Scooby Gang Time | By : Deadman Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 22639 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or Angel nor the characters from it I do not make any money from the writing of this story |
Tara is sitting in the corner of the campus meeting centre, clearly depressed. It's been that way for the past couple of weeks. Ever since her break up with Willow, this was basically the only feeling she could have. The whole situation had just been so screwed up. This was far from what she wanted. But Willow hadn't really left her any choice. Her obsession with magic had just been too much to handle. She had to do something to try and break Willow out of it. At least that was the idea. Despite what she'd done, Tara hadn't heard from Willow in a few weeks.
Of course, this was partly her fault. The first few days, any time Willow had called her, Tara had hung up. If she'd let Willow talk to her, Tara might have been tempted to have a conversation. Which would've lead to her forgiving Willow. If that happened, it would only be a matter of time before Willow would've gone back into old habits. Maybe with even more disastrous results. That's not something Tara could afford to let happen. Much as she might want it to be the case. She had to be strong.
Now that she wasn't calling, Tara couldn't help but think about her. Wondering whether things were getting better on her end, or worse. She had no way of knowing what was going on in her ex's life. And that was somehow a bad thing for her. If she couldn't know what was going on with Willow, she'd never know if there was an opportunity to get back together. Despite herself, there was still part of her that wanted that to happen.
The uncertainty of it all was making her even more depressed. It was like an endless cycle of pain and suffering she was putting herself through. No matter how necessary it felt, she couldn't really get out of it. At least not any time soon. So instead she tried to get out as much as possible. Spend time in a place where other people were. Trying to feel some kind of normal.
She's doing her best to act normal despite everything right now, but it's clear to everyone else in the room that she's not. A few people pass by, seeing Tara's not in the mood and move along. After a long break in between anyone coming near her, she's approached by Nicole, the woman who recruited her into the Wicca group where she met Willow.
“Are you okay Tara?”
Tara doesn't answer right away, unsure how to answer that.
“I heard about what happened with you and Willow... I'm sorry.”
“I wish there was more that I could do. But I've had my fair share of break ups. Sometimes it's best to just sit there and stew.”
There's no response from Tara.
“And sometimes it's nice to have a sympathetic friend around to talk to. If you want.”
Again Tara isn't saying anything to that, knowing Nicole is right about that.
“I know you and Willow were part of the group before going off and doing your own thing, but we still consider you part of it. You're welcome back any time you want.”
“That's very kind of you. I appreciate it.”
A long pause happens between them.
“You know, we're not just what you remember.”
“What I remember?”
“We've learned a few things since you were with us. About energy and spells and all kinds of stuff like that. Not that any of us are very good at the moment. It's only been a few months. But, we're a lot more than we used to be.”
“That's great.”
“In fact...”
That has Tara looking at Nicole curiously.
“After my last break up a couple weeks ago, it's the meditation ritual we did that really helped me. I relied on my sisters to help me through, and it made me feel a lot better.”
Tara seems somewhat intrigued by this idea.
“If you want, we could help you with Willow. Get rid of some of that negative energy around you.”
Tara doesn't say anything right away.
“You think?”
Nicole shrugs.
“Can't hurt to give it a try, can it?”
“I guess not.”
Nicole smiles back at that.
“Come by the yoga studio later on tonight. It's where we get the best energy on campus. Say, around 8?”
Tara smiles.
* * *
Tara walks down the hall, nervous about going into this fairly new situation. She wasn't sure why she was doing this exactly. It wasn't her usual thing to do. Even when she originally joined the place, she had trouble being part of such a large group. Having herself heard used to be a lot harder for her back then. That was before meeting Willow and getting to know her friends. Helping them through a few serious problems like the apocalypse. After all that, she learned how to speak for herself. It's part of the reason she was able to break up with Willow in the first place. Because she wasn't dependent on Willow for her own self worth. It hadn't been the case with the group. They were all a lot more pushy and sure of themselves than Tara was a few years ago. It made them kinda intimidating.
She wasn't really sure how much the group had changed since she was last there. It would make anyone a little nervous. But here she was, going into it with a mixture of nervousness and a bit of excitement. She'd been so depressed lately that it felt kinda good to get out there and talk to people again. Especially since it was a group of Wiccans who knew at least something about magic. It sounded kinda fun. Tara turns the corner and into the yoga room Nicole had mentioned, happening upon a room full of girls. She stops just inside the door, unsure how to introduce herself or make any kind of move. It's only when Nicole notices her that things change.
Nicole walks over to her near the door while a few of the other girls notice where Nicole is going, curious. She opens her arms and gives Tara a big hug. Tara isn't really sure how to react, so she does her best to nervously hug back.
“So glad you could come.”
“Well... you did, invite me.”
Nicole pulls back from the hug but has her hands on Tara's arms, squeezing them affectionately.
“Totally, but still... thanks for coming. I promise you'll have a good time.”
Tara doesn't really respond to that, just smiling. Nicole slides her right hand down Tara's arm until she takes her by the hand firmly. She starts leading Tara into the room, with Tara going along somewhat uncertain.
“Come on, let me reintroduce you to the girls.”
They make their way over to a young black girl with long hair who turns and smiles as they approach.
“Tara, this is Vaughne.”
Tara tentatively holds out her hand for a handshake.
“Vaughne, this is the girl I was telling you about, Tara.”
Much to Tara's surprise, Vaughne ignores Tara's hand and instead gives her a hug. Again Tara does her best to roll with it, giving a slightly timid hug back. What Tara wasn't expecting though was to feel a hand brush against her butt with the hug. Part of her wanted to say something but it wasn't obvious enough that it might have been accidental. So instead she just lets the hug end and smiles back.
“Happy to have you here. It's been a while.”
“Good to see you.”
Nicole puts her arm around Tara's back rather firmly, encouraging her to turn. She does what Nicole wants, turning to face another young woman who seems happy to be there. Nicole continues the introductions.
“Tara, this is Chloe. Chloe this is Tara, you remember her right?”
“Of course, it's nice to see you again.”
As Tara is trying to respond, Chloe moves in and puts both hands on Tara's cheeks, leaning forward and giving Tara a quick peck on the lips before moving to give a kiss on each of her cheeks. Chloe then gives her a hug. Like before, Tara feels like she should say something but it still feels pretty innocent, so she doesn't. She just finishes her thought.
“... too.”
When Chloe pulls back, she smiles.
“Happy to have you back.”
Tara does her best to respond.
“Well, I'm just checking things out.”
Chloe puts a hand on Tara's collarbone.
“Of course, well... for however long you're here.”
Nicole pulls Tara in to give her a one arm squeeze, pressing herself against her.
“I'm sure we'll make a good impression. Speaking of which...”
To Tara's right, two more girls approach and this time Tara doesn't need any prompting to shift on her feet to greet them.
“Tara, this is Sarah and Amy. They're newer to the group. It's actually the two of them who introduced us to these magical meditation techniques we've been using. Made all the difference in the world.”
Sarah scoffs at that.
“Oh come on, you were already doing really well. We just... helped things along a little.”
“Still, we're very appreciative.”
Amy offers her own response.
“Well you've definitely repaid us more than once.”
That has Tara curious.
“Repaid you how?”
Amy smiles at Tara.
“We've all had our bad moments. The meditation techniques help lessen the burden so we can handle it better. But it only really works in a large enough group.”
A voice speaks up from behind Tara.
“Which is probably why you're here, isn't it?”
Tara turns to face a redhead at the question.
Cheryl responds sympathetically.
“We can all see it. Most of us could tell you were in pain the second you walked in. Your aura is off.”
Tara looks around at the group of girls she's just met, all of whom are looking at her sympathetically. After a while, she takes a deep breath and lets it out with a sigh.
“You think you can help?”
Nicole reaches out and puts a hand on Tara's shoulder.
“We know we can. But you're going to have to trust us.”
That has Tara curious.
“Trust you?”
Sarah explains.
“The magic energy we're tapping into, requires us to all be on the same page. Our energy has to be properly aligned so we can take on the pain you feel. Distribute it through us so none of us are overwhelmed by it.”
Tara looks at all the girls around her.
“You'd... you'd do that for me?”
Nicole is the one to answer.
“We'd be willing to try... if you'll let us.”
With the offer of the Wicca group, Tara considers this for a long moment.
“Are there any side effects?”
Vaughne smiles.
“Only a profound sense of relief.”
Again Tara considers the idea.
“I guess I could try it.”
Nicole smiles at that.
“You won't regret this.”
She turns to the rest of them.
“I think it's time we get started.”
The girls start moving around the room. It has Tara somewhat confused.
“What are we doing?”
“First, we have to form a circle on the floor where we're facing each other. Why don't you come sit next to me?”
Nicole takes Tara by the hand again and leads her to a particular space on the floor. Quickly, the other girls move to form a circle, with Vaughne on one side of Tara, Nicole on the other, and Cheryl next to Nicole. All of the girls move into a sitting position on the floor and Tara does the same. Once everyone's in place, Nicole speaks up.
“All right, let's start with some basic breathing exercises. Just breath deep and slowly let it out.”
Moments later, the girls start to do that, Tara included. There's a calming atmosphere in the room as all that can be heard is the breathing of the group of girls in the room. Yet despite that, there is something uncomfortable in the room. A strange feeling that doesn't feel quite right.
“Now, reach out and feel the energy in the room. Allow it to enter your body and flow out of you.”
Again they do as instructed, but things don't feel right. Vaughne is the first to say anything.
“Does anyone feel that?”
Nicole tries to push back.
“Stay focused Vaughne.”
They try to keep it up, but this time it's Chloe who speaks up.
“She's right, something feels off.”
After a few moments, Nicole sighs in frustration.
“No, you're right. Something is definitely off. Things aren't flowing properly.”
Tara looks around at the others.
“What's wrong?”
Nicole turns to Sarah and Amy.
“What do you think?”
Sarah and Amy look at each other. Almost like they're listening to the other for a while. Eventually they turn back to Nicole and Tara.
“We think it's Tara's aura. Her emotional alignment is so off that she is messing with the flow.”
Tara frowns at that.
“I'm sorry.”
Nicole speaks up.
“No it's okay. This isn't the first time this has happened. After my last break up, I was throwing off the group's energy.”
“What did you do?”
Nicole looks around the room with a smile.
“They helped me get back in sync. We can help you too if you want.”
Tara considers her options for a moment.
“What do you need me to do?”
“We have to get your energy to flow with ours. So we'll use our energy to flow through you and back through all of us. It should allow us to align your energy to the rest of the group. But you're going to have to be completely relaxed and just let whatever happens, happen. Are you okay with that?”
There's silence in the room before Tara responds.
Everyone waits a moment to make sure Tara doesn't change her mind. When that's doesn't happen, Nicole speaks up.
“All right then, what we need you to do is sit in the centre of the circle. That way we can make sure that our energy is in alignment before letting it flow through you.”
With her instructions clear, Tara moves into the centre of the Wicca group's circle, sitting cross legged. The others move in a little closer to close the loop left from Tara's move. Tara shifts her position so that she is facing Nicole. They smile at each other.
“So... what we're going to do is channel each other with Sarah and Amy acting as anchors. They'll make sure that everything is working the way it should while the rest of us focus on you. If this works right, you'll be able to feel it and a sense of connection to all of us. It's going to feel a little weird at first but what you need to do is not fight it. Just do whatever the energy wants you to. Is that okay?”
“Let's get started then.”
The girls around Tara close their eyes and start the process again, breathing deeply. Tara does the same, doing her best to let all her cares go. To focus entirely on the current moment. Slowly, the energy starts to flow.
“Feel the power of our group. Allow it to build up inside you. Then when it feels like the energy is getting too much, let it go. Let it flow out of you and into the other girls here. Your energy will flow into them and their energy will flow into you, creating an endless circle.”
As Nicole speaks, the energy in the room starts to do as she says, flowing through the room. It makes Tara's body tingle from her fellow Wiccans in the room. The other girls feel a similarly good feeling.
“Tara, if you could lie down for us, that would really help.”
Tara does as instructed, slowly moving with the energy so that her head is down near Nicole and her feet are right next to Sarah and Amy, face up. From this position, the energy starts to flow even more powerfully, making all of them gasp and moan. During all this, Nicole continues to speak.
“Let the magic flow through you, give in to the warm feeling. Let yourself feel how good it is.”
Again things are taken to another level, the energy almost sizzling in the room. After enjoying this for a long silent moment, Tara feels a pair of hands on either side of her head. She opens her eyes long enough to see Nicole smiling down at her. This makes her close her eyes again. Another hand touches her left arm, then another touches her right arm. More hands reach out and place themselves on her stomach and her legs. The physical contact makes Tara breath deeper, obviously getting turned on.
Nicole, who is sitting just above her head, leans forward and gives Tara an upside down kiss. The kiss is soft and inviting, starting off slow and sensual. Tara kisses back despite herself. It just felt right, with the energy of the room flowing through the kiss and into Tara, and the energy flowing back into Nicole at the same time. The hands of the other girls touches her to explore what they're touching, caressing her arms and legs and stomach over her clothes, adding to the sensations.
Two hands on her arms move to her chest, while the two others are on her stomach are rubbing her. This makes Tara's breathing less laboured, the energy flowing through the girls hands and into Tara, moving all around her body, then out through the hands. It feels so good. A kind of good feeling Tara hadn't felt in a long time. She couldn't help but feel great with what was happening. The hands on her chest moves down to her breasts, gently massaging them, pushing Tara further into ecstasy.
Hands on her stomach start to slip underneath her shirt, teasing her skin. It has Tara squirming from the touch, moaning a little louder into the kiss. That has Nicole pulling back from the kiss, allowing Tara to feel all that is happening and the energy flowing through her better for a moment. Vaughne and Cheryl's hands on her shirt covered tits slips below Tara's plunging neckline and palm her tits under the shirt. Tara moans again as her tits are massaged, skin on skin, by two of her Wiccan colleagues.
Nicole kisses Tara again, this time getting her tongue into Tara's mouth without much resistance. Her shirt gets pushed up over her chest to expose her tits even if covered by Cheryl and Vaughne's hands, but they move their hands away so they can get out from her shirt and access Tara's tits directly, unencumbered. Every part of this felt right, even if it was a completely new experience for her. Nicole stops kissing Tara and straightens up so she can encourage Tara to sit up and take her shirt completely off, which Tara complies with. Throwing Tara's shirt away, she's now confronted with Cheryl and Vaughne on either side of her, each of them leaning in for a kiss. Tara turns her head to kiss them both passionately while Nicole's hands grab Tara's tits firmly from behind, massaging them.
Once Tara has kissed both girls, they move down to her tits, Nicole's hands moving away so they can each turn their attention to one tit, starting to lick them. Tara can't help but gasp at the way they tease her tits, but that wasn't the only thing. The two girls with their hands rubbing her legs over her pants move up to her waist, grabbing hold of her belt and unbuckling it, not long after opening up her pants and pulling them loose. They grip her waistband and pull it down.
Tara lifts her hips to give them access enough to pull it down off her butt, revealing her pussy as her pants come down to her upper thighs. As more and more of her lower body is revealed, hands glide over her exposed skin, with several hands teasing very close to Tara's pussy, going between her thighs and lower stomach. Tara's hips move at the contact, trying to get her fellow Wiccans to get closer. She leans back as the two girls on her tits pull their heads back and starts using their hands, playing with her nipples which they'd avoided with her tongues. She leans back at the sensations making her feel like she's swimming in sensation, which she is.
When Tara feels herself against Nicole behind her, she feels Nicole's bare tits pressing against her back. It makes her turn her head to try and look at Nicole, eventually she's able to but only long enough to have Nicole lean in and kiss her again. While they kiss, Tara is slowly lowered down onto her back, looking up at a smiling Nicole, who is now topless. Tara licks her lips at the sight before her. Nicole leans forward so that her tits are dangling not far from Tara's face, it has Tara lifting her head to try and taste it but it's just out of reach. Nicole laughs at Tara's eagerness before leaning forward and giving Tara what she wants, letting her wrap her lips around Nicole's tits, licking and sucking at them.
While this is going on, Tara's pants are coming off completely and thrown to the side, leaving Tara completely naked. It isn't long before Tara feels her legs being opened, her bare pussy on full display. She stops what she's doing to Nicole's tits to try and look down, using her hands to push the girls playing with her tits to the side. Below her is Chloe, a big grin on her face as she slides her way in between Tara's legs right up close to her pussy.
Tara squirms as she feels the breath of Chloe on her pussy, making two of the girls put hands down on Tara's stomach to try and keep her firmly planted. Chloe leans in and kisses Tara's thighs, slowly going back and forth between her left and right thighs, closer and closer to Tara's pussy. Eventually, Tara and Chloe lock eyes from their respective positions before Chloe leans in and places kisses on her pussy, then takes a lick, much to Tara's enjoyment. As Chloe licks more and more, starting to eat Tara's pussy, the others decide to get back involved.
Nicole leans forward again and she and Tara kiss deeply, enjoying each other. Tara feels lips on her nipples, playing with them to add to her pleasure. The three pronged attack on Tara pushes her pleasure higher and higher. Nicole pulls back from the kiss after a while and stares down at her.
“I want you to taste me. I want to feel your tongue on my pussy.”
After trying to focus for a moment but what's being done to her making it nearly impossible, Tara nods at the idea. With the go ahead, Nicole pulls herself up to a kneeling position so she can undo her own pants and pull them down, lifting each knee up enough to move it down to her ankles and off. Nicole then crawls on her knees the few feet enough to give Tara the perfect view of Nicole's pussy from below. Tara lifts her head up to try and get a lick of Nicole's pussy, which she manages with a little extra effort, she does this a few more times. Nicole widens her stance a little to lower her pussy down, while Tara brings her hands up to put them on Nicole's thighs, giving her a little leverage to lick the pussy above her.
Despite the distraction of Chloe eating her pussy as well as Cheryl and Vaughne sucking on her tits, Tara does her best to eat Nicole's pussy, making Nicole moan while Tara gives off muffled moans into her pussy. Sounds of pleasure echo out through the room as Tara struggles to eat Nicole's pussy while she's all but attacked from every direction by the other girls. Tara's fingers dig into Nicole's thighs as the pressure builds inside of her, it makes Nicole lean forward to try and stay vertical at what Tara's doing to her. Tara feels her left tit lose its attention and not long after hears kissing, which only adds to her own pleasure. Then her right tit loses attention followed quickly by more kissing. Just as Tara's about to try and object, Nicole has a suggestion.
“As much as I love her tongue work, I don't want to be a selfish lover. You should all get a shot, don't you think?”
Tara moans into Nicole's pussy, indicating her agreement and prompting laughter from Nicole and the others, including Chloe whose laughter is right into Tara's pussy. Nicole grinds her pussy into Tara's face just for fun before straightening back up and lifting herself off Tara's tongue.
“Who wants next?”
Vaughne's the first to speak up.
“I'd love a shot at her pussy.”
That has Nicole frowning.
“I was kinda hoping to get one myself.”
Nicole tries to clarify things.
“I was mostly talking about her fantastic tongue.”
They turn to Tara.
“What do you want Tara?”
Tara kinda shrugs and smiles.
“I'm good either way.”
That has Nicole turn to Vaughne.
“Tell ya what Vaughne, you let me get a taste of her pussy first, and you're definitely next.”
Vaughne thinks about it for a moment before saying anything.
Tara licks her lips at that. She watches as the girls around her move, Vaughne undoing her pants and pulling them down while she gets near Tara's head. Tara reaches out and caresses the leg of Vaughne when she's in range, it has Vaughne smiling at her.
“By the way, I love to look in a girl's eyes when she eats me, you good with that?”
“Sure, how do you want me?”
Vaughne sits herself down, leaning back on her hands with her open legs spread near Tara's head. Tara gets the idea and turns over on her stomach to face Vaughne's very inviting pussy. Chloe stops eating Tara's pussy to allow her to move. As Tara's in place, Vaughne shifts her butt down to get a little closer, Tara also shifting closer. Now within inches of the second pussy eating of the night, Tara looks up so their eyes meet from their respective positions. The grin on Vaughne's face tells Tara exactly how much she's enjoying this, then Tara leans in and starts with a single lick, much to Vaughne's delight.
Slowly but surely, Tara really gets into eating the pussy in front of her. So much so that she doesn't see what's going on behind her, namely Nicole moving in and laying down in a similar position to Tara, getting up close to Tara's pussy. She takes two firm handfuls of ass, massaging it. Once she's had enough fun with that, Nicole moves in closer and puts her hands underneath Tara's thighs, getting her to raise them up so Tara is presenting her pussy to Nicole. Moments later, she starts licking Tara's pussy, getting what she wanted. With their eyes still locked on each other, Tara watches as Cheryl and Chloe move in beside Vaughne as she gasps at Tara's tongue work.
“Is she really that good?”
Cheryl and Vaughne kiss at their words.
“Can't wait for my turn to find out.”
Vaughne moans at what Tara's doing to her.
“Definitely worth the wait.”
She turns to Chloe as they kiss. Cheryl reaches down, brushing the hair out of Tara's face so she can continue her work. Looking up at Cheryl for a moment as she does before returning her focus to Vaughne, who kept her focus on Tara.
“Sounds like she gives as good as she tastes.”
Chloe and Cheryl start playing with Vaughne's tits as they watch Tara eat pussy. Meanwhile, Tara is struggling to stay focused as Nicole continues her tongue assault on her pussy, licking from left to right, up and down, and circles, making Tara shift her hips as she moans into the pussy she's eating. Thankfully for Nicole, two other pairs of hands are helping keep her firmly in place. One pair from Sarah holding her hips firm while occasionally taking a grip of her ass cheeks for fun, the other from Amy keeping her legs in place but also running her hands along it. After another of many moans from Vaughne, it has her leaning forward and pushing on Tara's forehead, indicating she should stop, which Tara complies with.
“Fun as this is, I'm definitely ready to get a taste of you. How's that sound?”
Tara moans in response to the question before breathlessly confirming what she thinks.
Vaughne laughs at that, then encourages her to get up on all fours, which she does. Nicole stops what she's doing as Tara speaks up.
“How do you want me?”
Vaughne leans forward so she's on all fours facing her and then turns over on her back to look up at Tara, whose face is only inches away.
“Sit on my face.”
Tara leans down and gives her an upside down kiss similar to what Nicole gave her earlier, then she turns around on her hands and knees until she looks underneath her body to line her pussy up with Vaughne's face. Bending at the knees, she brings her pussy down to give Vaughne access. It isn't long before Vaughne starts eating Tara's pussy, causing Tara to throw her head back in ecstasy. While her eyes are closed, she's kissed, adding to her delight. She opens her eyes to see Cheryl is the one who kissed her, smiling at that, a grin on Cheryl's face.
“My turn.”
To Tara's surprise, Cheryl doesn't lie down, she slowly gets up, encouraging Tara to sit up, which she does. Cheryl looks down at Tara as she gets to her feet, but it becomes clear what the plan is when her hips are just above the top of Tara's head, making her face to face with Cheryl's pussy. Closing the little bit of distance between them, Cheryl lifts her right leg off the floor and drapes it over Tara's shoulder. Using her heel for extra leverage, she presses it into Tara's back to encourage her to lean into the pussy in front of her.
Tara does as encouraged, putting her hands out on Cheryl's hips to steady herself as she starts to eat her out. Similarly, Cheryl puts her hand on Tara's head to try and keep herself upright while Tara pushes her closer and closer to an orgasm. This while Vaughne does the same to her from below, playing with her folds, while also being able to see Tara lick and suck at Cheryl's pussy, adding to her own pleasure. Giving Cheryl a little extra support, Chloe comes up behind her and gets the best view she can by putting her arms around Cheryl's stomach as she presses herself up against the woman currently getting eaten out by Tara.
She brings her hand up to Cheryl's right tit, massaging it to give her that little bit extra enjoyment, with Vaughne occasionally reaching up from her position to grab at Tara's tits. Things go on like this for a while, the pressure building up inside them all. It's Chloe who eventually speaks up.
“Okay, my turn.”
With that declaration, Cheryl pulls her leg off of Tara's shoulder and it has Tara pulling back, licking her lips from what she was just doing. At the same time, Vaughne stops what she's doing so that Tara can concentrate enough to lift her right leg off Vaughne and sit on the floor, breathing heavily from all the excitement, she looks up at Chloe with expectation.
“Tell me.”
Chloe smiles as Vaughne sits up and Cheryl moves back, giving her a clear path to Tara.
“Just stay like that.”
She closes what little distance there is between them before crouching down and sitting in front of Tara, mostly mirroring Tara's position on the floor. Chloe brings her right leg over Tara's left which is laid out, then slips her left leg underneath Tara's right which is bent at the knee. Tara gets the idea and leans back on her hands so that she can shift her hips forward to meet Chloe's.
They do their best to line up their pussies as they keep their eyes on each other. Moments later, Chloe and Tara's pussies press themselves together, feeling the way they are starting to rubbing against each other. After making sure they're in a good position, Tara starts to move her hips and Chloe does her best to match the other girl. Slowly but surely, they build up a rhythm together, pushing the other's buttons as much as they can. Nicole moves up next to Tara as she continues to rub her pussy into Chloe's, allowing Nicole to comment on the situation.
“God this is so hot. But make sure you don't cum just yet. We have something planned for the big finish, really make sure we are all in magical alignment.”
Tara does her best to respond.
“W-... what is it?”
Nicole grabs one of Tara's tits, playing with it.
“Oh don't worry, it's going to be worth the build up. Isn't it girls?”
Vaughne, Cheryl and the other girls all laugh along at the question with Chloe speaking up while she gets a little bit of leverage on Tara, grinding down into Tara's pussy.
“For sure. Just you wait.”
Tara throws her head back as she moans at the combination of Chloe's pussy grinding and Nicole's tit massage. When she brings her head back to looking forward, Vaughne's hand touches her chin and turns it so that she can get Tara to kiss her, which they do, pushing Tara closer to cumming. Just as she's about to reach her breaking point, Chloe stops, keeping Tara on edge, groaning in response. Chloe explains with a chuckle as Tara gives her a questioning look.
“Like we said, we're getting in sync. We can tell when you're close.”
She pulls herself away, leaving Tara wanting, Nicole speaks up.
“But trust us, the perks are even better.”
Tara can't help but ask.
“What do you want me to do?”
Nicole is direct in her response.
“Daisy chain.”
Tara gives her a questioning look.
“Daisy chain?”
Nicole puts her hand on Tara's shoulder, pressing firmly but gently.
“Just lie down on your side for me.”
Very trusting at this point, Tara does as requested, lying back then turning on her side facing Nicole, who is smiling down at her. Nicole lies down next to her, making sure her pussy is in Tara's face, her left leg over Tara's head. Tara gets the idea and leans in, starting to eat Nicole's pussy. While she's doing that, Chloe moves in close, putting Tara's leg over her head so she can get in close and start eating Tara's pussy. The other links in the daisy chain move into place, Vaughne giving Nicole her pussy, Cheryl giving Vaughne hers, Amy giving Cheryl hers, Sarah giving Amy hers and finally completing the chain with Sarah eating Chloe's pussy.
With each girl now eating one of the other's pussies, the pressure builds up from the combination of their own pussy getting eaten making them work harder on the one in their mouth. All of them feel the magic start to flow between the group, making every part of them tingle, not just from the way they're licking and sucking at each other's pussies but definitely making the whole experience even more powerful.
Keeping it up, they start to float a little off the ground, the only thing that holds them together being the daisy chain. Being as in sync as they are, the sexual pressure grows together, Tara's energy flowing into Nicole, Nicole's energy flowing into Vaughne, Vaughne's flowing into Cheryl, Cheryl flowing into Amy, Amy flowing into Sarah, Sarah flowing into Chloe and Chloe flowing back into Tara. Every part of them are on fire as the pressure builds and builds between them, until none of them can handle it anymore.
They all tense up at the same time, unable to hold back and all they can do is cum. It releases all the magical energy that's been flowing through them, adding to the experience in a way that it would be hard to describe. Thankfully for them they're a little too busy moaning from the insanely powerful orgasm. The Wicca group floats together as they ride out the incredible orgasm they're all experiencing before slowly lowering themselves back down to the ground as the orgasm ends. It takes them all a while to fully recover from the mind blowing orgasm before eventually starting to break the link from each other.
Tara is one of the first to basically collapse, pretty much from exhaustion on the floor. She doesn't do much more than breath heavily with a look of ecstasy on her face, so much so that she doesn't notice that Nicole and the other girls are moving in next to her. Nicole is the first to speak up.
“So... do you feel connected?”
All Tara can do is respond with...
“Oh yeah...”
“Think you'll come back next week?”
Nicole leans in and kisses Tara happily, followed by a kiss from the others.
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