Xander's Wedding Gift | By : TheChemist Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Het - Male/Female Views: 8598 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I make no money from this. Must be 18 years old to read. I do not own or have anything to do with Buffy The Vampire Slayer nor its characters especially Buffy Summers, Xander + Tony Harris, Willow and Spike |
Title: Xander’s Wedding Gift Part 2
Show: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Author: The Chemist
Pairings: Buffy/Tony Harris (Xander’s Father)
Codes: MF, Oral, Public
Disclaimer: I make no money from this. Must be 18 years old to read. I do not own or have anything to do with Buffy The Vampire Slayer nor its characters especially Buffy Summers, Xander or Tony Harris
Summary: Season 6 Episode 16. After giving Xander his special wedding gift, Buffy fails in keeping Xander’s dad from drinking. So, Buffy chooses to distract the old pervert in the most reliable way she can think of.
“How do I look?” Xander asked, moments after finally being fully dressed for his wedding.
“Like you're ready to be married,” Buffy replied, straightening her hair so it didn’t have that recently fucked look. “Alright. Into the breach with you.”
“Breach me,” Xander replied, holding out his hand.
Buffy took her friend by the hand and led him through the dressing room door and into the hallway. Willow wasn’t there, luckily, or else they’d have some explaining to do especially since they lied to her about Buffy’s whereabouts.
“Okay, let’s go over the list one more time,” Xander said.
“Number 1: keep your day away from the bar…”
“Correct. He runs his mouth, loves getting into fights and will surely ruin the day and the rest of my life if he drinks,” Xander added more context.
“Hence why it's the first rule,” the Slayer agreed. “Rule #2 is keeping your mom from the bar. Rule…”
“Hey Buffy!” Dawn came rushing over. “Spike’s here and he brought a total skank and they’re totally making out right in the middle of the room. I saw him shove his tongue…”
“Guys, I better go meet and greet,” Xander proposed, wanting to get away from the sisters.
“He looks happy. Like, happier than I’ve ever seen him,” Dawn observed.
“Almost like he just got lucky with his dream girl,” Buffy quipped.
“Except Anya’s been getting ready the whole time, so that’s not it,” Dawn replied.
Buffy listened to Dawn rant for a little longer before the Summers sisters entered the ballroom. The two families were well separated, with hostility thick in the air between them. Xander was around, but he was spending all of his time with some old guy Buffy had never seen before, though he looked vaguely familiar.
“Oh no!” Buffy squealed as she looked over to the bar as a man was hollering for everyone’s attention. “Rule #1”
“A toast! And to my wife, Jessica...Where are you, honey? There she is. To my wife. What would I do without you, beautiful?” Xander’s father started his speech, slurring already. “Well, for starters, I probably wouldn't need to drink so much, would I?”
“Shit, shit, shit,” Buffy swore as she moved through the crowd in the drunken man’s direction.
“On the brighter side, marriage has probably saved me...saved me from a nasty dose of the clap! That blonde over there knows what I’m talking about,” Tony Harris laughed, pointing his finger at Buffy.
“Hey! I don’t have chlamydia,” the Slayer protested, though one or two people stepped further back from her.
“Does this jerk ever shut up? He's starting to make my suckers twitch,” the squid-looking demon loudly shouted.
“Hey, I paid for all this,” the father of the groom bellowed. “You want me to sit down, you cough up a couple of grand, squiddly.”
“What'd you call me, you drunken piece of…”
The demon had emerged from his pack of friends and headed straight towards the drunken man. Tony Harris wasn’t backing down. Though Xander’s father had a few inches of height on the demon, he was also a 50 year old man who hadn’t exercised in well over a decade. Luckily, before the squid demon could get his hands on the mortal man, Buffy arrived.
“Mazel tov!” Buffy cheerily announced, looping her arm into Xander’s father’s.
“Hey, what's this?” Tony asked as Buffy led him away from the bar and demon.
“You must be so happy for Xander on his very special, once-in-a-lifetime day, huh, Mr. Harris?” Buffy asked, hoping that reminding why they were all here would snap the drunkard out of his current mindset.
“Jesus!” Tony stated, leaning his head down so his face was mere inches from Buffy’s tits. “Nice chassis. What's under the hood?”
“Oh good. The dad has just as strong of a libido as the son,” Buffy thought, continuing to lead Mr. Harris away from the main room and into a space without anyone he can offend.
Since she didn’t reply right away, the drunk man wanted to make sure that the blonde understood him. “That means I think you have nice tits. Not huge like that girl Xander shacked up with in high school. Corduroy, I think…”
“Cordelia,” Buffy corrected.
“Yeah, that’s her. Tits McGee!” Tony agreed. “But yours fit that tiny little body of yours nicely. Much like your ass. Not big, but that dress is tight enough to show that you have a firm butt.”
“You know, I could use a strong cup of coffee. Let's get you one too,” Buffy brushed off his shameless comments and pushed through into the staff room which had a small kitchenette, a table or two and a sofa.
“Hey! Did you slip us into this back room so I can show you my…”
“You finish that sentence, and I guarantee you won't have anything to show,” Buffy snapped, but quickly flashed him a smile that didn’t touch her eyes.
“Okay, prude. Then get out of my way and let me finish my damn toast,” Xander’s father demanded.
“I can’t let you do that,” Buffy said, putting an arm out to stop him.
“Oh boy! Blondie blows hot then cold then hot again,” Tony Harris laughed, his hands running up the Slayer’s arm. “Now listen. Either get out of my way and let me address the guests at my son’s wedding or you make it worth my while to stay back here with you.”
As Buffy pondered his words and a way to remedy this situation, she felt as the much older man continued to glide up her arm until he was roaming over her shoulder. His fingertips touched the skin of her chest, right above her cleavage before it travelled up to the nape of Buffy’s neck. Ever since Angel bit her for the first time at 16 years old, the vampire bite mark was hypersensitive and made Buffy close her eyes and moan loudly into the empty back room. Her brain lit up in remembered pleasures of her time with her first love, Buffy wasn’t aware as Xander’s dad’s finger entered her mouth. Nor was the Slayer aware that she closed her lips around the finger and began to bob her head on the digit, giving him a simulated blowjob.
“Knew you were a slut,” Tony Harris commented before he leaned down and planted a wet kiss on Buffy’s lips.
“Ew. No kissing,” Buffy stated after breaking the kiss immediately.
“That’s fine, darling. I have a better place for you to put your lips anyway,” Xander’s father retorted.
“Fuck my life,” Buffy swore to herself. “First I let Spike do unspeakable things to me. Then I literally fuck a groom on his wedding day because I couldn’t afford to get him a gift. And now, I’m going to fuck his father at that same wedding. Way to go Buffy!”
“On your knees or Poppa Harris needs a refill,” he stated, already undoing his belt.
“Oh,” Buffy groaned softly before sinking down into a familiar position - kneeling in front of a man.
“Good girl. Now suck daddy off. Good and proper,” Tony Harris instructed as he fished his already erect cock from his pants.
“Jesus! Like father, like son,” Buffy couldn’t help but comment.
Despite the situation, Buffy found herself reaching out for the massive cock like a moth drawn to the flame. Her hand automatically picked it up and began to stroke it gently as she observed it more closely. His smooth shaft was decorated with some small veins, while his cut manhood with exposed pink head looked so inviting to suck on. And it looked like a carbon copy of the very same cock she let fuck her in the ass less than 10 minutes ago, right down to the length, which measured a full 10 inches when at full size.
“I bet a girl like you is a size queen. Something in your eye just screams that your a whore,” Xander’s father said with a wolfish smile.
“I guess I’m that easy to read, huh?” Buffy commented subconsciously, her eyes and focus never leaving the gorgeous cock in her face.
With a wicked grin on her pretty face that she couldn't hide, Buffy licked her lips before guiding his cock towards her face. The adulterous drunk couldn't help but let an audible moan as her hot wet mouth worked the first half of his cock over. Tony had cheated on his wife countless times, but never had the pleasure of seducing one of his son’s friends. And despite being only 20 years old, the young blonde on her knees could handle herself against the best of them he thought as she started inhaling his whole cock into her mouth with each stroke.
"Yes. Suck it," he moaned in delight towards the skilled cocksucker.
"Mmmmm," she moaned as she noisily slobbered on his meat stick.
Buffy didn’t know what was happening to her. Her relationship with Spike had messed something up in her head. She had learned to love anal sex, so much so that she practically threw her ass at the soon-to-be married Xander, her best friend for whom she never had sexual feelings for. And then the break-up happened with the vampire, transforming Buffy into a girl who was now apparently so obsessed with cock that she was willing to suck off a horrible man, all so she could keep him distracted. And worse, she fucking loved it!
"Fuck. So good with your little mouth. I bet my little whore loves swallowing dick,” Xander’s father sneered down at her while holding her hair as he bucked his hips.
"Didn't know I was that easy to read," Buffy bantered back as she licked the side of his pole.
Unfortunately she had to pull her mouth off his manhood to return his dirty talk, but he welcomed the break even if it only lasted a moment. The second after giving her reply, the lips of the horny girl were wrapped back around his glistening cock, already dripping wet in her copious amount of saliva.
Buffy parted her plush red lips and brushed her long hair behind her ears then took him into her mouth again. Just like before, Tony Harris moaned audibly as she started sucking him off while he was left with his head tilted back and fingertip digging into the top of her golden head. The Slayer enjoyed the effect she was having on him, but shifted all her focus on building momentum as she bobbed her head up and down his towering pole, taking more of him inside her each time.
"Mhm...shit," the groom’s dad groaned. "Definitely worth skipping my speech."
"Right. Thanks," Buffy replied, a strand of spit connecting her lips to his cock.
Buffy was caught in two minds, which usually wasn’t the case during sex. However, as she knelt on the floor of a back room in the wedding venue in her bridesmaid’s dress, that was the situation. While her initial goal of keeping Tony away from the bar failed, the next best thing was keeping him away from others so he wouldn’t ruin Xander’s big day. Therefore, she had to stretch this encounter out for as long as possible. On the flip side, Tony Harris was a terrible human being who loved hissing insults down at the cock-sucking girl, so Buffy wanted to finish him off as soon as possible. But, it was Buffy’s friendship for Xander that was winning out.
“That’s it, skank. Suck big daddy’s dick like you were born for it,” he demanded.
Buffy wished she could feel offended by his comments, but Spike had worn away that part of her. The things he would say and do to her over the past month must have worn away the shame part of her brain and replaced it with a need to satisfy. However, Buffy still knew she needed to keep the vile man on the hook, so she slowed things down. Stopping her vigor head bobbing, the gorgeous blonde dug into her bag full of oral tricks.
“Oh yes! Lick poppa’s cock like a lollipop,” the drunk man urged.
Buffy had slowly shortened up her head bobs so that her lips were rubbing over just his tip for several passes before she pulled them off altogether. Her mouth didn’t go far though, as Buffy extended her skilled tongue and flicked it against his piss slit. Not only did Tony like this, but it gave Buffy her first taste of his essence as a bead of pre-cum oozed from his tip.
“Talented cock sucker,” Tony grunted his approval as Buffy went back to more slow, shallow head bobs.
“Thank you,” the Slayer replied.
Buffy used the brief moment without the cock filling her lips in order to change strategy. Instead of the bobbing, the blonde extended her tongue and gave the sensitive underbelly a long lick from root to tip. At the top again, Buffy gave his cockhead a swirl before descending back down his pole with her lips forming a tight O. This bob down his shaft was slower than the others, and apparently the balding drunkard liked this so he reached down and cupped the back of the blonde’s head. Getting his hint, Buffy pushed further down, feeling his tip press the back of her mouth and try to invade down into her throat though he was much too thick for that to work.
“That’s it. Keep watching me with your pretty eyes,” Xander’s dad ordered.
Buffy had learnt from Spike (and her previous boyfriends) that men and vampire alike loved when she made eye contact when their dick was in her mouth. She didn’t know why, maybe it was a power or degradation thing. Either way, she didn’t really care. Instead, the blonde kept her gaze locked on the horny drunk as her eyes started to glass over and even felt a little tear run down her cheek. As she went to pull back, she found her path blocked by his hand, preventing her retreat. Buffy knew she could easily overpower him, but this was fine for now, she still had lots of air in her lungs. After another few seconds, his vice-like grip relented and Buffy pulled back with a hearty cough.
“AWWWHHHH!” Buffy breathed deeply as several thick bands of spit donned his veiny cock.
“Impressive. Daddy likes you with a dick in your throat,” Tony Harris summarized.
“Uhhh...thank...aaahhh...you,” Buffy politely replied.
Remembering that she didn’t want to make him cum too soon, plus needing to regain some air in her lungs, Buffy went for a new tactic. With a long, slow lick down the side of his spit-covered shaft, the Slayer kept travelling lower until she pulled her mouth from his dick, used her hand to beat his meat. She did this so that she could lower her mouth further and use her tongue to help corral his heavy sack to bring it into her mouth.
"Oh God...so good," Tony Harris grunted, gripping her head tighter.
Buffy took turns taking each nut into her mouth and giving it proper attention before she moved back to something more solid. She moved half of his pole between her lips while stroking the other half. Using her free hand to massage his sack again, she could hear how much he appreciated what she was doing.
"Thought you'd like that," the Slayer said while grinning up at him.
"Very much. But daddy needs to fuck you now."
“Are you sure? Don’t you love my mouth on your cock?” Buffy asked, giving him another long lick of his shaft and a suck of his testicles.
“I do. But I’m not passing up a 20 year old pussy,” the drunkard stated firmly.
“Yeah. I guess I can’t blame you there,” Buffy said with chagrin.
She was initially hoping to give the man a long, slow but ultimately satisfying blowjob so she didn’t have to have sex with her friend’s father, but obviously that wasn’t her luck. Which made sense, knowing her luck as well as she did. Pushing herself off her knees, Buffy stood and let the blood return back below her knees for the first time in a quarter hour. Rather than smooth out her dress, Buffy rolled the skirt up her legs until the hideous garment was bunched around her waist and her naked sex was exposed.
“Naughty girl. No panties at a wedding,” Tony Harris commented, drawing a flush of embarrassment from the Slayer.
Buffy wished she could have countered with a quippy reply or deny it, but she had purposefully avoided underwear in the hopes of getting fucked at the wedding. Sure, she didn’t think it would be with her loyal friend’s father, but that was the risk she ran. That line of thought was interrupted as the blonde vampire slayer was grabbed by her arms and spun her around 180 degrees. Already aware of her surroundings, Buffy took a step forward and bent over at the waist so she could rest her small but perky tits against the wooden table that her thighs were pressed up against.
“This is what you want, right?” the drunk asked rhetorically as Buffy licked her fingers before spreading the spit onto her exposed pussy.
“Ohhhh,” Buffy moaned as Xander’s dad wasted no time pushing half his cock into her snatch.
He kept pushing inside her until his hips met her much smaller ones then withdrew nearly all the way. She screamed again as he impaled her again, this time not pulling out more than halfway. Tony had seemed to find his range and comfort zone, using the length of his cock at this speed to repeatedly pummel the 20 year old’s twat. Looking down to survey his repeated thrusting of his dick into her pink snatch, the groom's father took turns using his hands to deliver slaps to Buffy’s small, firm booty, turning the otherwise pale flesh a lovely shade of red in short order.
“God you’re fucking tight,” Tony hissed through gritted teeth. “My last fuck was with Xander’s mom and I can tell you how different you two feel.”
“Less talk...mmhhmm...more sex...aahhh!” Buffy replied, earning her a sudden sharp jab of his hips forward.
The drunkard went back to fucking her hard, there was no two ways about it. With each thrust forward his cock head guided back into her pussy, tunneling all the way in while the front of Buffy’s thighs pressed harder against the wooden edge of the table. His hands were busy, one hand usually around her ass to either separate to allow him to watch his cock spearing into her pussy or simply kneading the curvy flesh. The other one was rubbing her back and occasionally using it to wrap around her silky hair and pull back like the reins of a horse, forcing Buffy’s head to snap back, which made her grimace slightly but also release a moan of pleasure.
“Fuck me,” she begged, the Slayer finding that he needed a good fuck and surprisingly Xander’s dad was delivering.
Buffy continued to use her hands to push back towards him to meet his thrusts. The Slayer was pleased that he wasn’t being gentle with her, since so many men did based solely on the fact her body was so damn tiny. Rather than only use half his shaft on her, the older man had no qualms repeatedly driving the whole 10 inches deep inside her, time after time. He was still going at a mild pace, still getting used to her tightness, which Buffy wasn’t complaining about. Though Spike had turned her into a girl who wanted it fast and hard, going slow and steady would eat up more time, fulfilling Buffy’s duty to Xander.
However, the groom’s father had other plans. After another few minutes of his slow, measured approach, Tony changed gears. When the older man ramped up the speed even more and she was all the happier for it. Though normally Buffy would never have subjected herself to something like this, she had a lengthy period of sexual frustration built up inside her. Now, with the groom's father attempting to sexually decimate her, Buffy felt more than up to the task of fucking him just as hard as he was to her, feeling better able to match his sexual hunger and lustings.
“Yeah? Like this,” he asked, doing several fast but extremely hard thrusts.
“Ughhh…yes…awwhh…please,” Buffy grunted.
With his hands never leaving her hips, Buffy and Tony Harris fell into the constant rhythm of her being pulled backwards to meet his thrust. As soon as all 10 inches buried themselves in Buffy’s womb, they would both moan before the power of the contact sent Buffy’s thighs pressing harder against the table’s edge. Being the Slayer, she hardly felt it. In fact, she only wanted him to fuck her harder and deeper with his surprisingly massive dick.
“Fuck me. Please, fuck me,” Buffy all but begged.
Maybe because she was showing such bravado, or simply the groom's father was finding his stride. Either way, the older man turned it up another degree. Reaching down and holding firmly onto her rounded hips to help drive the petite blonde back to meet his ever increasingly hard thrusts. He kept up his crazy hard force, slamming into her at a pace of once her second with her tiny ass shaking in response.
“Fucking take it. Take it all,” Tony hissed in pleasure.
Despite who she was fucking, this was the perfect distraction Buffy needed. She wasn’t thinking about Spike, or the skank he brought with him to this wedding. Instead, she was only thinking about her need to cum since Tony Harris, of all people, was proving to be a great lay. No longer worried about time since they’d been in the back room for long enough, the Slayer was looking for her just deserves.
“Just like that,” Buffy moaned.
Based on the desperation in her voice and look on her face, an individual as old and experienced as Tony Harris knew that the slender girl was desperate to cum. Despite the fact he was mostly worried about his own pleasure, the older man decided to happily give it to her. Buffy felt his hands grip her even tighter as the drunkard went even harder and deeper into smashing her in two. Though Buffy was mere seconds away from cumming, she and her pussy were dragging the groom's father towards his own orgasm as well.
“Make me cum! Cum all over your huge dick,” Buffy Summers begged.
He didn’t change his approach too much as he maintained pounding into the fit 20 year old with everything he had. He ignored his own warning signs of an orgasm, going well past the point of no return, as his balls were seconds away from starting to pump a fresh batch of jizz up his shaft. As the Slayer screamed into the empty back room as her orgasm tore threw her, alighting every nerve in her body, the groom's father hissed his own shriek.
“OOHHHHH GGOODDDDDDD! YESSSS,” Buffy screamed as she came.
“Cumming!” Tony hissed a few seconds later.
It took a moment for his words to sink in, but when the older man slapped down at her sculpted ass one last time, it helped snapped her out of her orgasm-induced stupor. She remembered the last of panties, and how she’d be standing up in front of the gathered crowd with cum leaking down her inner thigh as Xander and Anya got married. Fearing that, the Slayer created a little space, allowing her to swiftly drop to her knees again as she spun and faced him.
“Oh God! Here it comes!”
Being the Slayer with all her phenomenal physical gifts allowed Buffy to move just fast enough to avoid a full facial of jizz. No sooner had she steered his dick between her lips than the familiar jerky pulse of his dick, Buffy was rewarded for a successful blowjob with a thick spurt of jizz feeling her mouth and coating her taste buds in his salty seed. However, the drinking had caused Tony to stumble back a step, but he was already taking over stroking his manhood and aimed his cock so that his next to streaks took Buffy in the face. He watched with a wide smile as a thick rope of white jizz splattered right over her upper lips and nose. A second streak followed, just as plentiful but getting her more of the bridge of the nose, forehead and even onto her golden hair. His last two ropes were tiny in comparison, one landing on her cheek and the other on the side of her forehead.
"Fuck that was good," Tony grunted as he pulled up his trousers.
“What the hell! You came all over my face!” Buffy protested. “I’m a bridesmaid!”
“And I’m the groom’s father! And I paid for this whole damn wedding,” he countered, struggling to get the button of his pants fastened.
“I paid for the dress and makeup,” Buffy retorted, annoyed as she searched for a tissue.
“Something tells me this isn’t the first time you’ve had to clean jizz off your face and hair in public,” Tony barked a laugh. “Now, I think I hear them piling in. Time for my son to marry a circus freak!”
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