Waking Up at Dawn | By : Deadman Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > FemmeSlash - Female/Female Views: 5199 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or Angel nor the characters from it I do not make any money from the writing of this story |
Author's Note: This is a sort've a “spinoff” of a story I wrote elsewhere. Don't worry, by the end of this two part story, you'll be caught up. Just figured I would let people know that you're not supposed to know about the things being referenced, and you'll understand by the end.
The smallest things can have the biggest impact.
I look down at my prize in front of me, enjoying the moment.
For me it was just a little prick... of my finger that is. I pricked my finger with a needle one night and it changed things forever. As that little bit of blood dripped from the tip of my finger, I had a thought about what I wanted. Namely for the thing to heal really quickly. To my surprise, that's exactly what happened. I saw the small wound literally close up and heal to the point that it didn't hurt anymore. I wiped away the blood and it was all gone. That was really weird. I didn't really know what it meant or if maybe I somehow imagined it. If that had been the only thing that happened, I might have just let it go. I might have just gone on with my life and never noticed. But it didn't.
Reaching out with my hand, I touch it just so slightly.
The next time it happened though, it was harder to ignore. I was out at lunch and one of the mean girls tripped me on the way to my table. I scrapped my knee and I yelled at them about how they should choke on their chips. Almost like I had ordered it to happen, they picked up a chip and took a bite, only for them to start choking on it. I had to intervene and try to give them the Heimlich manoeuvre so they didn't die. But it was totally weird. The kind of weird that was probably magical. Somehow I might have been making things happen. I hadn't made any wishes to people I didn't know so it couldn't be a vengeance demon, and I wasn't even aware of any kind of vengeance that I needed. At least that I could remember. So I figured I would test it out.
I started fixing things in my life in little ways. Particularly at school with all the craziness. Things like making sure my teachers bumped my grades up, not that I needed much help in that way. Which made it the perfect thing to test since no one would notice small changes like that. It worked though and that was the fun part of it. So I started making other small changes. I made my mom's gallery a lot more successful, getting a few more orders than they should and making more money. The school got more people showing up at the bake sales and stuff so they could buy school uniforms and stuff. All of it seemed to work any time I pricked my finger or whatever I needed to do to draw a little blood. Things just started working out for me and that was a lot of fun.
Which made me start thinking about some bigger changes I might be able to make. Really good things that I've always wanted. Mom let me wear her make up and taught me how to do it and make myself look better. She started letting me wear better clothes and I made sure the school didn't take an issue with it. At least for me anyway. I didn't really worry that much about the other students. Not with everything else I was doing for them thanks to my new powers. I figured, I was doing so much good, why not have a little something for myself? There's only upside in that. What's good too was that other people started noticing me... boys in particular. Something I didn't exactly mind if I'm honest with myself.
But with my new powers, I didn't really want to go anywhere with that. I just wanted to feel good about myself. At least at first anyway. Eventually, just to make myself popular I made it so that the hottest guys in the school were into me. We even went out on dates and stuff, though I never went all the way with them. Plus I used my powers to make sure they didn't do anything to cross any lines when we did. Maybe some making out or something but not much more than that.
I did this in part because while I did like guys' attention, I always kinda leaned more towards girls. Sadly, there weren't that many girls in my school who were into other girls. At least not that I could see. Besides, I actually had my eye on one girl in particular. The one who I had my first sex dream about when I was younger. As I grew up, I had more than one about her but it was hard to do anything about that at the time. She was an older bad ass slayer and I was just a stupid kid at the time. She had power and I didn't. Trying to actually approach her probably wouldn't end well, but I did notice her looking at me once or twice. That might have more to do with who my sister was than anything.
With my new powers though, things were a little more even between us. Or they would be if she were actually around. Unfortunately, she was in prison and it was probably going to be a while before I saw her again. Then again, given what I could do now, maybe I could fix that too. Everything else had worked so maybe it was time to go for something a little bigger. So I tried it out and it seemed to work. She was let out of prison early for good behaviour and I made sure that she headed back to Sunnydale as a way to make up for what happened.
That made it a lot easier to spend time with her, being in the city and all that. But even with her being in town, I didn't get to see her as much as I would've wanted to. I needed something more than just her being in town. So I made sure that she had to spend time with me. As much as I enjoyed hanging out with Buffy's friends when she went out to slay and Mom had to work, I needed something more. I used my powers to convince my mom to have Faith babysit me when she wasn't needed for some big apocalypse or something. Of course, with my powers I made sure there were less of those to deal with. Living on the hellmouth can suck that way.
Now I had Faith exactly where I wanted her... so to speak. She was around a lot more and spending time with me specifically. Alone in the house for a long time. It gave me so many opportunities to find things to do with Faith. Problem was that she didn't seem as interested as I wanted her to be. I had to do more, and I thought I knew exactly what it should be, and I was right.
I knew Faith had a thing for my sister, so I started playing into that with little subtle hints. I started wearing her perfume any time Faith came over to watch me while Buffy went out on patrol. I caught her staring at me more than once when I did. But she seemed kinda embarrassed about it so I made it so she had to. Then I started wearing Buffy's clothes whenever Faith would come over and watch me. And watch me she did. I would do things like open the door in a really low cut top Buffy owned or super short shorts and spend time walking around in them. Then I would do things like bend over in front of her, showing off my ass to her. It became super obvious that Faith liked what she was looking at and I even made one or two comments about it. Something she tried to play off.
Eventually I would just walk around in a thong or a bra, or both, and Faith would watch me do that. I made sure she couldn't tell anyone about it either. That she had to keep what she was doing to herself. Couldn't have Buffy or my mom finding out and trying to stop me. It wasn't long before I started bumping into Faith in not so subtle ways so that she had to grab me to stop me from falling over. She started with just my arm, but then she would grab my waist, and every so often she would grab my butt. Things got to the point where she couldn't help it anymore. Just like I had planned, she couldn't control herself and she grabbed me and kissed me.
Something happened in that moment though. When our lips touched and we kissed deeply and slowly. In that moment, the world came back to me. I remembered who I really was and what had happened to me. How in an alternate timeline she and I were a couple and I had tried to fix the world. But she had tried to stop me with my sister. That she had betrayed me and so had everyone else. When the kiss ended it became clear that Faith hadn't had the same revelation about herself. She didn't know about everything that happened. Which gave me the advantage.
Now in this new timeline, I had all the power. I could do whatever I want and no one could stop me. And what I wanted to do most was Faith. Which was easier to make happen now that we kissed. Faith was reluctant to give in to my advances even after we kissed, but I made sure to fix that. I had Mom make Faith my official babysitter so she couldn't really escape coming over. Faith feels a lot of guilt for the way she treated my mom so she would never deny her asking for anything. Then I made it so that Faith couldn't leave watching me for anything without first giving me a kiss. If she tried to deny it and stop herself from doing it, she would be hit with an overwhelming urge to kiss me, so she would do it.
Which just lead to us making out most times she would come over to babysit. That gave me all kinds of fun access to her body. She would let me grope her any place I wanted when we were making out, and I encouraged her to do the same to me. It wasn't long before my hands were getting underneath her clothes, encouraging her to take them off. She didn't have much reason not to, so she did start going topless during our make out sessions, and eventually she was making out with me in nothing but her panties. That made asking her to go upstairs with me all that more easy. I made her think she was my first time, which while technically true in this new reality, I remembered the real first time she and I hooked up.
So I used that to my advantage and took control of our first time together. Amazed her with how good I was in my first time that she couldn't get enough of me. The more we did it, the more she craved what I could do to her. How I could make her feel so good without so much experience. Of course she didn't know that I was just using what she taught me and the things I've learned about what she liked to push all her buttons. Enough that she really wouldn't deny me anything. No matter what I wanted, she would be down for it. She didn't even object to me introducing a strap-on into our sex life. Not even when I told her that she would always be on the receiving end of it, she was cool with that. She was even okay with me taking her anal cherry. From there it was pound town any day any time I want. As long as she ate my pussy first, I would pound her as many times as I wanted. She would even climb through my window in the middle of the night if I asked her to just to get me to pound her pussy.
Fun as it is though to make Faith my anal loving sex slave, she wasn't the only one who betrayed me in that other reality. What's worse is who she betrayed me with. My own sister. She knew how crazy that would make me and she did it anyway. Faith deserves to be treated like the slayer slut that she is, but she's not the only one. Buffy deserves this just as much as Faith does... and that's going to happen tonight.
It's been something I've been working towards for a while. Even with all that I did to make sure Faith didn't tell anyone about us, it was hard for people not to notice how Faith had changed because of how I was treating her. She wasn't as fun and care free as she used to be. After being in prison changed her, she still knew how to have a good time. At least until we started sleeping together and she got her crazy fun times from me. Buffy was the first to notice, so I had to fix that. Get her to ignore what was right in front of her, in the short term anyway. Over time though, when it was clear that I had Faith right where I wanted, I made sure Buffy couldn't ignore it anymore.
Instead I made her listen to what we were doing to each other at night from her room next door. Make her imagine what was happening in my room between me and Faith. Think about what we were doing to each other. Every time she went to sleep however, she would forget. She would remember that she got herself off but not why or how. Instead I made her think it was a dream she had. A dream about her little sister fucking some random girl in the room right next to her. It was never entirely clear to her what was a dream and what wasn't though. Especially when she knew that she got off on it before going to bed. But I made sure that Faith didn't know about any of it. How I was instructing my own sister to imagine us together within feet of us actually doing it. That will make things all the sweeter for tonight. She should be home any minute. Not that she knows exactly what's going on. I had to keep that knowledge from her. The only thing Buffy knew for sure was that I was sleeping with someone.
All that changes tonight though.
Like she was on cue, I hear the front door open and keys hit the key chain bowl.
“Dawn? You home?”
My sister's words has me stepping up what I'm doing to Faith, thrusting my strap-on cock into her ass harder. It makes Faith moan even louder at what I'm doing while trying to speak.
“Uh, fuck... Dawn...”
She always feels weird about fucking while Buffy is in the house. But I'll fix that tonight.
“In my room Buffy.”
Faith struggles to speak as I fuck her.
“D-dawn... fuck...”
To break her concentration, I interrupt her train of thought.
“Fuck you harder? That's what I'm doing.”
I add a little more power behind my hip thrusts to give her a harder ass fucking. That makes her try to let go of her ankles, but I lean in more as I speak to her.
“I said hold those ankles.”
Despite the sounds of Buffy walking up the stairs, obviously heading in our direction, Faith does what I say and takes a firmer hold of her ankles while I fuck her. Just to give her a little encouragement, I give her a couple light taps to the face.
“Good girl.”
Moments later, the door to my room opens and I look up to see Buffy.
“What are you doing in...?”
She stops when she sees the answer to her own question.
“Dawn, what are you... doing?”
I don't stop fucking Faith as I answer.
“Folding laundry. What does it look like I'm doing?”
My sister doesn't respond to that, mostly just looking at what I'm doing. It makes me chuckle and look down at Faith.
“Well, I guess I am folding something, aren't I baby?”
That makes Faith drop her head back, which is the only way she can actually look at Buffy from her position.
“B... this isn't what it looks like.”
Mmm, naughty girl.
“Tell the truth Faith.”
My order has my little ass slut letting out a mixture of frustrated moan of pleasure. She goes back to looking at Buffy to follow it.
“This is exactly what it looks like.”
I smile at Buffy who is watching me fuck her fellow slayer.
“And what does it look like Buffy?”
The question has my sister tearing her eyes away from Faith to look at me.
“It looks like you're fucking Faith.”
I've waited for her to say that a long time.
I look down at Faith who returns her focus to me as much as she can while I fuck her.
“Does that sound right to you Faith? Am I fucking you?”
Another frustrated moan from her before she answers.
Teasing out the fun some more, I can't help but push Faith a little further.
“So tell Buffy what's happening.”
Faith groans as she looks at Buffy again.
“I'm being fucked by Dawn.”
Not quite good enough.
“In her bed.”
Ooh, she's still got some feisty in her.
“Be more specific. What part of your body am I fucking?”
Her groan is more pleasure than frustration this time when she looks up at me.
“My ass. You're fucking my ass.”
I give her ass a bit of a smack before encouraging her further.
“Tell Buffy that.”
Faith quickly looks at Buffy, obviously turned on by what I'm doing with our little back and forth.
“Dawn is fucking me in my ass.”
That makes me turn my attention to Buffy.
“And who am I to you Buffy?”
My question makes Buffy turn her attention to me.
“You're my sister.”
Gotta push a little further.
“Not just your sister.”
“You're my baby sister.”
Good, now...
“Faith, tell Buffy what's happening but tell her by saying who I am to her.”
She doesn't hesitate to look at Buffy.
“I'm being fucked in the ass by your baby sister.”
That's so hot.
“And how do you feel about it Faith?”
“I... love it.”
She didn't quite give me what I want there.
“How much do you love it?”
“So much.”
“And why do you love it Faith?”
Faith looks at me to answer.
“Because you're the bad ass bitch who tamed me and made me acknowledge the anal slut that I am.”
Every time she says something like that it turns me on even more. But there's one thing that I've never heard her say before.
“Tell Buffy what her baby sister did to you.”
Faith moans in pure pleasure as she looks at Buffy from her position.
“Your baby sister tamed me and made me her anal slut. She showed me that she's the baddest bitch I've ever met and taught me what I really am.”
God damn, I almost came just from hearing her say that. But I need to focus and keep things going the way I want.
I look up at my sister while I pound Faith's ass.
“Does that answer your question sis?”
Buffy stares at me for a while, then at Faith, then back at me. She goes back and forth between the two of us for a while, just watching me fuck her fellow slayer. Meanwhile all Faith does is moan and gasp at what I'm doing to her.
I've gotten really good at keeping Faith on edge for as long as I want her to be. Making sure she only cums when I want her to and not before. It comes in handy for just this scenario I've been planning for a long time.
Eventually, Buffy finds her voice while looking at me.
“Don't do this to Faith. Let her go. She can't want this.”
I laugh at my sister's concern.
“Well let's ask her. Do you want me to stop Faith?”
Faith does her best to speak as I keep up the pressure on her ass fucking.
“Oh god no, please don't stop.”
“Do you want me to let you go?”
“No, never. I love what you're doing to me.”
With that, I turn my attention back to Buffy.
“Seems like you're wrong about that sis.”
My sister stares at me for a while before returning her focus to watching Faith getting fucked by me with my strap-on. I let her watch for a long time before finally breaking that focus.
“What are you thinking?”
Faith answers the question.
“I want you to make me cum.”
I chuckle at that, then scold her before making myself more clear.
“Not you my slut... my sister.”
Calling her my sister has her looking at me again, uncertainty in her eyes.
“Answer the question.”
She struggles to respond.
“I... I don't... know...”
Guess I'll have to push her a little further.
“I bet I can guess.”
Buffy turns her attention back to Faith before I quickly fix that.
“Look at me.”
My sister does as instructed.
“I'm betting you're thinking about all the times you were lying in your bed playing with yourself from the sounds coming from this room. How you made yourself cum thinking about how hot it sounded. Wondering who was in my room with me and who was doing what to who. Am I close?”
She stares for a long time before managing a small response.
“It wasn't hard to figure out. Faith and I weren't exactly being quiet. So?”
It takes her a second to answer.
“So what?”
“Am I close?”
Buffy struggles to answer but eventually does.
“How close?”
“Right on.”
I love that the plan is coming together.
“Tell me Buffy, how many times have you imagined yourself like this?”
“How many times when you were playing with yourself listening to us did you imagine being on the receiving end of what I'm doing to Faith right now?”
She struggles to answer.
“Once... or twice...”
“Just once or twice?”
“Maybe... more...”
“How many?”
“I... lost count.”
“That's what I thought. Can I tell you a little secret? You're not the only one who has thought about it. I've thought about it too. I thought about doing this to you more than once. And it's going to happen.”
“This is your future Buffy. This is who you're going to become.”
She watches me for a while to make sure I'm serious.
“Don't tell me your pussy isn't already wet just from watching me fuck Faith like this.”
Buffy doesn't answer right away.
Hmm, I can see she doesn't believe that.
“Naughty girl, don't lie to me.”
Buffy struggles to resist saying things.
“I'm not...”
“Show me.”
“Show me you're not wet from seeing Faith get fucked by me.”
I love it.
“Put your hand in your pants and show me it's not.”
Despite herself and the attempt to make herself look tough when looking at me, she does what I ask and pops the button on her jeans and puts her right hand in her pants.
“Make sure to really rub yourself so we know exactly how dry you are.”
Buffy does what I said and really rubs her pussy inside her pants a few times until I stop her. The reality of what is happening in her pants really dawns on her as she does it. She can obviously feel the wetness in her pants.
“Good, now pull it out.”
She stops what she's doing but doesn't pull her hand out of her pants.
“Take your hand out of your pants and show it to me.”
Somewhat reluctantly, she pulls her hand out of her pants and it's very clear that her hand is wet from her own pussy juice.
“I knew it. Very naughty girl Buffy, lying to me about how you really feel.”
She watches me for a long time, realizing what this means about her obvious on her face.
“Smell how wet you are.”
“I want you to put your fingers to your nose and smell just how wrong you were when you said that you didn't get turned on by what I'm doing.”
My sister doesn't do anything right away.
Obviously, she needs a little push.
“Do it.”
Again with a shrinking amount of reluctance, Buffy brings her wet hand up to her face and takes a deep whiff of her own pussy juice. I let the truth of this settle in her nostrils for a while before finally moving to the next step.
“Now... taste how wet you are at seeing how completely I'm dominating Faith.”
That makes her try to push back.
“Dawn I...”
“Do it.”
Buffy stares at me, obviously unsure about all of this but she brings her hand low enough so she can give her fingers the very lightest of licks.
“You can do better than that sis. Put your fingers in your mouth and suck the juices off.”
Again it takes her a second but it isn't long until she does what I tell her and puts one of her fingers in her mouth, tasting herself. She starts to suck that finger off for a while, then takes it out and moves on to the next one, and the next one, eventually licking all of her fingers clean of her own pussy juice. She even goes as far as licking the droplets that slid down her hand.
“See, you're already getting off on the idea that someone like me can be doing this to Faith.”
Buffy stops what she's doing to try and respond. I make sure to interrupt her.
“No, I...”
“I want you to stand there and play with yourself while I fuck Faith.”
This time she isn't resisting nearly as much as she brings her hand back down to her pants and slides it into her crotch. I smile as she starts to rub herself while watching me turn my attention to Faith.
“Seems like my sister is just as big a slut as you are, doesn't it Faith?”
“Oh god yes...”
It's a little unclear whether she's answering or just reacting to what I'm doing to her, pounding her ass like I've done so many times before. That doesn't matter though as I have more important things to focus on just now.
“Look at me Buffy.”
Our eyes meet from across the room and I can see the obvious pleasure in her eyes at what she's doing to herself.
“Can you see how dominant I am? How much power I hold over Faith?”
Mmm, very good.
“Look at Faith.”
She does what I say.
“Can you see how she loves what I'm doing to her?”
“Faith, look at my sister.”
Faith is quickly looking back from her position as they stare at each other from across the room.
“Show her how good it feels for me to fuck you.”
My sister and her fellow slayer with a cock up her ass watch each other as they both moan from the situation they're in.
“You want to feel that good, don't you Buffy?”
It takes Buffy a second to answer but mostly because she's turned on at the question.
At that, I stop what I'm doing, slamming my strap-on cock deep into Faith's ass for a second. Then I pull out, making Faith complain.
“Please baby, let me cum.”
I look down at her with a firm expression.
“You cum when I say you cum.”
That stops her from any more complaints. I turn my attention to Buffy who is still rubbing herself though she's slowed down.
“Take your pants off Buffy.”
She stops what she's doing with her hand and stares at me for a moment. Instead of trying to stop me though, she pulls her hand out and brings the other one up to her waistband. She grabs hold of her waistband and pulls her pants down, stepping out of her pants and leaving her in just her panties and shirt. It's obvious that she's dripping wet from her pussy with how damp her panties are.
“Now the rest.”
Again with almost no hesitation, Buffy reaches for her shirt and pulls it up over her head, throwing it to the side. She quickly reaches behind her back and unhooks her bra, shifting her shoulders forward to let it fall off her body. Now topless in front of me, she doesn't waste any time slipping her thumbs under her panties and pushing them down so they drop to her ankles. She similarly steps out of them. When she's fully naked, I make my way off the bed where Faith is still lying there on her back waiting for me to ask her to do something. She just watches as I make my way over to my sister.
“How do you feel right now? Naked in front of me?”
She barely has to think about her response.
“Really hot.”
I make my way around her like a general surveying her troops.
“Do you like how I'm treating you? Like a piece of meat for my pleasure?”
As I move behind her she tries to keep an eye on me.
“Eyes front.”
Buffy quickly looks in front of her and stops trying to look at me.
God she's got a really good body. I don't think I noticed exactly how good until right now. With her at my mercy like this.
I make my way back around until I'm standing in front of her with my strap-on still around my waist. I move in closer so that we're within touching distance of each other. There's a nervous look on Buffy's face. All I can really do is smile at that.
“Buffy... I'm going to kiss you now. If you don't want me to, I want you to stop me.”
Giving her a second to process the suggestion, she doesn't say anything so I lean in very close. I kiss her very lightly on the lips. She doesn't do anything more than look at me. So I kiss her more firmly and again she doesn't do anything but stare at me. That makes me wrap my arm around her back and give her a real full on kiss with tongues, which Buffy does her best to return. Our kiss goes on for a while and it becomes clear who is in charge of the whole thing, which is obviously me. She all but melts into the kiss as I lean forward and she leans back while I shift from my head leaning to the left to leaning right. Buffy mirrors this action herself, allowing me to keep control.
I use my other hand to keep her upright by putting it on the back of her neck when I lean in even more and she doesn't do much more than let me. At the same time, I use my arm around her waist to move my hand down to her ass, grabbing her ass firmly. The only thing she does to that is moan into my mouth at the way I'm groping her. Even when I smack my sister's ass for the fun of it, all she does is moan into my mouth. We kiss like this for a while before I finally let her straighten up. Mostly I do that so I can bring my hands off her back and ass to in front of me, adding a small space for me to gain access to her tits. When I touch her right tit, I immediately start groping it and the only thing my sister does is moan. I can feel her nipple harden under my touch and the same happens when I shift to her left tit too. After enjoying this for a while, I finally break the kiss between us and step back. Buffy doesn't say anything, just staring back at me with a somewhat dumbfounded look on her face. I smile at her then give her a little more distance between us.
“Did you like that?”
My sister hesitates just a little bit.
Good, she's being completely honest.
My smile turns into a grin.
“Bend over.”
She gives me a somewhat confused look, but then does what I suggest, bending at her hips and leaning forward.
I love that she's becoming more responsive to my commands. This is going to make what else we're going to do tonight so much more fun.
Now that she's basically at eye level with my hips by bending at hers, I put one hand on my strap-on cock and the other on my sister's head.
“Here's the first real test of how much of a slut you really are. I want you to suck Faith's ass off my cock. Can you do that?”
She struggles to look up at me from her position and doesn't really manage it, so instead she answers my question.
“Yes Dawn.”
She's even being obedient by speaking to me with respect. That's so hot.
“Then do it.”
After a second of hesitation, my sister opens her mouth and takes my strap-on cock into her mouth.
Wow that's hot.
There's a bit of a grimace from her at the taste of it but this doesn't stop her from continuing what I asked of her. She slowly takes more and more of the plastic cock which was very recently in her fellow slayer's ass into her mouth and starts to suck on it.
The only thing that would make this hotter is...
I look over at Faith and shift slightly in my stance so that I can have the effect that I want.
“Hey Faith, are you seeing this?”
At my words, Faith returns her focus to me and I tilt my head down to show her what Buffy is doing.
“Yes Dawn, I'm seeing it.”
“Looks like I took the stick out of your ass and put it into Buffy's mouth.”
“How does it make you feel?”
“Really hot. I just...”
My slayer slut doesn't finish that thought.
Hmm, I definitely think I want to hear the end of that thought.
“You just what?”
That has her licking her lips before continuing.
“I just wish I was the one tasting my ass on your cock right now.”
I chuckle at that, responding then adding something to my sister.
“Oh don't worry, you'll get a chance to taste some ass on my cock. Won't she Buffy?”
The question has Buffy pulling her mouth off my cock to try and answer.
“I.. I don't...”
I take a firm grip on my sister's head and make her swallow my cock again.
“Rhetorical question sis. Just keep cleaning my cock, I'll tell you when to stop.”
Even with that, she tries to answer with the plastic cock strapped to my waist in her mouth, mostly getting mumbles instead. She keeps up the cleaning as I have a conversation with Faith.
“Do you remember the first time I made you do this?”
“Yes Dawn.”
“It was so hot, I almost came from watching you suck this so enthusiastically. But this is even hotter, you know that?”
Faith frowns at that and it's even sexier.
“Is it?”
“Yes, and you know it. If I didn't have so many fun plans for tonight, I might just let myself cum right here. Speaking of which...”
I use my grip on Buffy's hair to pull her mouth off my cock and bring her back up to a standing position.
“I think it's clean enough for now.”
She tries to respond but I pull her towards me, making her kiss me again. She melts into the kiss again, which allows me to let go of her hair then stepping back to break the kiss.
“I guess we know who's in charge here, don't we?”
Turning around, I make my way back towards my bed and Faith, before stopping when Buffy doesn't respond. It makes me turn my hips to look back at my sister.
“Don't we?”
“Yes Dawn.”
I grin at her then continue over to the bed. When I get there, I finally turn around to face Buffy while standing next to the bed with my strap-on hanging from my hips.
“Come here Buffy.”
A second of hesitation doesn't stop my sister from walking over and stopping at the edge of the bed not far from where I'm standing on the left side of it.
“Get on the bed.”
My sister looks at Faith who is basically hogging the bed at the moment lying on her back in the middle of it.
“Move over Faith.”
Faith does what I ask, moving over leaving half the bed open for my sister. That makes Buffy look at me for a moment, almost like she's trying to challenge me. It doesn't take long for her to realize she's fighting a losing battle.
She's still got some fight in her, but I think I can make her give that up with what's next.
Buffy lifts her left leg and plants her knee on the bed, doing the same to her right one and fully kneeling on the bed.
Creative interpretation of my order.
“Lie down like my little slut here.”
She looks at me, then at Faith, eventually moving her legs out from under her to in front of her, sitting on her very firm ass. Leaning back, Buffy lies down on the bed next to Faith, mirroring her fellow slayer. They look at each other for a moment but quickly return their attention to the most dominant woman in the room, namely me.
Mmm, I can't believe this is really happening. They really do belong to me now, or almost do anyway. I can see how Faith has completely given herself over to me. It happened not long ago but it gave me the go ahead to take this next step.
I reach my hand out and gently touch my sister's inner leg below the knee.
My sister...
Slowly, I tease the inside of her thigh which makes her shift slightly but not do much more than that. I make my way up Buffy's body, staying away from the more sensitive places like her pussy or nipples as I speak.
“You know, I can't tell you how many times I've imagined this moment. Having you two here just like this. Part of me just knew that all I had to do was open you up to the idea and you'd willingly submit to whatever I wanted. I guess I was right.”
Now standing at the foot of the bed, I stare down at the two slayers lying on it looking back. Faith with an excited, almost loving look on her face, where my sister has a much more nervous look. Both turning me on in their own way. I move my way down Faith's side of the bed, going the opposite way I did with Buffy along her body as I do. Just as I get to about where Faith's waist is, I jump up onto the bed so that my knees are on either side of Faith's body, looking down at her. Enjoying the way she looks back for a second with excitement, I drop to all fours over Faith getting a little closer, basically face to face.
“There's nothing you wouldn't do for me... is there Faith?”
Faith gives me a sexy pout at my question, the kind I've grown to love all this time.
“No baby. I would do anything for you.”
Hearing her say that makes me lean in and kiss her deeply, enjoying the way she struggles to kiss me back from her position underneath me. Mostly she just squirms and I enjoy it before pulling back to up on my knees. Then I look over at Buffy and lift my right leg over Faith to stop straddling her and quickly straddling my sister. Unlike Faith, Buffy has a much more uncertain look on her face as she wonders what exactly is going to happen next.
If only she knew.
“So the question is, will you sis?”
Buffy gives me a confused look.
“Will I?”
“Do anything for me? You've already proven that you're willing to be a bit of a slut for me. Watching me fuck Faith and even getting off on it. Getting naked for me. Even kissing me and sucking my cock for me. So just how far are you willing to go for me?”
There's a long pause from Buffy as she considers what I've asked of her. Partly by realizing just how far she's actually gone already, a thought that's obvious on her face.
“I... don't know...”
I can't help but grin at her admitting that.
“Well then, let's find out.”
Not letting her ask question, I climb my way up Buffy's body until I'm essentially towering over her face with my strap-on hanging over her face. What's more important though is that the harness around my waist isn't more than two straps on my inner thighs, leaving my pussy very much accessible and in direct view of my sister. It doesn't take long for Buffy to realize what it is that I'm suggesting. Even with the uncertainty on her face, there's an obvious curiosity in there as well.
“Eat my pussy.”
A long pause happens as Buffy goes from looking at me, to what's obviously my pussy, going back and forth between the two several times before saying anything.
“You want me to...”
“Eat it.”
My more forceful push keeps her from finishing her thought. Instead going back to shifting between looking at me and my pussy. It makes me turn my attention to Faith for a moment.
“You love the taste of my pussy, don't you my little slut?”
Faith smiles at me, then shifting to address Buffy briefly.
“Oh yes, so much. I still think about the first time I tasted your sweet heavenly pussy. Do it Buffy, you'll love it.”
Buffy glances over at Faith for a second, but returns to me then my pussy. It's then that she lifts her head up and gives my pussy a lick. Every part of me tingles at the feeling of the thing I've been thinking about forever finally happening. Something I wasn't thinking about forever is the fact that she just stops there, making me look down at her. Buffy is looking back at me, uncertain what to do.
Even with a little hesitation, she pulls her head up from the bed and gives my pussy another lick. This one is much better but she still hesitates after it. Which makes me look down at her with a more forceful expression.
“I said eat pussy, not become one.”
My sister looks up at me, slightly embarrassed at the way I just talked about her and it makes her lift her head again. Instead of giving her the choice to drop her head back this time, I take hold of her hair and pull her into my pussy. As I keep her there, it gives Buffy the message not to stop what she's doing, her tongue swiping at my pussy over and over again. I can't help but let out a gasp at the way she's working my lower lips.
She's... actually not that bad at this. For someone who's never eaten pussy before, at least as far as this reality, I like what her tongue is doing.
I return my focus to looking down at Buffy as she eats me out, slowly getting more and more confident in her tongue work. Her eyes watch my reaction which from the way I feel is mostly pleased by her while I make sure to stay firm and dominant with her. Something I can see is working because the confused and slightly defiant look in her eyes that I've seen flashes of since this all began starts to falter the longer it goes on. The more focused she gets on eating pussy, the less defiant she looks. In fact, the more she eats my pussy and the more I let out a gasp and the occasional moan, the more pleased with herself she looks.
“Mmm, that's it Buffy. Embrace what you really are. Be a good little pussy eater for me. You're actually halfway decent at it. Almost as good as I've trained Faith to be.”
Faith seems upset by what I'm saying.
“Shut up Faith. I'm enjoying my new slut. Don't you dare ruin it for me.”
That makes Faith stop whatever she was going to say, instead just watching me get eaten out by my own sister. Her tongue work starts to get really good and I can feel that old familiar feeling start to build up inside me. It's not going to be long before I'm going to cum.
“Good Buffy, just like that. Use that tongue of yours like the slut you really are. Yes, keep it up and you're going to make me cum. I'm going to cum all over your slutty little face. My slutty sister's face is going to be covered in all the cum it can handle.”
I grind my pussy into her face a little just to add some of the extra pleasure to myself and from the look on her face, hers too.
“And you want it too, don't you? You want me to cum all over your face so you can taste how delicious my cum is don't you? I can see it in your eyes how much you want it.”
My sister moans at the way I'm talking to her and it is obvious how she feels. She's really turned on and it pushes me over the edge. I can't stop myself from every muscle in my body tensing up and letting out a yell I don't think I've ever let out before. Throwing my head back in ecstasy, I love every second of the incredible orgasm from the fact that my sister did it to me. It's hard to know exactly how long it went on but eventually I bring my head back down so I can look at my sister. She's obediently looking up at me from between my thighs despite her hair and face being wet from my cum. All I can really do for a moment is grin at her until I eventually break the silence.
“Very good girl Buffy. You're obviously a natural slut if you can make me cum that good.”
There's a slightly confused look on her face at my words but she does her best to smile from her position.
Good, she's accepting her new circumstances. Time to move things along to an even more fun part of the night.
I shift my focus to Faith as I lift my right knee off the bed so I can dismount my sister.
“Now Faith, what do good little sluts get when they eat good pussy?”
Faith smiles at my question.
“They get rewarded.”
“Yes they do, but my slutty sister isn't the only one who has been a good girl tonight. You've been a very good girl too. I think you deserve a little something for that.”
“Mmm, yes baby, thank you.”
“Lick my cum off Buffy's face, but don't kiss her.”
She smiles at me.
“Thank you baby.”
Just as Faith starts to lean over so she can do what I said, I put my hand on her head.
“I'm not done.”
She frowns.
“Sorry baby.”
“Don't swallow any of it, I want you to collect it and then spit it into my slutty sister's mouth. Is that understood?”
“Yes baby.”
With her taken care of, I turn my attention to my sister.
She looks at me with a somewhat expectant look if still concerned. When I don't continue, she realizes what I'm looking for.
“Yes Dawn?”
I smile.
“When Faith feeds you my cum, I don't want you swallowing either. I have better ideas.”
Buffy nods as much as she can from the position she's in.
“Okay Dawn.”
I love how she is barely even resisting now.
I look over at Faith and she gets the idea, leaning over slightly so she has enough access to give Buffy's left cheek a long lick. Doing her best to collect enough to do what I ask, she gives the same cheek a few more licks. That way she can hover over Buffy face. Without hesitation, Buffy opens her mouth and Faith is quick to spit into it just like I asked. My sister is turning out to be a very obedient little slut as she closes her mouth but doesn't swallow, instead waiting for Faith to continue. My other slut doesn't disappoint, quickly shifting so that she can lick the other side of Buffy's face, similarly spitting it into Buffy's mouth. The pattern repeats itself one more time as Faith licks the last drops of my cum off my sister's chin and nose, spitting it into her mouth and leaving Buffy's face mostly clean.
“Good, now Buffy...”
Her attention shifts to me again as I bring my cock right up to her lips.
“Open up.”
When she does what I ask, I feed Buffy my cock while my cum is still in her mouth and go down her throat as far as I can get it. Eventually, she has to open her throat to keep taking it and that's when she swallows my cum. I go deep into her throat now that it's open and it isn't long before she struggles to breath. Despite this, she still only coughs a little until it really becomes a problem. Knowing exactly how to handle this thanks to all the times I did it to Faith, I pull back and start to fuck her face. Buffy takes it almost as good as Faith for as long as I want her to, before I eventually decide to switch things up.
Pulling out of my sister's mouth, I can see the hope in my other slut's eyes when I put my hand on her head and guide her to my plastic cock. Faith quickly takes it in her mouth and sucks me off. I make sure to fuck her face just as much as I did Buffy. It isn't long before I turn back to Buffy and she lifts her head up to meet my cock so I can face fuck her again. Going back and forth between the two slayers, I can't help but enjoy the sight of both powerful women basically doing this because I asked. While fucking Buffy's face again, I reach over with my right hand as I control Buffy's with my left to shift her head to my left side. Faith gets the idea and puts her lips on the right side of my cock. Buffy catches on and does the same to the left side. It isn't long before their tongues join in and they slide it along the length of my plastic cock. Both slayers are licking one side of my cock and I grab each of them by their hair with one of my hands, guiding them to the end where I take them off my cock and push them to kiss each other. Their first kiss in this reality anyway.
That's a lot hotter than I ever thought it could be. I guess it could be because I'm the one making it happen this time. Knowing how much just doing this is corrupting them. I could actually be into them if this is the way it goes.
After enjoying seeing my two sluts kiss for a while, I use my firm grip on their heads to pull them back from each other.
“I guess it's true, two slayers are better than one.”
They blush at that which is even hotter somehow.
“But first...”
I pull Faith's hair so she falls back on the bed, which she does. That leaves me to focus on my sister still lying on the bed. Buffy looks up at me expectantly which makes me grin at her. As Faith shifts on the bed so she can watch me from nearby, I lift my right leg and bring it over Buffy's body so I can readjust myself to being on all fours above her. Staring down at her for a moment, I enjoy the look on her face then finally get to the point.
“I'm going to fuck you now.”
Buffy smiles up at me from below me.
“But you have to ask me for it. You have to want me to.”
That makes her lick her lips while trying to put on a more serious face.
“Please Dawn...”
I shift down a little so that I can bring my hips right above hers.
“Please what?”
Just to push things a little further, I take hold of the plastic cock strapped to my waist as she opens up her legs to allow me to gently press the head of my cock against her inviting pussy.
“I want you to fuck me. Give me your cock. I need you to fuck me with it.”
Making sure to look her in the eyes when I do, I enter my sister with my cock. It has her gasping at the invasion of her little sister's strap-on cock into her pussy. Only enjoying it for a second, I slowly enter her even more getting barely any resistance from her. In fact, she obviously is loving every second of it the deeper my cock gets inside her.
“Oh my god... Dawn...”
“You like that?”
She opens up her legs even more to let me in and I push all the way into her pussy.
“Mmm, yes... I love it.”
Looking down at Buffy from so close, just barely touching despite me basically on top of her, I start to fuck my sister. My hips move back enough to slide part of the plastic cock out of Buffy before pushing it back inside her, repeating this seconds later with more force.
“I told you this is what you were. I said that you were a slut just like Faith was. That this is who you were going to become, didn't I?”
Her response is to moan as I increase the pace of my hips while I fuck her.
“I made you into this. Into my good little slut like I knew you always were, didn't I?”
This time Buffy actually manages to focus enough to say something even with my thrusting into her.
“Yes Dawn, you did.”
I chuckle at how my sister is so willing to admit things to me. She tries her best to stay focused on me when we get into a rhythm that really pushes her buttons, letting out more and more gasps and moans.
“You tried to resist. You tried to believe that you were more than just my stupid little slut, didn't you?”
“I did.”
My sister brings her legs up around my hips so she can give me more leverage to pound her pussy, which I take by fucking her harder. Her moans get even louder.
“But you were wrong, weren't you? Wrong to believe you were anything more than my stupid little slut.”
“I was.”
Buffy tenses up because of what I'm doing to her, obviously getting close.
Time to bring things home.
“What are you?”
“I'm your stupid little slut.”
I can feel her whole body about to burst at the sheer pleasure of it all. So I go in for the kill.
“You belong to me now. It doesn't matter when or why, if I ask, you give it to me. Is that understood?”
“Yes Dawn. I belong to you. I live to make you happy.”
With a few more thrusts into her pussy, I lean in and kiss her as deeply as I can while fucking her. That gives her the last little thing she needs to explode in a powerful orgasm. Even as she shakes under me from the way she's cumming, I keep the kiss going for as long as she goes. I also keep up how my hips are pumping into Buffy's pussy to make sure the pressure stays on my sister until she finally starts to come down off the high. Making sure to ride it out with her, I slow down the pace of my pumping into her pussy as she relaxes. It's only when she fully relaxes that I bury my plastic cock all the way into her pussy and break the kiss. My sister finally opens her eyes to see me staring back at her from a few inches away.
“Dawn... that was... incredible. I don't think I've ever had anyone make me cum that hard. You're amazing.”
My smile turns into a grin.
“I know, and now you know how good I can make you feel all the time. You just need to be completely mine.”
She seems happy at that idea.
“I'll do whatever you want. Just don't ever stop making me feel so fantastic.”
I push myself up so that I'm not directly on top of her even with my cock still in her pussy.
“Good, because we're not done yet.”
That makes her smile before asking the obvious.
“We're not?”
I pull my strap-on cock out of my sister's pussy as I respond.
“No, I have so many more fun things to do with you. I want you to...”
“I'll do it.”
I laugh at my sister's eagerness.
“You're a good little slut.”
Buffy grins, trying to imply the obvious with her response.
“As good as you want me to be.”
This is going to be so much fun.
I turn my attention to Faith.
“Okay Faith, you've been very good, time for you to get a little something.”
The other slut in the room sits up at hearing me pay her some attention.
“I gave that fine ass of yours a lot of attention before my giant slut of a sister interrupted. So I think it's time to give your pussy a nice pounding, don't you think?”
Faith gets very excited.
“Yes please baby. Pound my pussy any way you want.”
I turn the opposite way of Buffy towards the other end of the bed with the headboard.
“Get on your knees for me.”
Faith is quick to turn around on the bed so that she's on her hands and knees waiting for me. She crawls up the bed so that she's showing her ass to me, looking over her shoulder for the next instruction from me.
She's such a well trained bitch.
I shift my focus to Buffy for a moment, seeing that she's still basking in the glow of how I made her cum.
“Buffy, I want you to lie down in front of Faith.”
She comes back to something like reality when she hears what I asked of her.
“You want me to...”
My sister finally realizes she shouldn't have to ask and gets up on her elbows. Then she moves up to a fully sitting position but is quick to drop to her hands and knees so she can crawl her way down the bed. For a second I see them both on their hands and knees in front me and I'm tempted to stop her.
Fun as that would be, I have better plans.
It isn't long before Buffy brings her fine ass down on the mattress. That way she can sit in front of Faith just like I asked.
“Very good slut.”
Now having the pieces of ass in place the way I want, I can turn my attention to the dark haired slayer slut in front of me. Working my way forward on my knees, I put my hands on Faith's ass cheeks to let her know what's happening. Mainly because having Buffy in front of her has made the two of them stare at each other.
Okay, time to get things going.
“You know, I do love your ass Faith. It looks so good when I fuck it.”
Faith looks over her shoulder to respond.
“Thank you baby.”
“But it's even better when it jiggles as I fuck your pussy.”
Taking my strap-on in one hand with the other on Faith's ass, I guide it to her pussy.
“And I did say your slutty pussy needs some attention.”
Just as she's about to say something, I push into her pussy and she gasps at the entry. Given how easy her pussy is I don't waste any time going in as deep as I want until my hips are against her ass cheeks. Again I want to push things forward quickly so I start to fuck the slut I've trained so well. She responds just like I enjoy having her do, moaning and gasping at the way I'm fucking her. It gives me the opportunity to look just over her head to Buffy in front of her. She's watching the expression on Faith's face, jealousy slowly growing. A slap to Faith's ass has Buffy snap back to focus on me. She gives me something of an embarrassed look on her face.
This is going to be fun.
I lean forward enough to reach out and take hold of Faith's hair firmly enough to make Faith bend her head back as I fuck her. It makes her moan even harder when I step up my pumping into her. I pull Faith's hair as I fuck her pussy nice and hard.
“How long have you wanted a taste of my sister's pussy?”
Faith does her best to answer.
“Mmm, so long...”
Good girl.
“Since the moment you met her?”
Again she tries to give me what I want while I give her what she wants.
“God yes...”
Pulling her hair just a little bit more, I continue to push her.
“How many times did you imagine eating her pussy?”
“More times than I can count. I played with my pussy to the idea so many times.”
All right, now for the even more fun part.
I turn my attention to Buffy who is licking her lips at everything Faith just said.
“What about you Buffy? Did you ever think about having Faith between your legs eating your pussy?”
At my questions, Buffy brings her hand down to her pussy and starts to rub it. She bites her lip at the idea of what I said.
“More than once...”
That's what I thought.
“Did you cum when you thought about it?”
“So many times.”
Using my hold on her hair, I push Faith's head down so that she slowly lowers her face into Buffy's pussy, the idea obvious to everyone so Faith starts eating Buffy's pussy. My sister pretty much immediately starts to react from how my dark haired slayer slut's tongue is working its way on her pussy lips. The fact that Faith's head is now ass up face down on the bed while I fuck her pussy also gives me the ability to see Buffy's reaction without anything in the way. What Faith is doing has Buffy almost on instinct throw her right arm back, grabbing the headboard to keep herself stable as she moans.
“She's good isn't she?”
My sister struggles to answer the question.
“Oh... god... yes...”
“Yeah, it's one of the best parts of her. I know it well.”
Buffy starts to tense up at the way Faith is licking her pussy.
Hmm, looks like I really opened the flood gates when I made her cum. Can't have her go too far down that road, at least not yet. Gotta make sure she gets it from me this time.
I pull Faith's hair to try and get her to do the same. She tries to keep eating Buffy's pussy but another tug by me does make her do what I want, pulling her face back and returning to being on all fours. Now with her full attention, I really start to give it to her and I look down to see her almost perfect ass jiggle when my hips smack her ass with every thrust forward. It makes her try and say how good I'm making her feel.
“Oh, god... yes... Dawn... you... you're... I'm... you're so... good... I'm... I'm gonna... cum...”
For a little extra fun, I smack her ass while fucking her while responding.
“Do it. Cum for me Faith. Cum for me like the slut you are.”
My extra encouragement gives her that little extra push to send her over the edge. She yells out at the sheer pleasure of everything that's happened. Like I did with Buffy I don't let up with the pounding of Faith's pussy as she tries to ride out the orgasm. I push her further and longer to keep things going until she has to come down. Again I move with how she relaxes, slowing my fucking of her, eventually letting go of her hair which has her dropping forward and into Buffy's pussy though not really able to enjoy it because of the afterglow of what I did to her.
I take hold of Faith's hips to throw her to the side, making her roll over onto her back on the bed. She basks in the feeling I just gave her. However, it doesn't go unnoticed by Buffy that this leaves nothing really between me and her on the bed. She looks at me, partly excited but also a somewhat nervous look on her face. I can't help but smile at my sister.
Time for the final piece of the fun puzzle tonight.
“Come here Buffy.”
Still slightly nervous but more excited, Buffy gets up from simply lying back against the headboard to on all fours, crawling to me. She stays on her hands and knees, looking up at me from that position.
“You need to fully belong to me Buffy. No part of you is off limits to me.”
“What do you want me to do?”
I grin at my more than willing sister.
“Give me your ass. I want you to give your ass cherry to me. Show just how much you love me by letting me have something you've never given to anyone.”
Buffy watches me for a moment to make sure I'm serious. All she gets back from me is a firm stare in return.
“Faith was all too willing to give her ass to me. Now I want yours.”
Knowing what I want, she barely hesitates to respond.
“Okay Dawn... you can have my ass.”
“Very good my slutty sister. Now... turn around.”
She doesn't hesitate to do what I ask, going from facing me to showing her very inviting ass to me. Buffy mirrors Faith from earlier by looking over her shoulder back towards me as much as she can from her new position. Her focus is interrupted by the fact that I turn my attention to her ass in front of me, putting my right hand on her right ass cheek, groping it a bit. That makes her throw her head back with a gasp, knowing where this is heading. Adding to things, I put my other hand on her left ass cheek, giving me the opportunity to massage them together. I open her up by pushing her ass cheeks apart for a moment, then giving both a smack at the same time. Buffy lets out a very loud moan from the way I am playing with her, drawing out the anticipation a few more moments.
I definitely want to savour this as much as I can. To really have the chance to fuck my sister's ass for the first time. Ever since I woke up, I've been thinking about this. Being able to violate her on such an intimate level. Something she never let anyone have a piece of no matter what reality she was in. At least as far as I know anyway. Now here it is, right in front of me. More than that, my sister is ready, willing and able to give it to me. She even wants me to.
“I love your ass Buffy. It's even hotter than Faith's.”
That makes Faith whimper but I ignore her, keeping up my massaging of Buffy's ass.
“I've wanted to have it for a long time. Probably even longer than I've wanted Faith's ass. Now here it is, right in front of me. Because you're giving to me. Tell me you're giving it to me.”
“I'm giving it to you. I'm giving you my ass Dawn.”
“Tell me you want me to fuck your ass.”
“I want you to fuck my ass Dawn. Please Dawn... fuck my ass. Take the thing you've wanted for so long. I want you to be the one to fuck my ass for the first time. Fuck my ass Dawn.”
“I couldn't ask for a better invitation.”
At that, I take hold of my plastic cock and use my right hand to keep Buffy's ass cheeks open enough to leave her asshole available. With a bit of a tingle running through my own body, I place the head of my cock at the entrance of her most private hole. The only thing that Buffy does is shift slightly to get used to what is about to happen. Enjoying it for another moment, I push forward and her ass opens up to accept the cock. Buffy lets out what sounds like a primal moan at the feeling of me being inside her. I give her a second to adjust to the first thing in her ass penetrating her, but not too long as I push in even more. Letting her get used to each inch of my plastic cock in my sister's ass with a short pause, I watch more and more of it disappear into Buffy. It isn't long until I get most of it inside my sister's ass, my thighs touching hers more fully.
“Wow, I really did it. I got my cock all the way into your ass Buffy. You really are mine. I own this ass, along with every other part of you. But especially your fine slayer ass. I mean, Faith's is really nice, but damn... your ass is so much better. I love it.”
Buffy struggles to adjust to having my cock in her ass but doesn't do much more than moan, with one exception.
“Thank you Dawn.”
“But as much as I imagined this particular moment, there's one I've been thinking about even more. This one.”
Slowly, I pull back from being completely in Buffy's ass to half way in. Then I push forward again until I'm back against her thighs. I do it again, letting her get used to having her ass fucked for the very first time. Repeating it, I build up a rhythm in the fucking of my sister's ass. Each time I go a little faster, Buffy's moans get louder and even hotter, her head dropping down at the sensations before throwing her head back too when I pump into her even harder. I reach out and like I did with Faith, grab a handful of Buffy's hair firmly, pulling on it and adding to the volume of moans I'm getting out of her.
Now in a solid pace of fucking Buffy's ass, I keep giving to her while bringing my hand back and smacking the ass I'm currently fucking for the very first time. She yells out even louder at the combination of all three ways I'm playing with her. I smack her ass a few more times for the fun of it, making sure to give each cheek equal attention. But it's when I start to feel my sister tensing up because of how turned on she is at what I'm doing that I stop, or more accurately slow down. I stop smacking her ass and let go of her hair so I can also slow down the pounding I'm giving her ass. She lets out a whimper before trying to complain.
“Dawn... please...”
“Please what?”
“I... I really want to cum. I... I want you to fuck my ass until I cum.”
I chuckle at that as I stop fucking her ass all together.
“Oh you will, but not just yet.”
Buffy looks back at me on all fours.
“What do I have to do?”
I pull out of her ass slowly. She turns around on the bed again to face me, obviously desperate at the idea that I left her hanging. Buffy doesn't have to wait long though.
“I want you in the same position as my other slut when you first walked in. So you know exactly who you are now. What I know you've always been.”
“Yes Dawn.”
My sister crawls around me to the edge of the bed where Faith was when she interrupted. She turns over and lies down with her head hanging over the edge, mirroring what Faith did for me not too long ago. Seeing her in position, I turn my attention to Faith who has mostly recovered from the way I made her cum.
“Faith, I want you to go stand over where Buffy was as she watched us.”
Faith does what I ask, quickly getting up off the bed and walking over to the place just inside the door. I smile at her before turning my attention back to my sister.
“Look at her Buffy. Look at Faith standing there like that.”
Buffy stares at my other slut standing naked like she was not too long ago. I move in behind her where I have easy access to her pussy at the moment and it won't be long before I have access to her ass again.
“That was you.”
She glances at me for a second but quickly goes back to staring at Faith. I take hold of Buffy's left ankle and bend it towards the rest of her body. Pretty much on instinct, Buffy grabs her own ankle when I offer it to her and holding it when I let go.
“Where Faith is standing used to be you, standing in actual clothing trying to figure out what was going on.”
I reach for Buffy's right ankle and bend it too until she grabs hold of that one too, her ass in the air now lying on her back. Her whole body is basically kept on the bed by her own balance and her shoulders on the bed.
“You were staring at Faith like you didn't already know what you were. That deep down you didn't know you were a total slut. Wanting to find someone like me who can make you admit the truth, that you need someone to put you in your place.”
I line my hips up with my sister's ass on display for me like I've wanted for a long time.
“To give you what a slut like you needs.”
Taking hold of my plastic cock, I place it against my sister's recently cherry popped asshole.
“And what do you need Buffy?”
I don't do anything to actually give it to her, leaving her realizing that she needs to answer the question. She looks at me from her position holding her ankles on the edge of my bed waiting for me to fuck her ass again for the second time.
“You... pounding my ass. Making me the slut I always wanted to be but couldn't admit it to myself.”
Teasing her just that extra moment longer, I push the head of my cock against her ass but not enough to actually enter her. She tenses up just slightly when I keep her from the thing she's asking for.
“But you admit it now, don't you? What you are?”
“Yes Dawn.”
“And what are you?”
“Your slut. Here to be used in whatever way you want me to.”
“Damn right, and good little sluts get what they want too.”
At that, I push forward into my slutty sister's ass. This time it goes in much easier and I take that as an opportunity to slide the plastic prick right into her ass all the way. I also get to fucking her much quicker than the first time. Buffy doesn't do anything but moan at the feelings I'm giving her.
“Oh, god, Dawn... fuck... fuck my ass...”
“Yeah, take it Buffy. Take my cock like the slut you are.”
I hear Faith gasp from not far away and I can't help but look at her. She's still standing where I said but she is playing with herself while seeing what I'm doing to my own sister. Faith is doing what Buffy did when I was fucking Faith just like this.
“You see that Buffy? What Faith is doing?”
Buffy glances at me for a second before turning her attention to Faith while moaning from the pounding her ass is receiving.
“Mmm... yes...”
“That's what you looked like. Faith has accepted who she really is and what she wants. Just like you have now.”
“It's... so hot.”
“How could you ever have thought that you were anything more than my slut?”
“I... don't... know...”
My sister's body tenses up and I can feel what's coming... namely my sister.
“Oh... god... Dawn... I'm... I'm gonna... cum...”
“Then do it sis. Cum for me sis. Cum with your sister's cock in your ass.”
Almost like her body is taking direct orders from me, within a few of my thrusts into her ass my sister cums for me. She lets out a primal scream at the way she orgasms thanks to me. More primal than the one Faith let out when I did this to her. I ride it out with her, pounding her ass to keep the feeling going for her. We come down together and by the end I bury my cock in Buffy's ass. Eventually she can focus enough to look up at me. It's then that I pull my cock out of my sister and drop back to lean on my elbows on the bed. I enjoy the fact that two women are staring back at me with expectant looks.
Mmm, I love seeing that on their faces. How much they are looking to me for what to do next like the good little obedient sluts that they are now. I made them into this. They tried to stop me from being who I was but even with all their power and knowledge, I still beat them. I made sure that I could make them into my sluts. What's better is that they will never know just what they were up to. How they tried to stop me. Instead they will live like this in perfect ignorance. But I won't. I will know exactly who they were and how I got the last laugh in the end. How I won and made them into this. It's absolutely delicious, knowing all the depraved things I'm going to do to them to punish them for that. I'm going to love every second.
“Come here Buffy.”
My sister quickly lets go of her ankles and comes up to being on all fours. She crawls over to me and I use my right hand to direct her towards my right side. Buffy gets the idea and lies down next to me. I smile at her before turning my attention to Faith.
“Faith, come here.”
That has Faith moving forward and basically jumping on the bed but as she tries to take her place on my other side, I stop her with a held out hand. She gives me a confused look.
“You have one last job to do.”
I point down to my plastic cock that was very recently in my sister's ass.
“Clean it.”
Faith smiles at me before lowering her head while her ass is up to take my cock in her hand and wrapping her lips around it. Buffy gives off her fake but sexy pout as she watches Faith suck the taste her ass on my cock.
“You don't want me to do it?”
“Well I did say Faith would get a taste of ass, didn't I?”
She gets a bit less pretend sad about it.
“I guess.”
“Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to taste your own ass. Now that I've slayed my sister's ass, I plan on using it quite a bit.”
Buffy laughs before agreeing.
“I didn't think anyone could ever slay me, but you did. You slayed me.”
Faith pulls her mouth off my cock to comment.
“More like laid.”
I laugh as she goes back to sucking me off.
“I guess you can call me Dawn the Sis layer.”
We all laugh at that, even Faith around my cock. My sister can't help but agree.
“You definitely are.”
After letting my slayer slut suck my sister slut's ass off the cock around my waist, I put my hand out to get her to stop, which Faith does. I glance over at my sister next to me for a second to make sure they know I'm talking to both of them.
“Go downstairs and make out until Mom comes home and sees you doing it. When she asks what's going on tell her that you're dating now and want to spend more time together.”
Buffy asks the obvious.
“I'm tired of trying to make excuses for my dark haired bitch to come over and get fucked. If you two are dating, then I can make Buffy invite you over for a little fun, any time I want.”
My sister slut and my slayer slut look at each other for a second before smiling at me.
“Yes Dawn.”
“Okay baby.”
Faith crawls backwards off the bed to her feet while Buffy gets out of my arms and rolls off the right side. They start to make their way to the door and I can't help but enjoy the look of both their naked asses moving after having fucked them so well.
God I can't wait to have even more fun with these two.
As they make it to the door, I realize something.
My two sluts look behind them near the door.
“Take your clothes with you and put them on. I don't want to have Mom asking questions about why you're making out naked in the house while I'm in the house. We don't want her to have a heart attack.”
They laugh at that.
“Yes Dawn.”
“Sure baby.”
Buffy and Faith shift their focus slightly to find their clothes and quickly collect them. Without putting them on, I watch them walk out the door. Both of them smile at me for a second before leaving. I lay back fully and enjoy this feeling.
This is the best revenge I could've ever hoped for. To have those two so completely into me that they would do anything for me. Needing me in the way that they so obviously do. I think I've created the perfect life, and it's only going to get better from here.
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