I Will Follow You Into The Dark | By : redeyedemon Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Slash - Male/Male > Spike(William)/Xander > Spike(William)/Xander Views: 1884 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy, and I make no money from writing this |
So, this fic was inspired by the song ‘I Will Follow You Into The Dark’ by Death Cab for Cutie. I claim absolutely no rights to the song. It was just inspiration. Just a little break while I wait to update my other story. It’s a little jumpy, and we can basically assume it follows most of the cannon, and Spike did indeed come back after the battle with the first, and the Claim survived… But, obviously a little AU, since, well, Spike never actually claimed Xander…
Spoilers: Anything is game. Rating: Uh… NC-17. Warning: Language. Slash. Angst. Character death. Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy, and I make absolutely no money from this.Words = Memory
Spike had stared. And brooded. Growled a bit to himself. Swore, and cursed, and begged, and screamed and threw tantrums. Enough so that the slayers had to chain him up in the basement of the council HQ. Even with the specialty cage, and enchanted chains, Spike had caused cracks in the walls.
It had been ninety years. Ninety long years, since Spike had claimed his dark haired human. Sure, his blood had prolonged the human’s life, but it hadn’t stopped him aging, getting frail and sick.
From dying.
At fifty, Xander had still looked no older than twenty-five. Still, at one hundred, Xander had aged well. Very well.
Then, he’d gotten sick. Really sick. Deadly so. Cancer.
Bloody fucking human bone cancer. Spike had done everything to prevent illness in his human. Make sure he ate healthy, exercised. Limited bad habits like drinking, or smoking. Spike had even stopped smoking around Xander!
Regular checkups, prostate exams(professional ones, despite how reluctant Spike was to let anyone touch what was his. Especially there.)
But it wasn’t lung cancer, or is liver going out or anything Spike could thing to guard against. Bone cancer. So bad, Xander shouldn’t have survived more than a couple years. He’d ended up surviving ten. Nearly eight before it had gotten really bad.
And Spike hadn’t given up on him. Never once. Even when they’d agreed that Xander didn’t want to be turned, he was too old. Even when he could no long manage to get himself out of bed, or control his bladder. Spike had fallen for his dark haired human, and early that morning Xander had passed, in Spike’s arms, telling his vampire he loved him.
Dawn’s daughter had been making funeral plans for a few weeks now, so that when it happened, no one would be left waiting. No one, being Spike. Because, while Spike had won the hearts of generations of slayers, and the children of Buffy’s friends and Buffy’s children, they had all accepted that when Xander died, Spike would only meet one more sunrise.
Xander was being cremated, even though he’d still have a headstone. His memorial would be held there, his ashes spread over the ocean. At dawn, Spike’s would join them.
With that thought finally settling in his mind, Spike relaxed. He leaned back in the scant cot, relaxing in his chains, remembering the first time he’d seduced his boy.
It was hot, in the middle of summer, and Spike was baking in the basement of doom. But it was worth it. All a part of his master plan. The demon bint was gone, off on some self discovery mission, leaving the boy down and depressed, desperate for attention.
Right where Spike wanted him.
The vampire was lounging, in a faded pair of Xander’s boxers, dug up from the bottom of a drawer. He’d pulled out the bed, flipped on the telly, and was now waiting for the boy to return home from work.
Cheap porn on the telly, and Spike had been half hard for most of the day. He planned to stay that way until the boy was home, and after that, he was going to get fully hard. And seduce the boy.
He’d started out small. Going about without a shirt, or in just a towel, catching the boy looking. Just when he didn’t think Spike was looking. Staring occasionally. Taking in bruises and cuts when Spike had been injured, just taking in Spike’s body on other occasions. Spike knew the boy was interested, and he was horny, and fully prepared to take advantage of it.
He dare say, he liked the boy’s presence at the very least. And his body. But, he genuinely wanted the boy for more than that.
When he was sure he heard the boy on the stairs to the basement, he slumped lower on the bed, stroking himself slowly through the boxers. By the time Xander opened the door to the basement, Spike was mostly hard, though he was still calm and collected, eyes hooded and dark as he waited for the boy to notice him…
“Spike! What the hell are you doing? Why are you mostly naked in my bed? Watching porn? I…” The boy trailed off, his gaze sweeping slowly over Spike, before he shook himself again. “You know what, I don’t care. I had an incredibly shitty day at work, my back is so full of knots, I can barely move, and I just want a shower. Do whatever you want, just please be done and dressed by the time I’m out of the shower,” Spike blinked, his hand stopping what it was doing as the boy left the room.
It took him a minute to really comprehend the words. He’d expected the boy to get worked up, get mad, fussy, get his blood hot. Something that would lead to getting physical. Not just… Calm acceptance.
New plan. Spike pushed himself up off the bed, pacing for a few moments, before tossing the boxers to the ground and pulling his jeans back on, but leaving them unbuttoned. How to get physical with Xander, convince the boy to let himself be touched, without starting a physical fight.
The plan came to him slowly, and it was beyond perfect. Boy was stressed and nervous. He needed to relax.
Spike spread a plastic tarp over the sheets, then spread a sheet over the tarp, both of which he dug out from a closet. He idly hoped the sheet was one of Mrs. Harris’s nicer ones. Serve the woman right…
With that done, Spike just needed baby oil form the bathroom whenever the boy was done.
Which didn’t take long. Hot water in the Harris household didn’t last long, so hot showers after a long day weren’t long affairs. Spike paced outside the bathroom door, fiddling with radio, trying to get the music perfect; low, calming, but with enough beat to give a sense of rhythm. By the time Spike settled on music, Xander was walking out of the bathroom, using a towel to dry his hair, another wrapped around his waist. He gave Spike a long look.
“When I said dressed, I was thinking buttoned jeans, and a shirt, but I’ll take what I can get,” Xander muttered, his gaze staying on Spike just a little too long.
Spike smirked.
“Lay face down on the bed, pet. Lose the towel. Relax. You need to take care of those knots in your back or you’re going to hurt yourself.”
Xander watched Spike suspiciously, though Spike could see the moment that the boy gave up on being suspicious, and decided to just go with it. Spike could appreciate that kind of trust. He watched the boy drop the towel, a bit self conscious of his nudity, and Spike went to retrieve the oil. When he came back, Xander was lying with his arms crossed under his head. His eyes were wide open, watching Spike, but he wasn’t arguing.
“You going to be alright with me touching you, mate? Need to know if I’m tying you down or not here,” Spike joked, cocking his head to the side, settling on the bed next to Xander, still in the boy’s line of sight.
Xander blinked. “I’m lying naked, facedown, in my bed, on your order. If I wasn’t okay with you touching me, I’d have argued more.”
That made Spike smirk, more than self satisfied. His plan was moving better than he could have hoped. He swung onto the bed, straddling Xander’s back. He felt muscles tense under him, but Xander didn’t say anything, so Spike continued. “This might be a bit cold. No way to warm it up except friction,” Spike said in apology, rubbing oil between his hand, before starting on at Xander’s shoulders.
The boy relaxed progressively beneath him as Spike’s hands swept over his back, working out knots. Spike felt a few sparks from the chip as he works at a few especially hard knots in the boy’s back.
“Really shouldn’t let yourself get so tense, pet. S’not good for you,” he muttered, making Xander chuckle under him.
“Yeah. I’ll try and control it in the future,” His body was relaxed and calm, his speech slurred and a little sleepy. “Or, I’ll just keep you around, and force you to massage me more often.”
“Massage you, whenever you like, luv. Though, you may have to return the favour some time.”
“Sure. Not sure I’m this good, but I can try. Some other time,” Xander blinked as Spike moved down his body, massaging stiff muscles in his legs.
Spike finished at his feet, tapping the boy’s thigh to get him to turn over.
“You really don’t have to touch my feet, Spike. That’s kind of… Gross… Oh, but that feels… Really nice…” Xander groaned quietly as Spike pressed fingers deep into the delicate bones and ligaments in his feet. Spike laughed silently, leaving Xander as a nice puddle of goo before moving back up his body. He carefully avoided Xander’s groin, even as it became interested. Now was not the time.
He finished at the boy’s neck, massaging softly, brushing over his temples. Xander sighed quietly, his eyes slitting open, watching Spike so close to his face. The vampire was watching him intently. Silently. More silently than he’d ever really seen Spike do anything. He blinked slowly as Spike moved off him, reaching for a towel.
“Why’re you doing this, Spike?”
It was one of the first times Spike has heard the boy use his name in something other than a curse. The vampire started patting the front of the boy’s body down to get rid of excess oil. “I wanted to, pet. Like I said, you’re too stressed.”
Xander gave Spike a long look, narrowing his eyes, though he let Spike sit him up, tugging the oily sheet and tarp out from under him. Spike tossed the bundled pile toward the washing machine, and suddenly felt nervous.
Sure, his plan to get his hands all over the boy, but now… Well, he didn’t know what to do. He shifted from foot to foot for a moment, before heading for his tee-shirt that was pilled on the floor next to the chair his duster was draped over.
“Spike, wait,” Xander’s words made Spike stop, the vampire turning to him with a raised eyebrow. Xander sighed, squirmed a bit, looking up at Spike nervously. He looked like he was struggling for words.
“Pet, it was just a massage. You need sleep, and I could use a good fight. Don’t worry if I’m not back by sunrise, I’ll just find a…”
“No, Spike! I…” The boy trailed off. He took a breath. “Stay here with me? Please?”
The ‘please’ did Spike in. He stepped away from his clothes, dropping to sit on the bed. “You sure, pet? I stay with you tonight, there’s not much chance of going back.”
“I’m sure, Spike. I just thought you’d never…” Xander sat up, wringing his hand together. He looked up at Spike through his lashes. “I’d really like it if you stayed with me. Like it if I could touch you back, eventually. Sharing the bed might be a start.”
Spike considered Xander carefully, leaning to turn the light beside the bed off, before sliding under the sheets. He lay carefully, keeping an eye on the boy. As soon as Spike was laying down, Xander let himself sprawl over Spike tucking himself against Spike’s still-jean-clad body.
“Mm. This is nice. I could get used to this. You’re like my own personal cooling system,” Xander murmured.
“Just be glad we’re not somewhere colder. You wouldn’t enjoy it quite as much,” Spike murmured, wrapping his arms around the boy, trying to shake himself from his shock. He was willingly cuddling with a vampire. Xander Harris had invited a vampire into his bed.
Xander leaned up on an elbow to look down at Spike, a smile curling his lips. “Then we could buy an electric blanket. I’ve waited a little too long to give you up because you don’t produce body heat. So,” leaned down until his nose was touching Spike’s. “Relax, and go to sleep. I don’t have to work until tomorrow night. We can spend the day together,” He said with a grin, somehow managing to press himself closer to Spike, before pressing his lips to the vampires. It was a quick, chaste kiss. But a kiss. Spike tightened his arms around the boy, but eventually let him pull away, and Spike reveled in the body heat as the human curled in his arms.
He still couldn’t believe where he was, with the boy’s permission, not just exhaustion. But, he pushed the thoughts aside, savoring his human’s warmth and strength.
Spike was jerked out of his memories at a soft voice.
“Spike? Hey Spike, is it safe for me to come let you out, or should I get one of the Slayers to do it?”
Chastity, Dawn’s oldest great granddaughter, was standing nervously, about half way down the basement steps. Spike had obviously been off in his own little world. He shook himself.
“It’s fine, little bit. I was just… Somewhere else.”
“Remembering Xander?” She asked, coming down the steps fully, the keys to the chains in her hands. Slayers and vampires and demons, they used the chains often. When Xander had first gotten sick, Spike had spent a few nights in those same chains.
Spike smiled softly at the girl before him. She looked more like Dawn than her mother, or grandmother. “Yeah, bit. Remembering my Xan. He was a special boy.”
“You both are,” She sighed slowly, watching as Spike stood, stretching his muscles. The smaller girl frowned, before leaping into the vampire’s arms, her body shaking in silent tears. “I’m going to miss you both. So much. We all will.”
Spike pulled the small girl into him. “I know, love, I know. But, I don’t know how to live without him. More than Angel, or even Dru, Xan was my life.”
Chastity sniffed and nodded, pulling away from Spike and composing herself. “I’ll have to get the boys to step up their game with harassing Angel when they go to L.A. Can’t have him getting too comfortable. That new boy working for him looks suspiciously like William before you were turned.
That got a smile out of both of them. “Peaches never did have a sense of subtly. Bloody pouf.”
“You’re just lucky digital cameras can take your pictures, because otherwise Angel would be the only proof that you’d been here, and I don’t think I could dear with that…” Chastity was on the verge of tears again.
Spike shook his head quickly, before he could cry again as well. “Well, that’s not the case, pet. I was here, and you’ll never forget it. Now, let’s get going. Want some alone time with my boy before sunrise.”
“In other words, you just don’t want any of us around when the sun comes up,” Spike and Chastity glanced up at the top of the stairs. Buffy’s grandson stood at the top, looking down through green eyes, and dark blonde hair. In his sixties now, he was the head of the watcher’s counsel as it stood.
“You’re right on that account, Ethan. It’s not something any of your should see. Not how I want you to remember me.”
“We understand. I’ll make sure the girls are all back at the house. But, we should get going.”
Spike and Chastity nodded, and headed for the stairs.
Times had changed so much. Since Spike had met Xander, when Buffy was THE Slayer, when Kendra was already dead, and Faith was locked up. When Buffy was the oldest slayer, and the only one with friends. The only slayer to fall in love with a vampire, to have a friend claimed by a vampire.
The day Spike had claimed Xander, so long ago was a memory he could call up like it was yesterday. So clear, because it was probably the most perfect day of his life.
Spike thrust lazily into his boy, their apartment filled with the soft sounds of sex.
Love making.
Spike had convinced the boy to move out of his parents’ basement within weeks of them starting… Dating. Spike was falling for the boy quickly, and he was falling fast. He wanted the boy to do well for himself, build up his self confidence.
Moving out was the first step. A week together in the new apartment, and Spike had Xander looking for a new job. Something good, that he would enjoy, instead of the fast food joints he was so used to. Boy wasn’t in college, so he had time. He just had to use his natural skills.
And Spike knew for a fact that Xander had some very nice natural skills.
After moving out, Xander had convinced Spike that he wanted to tell his friends. It hadn’t actually gone over as badly as they’d assumed it would.
There had been some argument over the fact that Xander wasn’t gay, though with his past history of girlfriends, none of them could really blame him.
Some argument over ‘soulless killer, who can’t love’, but with the chip Spike couldn’t really hurt him. They didn’t know, that if Xander asked, during sex, Spike could bite him and they didn’t plan on telling them. Not yet.
Buffy, Willow, and Giles all had their own death threats to deal out, but that was to be expected, and Spike accepted them gracefully.
Well, as gracefully as Spike could manage.
When they’d gotten home(and they both celebrated at the fact that they had a place to call home, a place to call their own), Xander had kissed Spike slowly, sweetly, stripping them both on the way to the bedroom, and stretching himself out on the bed.
“Please Spike, make love to me,” Soft words, but Spike heard them. Conceded, teasing Xander by licking his whole body, running his hands over sides, pinching pierced nipples, reveling in the feel of Xander’s fingers digging into his skin, the soft words falling from his lips.
Spike prepared Xander until the boy was ready to come, just from Spike’s fingers in him, before entering the boy just as slowly, just as carefully. Spike wouldn’t be rushed, and he was drowning in his boy. He was still ignoring the boy’s pleas for faster, or harder. Spike wanted to take it slow, until he didn’t anymore, and he damn well planned to.
Until Xander spoke again.
“Spike, I want you to claim me.”
The vampire’s hips stuttered to a stop, much to the human’s displeasure, but Spike was in a state of shock. “You want me to what, luv?”
Xander rolled his eyes, looking properly amused, which should have been hard for someone on his back, with a cock settled firmly inside him, but he managed. “Claim me, Spike. Properly. Bite me, take blood, make sure it scars, let me do the same to you. It’s not immortality, but I want to be with you as long as possible.”
“You sure, Xan? This isn’t something you can get out of if you change your mind. It’s until one of us dies. And, if you die first, I’ll be following closely after.”
“And, if you got dusted tomorrow, I wouldn’t be sticking around either, Spike. With or without the claim. I love you, and I don’t want to let you go. And I want you as long as I can have you.”
Spike blinked. Xander loved him? Xander loved him! “Oh, pet, love you too. Want you forever, but I wasn’t sure you would.”
“As long as I can have you, Spike,” Xander murmured, pulling the vampire into his arm. “I want this. Please, please, choose me. Choose to keep me?”
Spike stared down into Xander’s eyes for a few long moments, feeling nothing but love for this boy. It had been building since the night Angel had offered him Xander in the school, he just hadn’t realized it. Spike let out an unneeded, shaky breath as he nodded.
“Yeah, Xan. Want you,” He murmured, before he started to move again. Faster this time, pumping his hips in time with Xander’s now accelerating heart rate.
Before either could come, he slowed again, but not by much. “I claim you, Alexander Harris, as my mate, from now until death,” he managed around fangs that were quickly sunk deep into the muscle were Xander’s neck met shoulder. He could feel the boy coming under him, his entire body tensing. Spike managed to hold off his orgasm. For the claiming to take, he needed to wait until Xander claimed him.
He withdrew fangs as Xander’s trembling slowed, and the fingers that had been digging into his back slowly loosened. Xander blinked sleepily up at him, with a grin, carding his fingers through Spike’s hair. He pulled the vampire onto his chest, speaking into his neck.
“I clam you, Spike, also known as William the Bloody, as my mate, from now until death.”
Spike almost came at those words, and he had absolutely no chance with Xander sank blunt teeth into his shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. He curled into Xander, shouting his boy’s name in orgasm, before they both sank into darkness.
The walk to the cemetery was quiet. Be it the large number of Slayers, or the fact that news had spread that Master Spike’s human pet had died, and would rip apart anything that dared piss him off, nothing was willing to interrupt the funeral.
A few of the human friendly demons actually joined. Xander had been a demon magnet, even after Spike had claimed him. Though they were generally of the friendlier sort, more determined to live peacefully than to take over the world. And, Xander, after his relationship with Spike had started, had determined that he was a white knight for everyone. Not just humans, because the boy had grown, and come to realize that ‘demon’ didn’t always equate to ‘evil’.
Which, ended with Xander having quite a few non-human entities, who wouldn’t go out of their way to hurt someone, but had many times willingly laid their lives down to protect the boy. Any many were here to honour his death, and carry on his, and Spike’s legacy.
Spike and Xander had saved a multitude of demons, and those still living, and their children, and children of children, just like the slayers, and watchers, remembered them.
Spike walked on auto pilot, spotting a familiar head of blonde hair in the crowd. The werewolf and her mate had flown in when they heard Xander was sick. Understandably so.
Spike could still remember the night when he and Xander had found the werewolf crying in a graveyard, after ADAM and the initiative had been destroyed.
“Spike! You’re alright!” Xander exclaimed, rushing to the vampire. He’d gotten separated from Spike when the Scobbies had gone to do the spell, and Spike had leapt into the fray of demons escaping, and soldiers and doctors running. Xander had worried that, despite the fact that the facility was being destroyed, one of the doctors would have grabbed Spike, and the vampire still couldn’t fight back. Xander had been working on getting the chip disabled, but ADAM had come up first.
Spike embraced his human, caught slightly off guard. He hadn’t been able to take out the doctors who had done this, not himself, but there had been violence, and gore, and Spike was running on adrenaline. “Yeah, pet. I’m alright. And so are you. The band of white hats all make it out?” Xander was okay, and that was all he really cared about, but for the sake of his human, he had to ask about the others.
Xander was practically bouncing as he pulled out of Spike’s arms just far enough to look into his eyes. “Yeah! It was amazing Spike! I could feel Buffy, and Willow, and Giles, and it was like the connection we have because we’re claimed, but different, and Buffy battled ADAM, and took him out!”
“S’great, luv. What’s say you and me get home and celebrate, hm?”
Xander nearly giggled, in a manly way of course, and after giving his goodbyes to the rest of the gang, Xander and Spike headed home.
“Race you through the graveyard, pet? Loser bottoms?”
Xander grinned at Spike’s suggestion. They were already half way through the cemetery, so there was actually a somewhat fair chance of Xander winning. He leaned into Spike, fingers gripping Spike’s torn shirt. He breathed in deep, nearly kissing the vampire, ready to take off as soon as Spiked was distracted.
But he stopped.
“Spike, did you hear that?”
The vampire blinked, breaking away from Xander’s chocolate gaze, shaking himself from the stupor that probably would have ended with him bottoming. Not that Spike would have complained. He’d proposed a win-win bet.
Now though, the vampire cocked his head to the side. “Hear what, Xan?” All Spike could really hear was the beating of Xander’s heart, blood rushing through his veins. He took an unneeded breath to pull his focus back to the world around him.
The human was quiet for another moment. “Someone’s crying. C’mon,” He said quietly.
Spike sighed, but had to admit, there was the faint sound of someone crying. He followed his human through the graveyard as the human hunted the sound of crying.
They came across the source of the tears, pressed between the corner of a crypt, and the back of a headstone.
“Can you tell what she is,” Xander whispered, in reference to the blonde haired girl, curled with her knees to her chest, weeping, and apparently oblivious to the world around her.
Spike sniffed, picking up the saltiness of tears, the sterile hospital scent of the initiative, and under that the woods-earth-canine smell of a werewolf. And… Something else, that wasn’t hers, but was. Spike blinked. “She’s a werewolf. But, she’s claimed.”
“Like, claimed by a vampire?”
“That’d be it, pet. Smells like chemicals and doctors too.”
“Initiative escapee,” Spike shrugged. “Well, we can’t just leave her! She’s going to get eaten.”
Spike rolled his eyes. Of course they couldn’t. “Bloody white hat,” he muttered. “Be careful. I’ll want you no matter what, but I’d prefer not to use your collar because you’re going furry once a month,”
Xander returned Spike’s eye roll, and approached the small figure. “Hey. You okay? I’m Xander, this is my mate, Spike. See, we’re kind of in the same boat, mated to a vampire,” Xander crept closer, not close enough for her to touch him, and that he could move if she struck out, but closer. “Can you hear me, talk to me? I’d like to help you, if I can.”
Heaving shoulders, didn’t pause, but a head lifted slowly. Blood shot green eyes stared at Xander, her gaze flashing to Spike, before looking back at Xander. “You’re human. You’re mated to a vampire,” it could have been a question, but her voice was so raspy, Spike couldn’t really tell.
Xander just pressed on. “Yep. I know, rare. I feel pretty lucky. My vampire takes good care of me. You’re mated to a vampire too?”
That set off another round of tears, and Spike thought she wouldn’t be able to speak. “I… I am. But, I got…. Got c-c-captured by these soldiers. We were out, hunting, only in the b-b-bad part of town, avoiding the slayer, and I started to change, to chase rabbits, because K-k-k-kris was done, and he’d chase me and we’d run, and go home. But, I was mid-change, and someone shocked me. And I woke up in a… A cage! And they hurt me. And… And… And… I can’t find him! I can’t hear him in my head, and I can’t feel him and he’s just gone,” the werewolf practically wailed, her body shaking as she rocked, her hands fisting in her hair.
Definitely initiative work. She was naked, save a cameo jacket that was bloodied, so she’d probably grabbed it off a soldier in her escape attempted. Spike jerked his head at Xander, stepping back, even though, if the werewolf were in her right mind, she’d still be able to hear. Xander murmured a promise that he wasn’t leaving, and stood to follow Spike.
“Why can’t she hear him? Is that normal?”
“No, pet. It’s really not. Either, he’s dust, or she was trying to block her pain from him and she’s just too distressed to open up the connection again. She doesn’t look like she’s getting sick, just distressed, so unless he was dusted tonight, or within the last day or so, he’s not dusted.”
Xander sighed mildly, his shoulders drooping in a relieved manner. “That’s good. That means, we just need to find him. Right? If we can get her to open up, we can help her find him, and she’ll be okay. Because we can’t just leave her here alone.”
Spike sighed, rubbing his hands up and down Xander’s arms. He wanted his boy. Preferably beneath him, begging in pleasure. But, he loved the boy because of his heart. And the boy he loved couldn’t just leave a werewolf alone without her mate. And, Spike sincerely hoped her mate wasn’t dust. “Let’s see if we can get her to open up. We may have to get her inside for the day if she won’t calm down.”
And they end up having to coerce the werewolf up, and back to Xander’s apartment, just as the sun was rising. Spike hadn’t been willing to leave Xander alone with the distressed, possibly feral wolf, and Xander wasn’t going to leave her, so they really challenged the sunlight.
She was calmer. She spent the day curled in a corner on the couch. Both Xander and Spike had spent time with her, Spike forcing cups of blood upon her to hopefully strengthen her after her stint in the initiative, and connect her more to her mate. Xander had kept the television on, feeding her a couple of rare steaks he’d picked up while Spike babysat, and keeping a steady flow of conversation.
By sunset, they were both still exhausted. They’d only caught snatches of sleep, on the couch, or in a chair.
They were just suiting up to get back out into Sunnydale, try and find her mate by scent, when someone started pounding on the door to the apartment.
Xander jumped, shocked out of sleep, and Spike was growling.
“Vampire at the door, pet. Powerful, master,” Spike growled.
Xander nodded slowly. He couldn’t find a reason why a master vampire was standing at his door. Except maybe… The werewolf, slowly rousing from unconsciousness on the couch. He glanced at Spike, who had stood, and circled the couch. Xander opened his door slowly. “Hey. Uh, you think you could stop trying to take my door down, before the neighbors complain?”
“You have her. I found her scent after… That PLACE was taken down, and I followed it here. You have her,” the vampire was about Xander’s height, but with sandy blonde hair, and nearly black eyes. Black eyes that kept flashing yellow as his features shifted.
Xander blinked, stepping back a bit from the door even though he couldn’t actually get through to him. “Her? I’m guessing you mean your mate? Wouldn’t happen to be a werewolf, blonde, with green eyes? Because, yeah, we found her in the graveyard. But, she’s really disoriented and weak, and you’re really angry, and I’d be happy to let you see her, but you’re not coming in while you’re angry.”
Spike was growling at the mention of the vampire entering his home, being near his human. But, he also understood the defensive feeling of one’s mate. He couldn’t imagine being separated from Xander. The vampire was already calming, though it seemed to be pure force of will.
“Lilly. That’s Lilly. You found her? She’s alright?”
“As alright as one can be after the initiative. She’s been here all day, and other than being a little weak, and the… Experiments from the initiative, we can’t see anything wrong,” Xander was calm, collected, and Spike was proud that the boy wasn’t sending on the scent of fear in waves.
“We don’t know her though,” Spike said, stepping up behind Xander. “We’ve been trying to get her to open her connection to you. Between the trauma of initiative, and her locking down tight, she’s locked in on herself.”
The vampire, Kristoffer, if what the werewolf, Lilly, had told them was reliable, he looked at Spike, almost confused at his presence. He looked almost as disoriented as Lilly. “You’re… Master Spike…”
Spike nodded slowly. “Yeah, and this is my Claimed, Alexander Harris.”
The vampire looked suddenly nervous. “We haven’t been on the hellmouth long. Lilly and I, we were just looking for somewhere to settle down for a while, try and stay below the Slayer’s radar, while living somewhere I could hunt, even if just in the worst parts of town. I didn’t think the town had a master, or I would have come to ask permission to stay immediately.”
Xander gave Spike a mildly amused look as the other vampire bowed his head. Spike glared, nudging his human, before pulling him back a few steps. “C’mon, pet. Let ‘im in. Reunite him with his mate, let them get home. We have time to make up for.”
With a small grin to Spike, Xander turned to the door. “Uh, Kris? C’mon in. We’ve got Lilly here, and some blood. She needs you.”
Kris visibly sighed. “Thank you. Thank you. You know what it’s like, needing your Claimed. Thank you,” Kris breathed out, stepping cautiously through the doorway. And he was nearly tackled as Lilly flew into his arms, crying wordlessly, her face buried in his shoulder as Kris lifted her off the floor.
Xander backed into Spike, taking them both another step back from the couple. Xander glanced back at his mate with a smile, and Spike couldn’t help smiling back.
“I mated a bloody white hat. You just have to help everyone,” Spike murmured, slipping an arm around Xander’s waist.
Xander laughed, leaning back into Spike. “Yeah, and you love me for it.”
“That I do, pet. Wouldn’t have you any other way.”
Spike sighed s the werewolf and vampire mated pair fell into step on either side of him. Lilly had found spell, practically sold her soul to keep her immortality. Said she barely had one to begin with, so it wasn’t much of a lose. Xander and Spike had considered the spell, but the soul was something about Xander the Spike valued more than anything.
Lilly had been right. She hadn’t been the best person before the spell, and she hadn’t met Kris until after. Xander’s soul was bright and shiny and it wasn’t something they could give up.
The ceremony had been beautiful. Tears had been shed, speeches made, and everyone had reiterated the fact that Xander was a white knight, and an overall good person. A great warrior to have on your side, and not a person you wanted as an enemy. Loyal, strong.
The headstone read:
‘Alexander Harris
Forever loved, Friend
“I’m gunna miss you Spike. Sure, Xander and I could talk for hours about our stupid vampires, and their stupid habits, but you grow on a person, ya know,” the werewolf’s voice was choked with tears.
Spike nodded, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and squeezing. “You and Xander were a dangerous pair. Wouldn’t want you any other way,” the belched blonde murmured affectionately.
Kris grinned on the other side of him, his hand resting on Spike’s other shoulder. “We had good times trying to reign those two in. They really pushed vampire jealousy to a whole new level.”
Spike actually managed a small laugh. “That they did.”’
“Remember the first time we all went to the Bronze for the first time? Little minxes that are our mates?”
Spike and Kris had agreed to meet at the Bronze to talk shop. Vampire to vampire.
Xander and Lilly had gotten dragged along, because neither was really willing to let their mate go far. The two, living, breathing beings were currently bored stiff, nursing drinks, and lounging as their vampires talked.
Lilly finally stood, determined. “C’mon, Xander. We, are going to dance,” she shoved her drink cup on the table that had been in front of them, grabbed Xander’s hand, and dragged him out to the dance floor.
The human stumbled a bit after her. “I don’t really dance, Lilly. I mean…” But, it was too late. Lilly was already dragging him into the crowd.
The werewolf shook her head, finding a spot to dance, where she could clearly see the two vampires on the balcony. “Xander, I’ve seen you fight now. You can dance. Just, relax,” she pressed her back to his chest, putting his hands on her hips. “Feel the music,” She leaned her head back on his shoulder with a grin, jerking her head mildly towards the vampires. “And dance. For your mate. Get em down here. All this vampire business talk is boring, and I know you’d rather get dragged home and screwed through the mattress.”
Xander blinked, glancing down at Lilly who just grinned back up at him. Xander slowly grinned, taking Lilly’s advice, and really trying to feel the music. He let Lilly lead him for the most part, getting in the feel of things as he looked up at Spike.
The vampires were leaning on the railing of the balcony, talking about territories, and Kris and Lilly staying. They noticed their mates heading for the dance floor, and didn’t think much of it.
Until they got another look at their mates. Dancing. Together.
There were a few moments of silence between the two.
“They’re provoking us intentionally, aren’t they,” Spike finally asked, his gazed fixed on Xander as her moved against Lilly to the thudding bass of whatever band was playing, his fingers dancing over her stomach to her ribs, as he leaned down to whisper in something in the werewolf’s ear, his gaze flicking up to Spike. She laughed, running her tongue over her teeth as she looked up at Kris.
“Oh yeah. There is absolutely nothing innocent about that.”
Lilly lifted a slim hand over her shoulder, tangling her fingers in Xander’s hair, closing her eyes as she bit her lip.
Spike spared a glance for Kris. “We should go get them,” he nearly growled, his gaze locking on Xander.
“They do look pretty together, but it’s only the fact that they’re putting on a show that’s keeping me from getting angry about her touching my mate,” Kris was growling too.
“Let’s go.”
They nodded, and both vampires went after their mates.
Neither couple stayed in the club long after that.
Lilly and Kris left Spike with hugs and goodbyes on the cliff, looking over the ocean.
He didn’t have much time before the sun would be up, and he wanted his last few moments with his boy.
Spike and Xander had traveled the world. Anywhere, and everywhere Xander wanted to go. They had taken a road trip across the entire country. Forty nine states. They hadn’t actually been able to drive to Hawaii, but they had visited.
From Bangkok to Calgary, and everywhere in between. His boy’s whim, and Spike found a way to make it happen.
Spike sat, staring at the ocean, remembering dark hair, deep eyes, warm skin. His boy, his love. Xander had made it a point to have sex in as many places as he possibly could. Taking pictures whenever he could after they’d figured out about the digital camera. His boy, so full of energy and life, and perfection.
Even on his death bed, Xander had smiled, and refused to let Spike get down, just because he was sick.
“Hey baby, there’s nothing to cry about. It’s just time for me to go to sleep. We’ll be together soon. Forever and ever and ever. Right baby?”
Spike nodded, burying his head in Xander’s stick thin shoulder. “I’ll follow you anywhere, Xander. The ends of the earth, and beyond.’
“Love you, Spike. It’s time for me to go to sleep now. Remember, don’t cry, baby. We’ll always be together,” Xander whispered, his voice paper thin as he struggled to tighten his arms around Spike, barely managing his squeeze.
But Spike felt it, and squeezed Xander, crying because he couldn’t help it. “Close your eyes, Xanlove. Just sleep. It’s alright. I love you, Xander, my love, my mate. Love you forever,” Spike murmured, closing his eyes, his head on Xander’s chest as he listened to the human’s heart stop, his breathing slow to nothing. Spike cried, tightening his grip around his beloved’s body, until Chastity came pulling him gently away.
Then the rage started, and Spike ended up in chains.
Spike sighed. He’d been doing a lot of that lately. That, and crying. Which he was doing again now. He couldn’t help it. But, he knew he’d be with his Xander again soon. Forever, and ever, and ever as Xander liked to put it. They were connected, a part of one another. Not even death could separate them.
Spike stood slowly as the first rays of the sun peeked over the horizon. He picked up Xander’s urn, stoking it slowly.
“Love you, Xan. Forever. I’ll see you soon,” He whispered, upturning the ashes over the ocean, watching them drift, as the sun began to rise fully. Smiled ruefully as his skin began to smoke. He barely felt it.
His ashes began to mingle with Xander’s as the sun rose fully, and Spike was finally with his love again…
It was dark. So dark. And Spike was alone. He was confused for a moment, drifting a bit, trying to decide exactly what had happened.
The burning sun came back to him, slowly, as a light appeared, and by instinct he walked towards it. His beautiful Xander stepped out, back to his youth, his prime, and Spike smiled.
His boy offered a hand, and Spike took it, a smile gracing his face. Xander pulled Spike into him, a kiss gracing his lips. Spike smiled, cocking his head to the side, staring at his lover. Xander stared back for a moment, before he tugged on Spike’s hand, and together they walked into the darkness.
Awe… I cried writing this. Damn. Okay. Well, I promise to update my other story soon. This is just something to distract you. It’s been a rough while, and a bit of tear jerker seemed like a good idea. Let me know how y’all feel about it.
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