I can make you feel."
"I do, and I know it's a lot better than the job she's doing on my pussy right now." Harmony says with a joking tone, wiggling her ass in Buffy's face playfully.
That causes Buffy to slap Harmony on the ass with one hand. Harmony twitches at the contact and smiles. Another moan comes from Buffy as Spike pushes forward to about halfway into her.
"Well now we're talking. Do it again." insists Harmony, wiggling her ass again.
Again Buffy smacks Harmony's ass, a little harder this time making Harmony twitch even harder. Buffy continues to play with the folds of Harmony's pussy. Spike begins building a rhythm, pumping in and out of Buffy's pussy with more and more intense thrusts.
"Oohh, yeah... do it again." Harmony demands, wiggling her ass again, prompting Buffy to quickly respond with another slap to the ass, "Mmm, you got me going now."
The intensity of Spike's thrusts continues to climb, causing Buffy to moan into the panties in her mouth more and more, struggling to focus on Harmony's pussy. She moans and groans more and more into the panties as Spike keeps increasing his pace. Harmony turns her focus to Spike.
"Fuck her good Spike-y. Show her why I stuck around so long. What kept me coming back." taunts Harmony as she reaches forward to Spike's chest, running her hand over it as he continues to pump into the Slayer below them.
"Yeah, you know what I can do to a filly like you don't you?" suggests Spike in between breaths and against the muffled moans of Buffy.
"Oh yeah, and I loved every minute of it. I can't wait to feel it once you're done with..." she looks over her shoulder behind her to the woman under her, sneering, "Buffy."
Spike grabs Harmony's hair and turns her attention back to him while slowing his pace into the Slayer, "Now, now Harm. Let's keep things civil, shall we? In fact..."
He pulls out of Buffy's pussy as he takes a firmer grip on Harmony's hair and guides her head down so it's level with his cock, presenting it to her.
"Have a little taste." insists Spike.
Harmony eyes Spike for a moment from her position leaning on the Slayer's naked body then wraps her lips around his cock, sucking it gently for a while before taking more and more in her mouth.
"That's it, lick it. Taste that Slayer juice." Spike says as Harmony starts licking his shaft at his words. It makes Buffy groan and squirm under Harmony, prompting Spike to respond, "Don't worry, you're not getting left out."
Spike uses his grip on Harmony's hair to pull her off of his cock then turning his attention to Buffy's pussy. Aiming his cock with one hand while keeping the other's fingers wrapped in Harmony's hair, he pushes forward all the way into Buffy's pussy. He thrusts a few strokes into Buffy, causing muffled moans from her, before pulling out and presenting his cock to the female vampire's mouth. Not long after, Harmony's lips are wrapped around his cock. She sucks his cock for a few moments before he pulls out and switches to thrusting into Buffy's pussy. This goes on for a while, switching back and forth between Buffy's pussy and Harmony's mouth. Eventually, Spike pulls back entirely just as Harmony opens her mouth to take his cock again.
"You like the taste of Slayer's juice on my cock, don't you Harm?" Spike asks somewhat rhetorically.
Harmony sneers at Spike, "It's all right."
"It's better from the source," suggests Spike as he uses his grip on Harmony's hair to lower her head down to meet Buffy's pussy.
Harmony keeps her eyes on Spike for as long as she can while still doing as he asks before eventually turning to the Slayer's pussy. Using two fingers, she opens up Buffy's pussy and starts with a single lick. She does it again a few moments later, and again.
"Told you." Spike insists, letting go of her hair as she keeps licking.
Spike makes his way down the bed and to the other end of the Slayer and the female vampire, enjoying the sight of the two enemies pleasing each other. Buffy looks at Spike from her position underneath Harmony's pussy, the vampire's panties in her mouth. He smiles at the sight of Buffy's mixture of pleasure and anger on her face, climbing up on the bed above her. Eventually, he reaches down and pulls the panties out of Buffy's mouth.
Buffy gasps at the pleasure of Harmony's pussy licking and Spike takes the opportunity to feed his cock into her mouth. The angle of her head lets him slowly feed it deep into her throat, his balls hitting her in the face. She gags briefly before he pumps back and forth a few strokes. Then he pulls completely out of the Slayer's mouth.
"You like that Slayer?" Spike asks, mostly rhetorically as she licks her lips at the taste on them, "Yeah, I think you did."
He turns his focus to the pussy just above his Slayer lover, "Open her up for me, would you Slayer?"
Buffy moans as Harmony continues to eat her out, but manages to do as commanded. She reaches up with one hand, using her thumb and forefinger to pull apart the female vampire's pussy lips. With that, he pushes forward, entering Harmony. Harmony lets out an audible gasp into Buffy's pussy as she feels his cock inside her, making Buffy moan. Like he did with Buffy, Spike pumps into Harmony, fucking her good. He pulls out of the vampire and aims his cock at Buffy's groaning mouth, going deep into Buffy and giving her a taste of Harmony's pussy on it.
He repeats the process a few times, fucking both Harmony's pussy and Buffy's mouth back and forth. After a while, he pulls back from both of them. Buffy looks up at Spike from below Harmony's pussy, still holding it open for the male vampire's cock. She gasps as Harmony continues to eat her out. Spike grabs Buffy's hair, directing her to Harmony's pussy.
“Give her a little back why don't you?” Spike says as he and Buffy look at each other from their positions.
Buffy stares back at Spike for a while before eventually relenting and licking Harmony's pussy at least once. Getting a taste of it, she does it again. A few more licks and she really starts to get into it.
“Mmm, I knew you'd like the taste of vamp pussy Slayer, almost as much as you like vamp dick. Really get to know her good.” Spike suggests as he moves back off the bed to get a better look.
The Slayer and female vampire keep eating each other out, trying to stay focused as they pleasure the other. When Harmony slides her tongue over Buffy's clit, it pushes Buffy's buttons and makes her swipe at Harmony's clit doing the same, creating a feedback loop of pleasure between them. Pressure builds the longer the loop goes on, both of them moaning and groaning into the pussy they're eating, again pushing things further. Buffy grips Harmony's ass with both hands as the female vampire on top of her starts to shift at her tongue action. Harmony puts more weight down on Buffy as she gets the same treatment from the slayer. Things get intense as they focus their attention on each other's clits.
“All right, that's enough. You're getting along real well.” Spike comments.
They keep eating pussy despite Spike's order. So he grabs Harmony by the hair, pulling her away from the slayer's pussy. Turning his focus to Harmony, they look at each other.
“I said stop.” orders Spike to his ex.
Harmony smiles at Spike, wiping some of Buffy's juices off of her mouth with her thumb, “Sorry Spike-y, but she tastes real good. I couldn't help myself. It kinda makes me wonder what her blood tastes like.”
That has Buffy pushing Harmony away from her position under her, “Not a chance bitch.”
Spike jumps in at this point, “Now, now ladies... let's not ruin this beautiful moment. You're getting along so good. Get off the slayer will you Harm?”
With that, Harmony swing her leg over Buffy to get to a sitting position on the bed. Buffy sits up on her elbows, licking her lips partly at Harmony's pussy juice on them but also at what's next. Spike moves back on the bed and leans back slightly with his cock standing up on full display.
"Since you're doing so well, one of you gets to ride the cock but the other decides how fast you can go. And which ever one rides the cock first gets to cum first. So... who wants to go first?” suggests Spike to the two supernatural ladies in his bed.
Buffy and Harmony look at each other, a somewhat suspicious look on both their faces.
Eventually Harmony smiles at Buffy, “I'm happy to go first if you want.”
“I'm sure you are... but why should I let you?” pushes back Buffy.
“You think you can stop me?” questions Harmony.
Buffy points at herself, “Slayer...” then points at Harmony with a grin, “Vampire.”
Harmony watches Buffy for a moment, considering the situation, “Well, how about a compromise?”
It takes a second for Buffy to answer, “What did you have in mind?”
“If you want to go first, I'm okay with it, but...” Harmony starts to say, baiting the slayer by not finishing the thought.
“But what?” asks Buffy, taking the bait.
Harmony shifts position so she's on all fours and gets up close to Buffy, their faces getting close as she does, licking her lips.
“I want a taste of slayer blood... just a little bit.” Harmony puts forward as an option.
Buffy stares back at Harmony, considering the idea, “From where?”
That has Harmony getting a curious look on her face. She tilts her head slightly to admire the slayer's neck, licking her lips.
“The neck?” asks Harmony suggestively.
Buffy puts up her wrist, “Wrist.”
Harmony's gaze shifts.
“Shoulder?” counters Harmony.
Buffy holds out her arm, “Triceps.”
Harmony's focus turns to the slayer's legs.
“Thigh?” again counters Harmony.
The slayer considers that for a moment. After staring down Harmony who playfully licks her lips in anticipation of an answer, Buffy sighs.
“Fine... but when I say stop, you stop. Got it?” Buffy says with a firm expression.
Harmony smirks at the prospect of what's about to happen, “Sure.”
That has Buffy reaching out and grabbing Harmony by the neck firmly. It makes Harmony smile before she feels Buffy's grip tighten and stops.
“When I say stop, you stop.” Buffy all but orders the woman who she's squeezing the neck of.
Eventually, the female vampire coughs, then, “Okay, okay... I'll stop.”
Spike chuckles at the exchange between the two ladies, “All right, now that's settled. I believe the slayer has a ride to take?”
“Mmm, yeah... take a ride Slayer. Get on Big Spike.” suggests Harmony, licking her lips.
Buffy looks at Spike, then back at Harmony before letting her go, “Big Spike?”
Harmony shrugs with a grin.
“What else would you call it?” Harmony suggests, then adds, “Go on Buffy, spike yourself.”
Again Buffy stares down Harmony before turning on the bed to Spike, a big smile on his face.
“You know you love it Slayer.” Spike encourages his slayer lover.
Without saying anything, Buffy gets up to her knees, closing the gap between her and Spike. Their eyes meet as she climbs up on his lap, positioning herself over his cock. He licks his lips from his position, leaning back on his hands so he's almost face to face with Buffy from hers. They watch each other for a while before Buffy reaches down, taking hold of his cock and lining it up with her pussy.
“Start slow.” declares Harmony as she moves closer to the action behind Buffy.
That has Buffy looking back at Harmony, who is smirking.
“What? He said it was my call. Plus, I really wanna get that blood pumping.” explains Harmony who's smirk looks a little hungry.
Turning her attention back to the task at hand, she looks at Spike as she lowers herself down, gasping as the head of his cock splits her pussy lips and enters her. As instructed, she slowly adds more cock into her.
“That's it Slayer, nice and easy like she said.” insists Spike.
Another moan escapes Buffy as she gets about half of Spike's cock in her. Harmony runs a hand along Buffy's back, teasing the skin.
“Mmm, I've always liked your skin Buffy, so soft and inviting.” Harmony says as she watches the rest of Spike's cock disappear into Buffy's pussy, “I'm gonna love biting into it.”
Buffy keeps her focus on Spike as she adjusts to having his cock inside her. Harmony traces her fingers over Buffy's thigh, causing a gasp from the slayer.
“Roll those hips for me. Really feel how good his cock is Slayer.” orders Harmony with desire.
Doing as requested, Buffy starts to circle her hips in a slow grinding motion, enjoying the feeling of Spike's cock inside her. Every few rotations of her hips, she gets a little quicker, picking up the pace of her grinding. Harmony closes what distance there is between her and Buffy, putting her head over Buffy's shoulder and looking at Spike with a pleased look on his face.
“She looks good at that. Is she good at it Spike-y?” Harmony asks, genuinely curious.
Spike growls at the question in a predatory way, “For sure.”
Harmony shifts focus from her position over Buffy's shoulder, “What about you? You like that Slayer?”
In response, Buffy simply moans at the sensations her hips moving is doing to her, bringing her right hand up to her right tit, massaging it. Harmony frowns at Spike for not getting a response. He reaches out and smacks her ass, causing an audible gasp from Buffy.
“Answer her.” commands Spike to the woman currently on his cock.
It takes her a second to do so.
“Yes.” she says in a moan, throwing her head back.
That makes Harmony smile, “I knew you would.”
Again Buffy just moans in response.
“I think it's time to take it up a notch though.” suggests Harmony, pulling back before adding, “Get that ass to work.” The female vampire smacks the slayer on her ass to emphasize her point, “Give him a good ride... but start slow.”
After a few moments to stop her hips moving, Buffy takes a deep breath and then shifts positions from her knees to the balls of her feet, leaning forward slightly and putting one hand on Spike's shoulder for leverage. Buffy slowly starts to raise her ass off his crotch and coming back down, feeling Spike's cock move inside of her. It makes her start to moan as she repeats the motion, letting more and more of the vampire's cock leave her pussy with every push upwards.
Spike starts to grunt and groan at the things Buffy's doing, his eyes focused on hers as they stare at each other while she rides him. The intensity of what they're doing builds between them. He reaches up with one hand and cups her tit, massaging it. That makes her moan louder and pick up the pace of her ride. Buffy slowly moves into a firmer stance, going from resting on her toes to her full feet, giving her more leverage and putting more power behind her riding him.
It makes the tension build between her and Spike, but also inside her as she tenses up more and more. Suddenly, Harmony smacks Buffy on the ass.
“God I love seeing this. Little Miss Prim and Proper taking Spike's cock like this and loving it. All those times you made fun of me for being with Spike. Thinking I was pathetic. That you'd never lower yourself the way I did. Look at you now. Riding his cock like the whore you clearly are. Isn't that right Slayer? Are you a whore for Spike's cock just like me?” Harmony taunts the woman riding her ex.
Buffy tries to ignore the taunts coming from behind her. When she doesn't answer, another smack to her ass comes from Harmony.
“Are you?” questions Harmony again, but it takes a while for a response.
“Y-yes...” Buffy manages to get out as she keeps up the pace, her breathing increasing while she does.
Another smack to Buffy's ass from the female vampire, “Yes what? Yes you're a whore for Spike's cock just like me?”
The slayer struggles to say anything as things get more and more intense, “Y-y-yes, yes... yes...”
Harmony smacks her ass one more time, “Say it. Say you're a whore for Spike's cock just like me.”
“I'm... I'm a... I'm a whore...” Buffy struggles to say.
“A whore for what?” pushes Harmony.
“F-f-for... for Spike's cock... I'm a whore for Spike's cock...” the slayer barely manages to get out.
“Which makes you no better than who?” Harmony asks, clearly enjoying herself.
“L-like... you... just like you...” the slayer struggles to say.
“Now say it all.” pushes Harmony.
“I'm... I'm a whore for... Spike's cock... just... just like you.” Buffy admits as the tension nearly reaches its peak.
Harmony enjoys the admission from Buffy for a moment before changing things up, “Okay, now stop.”
Almost as if on autopilot, Buffy does as she's told, stopping her cock riding as she buries Spike's cock in her pussy and rests on his hips, breathing heavily.
“W-what?” says Buffy in a pretty delirious state.
Harmony smiles at Buffy as she looks back at the female vampire, with Spike equally intrigued by the sudden change.
“I said stop. I think it's time.” Harmony insists, though somewhat vague.
“Time for what?” asks Buffy, the desperation of her need to keep going obvious to everyone in the room.
“Time for me to get my taste. Your blood must be pumping right now. It's gotta be nice and warm and flowing through your veins. So now I want my taste.” explains Harmony, clearly pleased with herself.
There's a brief attempt by Buffy to stare Harmony down but it's pretty obvious Buffy doesn't have it in her to object. So she tries to pass it off as nothing.
“F-fine... but... s-stop when I s-say.”
Harmony smiles at the victory she's achieved, “Absolutely... just like we agreed.”
Just as Buffy's about to get off Spike's cock, Harmony stops her.
“No, no... stay where you are. It'll make this all the more delicious.” Harmony says and Buffy complies with the request.
Harmony leans down towards Buffy's left leg, giving Buffy a little lick to her midsection on the way down before turning her attention to the appetizing thigh in front of her. After giving that a lick too, she settles on where she's going to bite into and vamps out while her eyes turn to Spike. He has a very pleased look on his face and in many ways it mirrors hers.
“Don't worry Slayer, I'm sure you're going to love it.” Spike insists in a strangely reassuring yet predatory tone.
The female vampire opens her mouth, bares her fangs and then sinks her teeth into the thigh of a slayer for the very first time. It makes Buffy let out a mixture of a cry of pain and a moan of pleasure at the same time. Her blood flows into Harmony's mouth and she does her best to swallow every drop. Despite herself, Buffy can't help but feel a rush of pleasure at her blood leaving her body.
For her part, Harmony drinks deep and long, feeling the surge of energy from the slayer's blood. It makes her bite a little deeper. That has Buffy tensing up more, the combination of pain and pleasure focuses more on the pain. When Harmony bites down even harder, it makes Buffy cry out in pain. She starts to feel the effects of the blood loss and another clamp down on her thigh, causing another cry. Eventually it gets too much for the slayer.
“Stop.” she says somewhat weakly before really putting some force behind it, “Stop!”
After a few more seconds, Harmony does as Buffy says, her bite comes loose and her teeth leave the slayer's flesh. She licks the stray drops of blood off the slayer's thigh before sitting up with a rather pleased look on her face.
“Mmm, that was awesome. I feel so energized. Wow...” declares Harmony rather happily, turning to Spike for a second as she cleans her mouth of blood with her fingers, sucking on them, “I totally get your obsession with slayers now. I'd be obsessed too if I knew she tasted like that.”
Still breathing heavily, Buffy looks at her, “Glad I could be so eye opening.”
Harmony looks back as she finishes sucking off the blood, “Oh come on, you can't tell me it wasn't a rush for you too.”
A silence follows that from Buffy, looking down at her leg for a moment. It makes Harmony smile.
“I thought so. And I'm betting you're going to be having an extra good feeling in a minute.” suggests Harmony.
“You think so?” pushes back Buffy, skeptical.
“Well, now that I got mine, I'm happy to let you cum. So do you want to keep arguing with me or do you want to cum?” Harmony asks rhetorically.
Again Buffy doesn't respond.
“That's what I thought. Get to it then.”
Buffy watches her for a moment before turning her focus to Spike and the task at hand. She starts to ride Spike's cock again, beginning slowly, ramping up as Harmony speaks.
“You really are just like me, aren't you? Just a cock hungry blonde who loves the feel of it in her pussy. You thought you were better than me. All those times you laughed at me. Threw insults at me. Only now you admit that you're just as big a whore as me, don't you?” Harmony taunts the slayer who tormented her.
“Y-yes... I'm just as big a whore as you.” Buffy admits a lot less reluctantly than before, pushing her ride even harder.
“You're not better than me are you?” questions Harmony, chuckling at Buffy.
Buffy moans as she admits to what she's been holding back, “No... I'm not...”
Spike jumps in, enjoying the exchange between the two ladies, smacking Buffy on the ass as she rides him, “And you're not too good for me, are you?”
“No...” Buffy says almost immediately, throwing her head back with a gasp as her body tingles at the sensations the cock coming in and out of her are giving.
“You like being with me, don't you?” Spike asks.
“Yes...” answers Buffy.
Harmony comes back at this point, “Are you sorry for all the mean things you said about me? For the way you treated me?”
Buffy tenses up as the pressure builds inside her.
She moans her response, “Yes.”
“Say it.” Harmony insists again, “Say you're sorry.”
“I'm... I'm sorry for insulting you. Y-you didn't deserve it.” Buffy moans, picking up the pace of her ride as she feels the inevitable coming.
Spike jumps in at this point, “You're about to cum, aren't you?”
“O-oh, god... y-yes...” the slayer manages to get out.
He smacks her in the ass as he speaks, “Do it. Cum for me baby.”
A few more times up and down on Spike's cock and every part of Buffy tightens up, shivering as she moans, cumming as her hips rest against his.
“Fuck...” is all Buffy can say as she rides out the feeling of release.
Spike smiles at the sight in front of him before breaking the brief silence, “You like that slayer?”
Buffy's breathing eventually starts to slow down and she smiles, going from staring straight up to at Spike, “Oh yeah...”
“I knew you would.” Spike says.
“My turn.” declares Harmony enthusiastically.
Buffy turns her head to look at the female vampire, bringing her hands up to knead her tits.
“Well... you did earn it.” Buffy responds playfully.
The slayer lifts herself up until Spike's cock leaves her pussy, making her gasp at the lack of it inside her. She swings her leg off until she's on her knees next to Spike on the bed, then falls onto the bed, relaxing. Buffy grins as she rubs her legs together, enjoying the after effects of her orgasm. Harmony starts to move so she can climb up onto Spike's cock the way Buffy was a few moments ago but Buffy interrupts.
“Actually, do it the other way.” insists Buffy with a grin.
Harmony looks at her somewhat uncertain.
Buffy just grins back before explaining, “You got to control me, I get to control you. Those were his rules... right Spike?”
They smile at each other as Spike explains, “That's what I said.”
Harmony gives Spike a look then she does the same to Buffy. She smiles at the slayer.
“Okay, I'm game.” agrees Harmony.
She shifts on the bed so that she's facing away from both Buffy and Spike's cock which she's about to ride. It makes her shake her ass playfully at them.
“Admit it, you just wanted a good look at my great ass.” suggests Harmony.
“That's just a fun bonus.” responds Buffy as she watches Harmony look back at them.
The blonde female vampire does her best to back her ass up so it aligns with Spike's cock. Spike turns to Buffy as she watches Harmony get her pussy very close to his waiting cock.
“Why don't you help her out? Make sure she gets nice and filled.” encourages Spike.
Buffy grins back at him.
“Sure, why not?” Buffy says rhetorically.
Buffy pulls herself up onto her knees, reaching out to take a firm grip of Spike's cock. She aims it at Harmony's pussy and they look at each other to coordinate. It isn't long before his cock slides into Harmony, making her gasp at the entry. Slowly, more and more of the cock disappears into the female vampire until she brings her hips to rest on his, making Buffy pull her hand away. It causes another gasp from her.
The slayer watches the sight before her, then turns to Spike, “She looks good with a cock in her, doesn't she Spike?”
He chuckles at her question, answering, “One of the many reasons I kept her around so long. Not to mention her... other, impressive skills.”
She lets out a short laugh at that, “I get that now. She's quite the piece of ass.”
That has Harmony looking back at them, “Are you two just gonna talk about my ass or are you going to let me show you how I use it?”
Buffy grins at Harmony for a while.
“Start slow.” Buffy says playfully.
The blonde female vampire smiles back at the slayer, then starts to pull herself off his cock, slowly going back down. Repeating this motion a few times, she builds a steady rhythm and it makes her moan at the pleasure. Spike can't help but grunt at the things she's doing.
“You like that?” questions Buffy.
“She's always been good at that, although I usually like a little more... access.” he points out.
Buffy grins at him.
“We can do that,” she offers, before turning to Harmony with an order, “Lean back for him. Give him what he wants.”
Without stopping her ride, Harmony starts to lean back, first planting her left hand on the bed between Spike and Buffy, and her right hand on his other side. The cock inside her shifts as she moves, making her groan.
“Seems like she likes that too.” Buffy points out.
Spike reaches up and cups Harmony's tits, massaging them roughly, making her moan.
“She always did.” responds Spike.
From her vantage point next to them, Buffy reaches out and turns Harmony's head to look at her. They stare at each other as she rides him but the animosity from before has lessened.
“I want to thank you Harmony.” starts Buffy, “You helped me come to terms with a few things. You showed me a different side of myself Harm. One I didn't even see in myself until you showed it to me. And despite my better instincts, I'm grateful to you for that.”
Harmony struggles to stay focused on Buffy as she has the combination of her ride and Spike's hands on her tits distracting her while the slayer speaks.
“I kept trying to deny who I was and what I wanted. But after everything that's happened tonight, when you pushed me on it, I couldn't deny it anymore. I had to say the truth. I had to be honest with myself. And you were a big part of that.” continues Buffy.
Buffy grabs the back of Harmony's head and brings them together into a somewhat passionate kiss. Their tongues play with each other as Harmony moans into Buffy's mouth at the sensations the cock in her is causing. They eventually break the kiss and Buffy smiles at Harmony.
“But when this is all over, you'll have your closure. And that means you go away, and I get Spike all to myself...” she looks at Spike for a moment, “for the most part anyway. So you might be riding high on top right now... but which one of us is the real winner?”
Silence follows except for the sounds of Harmony gasping at what she's doing to herself.
“Say it and you can cum.” insists Buffy.
Harmony doesn't say anything, moaning when Spike tweaks her nipple. Buffy turns to Spike when she doesn't get what she wants.
“Give her a little more, will you babe?” suggests Buffy.
Spike grins at her before thrusting up into Harmony and making her moan even harder. Buffy returns her focus to Harmony.
“Who's the real winner here?” questions Buffy a little more firmly.
Again Harmony doesn't say anything.
“Do you want to cum or not?”
A few more moments pass until Harmony says something.
“You're... you're the... winner...”
Buffy enjoys that for a moment then pushes things, “Say it again.”
“You're the... you're the winner... the real winner...” Harmony says, a lot more willing to admit things.
“One more time.” the slayer pushes the female vampire.
“You're... you're the real winner...” declares Harmony.
Buffy grins at the female vampire for her admission.
“Damn right... now get to it.” orders Buffy, adding, “Make yourself cum.”
Almost immediately, Harmony rides harder on Spike's cock, picking up the pace, throwing her head back and unleashing a series of moans she's been holding in. Spike smacks her on the ass to encourage her.
“That's it Harm. Ride me like you love it.” comments Spike.
Harmony pushes things even further, really giving it her all, feeling the cock move inside her and make her tense up more and more. It isn't long before the pressure build up is too much and she can't hold it back any more. She slams her hips down on his cock, letting out a moan as she cums. Buffy just watches the sight before her, enjoying it. After a while, Harmony smiles as she comes down from the high of her orgasm.
“Mmm, always love the way you make me feel Spike-y.” declares Harmony in a very satisfied tone.
Slowly, Harmony pulls away from Spike's cock, letting it pop out of her pussy and moving her left leg over him so she can sit on one side of him, the slayer on the other.
“I'm sure you're going to miss it when you're gone.” suggests Buffy rather firmly.
“Maybe, but there's one last thing you two lovely ladies should do together before this is all over.” insists Spike to the two women.
Buffy smiles at the idea, “Which is?”
Spike pulls himself up and leaves the bed, standing on his feet not far from it and grabbing hold of his cock, stroking it gently.
“I'm sure you'll put your heads together and figure it out.” Spike says, being rather obvious in the implication.
The two blonde ladies look at each other for a moment, knowing what was suggested. Harmony is the first to move, getting off the bed and kneeling down in front of Spike. Buffy is quick to follow. He moves in a little closer when they're both in position, their heads together.
“You think you can work together on this?” Spike asks firmly.
Buffy and Harmony both nod, with Buffy reaching out and taking Spike's cock in her hand, replacing his stroke with her own. She aims the cock at Harmony's face. The blonde female vampire licks her lips expectantly. It isn't long before Spike is grunting and gasping at what Buffy's hand is doing to him. He starts to tense up, making Buffy and Harmony lean in a little more, ready for what's about to happen. A few moments later, he lets out a groan and they're hit in the face with his cum. Strands hit them on their cheeks and foreheads, even some on their necks and chests.
Eventually, Spike relaxes and it's clear that he's finished. This makes Buffy lean forward, taking the head of his cock into her mouth and sucking on it for the little bits of cum left then eventually pulling back. Harmony in the mean time starts to clean herself up, wiping the cum off her face and licking her fingers clean. Buffy releases her grip on his cock and starts to do the same to herself. Spike smiles at the sight in front of her.
“This was a lot of fun ladies. Shame we're not doing it again soon.” declares Spike with a smile.
Harmony licks some of the cum from her chest off her fingers as she speaks, “Not sure I feel all that lady like right now.”
Similarly, Buffy wipes some of the cum off her cheek, looking at it before licking it off her fingers, “Gotta agree with you there Harm.”
“See, I knew you two ladies were more alike than you thought.” Spike says with a laugh.
They look at him as they slowly get to their feet and he starts looking for his clothes. They join him.
“Oh come on, you can't tell you didn't love it.” Spike pushes the supernaturally inclined women.
Buffy and Harmony look at each other for a moment before Harmony tilts her head with a bit of a smile as Buffy kinda shrugs back. Harmony picks up her underwear and bra, putting them on. She quickly finds her other clothes, bunching them together.
“Well, I'm gonna go then.” she declares rather matter of factly, turning to Spike as she does, “I think I can say I definitely got what I wanted out of this. You're out of my system Spike-y.”
“Glad I could help.” replies Spike as he pulls up his pants, buttoning them up.
Harmony turns to Buffy, “Slayer... I think this is the one time when I can say it was a pleasure to you and actually mean it.”
It takes Buffy a second to answer, “Likewise.”
Harmony then turns to the way upstairs and leaves. Only Buffy and Spike remain as she puts on her bra and panties.
“So...” starts Spike, “You mean what you said? About not being above me and all that?”
Buffy watches Spike for a long moment before answering, “Yeah... I kinda did.”
“Well that's something at least.”
Buffy picks up her pants and puts them on, “I guess it is.”
“So when you said you wanted me to yourself... for the most part... you mean that too?” asks Spike, looking for clarification.
Again Buffy thinks about for a moment, “Yes... I, wouldn't mind doing something like this again.”
“Interesting...” is all Spike says as she puts on her shirt.
“Why? Did you have someone in mind?” she asks at the statement.
“Well... seems like Red could use some cheering up after her little birdie flew the coop.” Spike points out rather matter of factly.
Buffy watches Spike for a moment with a curious look, “I suppose she could.”
She smiles at him.
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