Scooby Gang Time | By : Deadman Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 22639 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or Angel nor the characters from it I do not make any money from the writing of this story |
I can't believe I lost... me!
I get out of my car in my red leather outfit, looking as stunning as I usually do, heading toward the school.
I'm Cordelia Freaking Chase, losing is not what I do... I win. I'm not Buffy and her loser best friends like Willow. Then again, that's probably why I lost. Willow was probably so loyal to Buffy that she somehow sabotaged my chances of winning homecoming queen. She gave me bad intel on who I needed to spend time on to get their vote. Otherwise I totally would've won. Except for the fact that Buffy didn't win either. But that probably has more to do with how ridiculous she is to think that she could win. She's not a part of this school in any way other than killing the demons who seem to like to hang out here.
Getting to the main entrance, I push open the door while making sure not to mess up my nails and walk inside.
If this were the demon queen dance or the freaks and weirdos dance, Buffy would totally win that award. She's better than Xander at attracting demon freaks and other sociopaths. Heck she's even dating one even though he went around town and murdered a bunch of people. The fact that she thought she could win any kind of popularity contest at this school is just laughable. She's not like me.
I pass by a couple guys and it makes all of them look my way, obviously checking me out. All I can do is smile and enjoy it while I leave them behind, looking at my impressive behind.
I mean, the guys of this school basically worship me. Like I'm the goddess I was so obviously meant to be. They'd basically do anything I wanted them to if I asked, and I actually have on more than one occasion. Which is part of the problem.
Another group of guys checks me out when I walk down the hall.
This is my last year at this school and I really wanted to win as much as I can before I leave this town forever. I was willing to do pretty much anything to become homecoming queen. Promise people whatever they wanted so that I could have that crown... and I didn't get it. Now I owe a bunch of favours to people who are going to want to collect on them before the school year is over. I'm not really sure how I'll be able to get to them all.
When I turn the corner, I see Harmony and the rest of my minions huddled around my locker waiting for me. Harmony notices me first the way she normally does, her smile kinda weird before she gets a little more serious.
“Hey Cordy, sorry to hear about the whole homecoming thing.”
I do my best to shrug it off by literally shrugging and rolling my eyes, stopping when I get close to them. The other girls turn their focus to me like the followers they are.
“Yeah, I guess it kinda sucks. It would've been nice to add one last crown to my collection before my college applications, but I'll have to settle for twelve. I'm sure it'll be fine.”
Harmony sighs.
“You really think it'll be enough?”
Did she really not get that I was joking? Damn it Harmony.
“Yes Harmony.”
That makes her smile.
“Well that's good.”
I look over at Aura and Shanice, both of them having gotten the joke while grinning back at me.
At least I'm not surrounded by idiots.
There's a moment where no one says anything.
“The real question is what I'm going to do about all those favours I promised people.”
Giving all of them a once over, I think I have something.
“I suppose I could rent you all out to them.”
They all give me an angry look at that.
I guess that's out as an option.
I sigh.
“You're right. None of you are really worth what I'm worth. Not even if you all went in on something together.”
They look at each other, sorta annoyed at what I said even though they know it's true. Harmony is the first to say anything.
“So... what are you gonna do?”
“Not sure. I guess I'm going to have to find a way to make them all as happy as I can.”
“That's going to be tough.”
“Yeah, it is.”
“It's not like you can give them what you owe all at once.”
Wait... that's actually not a bad idea.
“Maybe I can.”
Harmony gives me a confused look.
I step away from them so I can address them all when I give my orders.
“Get everyone who I owe a favour to you can together in the gym.”
With that, I turn away from them and head down the hallway. Harmony can't help but yell after me.
“Where are you going?”
I raise my voice to let them know.
“I have some work to do.”
I just hope this works the way I want it to.
* * *
They're going to love this.
I take a deep breath as people make their way into the gym.
After all, who wouldn't? I'm the undisputed queen of this school. I might not have won the big homecoming crown but that's only one of many crowns I could've won. All the others are in my closet proving just how much of a queen I actually am. No one else even comes close and I have no king. Much as Xander might want to be, he isn't good enough despite my attempts to make him worthy. He'll probably never get there. I don't think I should tell him about what I'm about to do though. Not that anyone here would actually speak to Xander.
Looking around at who is here, I see Percy, Hogan and Mitch along with a few of the people from their respective sports teams. Owen, Jonathan, and Scott Hope plus a bunch of people I've seen around the school but probably haven't spoken to them. At least not beyond trying to get them to vote for homecoming queen. All of them are looking my way standing in the middle of the gym alone. I give myself a final once over just to make sure everything is great. My cheerleader outfit is looking perfect as usual. I smooth out the skirt so it looks as fantastic as possible, doing the same to the rest of my outfit. The last of the people I was expecting enter when I hear the doors to the gym close, bringing my attention back to everyone else.
“Everyone here?”
As usual, Harmony is the first to speak up.
“We got everyone we could Cordy. They're all here.”
Well that's something I guess.
That has Scott speaking up.
“Which begs the question, why are we here?”
I smile at him before focusing on the others when I answer.
“Every last one of you have worshipped the ground that I walk on for as long as you've known me. You've done basically everything I've asked for basically a decade. Hanging on my every word. Some of you have even managed to be worthy enough to get a date with me. Though most of you haven't had what it takes to be anywhere near my long term guy. The best you've gotten is a make out session... and some of you haven't even gotten that.”
Mitch interrupts my speech.
“What's your point?”
Again I smile at Mitch.
“My point is, you've put in a lot of work. You have done a lot for me over the years, even if I didn't actually get the homecoming queen title. But regardless, I think you deserve a reward for all your hard work.”
Percy speaks up.
“What kind of reward?”
I lift my hands up until they're at my shoulders.
“Basically? Me...”
That has them talking to each other, mostly excited. It makes me smile.
Of course they're excited. Who wouldn't be when I just offered myself to them?
“In a few months, I'm going to leave this school and hopefully never come back, or see any of you ever again. I'm going to be dethroned one way or another, so I figure, why not like this? By giving my loyal subjects the thing they want most. Let them do to me anything and everything they've ever wanted to along with everyone else in this room.”
Jonathan decides to say something.
“How do we know this is legit?”
Hogan adds to Jonathan's question.
“Yeah, I mean, you're not exactly known for being willing to give it up.”
I look around at the others in the room, pretty much all of them with a similar look of concern.
I guess I'll have to prove it to them.
To give them what they want, I close the distance between myself and Jonathan. Despite having almost a foot and a half on him, I look down at him, reach out and put my hands under his chin. Turning his head up just enough, I lean in and kiss him gently at first. When he doesn't screw that up, I deepen the kiss a little more. He starts to try and put his hands on me, so I have to help him out. I take my hands off his chin, get a hold of his wrists and move them to the places I want him to go. One on my back and the other on my butt. We kiss for a little while longer before I pull back from it. Just to emphasize my point, instead of moving back from Jonathan, I put my hand on his head as I straighten up and let him put his head on my chest.
“Anyone still a doubter?”
Most of the guys in the room get excited at that.
“I'm in...”
“So am I...”
God I feel so hot knowing they're on board with this. Not that I ever really doubted it.
A bulge in Jonathan's pants against my leg tells me he's in. The way he brings his other hand down to my ass and squeezes it with both pretty much confirms it. Scott asks the obvious.
“Are all the ladies in here on offer?”
He's looking around at my Cordettes when I turn my attention to him.
“No, just me. My girls are just here to make sure that you all play nice and I give each of you as much attention as you deserve.”
He sorta frowns at my answer.
“Of course, if any of them want to keep you focused while I'm busy, they can do that.”
What I said seems to make him feel better about it.
I'll have to give him a little more attention.
A new pair of hands touches my back and slides its way up to my shoulders, rubbing them as he speaks.
“I'm good with that.”
I can't help but smile at Hogan's words. The fact that he moves in behind me has Jonathan stepping back and taking his hands off my ass. It gives Hogan the chance to press himself against my back, allowing me to feel his obviously bulging cock on my still skirt covered butt.
Mmm, I love it when a guy gets that turned on by me.
“Good to know. So...”
I turn my attention back to Jonathan.
“What have you always wanted to do to me Jonathan?”
Jonathan gives my body a once over, nervous to choose since so much of me is perfect.
“I've always wanted to touch your... tits...”
He's so nervous about touching me.
“Let me help you with that then.”
To give him what he's after, I take hold of Jonathan's hands and plant them firmly on my tits through my shirt. He looks at me like a deer with his hands on my impressive headlights. A few moments pass before he finally starts to grope me. Even without experience he still manages to get me going, making me let out a gasp. With the shoulder rubbing, this goes on for a bit so that my body tingles at what's happening.
Oh wow, this is really doing it for me. Having two guys worship me like this is an incredible turn on more than I could've ever expected.
As good as it feels to have two pairs of hands on me, I feel two more pairs touching me. I open my eyes I didn't realize I closed to notice that Mitch and Percy have joined in. Their hands run themselves over whatever part of my body isn't being touched by Jonathan and Hogan. What they're doing to me pushes and pulls me in different directions depending on who's got their hands on what. Pretty much the only thing I can do is enjoy being manhandled by four guys at once. Some combination of moans and groans the best response I'm able to manage. I feel a hand grip the neck of my cheerleader uniform top firmly. It brings my focus back to reality mostly, seeing Mitch is the one who's done it.
“I've always wanted to rip this off you.”
That suggestion has most of the manhandling stop for commentary.
“Oh yeah.”
“I have too.”
“I'd definitely like to see that.”
Sounds like they all love the idea. Who am I to disappoint my subjects?
“Then do it.”
Mitch gives me a grin.
I return the grin.
At that, Jonathan steps back to give Mitch room to work. My ex then puts both hands on the neck of my cheerleader outfit. He keeps his eyes on mine as he takes a firm grip and pulls, making it rip a little. Another attempt has more of it ripping but clearly not what he was hoping for.
Maybe we could use a little group participation?
I turn my focus to the other guys in the gym.
“Feel free to help him out guys.”
Mitch takes one more shot at ripping the top of my cheerleader outfit off, giving me a bit of a V neck but it's still very much on me. To help him out, Percy and Hogan grab parts of my cheerleader outfit top. At least one pair on the back of my neck and the other on the bottom. Each of them start pulling and it isn't long before they tear it off me in pieces, revealing most of my flawless skin to everyone in the room. Pieces of my cheerleader outfit fall to the floor. The only thing still hidden above my waist being what's covered by my bra. I enjoy the predatory looks of the guys as the ones behind me move to check out my rack.
“Come on, you can't tell me you don't want a piece of that.”
Glancing over at where Harmony spoke up, I see she's hanging off Owen who has a similar predatory look to the others. Aura is hanging off Scott who is just as interested in what she says.
“Trust me, you're going to want to see what's next.”
Damn right they are.
Both of the hold outs move in to get a better look, quickly followed by most of the other guys in the gym. All their eyes are on me and it makes my whole body tingle at being so obviously worshipped. I can't help but grin at all of them.
“Wanna see more boys?”
Scott is annoyed at the question.
“Why the hell did you even wear a bra?”
That has me grinning at him.
“Just to tease you.”
With that, I bring my hands behind my back to the clasp on my bra. For a few moments, I fumble with it partly because I'm struggling with it but also just to tease them a little bit longer. Eventually it comes undone and I feel it loosen on my skin. I shrug my shoulders before my hands grab the shoulder straps and pull them down. My bra falls forward to reveal my tits to the guys in front of me. I let it drop to the floor along with my arms to give them a look at what basically no guy has ever seen before, my bare chest.
I might as well ask...
“Thoughts? Opinions? Comments?”
Mitch is the first to speak up, followed by Jonathan, then Percy and the rest of them.
“I always knew they'd be great.”
“Oh yes....”
“God damn...”
“Love them.”
“Can't wait to get my hands on them.”
“Who's just thinking about their hands?”
Of course they'd love them, who wouldn't?
“It's always nice to be appreciated. Suggestions on what to do next?”
Owen jumps in at my question.
“Take that slutty skirt off.”
I always knew he was dirtier than he let on.
Just as I move to do that, I'm interrupted by Mitch.
“Leave the skirt on. It's hotter that way.”
Okay then...
“Whatever gets you going.”
Scott is the next to make a suggestion.
“I wanna see her shake her pom poms.”
I can't help but offer a grin in his direction.
“If you insist.”
Slowly, I start to shift my shoulders to make my tits jiggle but Scott interrupts.
“No, I mean that literally. I've always wanted to see you cheer naked.”
I stop what I'm doing.
That sounds like fun.
“Any objections?”
No one says anything to that.
With no objections, I look down at myself topless then the floor.
Hmm, I should probably get a little floor support if I'm going to work like this. Not to mention it might help with certain... other things.
My focus turns back to the guys leering at me.
“Tell you what boys, you go put down a mat somewhere I can work, and I'll get my pom poms.”
Several of them start to move to where the mats are. It makes me turn around to find the cheerleader supplies, only to be interrupted by Jonathan.
Instead of completely turning around, I stop and twist my hips to look back at Jonathan with a grin.
“Take... your panties off.”
I look down as much as I can at my still skirt covered ass for a second before responding.
“You want me to take them off?”
Just to add some fun to the question, I wiggle my ass at him.
“You want more?”
“I... want them... I want to keep them...”
He wants to keep my panties? That's... interesting.
Mitch jumps in at this point.
“Hey, if you're giving away your panties, I want them. What makes him worthy of them?”
Jonathan does his best to push back.
“You... you said this is about... making up for stuff you did. Remember when... when you had Mitch tie me to a flagpole in my underwear? Think of it like part of paying me back.”
Hmm, he's not wrong. I did do that to him for trying to ask me out. It's the least I can do.
Leaning forward so I can stick my ass out at Jonathan, I reach back and slip my thumbs underneath my skirt just enough to grab the waistband. I pull them down so I can take my panties off. As they get over my ass cheeks, I let them drop to the floor while I explain.
“Sorry babe, but he makes a good point. I do owe him something for the way I tortured him.”
I step out of my panties before bending at the knees, crouching down to pick them up. Then I turn around and make my way back over to Jonathan as a loud thump rings out at a mat hitting the floor. Once I'm close enough to stick my tits within inches of Jonathan's face again, I lift up my panties in between us to hand them to him.
“I hope you enjoy them.”
He takes my panties from me with a smile.
“It's not the only thing of mine you're going to be enjoying today.”
I turn my back to him to go back to picking up my pom poms. When I do, I see Harmony walking up to me with a pair of pom poms.
Good to know she's on point.
She hands them to me and I graciously accept.
“Thanks Harm.”
“It's what I'm here for.”
Now prepared for my performance, I turn towards where the thud happened to see they've set it up in front of the bleachers. Many of the guys are sitting on the bleachers expecting a show.
That makes so much sense.
I walk towards the mat as I speak to Jonathan and the other guys.
“Time for a show boys.”
Every guy in the room starts hooting and hollering while I make my way to the mat wearing nothing but my skirt and a pair of sneakers. I hold my pom poms up to my chest, covering my tits more for effect than modesty. The other guys rush to join their friends on the bleachers. A few moments later, I step onto the mat and move to the middle of it, turning to face the guys sitting in the bleachers.
I can't believe I'm actually going to do this. My whole body is tingling at the idea and I'm not sure whether it's because I'm nervous or excited. Probably some combination of both since I can feel how wet I'm getting from everything that's happened so far. Part of me really wants to get this over with so we can get to the next part which is going to be even better.
When all the guys are sitting somewhere on the bleachers, I start to literally shake my pom poms in front of me just enough to make some noise. It gets their attention like it's supposed to.
“Are we ready?”
Some of the guys respond to my question.
“Damn right...”
I don't think they're fired up enough.
“I said... are we ready?”
My raised voice has more of them joining in with hoots and hollers.
Probably one more time.
“Come on guys, get excited.”
This time pretty much everyone cheers.
Okay, I think that's good enough.
I start my routine by throwing out my right arm to my side, revealing my right tit, before bringing it back to my chest. I do the same with my left one then raising both above my head then both outstretched in a T formation. All while blurting out whatever I can come up with.
“Go Sunnydale go! Go team go! Go Sunnydale go! Go team go!”
Changing things up, I bring my pom poms back together at my chest, then down to over my skirt. I curl my right arm at the elbow, then my left like I'm lifting weights one at a time as I continue.
“Fuck me, fuck me, yes you can. Fuck me any way you can.”
Again I change things up, doing a half spin so that I'm showing my left side to the guys. I drop my arms down to what would be covering my pussy if I wasn't wearing a skirt. Then I move them back to my ass, before leaving my left pom pom on my ass and bringing the right one back to my front. I stick my ass out for a second then my pussy, going back and forth between them. At the same time keeping up my cheer.
“Fuck me alone, fuck me together, fuck me in any hole I have.”
I bring my pom poms up to my face as I turn to face them again. Adding to the routine, I throw my arm out towards the bleachers, then drop down to a crouch and plant my pom poms on the mat. I launch myself into the air like a jumping jack. Almost immediately, I turn my back to them so I can throw my arms out towards the balance beam while leaning forward, then out like airplane wings. I straighten up with my back still to them, throwing out my arms one at a time and turning my head with each one I outstretch.
“Fuck me on the bleachers, fuck me on the mats, fuck me on the balance beam any way you want.”
Spinning back around to face the guys on the bleachers, pointing to each of them with my pom poms when I say their names.
“Whether it's Jonathan, Owen, or Scott and Hogan, Mitch or Percy. Or even one of you guys that I just met. Give it to me, give it to me, yes, yes, yes.”
I swing my arms in big circles as part of my big finish. Much like I planned before, I shake my shoulders to let my tits shake for the crowd of onlookers.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me now!”
Eventually, I straighten up when I'm done my routine. Now being able to focus on the guys who were watching me and I notice that quite a few of them have taken their cocks out. Several are even stroking themselves at what they just witnessed.
I love the fact that I can do that to so many guys. It makes what's about to happen even hotter.
“So... what did you all think?”
Hogan is the first to answer.
“Very... motivational.”
What he said has me slowly sauntering over in his direction.
My focus shifts to the other guys sitting on the bleachers, most of them stroking their cocks.
“What about the rest of you?”
Percy, Mitch, Owen and Scott all speak up at that.
“Oh I'm definitely motivated.”
“So much.”
Several of the others just hoot and holler to let me know how they're feeling.
That's so hot to hear. Now comes the hard part.
“All right then, I guess it's time to test that motivation.”
With a smile on my face, I consider my options.
There are so many different cocks on display it's really hard to choose. I could go with biggest to smallest, or the other way around. Or I could go by hottest to least hot. Maybe the guy who I tortured the most, which would probably mean Jonathan, to Percy and Hogan. It's so hard to choose just one option. Which is another thing to consider, going with two or more guys at once. I should probably work my way up to that. Give some of the guys extra attention at first.
I find myself in front of Jonathan and can't help but stop. His eyes meet mine and he stops stroking his cock with me standing basically naked, my barely there skirt, sneakers and my pom poms the only thing keeping anything hidden.
“Think you can stay motivated?”
“With your help? Definitely.”
At his answer, I drop my pom poms on the floor so I can make my way up the short distance to the bleachers. I climb the couple of bench seats until I'm standing on the bench below him. We're basically at eye level with each other from our respective positions. He lets his eyes wander over my body on display for him.
I should probably ask.
“How long have you wanted me Jonathan?”
To tempt him just that little bit more, I bring my hand up and run it through my hair. After slicking my hair back, I slide my hand along my cheek, down my chin, over my neck, then tease the rest of my body down.
“How long have you wanted to touch my body or have me touch yours with mine?”
It takes him a second to answer.
“I... I don't know... as far back as I remember.”
I love hearing that.
“You've jacked off thinking about me touching you, haven't you?”
“Yes, so many times.”
I lean forward and plant my hands on either side of Jonathan on the bench, bringing me closer to his very inviting cock. I glance down at it as I speak.
“Tell me how much you worship me and I'll worship your cock with my mouth.”
“Oh god... so much... I've worshipped you for so long. I've dreamed about you putting your hands on my cock and stroking it. I thought about you wrapping your lips around my cock and sucking me off. But mostly I dreamed about the way my cock would feel in your pussy.”
His words have me licking my lips at the idea that he dreamed about me that way.
I can't wait to give him what he wants.
Keeping my eyes on him, I lean down to close the short distance between my face and his cock.
“Well you don't have to dream anymore.”
Not letting him respond, I open my lips and wrap them around the head of his cock. The feeling has him throwing his head back for a second and groaning. Still with my eyes on him, I take more of Jonathan's cock in my mouth. Another groan escapes him as I do. Part of me can't help but moan as I take a little more inside. I do this a few more times, either making him groan or needing to moan myself when I take his cock in my mouth. Using my right hand, I comb my hair from over both my shoulders to just over my left. That lets most of the other guys who are sitting on the bleachers see what I'm doing.
I bet they can't wait for me to do this to them. But for now they'll just have to watch my perfect mouth on his cock.
Jonathan watches me with his cock in his mouth for a while before I smile at him and start to pull up then go back down again. Repeating this move, I feel his cock slide in and out of my mouth when I work it over, bobbing my head on his man meat. I keep it going a minute or two before pulling my mouth completely off to say something.
“God I love your cock.”
Tilting my head to the left, I stick my tongue out and run it from the tip of his cock down the left side then back up to the tip. I take his cock back between my lips, using my tongue to swirl around it before bobbing my head again. Again I enjoy him a bit, letting it go to speak.
“It feels so good in my mouth.”
Just to prove my point, I quickly swallow as much of his cock as I can, almost immediately moaning around it. When I start to bob my head on it, I close my eyes and slide my tongue over him at the same time, groaning.
“Yeah? You like my cock?”
I pull back to open my eyes again and put his cock between my face and his, the length of it right between my eyes.
“I do... so much...”
This time I lick the base of his cock along the underside of it to the tip. Quickly, I take him in my mouth, getting back to the task at my luscious lips. My head bobs with more force this time to really emphasize how much I'm loving it. He groans at what I'm doing to him.
“I knew you'd love my cock in you. I can't wait to put it in your pussy.”
Letting his cock pop out of my mouth, I take a deep breath before responding.
“And I could suck you off until you cum in my mouth... but let's not be greedy.”
Instead of going back down on his cock, I lift myself up to a standing position in front of him.
“There are other cocks I need to worship.”
I bring my fingers up to my right tit and trace them before going down between my tits, along my perfect stomach until I tease my pussy.
“But trust me, you'll have your chance to stick it in me.”
Giving him a few moments to enjoy the woman he's worshipped for so long, then I turn my attention to the right. Mitch is sitting a couple bleacher seats up with his cock out, having a great view of what I was just doing.
Mmm, that's probably a good place to go next.
I step up onto the bench Jonathan was sitting on, basically stepping over him as I climb the bleachers. Within a few steps, I'm standing in front of Mitch in an almost exact same position I was with Jonathan a second ago. I only have to look slightly up to meet his eyes.
“You've never gotten over me, have you?”
He doesn't say anything to my question right away.
“Tell me.”
“No... I never got over you.”
I love hearing that.
“You've wanted me ever since we broke up, haven't you?”
Again it takes a second to answer.
“Since... before... I wanted you every day we were together, and before.”
I bring my fingers up to my lips, tracing them and even dipping them inside a little.
“How many times did I make out with you but not let you touch me?”
“Too many times.”
God that's hot.
I shift my stance a little to show off my barely covered butt to him.
“How many times did I wear a tight outfit and stop you from enjoying it?”
“More times than I can count.”
“You whacked off to me, didn't you?”
“Every single night.”
At that admission, I lean forward to plant my hands on either side of Mitch.
“Well now I'm going to do it for you.”
I give him a grin before turning my attention to the cock in his hand. Licking my lips, I open them and take a cock between them for the second time today. When I wrap my lips around it, he grunts. Much like what I did with Jonathan, I slowly swallow more and more of Mitch's cock to get what I can of it in my mouth. Only when I go about three quarters of the way down do I look up at him with his cock between my lips, a smile on my face. Not letting him comment, I start to bob my head on my ex's pretty nice cock with a little more speed than I did Jonathan. While on an upward trend, I shift my head slightly to the left so I go down on him at an angle. Then the next time I shift to the right and do the same. Doing this a few more times, I finally take my mouth off him to speak.
“If I'd known how nice your cock was, I would've done this before.”
“How many times did I tell you how good it was?”
I use my tongue on the head of his cock.
“A lot...”
“Well maybe if you'd listened, I could've shown you.”
“I guess so.”
“Think about how many times you could've had my cock in your mouth if you'd just done what I said.”
Rather than respond, I dive back onto his cock as deep as I can go, bobbing my head each time.
He's not wrong. Knowing what I know now, I probably should've just gone down on him when he asked me to. It feels so good to make him feel the way I'm obviously doing to him. Maybe I should listen to guys and what they want a little more. It's working out so well right now. I can't wait to see how good the rest of it is going to feel.
After a final moan with his cock in my mouth, I pull back from sucking him off to stand up again.
“We're going to do a lot more things that you've always wanted before this is all over. But for now I need to make sure I fulfill a few more fantasies.”
I look down a few steps at Owen who is sitting there looking at what I was doing. To give him a better view, I make my way down so that I'm about eye level with him like I have been with the others. He stares at me with a curious look, seeing as much of my body as he can.
The way these guys are staring at me is just so hot. Each of them can't hide how much I turn them on. Even someone like him has to show his pure lust for my body.
“How many times did I offer myself to you and you turned me down?”
He looks me over some more before answering.
“More than a few.”
“I threw myself at you and you wouldn't catch me.”
“I didn't.”
“I told you I'd do anything you wanted to please you.”
“You did.”
I lean forward with my hands on either side of him, my face not far from his cock.
“You regret that now, don't you?”
He doesn't answer right away.
“God yes...”
“Now I can show you what you were missing.”
Like I've done twice before, I open my lips and close the distance to his cock, taking him in my mouth. This time I don't waste time talking to him, getting right down to the business of sucking him off. Despite how little he tends to say otherwise, he can't contain how good it feels to have my mouth on him like this, grunting and groaning from my work. It isn't long before I pull back just as I did with the others to start looking for my next target. I see Percy and Hogan sitting pretty close to each other compared to the other guys.
Well that's an interesting idea.
I make my way over to the two guys but I'm interrupted. Aphrodisia speaks up and it has me turning in her direction, which is apparently on the mats.
“Fun as this is, I know how much Percy and Hogan like to work with their team. Maybe we should move things along?”
Work as a team?
My attention returns to Percy and Hogan as I get close to them.
“You like to work as a team?”
They both give me a grin at that. Percy is the one to respond.
“We love a good... team building exercise... don't we boys?”
The other guys all hoot and holler at that idea.
Seems like that makes the most sense. I do have a lot of them to get to still. It'll take too long if I go at them one at a time.
Hogan adds something to it.
“She knows what she's talking about.”
I look over at Aphrodisia who is smiling back.
“Does she?”
She nods as she responds.
I turn back to Percy and Hogan.
“Yeah? You like working over girls with the whole team? Did you do that to my girl Aphrodisia?”
Percy is the one to answer.
“Not just her, we've had Aura, Shanice, Blue and Harmony. We've done most of your girls.”
“But not their queen?”
“Not until now.”
“Mmm... until now.”
I guess now is the time then.
At that, Percy and Hogan stand up to flank me.
Looks like they've got some kind of a plan. I'll play.
I turn my back to them but hold out my hands to each so they can take one and guide me where they want to go. They push me to get off the bleachers and I do as they insist, my whole body tingling at how things are about to change. While they lead me to what is obviously going to be the mats, I hear all the other guys get up and head towards me. It isn't long before I'm in the middle of the mats and they encourage me to turn around and face the other guys coming this way. They all start to surround me until I can't see much more than guys around me.
I suppose I should ask.
“How long have you wanted to get me in the middle of your team? Have you dreamed about having me at your mercy like this?”
“More than a few. We even invited you to a couple of events where that was the plan, but you didn't show up.”
Ooh, I love hearing that for some reason. Knowing that they tried that hard.
“Well, I am the queen of this school. I can't just show up to everything. Good thing this was my idea then.”
They don't say anything to that, just moving in a little closer.
“So how's this supposed to work exactly?”
“Usually? You'd be on your knees right now.”
I love that idea.
Giving the crowd around me a look for a moment, eventually I do as suggested, slowly getting down with my knees on the mat. Once I'm down, I look up at them from my position.
“Like this?”
Percy chuckles at the sight of me.
“Just like that.”
Maybe I should tease them a little bit more.
“All right, then what happens?”
In response to my question, Percy's left hand is on top of my head while his right one holds his cock, guiding it towards my mouth.
“You know what happens.”
Rather than try to argue, I open my mouth and let him feed me his cock. I do my best to start sucking him off, allowing his hand on my head guide me. This gets kinda hard to focus on when I feel hands groping my tits. I try to turn my head to see who it is but Percy keeps me giving him head. That is until I feel another hand grip my hair, pulling me off him as he lets go. It turns my head to the left and into another cock who I'm able to look up at to see is Hogan. For a while, I try my best to suck him off and he seems to like it. At some point though, I'm again gripped by the hair and turned back to Percy's cock. The two of them do this several times, passing my mouth back and forth between them. A third hand grabs my head and guides me to a cock. Then a fourth, and a fifth, and a sixth and a... it becomes harder to tell how many cocks I've sucked so far but I love every second of it.
I just keep getting passed back and forth between a different cock. It's hard to keep track of whether I'm giving enough to everyone. But I haven't heard any of my girls object to what I'm doing. Which is the whole point of having them here. Maybe they just love what they're seeing. I would if I was them. Not that I would switch places with them at all right now. It's an incredible feeling.
Suddenly, a pair of hands breaks through the bliss I'm in when they push my legs apart enough to rub my pussy.
“She's really wet guys. I think she's ready.”
That makes me moan into the cock in my mouth before pulling off it to speak.
“Ready for what?”
Hogan smiles at me.
“To get fucked.”
Mmm, I love how direct he is about that.
“You think?”
He gives my pussy a couple taps and it has me groaning.
“Be the slut you know you've always wanted to be.”
I look up at the guys around me, most of which I've sucked off.
“You all want to fuck me?”
Hoots and hollers along with a few comments.
“Oh yeah...”
“So badly.”
“We're going to fuck you good.”
Hogan adds to the comments with his own suggestion.
“For sure, but I've got a good idea of how.”
Ooh, this could be fun.
“What did you have in mind?”
He taps me on the pussy again.
“Well you did say we should fuck you on the balance beam.”
I stare at him for a moment, then at the other guys.
“You're right. Let's do it.”
Raising my hands to be taken, two guys do and help me get to my feet while Hogan pushes back.
“You mean let's do you.”
I like that.
“Yes, let's do me.”
At that, I feel a pair of hands grab me by the hips from behind and picks me up off the ground. I'm put over the shoulder of whoever picked me up and walks over to what I'm assuming is the balance beam.
Whoa, they really want to fuck me. But who wouldn't want to fuck someone as stunning as I am?
There's only a few moments before I'm taken off his shoulder and plopped my butt down on what feels like a beam. It's quick to put me off balance despite the name. But someone behind me is able to hold me up. I grip the beam as much as I can in my position. Once I feel somewhat secure, I look around when the crowd of guys catches up to surround me.
Maybe I should ask.
“So am I supposed to choose or does someone else?”
“We do, and I have the perfect guy for you.”
It's then that a couple guys step to the side and Jonathan is revealed, with him stepping in closer. Our eyes meet and I can see the somewhat nervous look on his face. To put him at ease, I smile back as I speak.
“Feels right to me, or I guess it will when he fucks me.”
What I'm saying gives him the ego boost he needs to move in between my legs. Putting my hands on his shoulders, I pull him to me so that I feel his cock pressing against the most intimate part of me. It has me bend my knees around the underside of beam so I can secure myself.
“You deserve this Jonathan. You deserve to fuck me after everything I've done to humiliate you over the years. Do it... fuck me.”
After taking a few seconds to what I'm guessing is memorize this moment, he takes a firm grip of his cock and pushes it inside me. I can't help but gasp at the feeling of being entered though I do my best to recover quickly. He has his own reaction.
“Oh wow... I'm... I'm actually inside Cordelia freaking Chase.”
“You are, now prove to me that you're not a nerd by fucking me good.”
Based on my request, he pushes into me deeper and I love it.
“Could a nerd do this?”
Instead of letting me answer the question, he starts to slide his cock in and out of my pussy. He goes slow at first, obviously enjoying himself. His focus keeps shifting between watching his cock go into my pussy, up to my tits, to my face as I bite my lip at his slow fucking, then back to my pussy. I mostly stay focused on staying balanced even if it's hard with the way he's giving it to me.
I can't believe I'm letting Jonathan fuck me. I never would've thought it would happen. But after everything, it just feels right to have him inside me. He really does deserve this. I wasn't just saying it to make him feel better. Plus he's actually getting it done for me... for a nerd.
Almost like he's reading what's on my face or something, he starts pumping into me a little quicker as he speaks.
“Say I'm not a nerd.”
“You're... not... a nerd.”
He buries himself inside me.
Probably to screw with my head, he goes back to fucking me.
Oh wow...
“You're... not a... nerd...”
Jonathan keeps pushing my buttons.
“Say I'm not a loser...”
“You're... not... a loser...”
God he's really playing with me now... and I love it.
“Y-you... you're not... a... loser...”
“Say I'm a winner.”
“You're... a winner...”
I should just...
“You won my pussy... you earned my pussy by winning it.”
Hopefully that gives him what he...
When I'm getting to my breaking point, I feel him stop. It has my head spinning. I bring my focus to Jonathan who's smiling back.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Say you're the loser.”
He smiles at what's probably a confused but horny look on my face.
“I'm not the loser, you are. Say it.”
I just want to cum.
“I'm... the loser.”
All he does is just watch me with his cock in my pussy.
Maybe if I say it again.
“I'm the loser.”
When he doesn't respond to that by fucking me, I look around at the other guys in the room.
“I'm the loser, just someone fuck me.”
That has Jonathan finally saying something.
“Oh we will, but I think it's time for someone else to take over.”
He pulls out of my pussy and steps back.
Better try to play it cool.
“Fine, who's next then?”
“We are.”
Percy steps up in front of me while I feel someone behind me.
“But like we said, we like working as a team, so you're going to have to turn over.”
I look down at the balance beam.
“Just lie on your stomach.”
God I just want to be fucked, I'll do whatever they want.
“All right...”
They give me enough room to hop off the balance beam onto my feet so I can turn around to see that Hogan is on the other side.
Oh, I think I get what they want to do... and I kinda love it.
I plant my hands on the balance beam. It gives me enough leverage to hop up on the beam until my hips are against the beam. Then I lean forward so I'm lying on my stomach on the balance beam. From this position, I struggle to stay balanced while I look up at Hogan since I'm at about waist level with him.
“Like this?”
A pair of hands touch my back to keep me firmly against the beam and I hear Percy answer for Hogan.
“Like that. Don't worry, we'll keep you balanced.”
I try to look back at him but Hogan grabs me by the hair to bring me face to cock with him while adding to what Percy said.
“All you gotta do is let us fuck you at both ends.”
Obviously working together, I feel Percy's cock pressing against my pussy while Hogan brings the head of his cock right in my face.
God damn it...
“Go for it alrphf...”
At the same time, my mouth is blocked by Hogan pushing his cock inside while Percy enters my pussy. It has me giving off a muffled groan. Once I'm filled at both ends, they start to play with me as they slowly slide their cocks in and out of my mouth and pussy. The only thing I can really do is do what I can to relax and enjoy every moment. Both of them start to build up the pace of what they're doing, pushing me closer and closer to where this is obviously going. Or at least they're supposed to, but every time they get me to the edge they slow down again. Driving me crazy by doing this a few times, eventually they stop being in sync and pump into me one at a time. When Percy thrusts into my pussy, Hogan is quick to pull back from my mouth and vice versa. This pushes me to a whole new level of crazy as they keep me from cumming. Hogan after however long it was pulls back so that I'm left with just Percy's cock in my pussy fucking me. I can barely concentrate enough to hear his comment.
“Time for some pussy.”
He's going to fuck my pussy? If it's as good as what he did with my mouth, I'm going to love it.
Even though he moves away from where I can see him, I don't get left alone for long. Another guy, I think it's Mitch steps in, his cock in my face. When he feeds me his cock I feel Percy's cock leave my pussy and I'm fucked just in my mouth by Mitch for a few moments. My pussy isn't left alone though as what I'm assuming is Hogan pushes himself into it. Like with Percy and Hogan, I'm fucked at both ends for however long they seem to want. Until they decide to switch out again, Mitch leaving my mouth and another guy taking his place, the same with my pussy, getting right down to fucking my mouth and not letting me see who it is. No matter who it is that's fucking my pussy and mouth at the same time, they keep me from that final moment of ecstasy when they do.
I can't believe how much I'm loving this. I thought it would be good but I didn't think it would be this good. They just keep going, using me like their plaything. It's such a turn on, even if they don't let me have what I really want.
After however long it is that they've been fucking me, I feel whoever is in my pussy pulls out at the same time as the guy in my mouth. For the first time in a while, I'm able to breath normally and take deep breaths to the onslaught of pleasure I've just been through. A voice behind me speaks up.
“I think it's time to switch things up, don't you guys?”
Whatever they want, I have to give it to them. I don't really care what it is. I just want to be allowed to cum.
Since they don't seem to want to stop me, I drop back to get my shaky legs back under me on the floor. Whoever it is comes up behind me after I almost fall over and holds me up.
“You up for it?”
I do my best to smile at him despite being so out of it.
“I'm up for whatever you want to do to me.”
“Double teaming you is a lot of fun, but teams usually have more than two people. I think we should triple team you.”
“Sounds like fun.”
His hand moves to my butt, groping me as he continues.
“I've always wanted to know what my cock would feel like in your ass.”
I grind my ass back into his hand a little in my response.
“A lot of people have... now you get to find out.”
I try to stand up fully on my own but I don't make it more than a step until they grab me by the stomach to hold me up again.
“But wherever we're going, I need some help getting there since you fucked me so good.”
“Happy to loser.”
Before I can say anything to that, I'm picked up again and carried over to the mat. Now back in the middle of it, I'm dropped there and I mostly just collapse onto the floor, rolling over on my back. It gives me just enough time to see guys kneeling while joining me on the mat with me at the centre of the circle. One of them turns my head to the left so he can feed his cock to me, which I gladly allow. As I'm doing my best to suck the guy off, I feel my legs being bent to give them access to my pussy. His cock moves quickly to push it inside, starting to fuck me. The only thing I can really do is moan into the cock in my mouth. After being double teamed again for a little while, I feel my body being moved to the left. That way I can keep sucking the guy off so I can be turned over onto my front. The guy in my pussy stays there until I'm on top of him.
Basically now on all fours, I do what I can to ride the cock in my pussy but still sucking off the guy in my mouth. Eventually though I'm stopped by the fact that someone's hand is on my lower back. It makes me stop and just let myself be fucked in the mouth. Whoever is behind me moves in, using his other hand to push my ass cheek aside. Not long after, I feel the tip of a third cock against my ass. There isn't really much that I can do except let it happen.
I wouldn't stop it if I could though. I'm getting so hot from doing what I've done so far again.
Tensing up a little, he pushes himself against my most private hole. As he does, I try and relax to let him inside, which allows it to happen.
Oh my god, that's incredible.
Now with three cocks in all the holes I have, I feel so full. Between the three of them, they start to pump into me, officially triple teaming me. I can barely think as they go at me. They start off slow but don't stay that way, fucking me for however long they want to, just like they did when I was double teamed. When one of them is done, they switch themselves out with one of the other guys.
It's like I'm in a wrestling match but I'm not fighting to win anything. Instead I'm thrown around like a rag doll on the mat, pulled and pushed in whatever direction they need me to be. Leaving open whatever hole they want in whatever position they want. Whether it's on my back with a cock in my ass or on my front with a guy's cock in my pussy from below, or sandwiched between two guys on my side. They grab me and grope me and pull my hair the way they want. All of it something of a blur of pleasure from every angle. I don't even know how many times I was fucked by all the guys in the room, but it's probably more than once.
But even though they try to keep me from cumming, the fact that there's so many of them fucking me from every angle, the many guys gives me that extra push over the edge. My whole body explodes at the intensity of it all. But even then they don't stop, fucking me more and more. So much so that I'm pushed to cum again... and again... and again. What they're doing probably makes me black out a few times but they fuck me back to consciousness. Eventually, they do finally stop and I collapse onto the mat, breathing heavily.
Wow... I... I've never felt so good in my entire life. That was so intense.
A voice breaks me out of my thoughts.
“Have fun?”
I struggle to open my eyes to see that the guys are all standing around me in a circle.
How can they be standing after what they just did to me?
“Well it's not quite over yet.”
Before I can attempt to say anything, I manage to see that they're stroking their cocks over me. All I do is smile and close my eyes again. Moments later, I feel something hot and sticky hit part of my body. I'm so numb from it all that I can't tell where. But it doesn't matter since it's quickly joined by more. It's like it's raining cum on me. The cum stops eventually and I just let it sit there on me for a while.
“Looks like we dethroned the queen, wouldn't you say boys?”
I hear the crowd cheer and the only thing I can really do is smile, doing my best to bring my hand up and wipe cum off my eyes.
And I couldn't be happier with how it happened.
“Since we deposed the great Queen C, do you think we could give you a few orders?”
I manage to get enough cum off my eyes to look up at them.
“Well, one of the few girls we've had trouble getting our hands on. Maybe you could make an introduction.”
“Who are the girls?”
“Just Buffy and her little band of outcasts.”
Licking my fingers of cum, I eventually respond with a smile.
“I could probably make the intro.”
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