Willow Says | By : Aquarius Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > FemmeSlash - Female/Female Views: 11156 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Willow Says...
Author: Demon
E-Mail: hornet1969@yahoo.com
Status: Complete
Category: Fantasy/Romance
Spoilers: None
Rating: NC-17
Content Warnings: Graphic Sexuality (Some Kink), Strong Language, F/F Slash
Summary: Cordy’s plagued by erotic dreams. Who put Willow in charge?
Disclaimer: Buffy-The Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters are the property of Mutant Enemy Productions, Inc., Sandollar Television, Kuzui Enterprises and Twentieth Century-Fox Television. No copyright infringement is intended. This work of fiction is for entertainment purposes only and no money has changed hands. The story and all original characters are the sole property of the author and may not be used or archived without permission.
Author’s Notes: Feedback welcome.
Since Angel Investigations usually kept night hours anyway, it wasn’t often that Cordelia had the opportunity to appreciate just how spooky it could be in the hotel at night. Tonight, however, she was by herself, walking the corridors and checking the rooms, trying to solve several mysteries at once. First, she had a vague recollection of a vision bringing her here, but couldn’t for the life of her remember what it was. Second, since they did actually work at night, where was everybody else? Angel, Wesley, Gunn, Fred...they were all missing, which was especially strange. The others Cordy could understand, but Angel lived here. Then, a cool draft made her shiver and reminded her of the other mystery.
Somehow, somewhere, her clothes disappeared.
She thought she put something on before she came over, nothing special, maybe sweats and a sports bra. She walked into the hotel dressed, and the next time she checked she saw beautifully tanned skin and a shapely form, but no clothing.
Cordy really missed her clothing. Another draft reminded her how much. The cool rush of air tickled her between the legs and kissed her nipples, making them stiffen and causing her to gasp. Her pussy started to tingle, and she realized that another breeze or two like that and she’d need to take care of herself.
She sped up her room-to-room search, looking desperately for her case, her friends or her clothes, not necessarily in that order. She searched every floor, without getting winded. Every time she opened a door selt elt another breeze. By the time she got to the penthouse suites she was walking on her toes and breathing heavy from arousal, her clitoris erect and her pussy dripping. Every few steps she had to reach down and stroke herself, just to keep herself from going crazy with need.
The last suite she came to was closed and locked, the oddest thing of all. She knocked on the door. “Hello?” She said, wondering who would be in there.
The double doors unlatched and opened, letting Cordy in. She stepped over the threshold. There was nobody standing by the door, but there was a figure standing by a window. It was a woman, wearing tight black leather, and sporting long red hair.
It couldn’t be, Cordy thought, then said, “Willow?”
The woman turned her head and smiled at Cordy. Sure enough, it was Willow. “You’re finally here.” She said. She turned around fully, letting Cordy take in the black leather bustier, bright red lips and pale face.
Cordy trie tak take a step back, but was hit by another breeze that made her quiver. “Oh!” She gasped, and tried to ignore the warm, wet sensation between her thighs as she questioned her guest. “Do you know you look like that Vampire Willow that showed up a couple of years ago?”
Willow simply closed her eyes and inhaled through her nose. What she sensed put a big smile on her face. “I smell you.” She said. “You are so ready.”
Cordy’s thighs came together on instinct and she bit her finger. Suddenly she felt naked in more ways than one. “Ready for what?” She asked.
Willow ignored her voice, concentrating only on Cordy’s form, the long shapely legs, the hourglass figure, the high, healthy tits, the pouty mouth. Willow smiled as she stalked her prey, closing in on the naked, helpless woman step by step.
Cordy tried backing away again, but another draft stopped her in her tracks. Her pussy was slick with her juice, and her clit throbbed for attention. She had to make herself come, get the arousal out of her system before she was vulnerable to Willow’s attack.
She jumped when she felt a hand reach around her from behind and grab her pussy, sticking in two slim fingers in the process. By the time she realized Willow was no longer in front of her an arm had grabbed her around the shoulders, pulling her in close to Willow’s body. Cordy wanted to break away, but the fingers inside her were moving so fast, so skillfully, she couldn’t concentrate enough to slip away. she grabbed at the arm around her shoulders, but it was too strong to move, and soon she had the urge to use her hands to help Willow’s along. Cordy was willing to stay in Willow’s clutches as long as it took to bring the satisfaction and relief she’d been craving.
As she moaned and writhed under the touch, Cordy caught a glimpse of Willow’s face. She had “vamped out”, and was caressing Cordy’s neck and shoulder with kisses. “I’m yours, Willow,” she said. “If you’re going to do it, please do it quickly.”
But Willow had other ideas. “Willow says: You’re a demon.” She said.
Suddenly the hotel disappeared. They were standing on a rock in the middle of a lake of fire in the depths of the Earth. Willow was still Vampire Willow, but Cordy had changed. Her tanned skin had taken on a golden sheen, and her eyeballs changed from white to black as her irises turned bright red. Her hair grew long and turned silver, and she felt her incisors grow inside her mouth. Cordy felt much more powerful, but apparently not powerful enough to escape Willow’s grasp, or do anything more useful than wriggle and whimper and wet herself as Willow’s talented fingers rubbed her G-spot raw.
Then another sensation was added to the mix. With an animal growl Willow sank her fangs into Cordy’s demonized flesh, causing her victim to moan, reacting to the chaos that the vampire was causing in her body. Red blood flowed from the wound as Willow drank her fill, just enough to intoxicate her, and make taking this prize so much more fun.
Meanwhile, Cordy was about to reach her limit. The sensations were too much, more debilitating than a simple finger-fuck should be. Her legs were jelly, her lungs felt as if they’d burst from her chest, and the loss of blood was making her feel light-headed. All of her senses were concentrated on that one spot between her legs, all her focus on the climax she was about to receive.
It came like a thunderstorm. Every muscle in her body spasmed as she wailed in ecstacy, her voice echoing in the fiery cavern. Her legs kicked down, and suddenly she was hovering, with Willow holding on for dear life. She kept going up until the waves of pleasure subsided, then hovered there while Willow lightly massaged her sore cunt. She came down slowly until they were back where they started, and Willow released her grip. Finally free, Cordy turned to face the vampire, then the two creatures kissed, fangs bared. After tasting her own blood in Willow’s mouth, Cordy decided to get some payback. She broke the kiss and bit deep into Willow’s flesh, taking back the blood the vampire had just stolen. Willow moaned with pleasure, as if she were pleased with the performance of her new pupil.
When Cordy had her fill, she withdrew her fangs and examined Willow. “This will have to come off.” She said of the bustier. She wanted a taste of what was underneath.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Willow scolded, shaking a finger. “‘Willow says’. Willow says: You’re the Slayer.”
The scene changed again, and Cordy was back to being human, and clothed. Not her clothes. She was wearing red leather pants and boots and a pink blouse, colors just bright enough to attract every vampire in the graveyard she was in. The bite wounds on her neck were gone, and her normally short blonde hair was blonder and shoulder-length, and in her right hand she was carrying a wooden stake.
One thing hadn’t changed. She was still incredibly horny. Her nipples rubbed hard against the silk of her blouse, and her puss and thighs were slick inside the tight leather. The worst part was Willow was gone. She had no one to fight or fuck, and she had to do one or the other before she went mad.
She decided to patrol, hoping some opportunity to relieve her tension presented itself. She walked through the graveyard, slowly, methodically, waiting for the telltale sound of shifting earth or the stench of death. Her walk led her to an ancient crypt, worn and decrepit with age. She couldn’t read the name on it, but that didn’t matter. She just sensed that something she needed to see was inside.
A figure emerged from the darkness of the crypt, a shadow given form. Cordy raised the stake and took a step back, ready to strike. Then she could make out the figure’s features. It was a woman, wearing all black, jeans, blouse, boots, and a long, flowing overcoat. Her hair was jet black as well, and the playful smile she wore on her pale face seemed to mask a sort of...broodiness that reflected her soul.
Of course, it was Willow again. “You were going to stake me?” She asked as she advanced. “How could you, when we love each other so much?”
Cordy dropped the stake, but didn’t stop moving back. “I didn’t know if you’d gone bad.” She said. “Didn’t know what you’d do to me.”
“Wouldn’t it be more fun to find out?” Willow said, shrugging off the coat. “Suppose I wanted to do something...nice to you?”
Cordy swallowed and couldn’t help a quick stroke. “H-how nice?” She rasped.
Her retreat was blocked by a gravestone. She stopped herself from falling backwards, but Willow would be on her before she could get around it and continue...and she wasn’t all that sure she wanted to get away. Cordy leaned against it, using it for balance so she’d have the opportunity to rub her thighs together, never ta her her eyes off the cause of her problems, now getting closer and closer.
Willow stopped inches away from Cordy. Cordy looked into the other woman’s eyes and felt a touch of fear along with her desire. “What are you doing to me?” She whispered.
Willow smiled and moved in for a kiss. “Only what you can stand.” She whispered back, just before their lips connected. The kiss was deep, hot and passionate. Their tongues intertwined and danced in each others’ mouths, and Cordy gasped into Willow’s mouth as Willow’s hands traced her neck, her collarbone, then drifted into the top of her pink blouse. Buttons popped and ripped away as Willow forced the garment open, and her hands drifted further down to cup and fondle Cordy’s beautiful breasts. Cordy wanted to reciprocate - needed to - so she reached across to Willow’s blouse.
“Oh!” She gasped as she broke the kiss. A tiny shock zapped her frs wrs when she touched the black fabric. Willow looked into her eyes.
“Naughty!” Willow said. “Willow says: You first.”
Before Cordy could protest she felt something weird. Her pants were starting to shift on their own. Suddenly they unzipped and slid down her legs to her ankles. She wasn’t wearing panties. Her pussy was now exposed to the cool night air, but while she felt the nip of the weather there was no way she was cooling off.
After witnessing this development, Cordy noticed something strange going on with Willow’s pants as well. The crotch seemed to be... “Is there...something in there?” She asked.
“Willow says: Turn around.” Willow said.
y hey hesitated, but only for a moment. She was beginning to realize that questioning Willow would not be allowed. She obeyed, turning her cute, shapely ass to Willow. Willow took a moment to stroke it, and Cordy wiggled it with the touch.
“Willow says: Over you go.”
Cordy looked back, then faced front and bent over, bracing her hands on the gravestone. Her back was arched and her ass perched high, and her pussy was out and framed by her thighs. It glistened in the moonlight, giving Willow a clear target.
Willow unzipped and pulled down her pants, revealing the special magical spell she’d placed on herself. A halo of black light and lightning had formed a very large dildo and had attached itself telekinetically to the nerve endings in cli clitoris. When she fucked Cordy with it, she would feel every stroke as if she were using a real penis.
Of course, Cordy would feel it more.
Cordy didn’t know what was going to happen, she just wished it would happen soon. She was so hot right now. Who knew Willow could be such a tease? She sucked in a breath when she felt Willow’s fingers stroke her clit, then let it out with a sob when those fingers entered her. Her ass moved when the fingers went in and out a few times, and she felt like crying for real when they suddenly left.
Then she felt...it. She didn’t know exactly what “it” was, but she knew what it felt like when it’s tip edged itself into her. It felt blunt, and heavy, and warm and oh-so-solid, and when it just kept coming, going deeper and feeling thicker and thicker and sliding through her barriers she saw fireworks.
“Oh, my God...” Cordy rasped when the pelvis “it” was attached to made contact with her ass. Then she felt Willow anchor her hands on her back and adjust the monster inside her. Then Willow started to draw it out slowly. “No!” Cordy begged, just before it stopped, the tip still inside her.
“Don’t worry.” Willow said as she bent low over Cordy. “I’m just at ‘Ready, Aim’...”
With that, Willow “Fired”.
Cordy wailed with the first thrust, which almost sent her over the gravestone. She braced herself better with the second and kept wailing. She’d never felt anything like it! Her knees almost buckled each time it invaded her, the force of its entry being so intense! And Willow’s aim was better than true! The tip slid down her G-spot every time, as if it could see on its own! Her walls tried to capture it, tried to hold that beautiful beast inside, but it escaped every time, and the attempts just made her tighter and enhanced the sensations for both of them.
Willow felt as if someone had touched the world’s most powerful vibrator to her clit. Her body was in turmoil, tingling like it was struck by lightning. She was dripping almost as much as her “victim” was, and it was hard for her to fight her body’s reflexes and maintain a strong, steady rhythm. She forced herself to, and restricted herself to heavy breathing, because she wanted her senses to be filled with Cordy’s reactions. She wanted to hear Cordy moan, see Cordy squirm, taste Cordy juice, smell Cordy sex, feel Cordy come. She hadn’t gotten everything she wanted yet, but the night was young.
Cordy was finding it hard to stand at all. Her legs were quivering with the strain as she came ever closer to a very big “O”. Her pussy was starting to tire, her clit was engorged beyond reason from the stimulation of her G-spot and the brush of Willow’s pagaiagainst it every time they made contact. Every muscle in her body was so taut she thought it would snap. She froze just seconds before the orgasm hit, drawing in breath for what ended up her loudest scream so far. She sprayed Willow’s legs till they shone in the pale light.
She didn’t have a chance to go limp. Willow came right after her, and her spell worked as advertised. The sensations of her orgasm - frantic, wild, uncontrollable - transferred themselves through the dildo to Cordy’s nervous system. Before she realized what was happening Cordy came again. This time the feeling was too much, and when it died down Cordy fell to her haunches, hanging on to the gravestone for support. The dildo slipped out as her ass went down, and Willow made it disappear with a wave of her hand.
Cordy was panting, trying to catch her breath, when she felt something wet glide up her sore slit, making her jump. Then there was a kiss at the base of her spine, followed by the tracing of hands up the sides of her waist, up her rib cage, till they landed on her tits, where they caressed and stroked the flesh and the hard nips. A warm body slid up behind her, raising her blouse, planting kisses on her shoulder blades and shoulders.
Cordy could barely keep her eyes open when Willow’s head appeared from behind her left shoulder, and she certainly couldn’t speak, but she managed a feeble “Th-that was...”
Willow didn’t let her finish. “Willow says...” She whispered, “...you’re Homecoming Queen.”
“And your Homecoming Queen is...Cordelia Chase!”
The strange voice startled Cordy. She looked around and realized she was in her High School gymnasium, decorated for the Homecoming Dance. She was wearing a full length blue gown, with full make-up and jewelry, and her hair was long and dark brown again. She had on the Homecoming Queen tiara and sash, and she could hear the applause of the other dancegoers, but she was standing on the stage by herself, and there was no one else in the room.
No one, that is, except Willow.
The redhead’s mane had been cropped short, but at least it was still red. She was wearing some sort of tuxedo cut for a girl, but the bow tie was undone and her shirt was open a little, revealing her cleavage. She was looking at Cordy from the dance floor and smiling, and a moment later she held out her hand. “Willow says: I claim this dance.” She said.
As she walked off the stage, Cordy realized she was still intensely aroused. This was most evident when she dripped with each step. Willow had some sort of hold over her. She couldn’t tell what it was. Maybe that was what the vision was. Maybe it was to warn her to beware of Willow’s “Svengali” act.
In the end it didn’t matter. Cordy took Willow’s hand obediently and let herself be led to the center of the floor. Music played by an invisible band accompanied them, slow, romantic melodies that would let them move while in each other’s arms. As they came together, Cordy sighed. Their bodies were pressed to each other and they were wrapped in each other’s arms. It was the closest Cordy had been allowed to come to caressing Willow’s slim, supple form since she’d showed up. Cordy couldn’t help but grind against it a little, trying to make contact through their clothing>
“You’re eager.” Willow whispered.
“I’m horny.” Cordy whispered back. She had to be honest. She was rewarded with the feel of Willow’s hand sliding down to caress her butt. It made her jump and gasp, and her body pressed harder into Willow’s.
“You’re on fire.” Willow said.
“I want you.” Cordy said. “Let me have you.”
“Willow says: I want you.” Willow said. “What Willow says is what happens.” With that, Willow brought her mouth to Cordy’s. They kissed again, even more passionately. Cordy’s tongue stormed Willow’s mouth. She was desperate to put it someplace else, but was grateful for even this small invasion.
Willow slipped out of the kiss and slid downward, planting kisses on Cordy’s neck, then throat, then chest. Her hands slid the straps of Cordy’s gown down the Homecoming Queen’s shoulders, and soon Cordy’s round breasts were bared. Willow let the gown fall, leaving Cordy naked but for the sash and tiara. Then the redhead cupped each tit in her hands, feeling their weight. She gave them both a quick kiss, then took one in her mouth and slowly sucked on the nipple, sending Cordy into orbit. She grabbed Willow’s head, wanting her to nurse forever, and fondled the other nipple herself until such time as Will could show it some attention. After a few minutes concentrating on one, Willow obliged the other, fondling the first to keep the duel stimulation going. Cordy thought she couldn’t get any more aroused, and she began to finger herself to try and keep up.
Then Willow dropped again, releasing the breasts, much to Cordy’s dismay. Willow went down to her haunches, so that Cordy’s pussy was at eye-level. Cordy, seeing what was in the cards, moved her hand to her breasts and spread her legs. She watched intently, wanting to see as well as feel the first contact.
Willow put her arms around Cordy’s legs from inside to brace her. Cordy slid down a little to give Will a better target. When she was ready, Willow moved her head in to attack, and made Cordy shudder with a warm, gentle kiss on the clit. Then Willow decided to do a little cleanup. She licked the inside of Cordy’s thighs, getting as much of the fluids on them onto her tongue as possible.
Cordy quivered and sobbed with frustration. “Please stop teasing, Willow!” She begged. “Please! I need it so much!”
Willow inched her tongue up Cordy’s left thigh, then continued on to the promised land, brushing the outer and inner lips, then taking a quick stab at the inside. She could see Cordy get wetter as the muscles flexed, perfectly timed with Cordy’s moan.
Finally, Willow decided to put Cordy out of her misery. She went on the attack, cupping her mouth over Cordy’s cunt and working her tongue all over the inside. Cordy reacted inside and out. Her pussy walls tried to squeeze Willow’s tongue while her legs clamped around Willow’s head. With thighflesh blocking her ears Willow could only catch a limited amount of Cordy’s oral performance. The brunette was howling under Willow’s assault, singing out with ecstasy as Willow’s erotic kisses shook her to the very core. Willow had to hold her up when she went in for the kill, moving her tongue and mouth to Cordy’s clit and gently sucking at it. She savored it like a kid with a licorice stick, working the flavor out of it like it was her last meal.
This orgasm brought tears to Cordy’s eyes, and when her pussy spasmed and spat out its juice Willow sucked in every drop, keeping her mouth in contact with Cordy’s sex until the brunette couldn’t stand anymore. Willow helped her to a prone position on the floor, then crawled up her body, planting kisses all over her hips, her stomach and so on, till they shared a kiss and Cordy’s fluids when Willow reached her destination.
When they broke the kiss, Cordy tried to catch her breath and said. “Willow...oh, Willow...this was wonderful...but I must...”
Willow interrupted again. “Willow says: You’re a Cheerleader.”
The gymnasium changed then, and so did Cordy’s clothes. She was dressed in her old cheerleading uniform - sans underwear of course - and laying on the floor. The bleachers were pulled out, and she could vaguely heaantsants of “Cordy! Cordy! Cordy!” from an audience she couldn’t see.
She got up on her knees and rubbed her raw puss through her skirt, wondering what she’d do. She was exhausted. She’d come so hard so many times that her legs ached, her clit hurt, her body was covered in sweat and her bladder was full. The adrenalin surges were making her pulse skyrocket and she felt like she’d run a marathon. Cordy wanted - needed - to take a break, but it seemed that Willow was insatiable. That was only part of the problem. The other was that it seemed she was insatiable as well. Her juices seeped through the skirt as she rubbed, and she was starting to arouse herself again. She had to do something! Maybe convince Willow to let her do some cheers? Something to keep Willow satisfied while she did something non-orgasmic for a minute?
“No Naughty thoughts!” Willow’s voice said, scaring Cordy enough to make her scream. Willow had just appeared out of thin air, lying face up between her legs. This time Willow had decided to show up wearing nothing but a smile, and the look of her milky white skin and lithe body made Cordy waver a little.
She had to try anyway. “Should I cheer for you, Will?” She asked. “Or dance? If you give me a minute, I...”
“You don’t need a minute.” Willow said, then she sat up and grabbed Cordy by the waist. She pulled Cordy downward just a bit, and Cordy gasped when she felt “it” poised to enter her again.
When Willow was nose-to-cleavage with Cordy, she looked up with her eyes and said “You can dance on me...you can cheer while you’re doing it.”
“But...!” Cordy started, but before she could get anything else out Willow flexed and pulled...and suddenly there were those damned fireworks again!
Cordy was lost. Her pussy betrayed her sense of self-preservation as it slicked even more juice onto Willow’s pelvis. She slowly slid her hands up Will’s stomach and then hugged her to brace herself, then rose up the magic pole and down again, testing the movement and luxuriating in the first thrust. When she was ready, she began to dance the oldest dance in human history.
Willow smiled and closed her eyes and grunted as she took in the sensations of fucking Cordy once again. It was the closest thing to heaven, especially now that the movements were accompanied by the fluttery fabric of Cordy’s skirt and the feel of their tits pressing together through Cordy’s shirt. Cordy was a born cheerleader, one for any man’s - or woman’s - deepest fantasies.
Cordy’s cheering skills were a little rusty, though. She was barely coherent. All she could manage were some very unintelligible moans. It was heartbreaking, Willow decided, laughing inside.
Cordy moaned and whimpered and clawed at Willow’s back as she jumped up and down on the invader over and over again. It was such exquisite torture, such pleasant agony. Part of her wanted so desperately to stop, but the other part forced her on, ever on, to the only finish she could want. As she got close she gave Willow another kiss, wanting to echo the scream of passion into in the back of Willow’s throat. A second after their lips locked, Cordy’s body tightened up and her voice cried into her torturer’s mouth.
She wanted to stop then, tried to slow down, but Willow held on to her tight and rolled her back, till she had her back to the floor and Will was on top of her. In that position, Willow soldiered on, sliding in and out with abandon. In spite of herself Cordy writhed with ecstasy under the assault, until Willow’s second orgasm synchronized with her latest one, forcing Cordy to experience both. She almost blacked out from the intensity.
“No more...” she whispered as she hyperventilated and the invader withdrew. Willow gave her a puzzled look.
“No more what?” Willow said.
Cordy drew her knees to her chest and clamped her legs tight together. “Willow, please...I need to rest.”
Willow took a moment to make the dildo disappear. “Why do you need to rest?” She said. “I thought we were having fun.”
There were so many reasons, but Cordy decided to start with the most immediate, even if it was also the most embarrassing. “I have to pee...I need a pee-break.” She said, sheepishly.
Willow looked her over. Her thighs were rubbing together and her toes were pointed and curling. It was a wonderful pose, from Will’s angle anyway. Cordy’s puss was so wonderfully exposed. Willow gave in to temptation and slipped two fingers in, making Cordy tremble.
“Willow, stop!” Cordy gasped. “If you make me come again I’ll wet the floor!”
“You’ve wet a lot of things tonight. Besides, you’re a big girl. You can hold it.” Willow said, finger-fucking Cordy ever so gently.
“No I can’t!” Cordy said, her voice quavering. “Willow, please...you don’t understand...!”
“You can’t?” Willow said. “Then you must be a little girl. Little girls are silly. They go to malls and fast food places and get big sodas and don’tto tto the bathroom for hours. Then they get all squirmy and fidgety and they’re so full of piss they start to go wee-wee in their jeans and they cry and say ‘Mommy, I hafta go really bad!’” Willow’s fingers never std mod moving as she spoke, causing Cordy to make the most interesting faces and noises.
As she worked Cordy’s puss, she got as close to Cordy as she could with the girl’s knees in the way, smiled and said “Willow says: You’re a Little Girl.”
The scene changed again, and Cordy found herself in bed, in a room plastered with boy band posters and filled with stuffed animals, wearing white cotton panties, short socks and a sport jersey-style halter with the number “16” on it. Her hair was longer than it had ever been. She felt it at the small of her back. She still had to pee very badly, and she had to hold herself to be able to stand up. She hobbled over to the bedroom window, and could barely stand still as she looked out of it.
She realized she was in a room of the Slayer’s house back in her hometown. This scene made the least sense of all. Why had Willow brought her here? And why, instead of night, was there a beautiful dawn outside?
Cordy decided to try and figure it out later. She had to squeeze and massage her puss to keep from peeing, and that just started to make her horny again. Her arousal to Willow had been like the scent of game to a bloodhound. If she didn’t get to a bathroom before Willow showed up...
She rushed to the door and freed a hand to open it...and Willow was standing right there. Her hair was long again, and she was wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt and long skirt, and her smile was as mischievous as ever. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?”
Cordy almost broke into tears. “Willow, I told you...”
Willow would have none of it. She walked into the room, making Cordy back up, squeezing and fidgeting all the way. “You’re grounded, little girl!” Willow scolded. “That means No TV, No radio, No computer, No boys, girls or vampires, and No Pee-Pee breaks until Willow Says.”
This time Cordy did start to cry. “But, Willow...!” She sobbed.
“Go sit on the bed and be still.” Willow ordered.
Cordy obeyed - at least the “sit on the bed” part. She couldn’t keep still. Her hands clawed at her cunt through the cotton crotch of her panties and her thighs mashed together and shifted. Cordy whimpered softly at her predicament, and promised herself that she’d get Willow for this someday. She could only think of one thing to do. When Willow wasn’t looking she reached two fingers into her panties and started to diddle her clit, hoping that she could hold on if she kept just a little aroused.
Willow turned and caught her just as she became turned on. “And none of that either!” She said. She walked over to Cordy, who nervously moved both hands away, making her situation worse, but worried what Willow would do if she didn’t.
“That’s mine!” Willow said, pointing to the organ hiding behind Cordy’s quivering thighs. “Only I get to play with it when little girls are grounded.” She kneeled down in front of Cordy, grabbed her knees, and then said “In fact...I think I’ll play with it right now.”
“No!” Cordy yelled, but Willow splayed open her legs, and soon only will power was keeping her from wetting the bed. She breathed hard and her face scrunched up, and soon she started to moan in terror.
She was perfectly vulnerable, and Willow took advantage. She reached out to Cordy’s crotch and pulled aside the cotton fabric. Cordy was soaked all over again, and Willow was already beginning to miss the taste.
Cordy prayed as she watched Willow move in, tongue out and moving, then she couldn’t think to do anything when Will made contact. She was lost again, her mind at the mercy of her body, and her body at the mercy of the Nasty Witch who ate her like a free lunch. Her thighs locked around Will’s head and shook as she wailed. At least it helped in one respect: Cordy’s mind was off her full bladder. The problem would be when Willow was done.
Willow licked and sucked to her heart’s content, sampling Cordy’s clit, adding a couple of fingers for variety, waiting for the magic moment when Cordy would spray her face with fun juice. She might get sprayed with something else, of course, but dangerous sex was fun sex!
Cordy thought she didn’t have another climax in her. She was wrong of course, as the spasms, the scream and the squirting all proved. Willow came up for air smiling and licking her lips, then left Cordy to do what she needed to.
Cordy’s hands clamped on her sex again. She crossed her legs and rocked back and forth and whimpered like a schoolgirl. “No, no, no...” she muttered when she felt a warm spray jet through her fingers. She hadn’t come that time. “Willow, I’m bursting!” She sobbed.
Willow just looked at her fingernails.
“How can I make you understand?” She cried...then she had an epiphany. She straightened herself up in her position as best she could and said contritely “Willow? May I please go to the bathroom now?”
Willow looked at her, cocked an eyebrow and said “You can go.”
Cordy almost didn’t believe it worked. She stood as quickly as she could, having another little “accident” in the process, and rushed to the door. She had it open and was halfway out when she froze. She remembered something important.
What Willow says is what happens.
No Pee-Pee break until Willow says.
Cordy turned and asked again. “Willow, may I please go to the bathroom now?”
Willow smiled wide. “Willow says: You may go to the bathroom now, Cordy.”
“Thank you!” Cordy said as she rushed off. She’d finally figured out the point of this little jaunt. Unfortunately, it was too late. Halfway down the hall she started to pee uncontrollably. She stopped at the door to the bathroom and let it all go in her panties, feeling it run down her legs and onto the carpet. When she was done, Cordy sighed and turned to go back to her room, only to find Willow standing behind her.
“Naughty.” Willow said. “Such a mess. Willow says: You must be punished.”
Cordelia Chase woke up in her bed in her home with the sting of the first impact of the paddle still a fresh sensation in her mind. She went to rub her behind, only to find out that her bed and pyjamas were drenched. She’d obviously wet the bed in real life when she lost control in the dream.
That was the last straw. She had to find out what these dreams meant, and she knew just where to start. She sat up and sat on the edge of the ruined bed and picked up her phone. She dialed from memory, and let the phone keep ringing till someone answered. The voice on the other end sounded haggard and tired.
“Hullo?” It said.
It was who Cordy wanted. “So you were asleep? You weren’t awake just now?”
“Cordelia?” the voice said.
“You weren’t just doing some sort of Wiccan mind-control spell thingie, were you?”
“Cordy, are you all right?”
Cordy sighed. “It’s just that...I’ve been having these...dreams...strange dreams...interesting dreams...for the past week now, and...if I don’t get to the bottom of them I’ll go nuts, and I thought you might...help me.”
“Are they that bad?”
“I...really need to know.” Cordy said, looking at the fluids coating her sheets and bedclothes.
Suddenly the voice perked up. “Well, Cordy, if it’s that important, you should go back to sleep and try to get back to them, so Willow says ‘Go back to bed, right now.”
Cordy couldn’t move or speak, not even when Willow gave her an evil chuckle and hung up. Not until she hung up her phone did she move, and then she frowned...then she smiled an evil smile of her own.
Cordy got up and shimmied out of her PJ’s. She could never get back into her bed in the condition it was in, but she could always fall asleep on the couch.
And then, she’d see just how much Willow could dish out...
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