Buffy's Blackmailing Little Sister | By : MTL Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > FemmeSlash - Female/Female > Buffy/Dawn Views: 59739 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Willow and Tara were standing in the doorway, the expressions on their faces almost impossible to read. There is shock, sure, but there seems to be a billion other emotions they were experiencing all at once. Not that Buffy spent a lot of time trying to find out what those emotions were because she could imagine just fine. What the two Witches must be thinking. What they must be thinking of her. The disgust, the revulsion, the horror, and the same emotions being reflected back in the Slayer as she is frozen in terror at being discovered.
After a minute Buffy finally takes her hands off her ass cheeks and tries to move away from her little sister. She gets a smack to her ass for her trouble.
“I didn’t tell you to move! Or to take your hands off your ass cheeks!” Dawn says causing Buffy to turn her head around from looking at Willow and Tara to looking at her sister who looks back at her.
After another minute of the Summers sisters staring into one and other’s eyes Buffy hangs her head in shame and then slowly spreads her cheeks again, the humiliated blonde taking comfort in the fact she doesn't have to see the look on the two Wicca’s faces anymore. Turning her attention from Buffy to the Witches Dawn is unable to stop herself from smiling due to the fact that since she spotted them their facial expressions have not changed in the last fifteen to twenty minutes.
Willow and Tara meanwhile continue to stare at the scene before them. Neither one of them able to speak or think until finally Willow manages to break herself out of the state of shock that she has been in since she first spotted the two figures on her bed.
“What in the name of the Goddess is going on here?” Willow exclaims softly, her tone one of confusion and shock more than anything else. This made Dawn smile.
“Well Willow, Tara, you remember how I told you I was planning on stopping Buffy from marrying Riley? And I told you both that I was going to make Buffy happy?” Dawn asks Willow and Tara, both slowly nod their heads. “I probably should have told you how I intended on doing it.”
Willow turns her head and looks at her girlfriend who turns her head and looks back at her neither of them understanding what Dawn has just said as they both slowly turn and look back at the scene before them.
“Why don't you guys close the door and come closer, and I'll tell you everything.” Dawn says before turning her attention from the two Wicca’s to her big sister, “Buffy, you can get off me now and clean my cock.”
The way Dawn said that made it sound like a treat instead of yet another humiliation, the young sibling practically beaming at the blonde as Buffy opened her mouth to protest then thought better of it. Arguing would only get her another spanking, and Buffy was so very tired of fighting Dawn. So, trying to ignore the fact that her friends were behind her, the Slayer fell to her knees, closed her eyes, lent forward and took the head of the brunette's strap on into her mouth. She heard a few gasps of shock and probably disgust behind her but the blonde did her best to block them out, and that she was currently tasting the deepest part of her own butt, and concentrated on sucking the dildo.
Soon the Slayer had settled into a steady rhythm, Willow and Tara barely having time to close the door before they become transfixed on watching Buffy beginning to bob her head on that ass flavoured dildo. Dawn allows a few minutes for the Witches to enjoy this new show then she starts to tell them how what they have just seen came about, telling them everything that has happened in detail from Buffy's relationship with Faith to the blackmail, the blonde continuing to be grateful she doesn't have to look at her friends faces and for the distraction of the tasty toy.
Willow and Tara meanwhile are focusing their attention on Dawn, both of them trying not to look at Buffy despite the fact that they both want to watch the bizarre sight of the mighty Slayer sucking her little sister's strap on. The things lil Dawnie were saying was pretty good at keeping the Witches attention, especially when she told them she is a top whereas her older sister is a bottom which shocks both of the Wiccas due to them both having thought that if either of the two Summers sisters were lesbian then Buffy would have been a top and Dawn would have been a bottom. Another thing which particularly grabs their attention is the brunette explaining her true feelings for Buffy and the agreement that they made 6 days ago and what the two of them have been doing both to one and other as well as what Dawn’s ultimate goal is.
“And then you guys came in and found Buffy riding my dick with her hot little Slayer ass.” Dawn says having brought both Willow and Tara up to speed. After she has finished telling the two witches her story she simply sits were she is and waits to see what either one or both of the two ladies before her do.
By now Buffy has taken the entire length of Dawn's strap on down her throat half a dozen times and has thoroughly cleaned the dildo of all her own ass juices yet she is still slowly sucking away at that fake cock because she still wants to avoid looking at her friends. The blow job ceased being a decent distraction once every drop of her butt juice was gone and Buffy's cheeks flushed with humiliation with Dawn's words, yet what choice did she have but to continue obeying her dominant sister and take comfort in the fact that sucking that big dick is still a minor distraction.
For a several long moments silence completely falls over the room, both Witches still dumbfounded and what they've seen/heard. They also can't believe how proud Dawn looks, the brunette who up until a few moments ago they had seen as innocent sitting there with her big sister sucking her strap on cock, the look on her face as well as her body language telling them she is not at all ashamed of anything that she has just told either of them much less does she appear to be ashamed of showing off her body to the two of them.
“Ok.” Willow says finally doing her best to try and focus on making sense of what she has been told and not focus on how attractive her best friend’s little sister looks with their strap on attached to her. “So… you’re a lesbian?”
Dawn nods her head doing her best not to smile at the question.
“And... and you too?” Willow asks turning her attention from Dawn back to her best friend for over half a decade.
Buffy ignores the question, hoping Dawn will answer it for her.
“Answer her!” Dawn snaps in a demanding tone of voice causing both Willow and Tara to look at the brunette in shock having never heard lil Dawnie talk to her older sister like that, equally shocked when Dawn smirks and adds, "Take my cock out of your mouth, turn around and answer the question."
Quickly doing as she is told Buffy looks at her friends and then lowers her head, the Slayer embarrassed about what she has just done and what she now has to do. Buffy really doesn't want to tell them that she is a lesbian because she still isn't sure she is one. However she is unable to deny that she has been with a woman. Well, two women.
“I‘ve… experimented.” Buffy says finally, feeling that this is an acceptable answer due to it allowing her to admit that she has been with a woman or two however that does not make her a lesbian.
“Yes Willow!” Dawn snaps making Buffy close her eyes due to the tone with which her younger sister is talking being one of anger and despite herself the Slayer can‘t help but hate making her sister angry.
Dawn turns her attention from Buffy to Willow who is looking at her.
“Yes Willow.” Dawn says a little bit calmer, “Buffy is a lesbian. She's just… in the closet right now. And she's not quite ready to come out. Are you sis?”
Buffy doesn't say anything she simply keeps her head hung and her eyes shut hating her sister for what she is doing to her.
Willow looks at Buffy unable to help but feel sorry for her due to the fact she knows what it is like to be as Dawn put it 'in the closet' and afraid to come out due to her having been in the same position during their first year together at UC Sunnydale. Although Willow wasn’t so much afraid to come out as she was afraid to come out to her friends like Buffy. While she feels sorry for her best friend at the same time Willow can’t believe that her best friend who she has known for almost seven years is or rather could be a lesbian.
“And she's a bottom?” Tara asks causing Willow to turn her attention to her girlfriend rather shocked by the question that she has just asked.
Dawn also turns her attention from Buffy to Tara not shocked by the question however she is shocked that it is the first thing that Tara has said since she entered the room and saw her and her sister on the bed. Then Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile.
“Buffy is the biggest bottom I have ever had the pleasure of dominating.” Dawn says honestly and proudly, "In fact she is not just a bottom, she's a Sub. A total pain slut who loves getting her hot ass spanked. Mmmmm, and fucked. I mean, I know you wouldn't think it considering how bossy she is but there's nothing my stuck up big sister loves more than being bossed around and fucked in the ass, the big tough Slayer whimpering like a little bitch at first but soon enough she's always begging for more, just like she was a few moments ago when you saw her taking it up her Slayer butt."
Tara turns her attention from Dawn who is smiling like the Cheshire cat out of Alice In Wonderland to Buffy and can’t help but smile a small smile due to how ironic she finds the fact that Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a submissive. She always thought that in the bedroom Buffy would have been a top and yet it turns out that the Slayer is a total bottom. Meanwhile Tara assumed lil Dawnie would be submissive when actually she's the dominant one out of the Summers sisters. And as Tara turns her attention from Buffy back to Dawn Tara can't help but look at the youngest of the two sister's with admiration and respect.
Dawn looks at Tara who is looking at her with a small smile on her face however she is also looking at her with a look of admiration and respect both on her face and in her eyes which causes Dawn to smile a small smile back as she thinks about all of the times she heard the blonde and redhead who are now in front of her fucking each other’s brains out like they're lives depended on it. And how while they weren’t the definition of Dom and Sub it was obvious one of them was and is definitely the aggressive and the other was and is definitely the submissive.
“So, back when we were in Sunnydale and you both obviously thought I was asleep just like Faith and Buffy did. I heard you two fucking each other’s brains out like your lives depended on it.” Dawn says looking between Willow and Tara, “And while it is obvious you two aren’t the definition of a Dom and a Sub. It is obvious from the sounds I heard one of you is the aggressive one and one of you the submissive... so I am just curious... who is the Dom and who is the Sub?”
Buffy lifts her head and looks at Dawn unable to believe what she has just said even though what she has just said is true as far as her and Faith having always thought before they started that they thought her little sister was sound asleep. She is also unable to believe what Dawn has just asked Willow and Tara as far as their sexual relationship is concerned.
Dawn can feel her sister’s eyes on her however she ignores her and keeps her focus on the two women in front of her already having a feeling she knows which one of the two Wicca’s is the Dom and which one is the Sub.
“Well Dawn… if you really must know.” Tara says both thinking and feeling that there is no choice in lying to the youngest Summer’s sister or Buffy since Dawn just confessed to having heard her and Willow who Tara at that moment turns her head and looks at before slowly turning her head back around to look at Dawn, “I am the Dom. And Willow is the sub.”
Buffy stares at Willow and Tara in unable to believe what she has just heard focusing her attention more on Willow due to her being her best friend.
Dawn meanwhile is focusing her attention on Tara looking at her with the same admiration and respect that Tara was looking at her with earlier, “I had a feeling you were the Dom.”
Tara looks half surprised and half either happy or impressed.
“What gave me away?” Tara asks curiously unable to believe that she is actually having this conversation with her girlfriend’s best friend’s sister and yet unable to deny the fact that she is enjoying it.
“Remember when I asked you about Doms and Subs?” Dawn asks, “Tops and Bottoms?”
Tara slowly nods her head remembering that conversation very well due to that having been when she started to suspect that the youngest of the Summers sisters may not be what everybody probably assumed she was and that is a submissive/bottom in the bedroom.
“You seemed to know a lot more about Tops and Doms than you did Subs and Bottoms.” Dawn says letting Tara know when she started to wonder if the quite shy reserved Wicca was hiding a secret in the bedroom.
Buffy looks at Dawn in shock at what she has just heard while Willow looks at Tara with the same look of shock on her face as Buffy has on her’s neither Buffy nor Willow are able to believe that Tara and Dawn had a conversation about this.
Dawn looks between Willow and Tara deciding to find out more about the two Wiccas.
“Since tonight seems to be a night for revelations.” She says with a smirk as she continues to look between both Tara and Willow. “Have either of you ever fantasised about me or Buffy?”
Buffy continues to stare at Dawn unable to believe that she is actually asking Willow and Tara these questions and despite part of her not wanting to she can’t help but turn her head and look at Willow and Tara wondering if they will answer the question that Dawn has just asked them.
Dawn looks or rather stares at Willow and Tara as well wondering if they will answer her question and yet despite not being sure she can’t help but feel that they will.
“Yes.” Tara says finally once again breaking the silence and causing all eyes in the room including Willow’s to turn on her. She smiles an ear to ear smile due to her being able to feel her girlfriend’s eyes on her however she focuses her attention to the Summers sisters. “I have fantasised about both you and Buffy.”
Tara knows that she should not be confessing this especially not in front of her girlfriend due to her having never told Willow this and yet unable to help but want to confess this due to it having been something that she has always wanted to tell somebody and yet having always felt as though she had to keep it a secret.
Dawn looks at Tara with a smile while Buffy looks at Tara in complete and utter shock and disbelief.
“What about you Willow?” Dawn asks turning her attention from Tara to Willow.
Willow slowly turns her attention from Tara unable to believe what she has just confessed due to her having never told her that she had the hots for her best friend or her best friend’s sister. As she looks at Dawn and then looks at Buffy Willow can’t help but turn her head and look at Tara feeling nervous and scared.
“Answer her Willow.” Tara says unable to help but wonder if maybe her girlfriend was looking at her in order to get her permission or to find out whether or not she could tell them due to her normally looking at her when they are alone like she is when she wants to know whether or not she can do something.
Willow slowly turns her attention from Tara back to Buffy and Dawn unable to believe that she is about to admit what she is and yet feeling a little bit better about it due to the fact that she knows she has Tara’s permission to do it.
“Yes.” Willow says finally having wanted to simply nod her head and yet knowing or able to imagine either Dawn or Tara or both would not accept that as an answer.
“Yes what?” Dawn asks focusing her attention on Willow having noticed the Dom and Sub type of exchange between the two Witches and having liked it as well as hoping to get Buffy to the point where she will do what Willow just did when she either wants to ask something or do something as far as in the bedroom is concerned.
Willow looks at Dawn swallowing hard. "Yes... I have fantasised about both you and Buffy."
“Buffy.” Dawn says causing her big sister to turn her attention from Willow to her. “Have you ever fancied Willow or Tara?”
Buffy looks at Dawn her first thought is to lie and say that she has never thought of either of her two friends. However she knows she can’t do this because if she does Dawn will no doubt either ask her if that is the truth or know that she is lying and force her to tell the truth.
“Well?” Dawn asks looking her older sister in the eye able to see the desire to lie to her there and yet also able to see that Buffy knows what will happen to her if she does lie which causes Dawn to smile due to this being a sign that she is finally starting to get through to Buffy who is in charge as she watches her big sister turn her head and look from her to Willow.
“I’ve never fantasised about Willow.” Buffy says, “The reason being because… well because she was the first friend I made when I arrived in Sunnydale. And… I just never saw her in that way.”
Dawn looks from Buffy to Willow able to see that the red headed Wicca is hurt by this although she is doing her best to hide it. However as she continues to look at the redhead she can’t help but wonder why Buffy never fancied Willow considering how close the two were and are and leaving the whole Dom/Sub etc aside if there was anybody Dawn would have expected her sister to go with apart from Faith or herself it was or would have been Willow due to how close the two of them were and are due to how well they knew each other etc.
“And Tara?” Dawn asks having noticed Buffy having gone awfully quiet as well as her keeping her focus on Willow almost as if she is afraid to look at Tara.
Buffy slowly turns her attention from her best friend to her best friend’s girlfriend who is looking back at her curiously. Buffy swallows hard hoping that what she is about to say does not damage ruin or destroy her friendship with Willow or Tara.
“I have fantasised about Tara.” Buffy admits.
Dawn looks at Buffy unable to hide her surprise at this as she slowly looks from her sister to Tara who seems to be staring at Buffy the same way that Buffy is staring at her there is no shock on Tara’s face or in her eyes almost as if she either knew or suspected or expected Buffy’s answer. As Dawn thinks about it a possible explanation for this slowly starts to form in her mind as to why Buffy fancied Tara and not Willow. As well as why Tara is not or does not seem shocked by her sister’s confession. An the reason might be due to the fact that subconsciously Buffy either had a feeling like she herself did or maybe Buffy knew subconsciously that Tara was and is a Dom and it was the fact that she is a Sub and Tara is a Dom that caused the attraction.
“What is it about Tara that caused you to fantasise about her?” Dawn asks wanting to hear Buffy’s reason for sexually fantasising about her best friend’s girlfriend and not her best friend.
Buffy thinks about the question that Dawn has just asked her and as she slowly turns her attention from Tara to Willow and back again she can’t seem to come up with an answer. There is no denying her best friend is attractive in her own way but for some reason Willow just doesn’t seem to do it for her despite the fact that Willow knows her the best out of all her friends in the Scooby Gang. Almost as well as Dawn and she knows the redhead almost as well as Xander does and the two of them are very close almost like sisters.
“Willow is my best friend.” Buffy says wondering if maybe it is because she and the red head Wicca are so close that she has never seen her in that way, “And that is all I have ever seen her as... but Tara... in the beginning I didn‘t know her all of that well. And obviously I didn’t know she was… into women.”
“You mean a lesbian!” Dawn snaps causing Willow, Tara and Buffy to turn and look at her.
“Yes.” Buffy says having had a feeling Dawn wouldn’t let her get away with not saying the word.
“Well then say it!” Dawn snaps again hating her sister’s refusal to say/use the word.
“I didn’t know she was a lesbian.” Buffy says turning her attention from Dawn back to Tara feeling a tad angry at her sister for insisting she use the word 'lesbian' all of the time and yet at the same time not liking or understanding why she is so against saying the word. “And I didn't know that she and Willow were together. And besides… I had Faith… and because of all of those things. I didn’t see it as a bad thing for me to be attracted to her.”
“You mean you didn’t feel as guilty being attracted to Tara as you would have done had you been attracted to Willow?” Dawn asks looking at her sister, not buying her reasons or explanation for her attraction to Tara at all. In point of fact hearing Buffy’s explanation for being attracted to Tara only confirm and reinforce her theory as to the real reason why Buffy was attracted to her best friend’s girlfriend.
Buffy nods her head in answer to Dawn’s question.
Dawn smiles a small smile as she remembers what Buffy had said earlier when Willow asked her if she was a lesbian.
“But I thought what you and Faith did together was just… what was the word you used… experimentation.” Dawn says, looking at her big sister to see how she reacts to this. Buffy turns her head and looks at her little sister who’s smile turns from a small smile into an ear to ear smile as she looks back at her, “Are you saying you wanted to… experiment with Tara?”
Buffy looks or rather stares at her little sister slowly turning her head away not looking at her or Willow or Tara but letting all three of them know the answer to Dawn’s question by her actions.
Dawn turns her attention from Buffy to Tara.
“Tell me something Tara when you thought about being with Buffy.” Dawn says causing Tara to turn her attention from Buffy to her, “How did you imagine it happening?”
Tara looks back at Dawn a tad surprised by this question due to the fact that the brunette now knows for sure that she is a Dom and since Buffy is a Sub she would have thought that was obvious.
“Well... being a top... I used to imagine myself… fucking Buffy.” Tara says turning to look at Willow who looks back at her with a look of shock on her face.
“What else?” Dawn asks knowing or rather confident that that is not the only thing Tara imagined doing to her older sister, "What exactly do you think of when you fantasise about fucking my big sister?"
Tara turns her head and looks at Dawn who looks right back at her with a small smirk on her face.
“I’ve imagined fucking her pussy with my tongue. And fingers. And strap-on. I've also imagined having her eat my pussy, having her lick my ass, spanking her and fucking her ass with my strap-on.” Tara says.
“And did you imagine doing the same to me?” Dawn asks a plan starting to form in her head.
“Well... sometimes I did.” Tara says hanging her head briefly before lifting it to look at Dawn, “But it was only because I thought you were a bottom.”
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile as she nods her head to show Tara that she understands.
“What about you Willow?” Dawn asks turning her attention from Tara to Willow who turns her attention from Tara to her, “When you thought about being with Buffy. How did you imagine it happening?”
Willow slowly turns her attention from Dawn to Buffy who is looking back at her with a curious expression on her face.
“I imagined… basically everything Tara did.” Willow says as she slowly hangs her head not ashamed of her fantasies however she is ashamed that she has just told Buffy, Dawn and Tara, “Only because I am a bottom and I thought Buffy was a top I imagined her doing those things to me.”
“You mean you imagined Buffy fucking you?” Dawn asks smiling an ear to ear smile at Willow even though she has her head hung, “And you imagined her fucking your pussy with her tongue, fingers, and strap-on? And you imagined her making you eat her pussy, and making you lick her back hole, and spanking your butt, and fucking your ass with a strap-on?”
Willow keeps her head hung as she slowly nods.
“And what about me?” Dawn asks causing Willow to lift her head and look at her, “How did you imagine it happening when you thought about me?”
Willow hangs her head now feeling ashamed due to her fantasies and thoughts when it came to her best friend’s sister, “I imagined you doing the same thing I imagined Buffy doing.”
Dawn looks at Willow a tad surprised having expected the red headed Wicca to tell her that when she imagined them together she imagined dominating her not being dominated by her. However this information also works its way into her slowly forming plan as she slowly turns her head and looks at Tara who looks just as shocked and surprised as she herself is. As she slowly gets over her shock a rather naughty dirty and disgusting at least disgusting in some people’s eyes thought or rather question pops into Dawn’s head and despite how wrong it is or maybe because it is so wrong of her to ask this question she can’t help but want to ask it.
“Ok, so you have both imagined being with either myself or Buffy. But... have either of you… ever imagined… me and Buffy together?” Dawn asks feeling nervous and wondering if maybe she has just gone too far with her questions and yet at the same time unable to help but wonder.
Willow and Tara both look at Dawn in shock and disbelief at what she has just asked them. Buffy is also in a state of shock at what her little sister has just asked her best friend and her best friend’s girlfriend and expects to hear both the Witches to yell at her telling her how disgusting what she has just asked them is as well as how disgusting what they saw them doing is etc. However neither Willow or Tara make a noise causing Buffy to turn her attention from her sister to the two Wicca’s sitting across from her. The Witches two both slowly turn their attention from Dawn to Buffy and the look on their faces although is still one of shock as well as the fact that they have both been silent for over a minute if not longer causes Buffy to start to wonder if maybe they have as she watches Willow and Tara turn their attention from herself and Dawn to each other.
Willow and Tara look into each other’s eyes as they have a telepathic conversation.
“Have you?” Willow asks her girlfriend.
Tara slowly nods her head. “Have you?”
Willow unable to believe that Tara has just admitted to imagining Buffy and Dawn together slowly nods her head back unable to believe that she has just told her girlfriend the truth and Tara has just told her the truth back. How she knows that it is the truth is due to the fact she can feel it as well as see it in Tara’s eyes just as she is sure Tara can see it in her own eyes. With that the two Witches turn their heads and look back at Buffy and Dawn.
Buffy stares at Tara and Willow having a feeling she knows the answer the two Wiccas are about to give her sister and yet she unable to believe it.
“Yes.” Tara says.
“We have.” Willow adds.
Buffy closes her eyes feeling as though this must be a dream and that it is not real and that she did not just hear her best friend of seven years almost confess to having imagined her with her sister and not only that but also heard her best friend of seven year’s girlfriend admit or rather confess to the same thing.
Dawn meanwhile is looking or rather staring at both Willow and Tara feeling shocked and yet at the same time unable to stop the ear to ear smile that spreads across her face.
“Well.” Dawn says feeling that taking into consideration everything they have all said as well as what they have seen tonight the two Wicca’s will be or should be open to the idea she is about to suggest, “Since you have already seen me and Buffy together. How would you like to make a few other fantasies come true?”
Both Willow and Tara look at Dawn and swallow hard unable to believe what she has just said or what they both think she is suggesting.
“What do you mean?” Willow asks finally breaking the silence.
Dawn smiles even more at Willow’s question.
“I mean, how would Tara like for us to swap Subs? She has mine. And I’ll have her’s” Dawn says turning her attention from Buffy to Willow who is looking back at her with the same expression on her face as the Slayer has before turning her attention back to Tara to see what her answer is, “Provided that she is willing to accept a few conditions.”
Tara looks at Dawn unable to believe what she has just suggested and yet able to tell from looking into her eyes she means what she says and as she thinks about this Tara turns her attention from Dawn to Buffy. The Slayer is still kneeling in front of Dawn in all her glory, the sight making Tara think back to when Buffy was riding that strap on and how much she seemed to enjoy it. Which causes the Wicca to wonder how Buffy would feel if it was her that was fucking her with the strap on and liking the idea of her being able to for fill one of her all time deepest darkest fantasies.
“What would be the conditions Dawn?” Tara asks swallowing hard due to the fact that although she is willing to go through with this that doesn’t stop her still being nervous.
“It's simple.” Dawn says her eyes lighting up due to Tara having more or less accepted her idea or rather suggestion/offer, “One, all four of us stay in here and after one couple has finished they have to watch the other couple. And two, you can do whatever you want to Buffy, except fuck her in the ass.”
Tara looks at Dawn unable to help but feel a little disappointed that she can’t fuck Buffy in the ass due to that having been one of her fantasies involving the Slayer however she can tell from the look on the Slayer’s little sister’s face that these conditions are non-negotiable. She either accepts them or there is no deal.
“Ok, I accept your conditions.” Tara says after a brief silence, “But just out of curiosity... why can’t I fuck her in the ass?”
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile at Tara‘s question.
“Well Tara.” She starts off by saying however stops suddenly getting a much better idea than answering Tara's question herself, “Why don't you ask Buffy why you can't fuck her in the ass?”
Tara looks at Dawn with a slight frown wondering why she doesn't want or won't answer the question herself however she slowly turns her attention from Dawn to Buffy.
“Why can't I fuck you in the ass Buffy?” She asks the blonde haired Slayer feeling weird asking her this question.
Buffy hangs her head.
“You can’t fuck me in the ass.” Buffy starts off by saying.
“Stop!” Dawn snaps causing both Tara and Buffy to turn their attention to her while Dawn focuses her attention on Buffy, “You will look Tara in the eye as you answer this question.”
Buffy looks at Dawn as she slowly turns her head and looks at Tara forcing herself to look the blonde haired Wicca in her blue eyes. "You can’t fuck me in the ass... because… my sister.”
“Dawn!” Buffy‘s sister snaps wanting her older sister to say her name.
“Dawn.” Buffy says doing her best not to give her little sister an evil look as she continues to force herself to focus on keeping her eyes locked with Tara‘s, “Owns my ass hole.”
“An how long do I own your ass hole for?” Dawn asks her.
“Forever.” Buffy says.
“So your ass is my property?” Dawn asks.
“Yes.” Buffy answers, “My ass is now my sister Dawn Summer’s property. She owns it. And I will bend over for her whenever she wants for the rest of my life.”
“So if I want your ass on your wedding night.” Dawn starts off saying.
“Then I will leave Riley with blue balls so I can spread my butt cheeks for you Dawnie.” Buffy says for some reason feeling the desire to turn and look at her sister as she says this however resisting this desire and doing what she has been told and that is keeping her eyes locked with Tara’s, “I'll do the same on my honeymoon or any other moment of any other day that Dawn wants it after that. I'm going to give her my ass so that she can make sure it will not be wasted on Riley or worse go unused. I will let her fuck my ass every single day from now on.”
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile having both watched and listened to Buffy this whole time. After a few minutes she slowly turns her attention from her big sister to Tara who is staring back at Buffy in shock and disbelief.
“Are there any conditions that you have as far as me having Willow?” Dawn asks doing her best to try and help get Tara over her state of shock.
Tara slowly turns her head and looks from Buffy to Dawn.
“What do you mean?” Tara asks the tone of her voice letting all those around her know that she is still getting over what she has just heard the blonde haired vampire slayer declare.
“Well.” Dawn says with an ear to ear smile. “Are there any parts of Willow that you own and as such are off limits to others?”
Tara for some reason can’t help but smile due to what Dawn has just said or the way she has just said what she has.
“No.” Tara says doing her best to try and stop herself from smiling. “You are free to do whatever you want to Willow. Use any part of her you wish. The only rule that we have is no marks.”
Dawn meanwhile is busy milling over what Tara said before she turned her attention to Willow. “The only rule that you have... does that mean that this will not be the first… Sub swap you have done Tara?”
Tara looks at Dawn unable to believe how she could have let what she just has slip so easily as she turns and looks at Willow who looks back at her with an expression on her face which makes Tara think that she doesn’t care that Buffy and Dawn now know their secret. A secret that they have not told anybody except for the third parties that have been involved. Slowly Tara turns her attention from Willow back to Dawn feeling as though she has no choice but to come clean as far as what she meant when she said that ‘they’ only have one rule.
“You remember how me and Willow first met?” Tara starts off by asking, turning her attention from Dawn to Buffy and back again letting both of the Summers sisters know that she is talking to both of them.
Both Buffy and Dawn nod their heads.
“You met at a Wicca’s meeting.” Dawn says.
“Right.” Tara says smiling a small smile. “Well after we moved into our own place together we decided to see if we could find another group like the one that led us to finding each other. We found one. And we went to one of their meetings. However when we got their we found out that the meeting was just a cover for members of the group all of whom were witches and all of whom were of the… lesbian persuasion to partake in an all-girl orgy. After going to a few of the ‘meetings’. We found out that some of the couples there invited some of the single ladies back to their houses etc for 'meetings' outside of group meeting times… Eventually me and Willow decided to do the same and ever since the first time we did it we have… occasionally invited another girl into our bed.”
Dawn looks between Tara and Willow unable to believe what the two Wiccas, or rather what the Dominant Wicca, has just revealed to both her and Buffy and yet unable to help but admire and respect the two of them for being so comfortable with the way that they are and so open with one and other and willing to share themselves with each other but also with a third person.
“This other girl… or girls.” Dawn says, “Where they Doms, Subs or switches?”
Tara lifts her head and looks at Dawnie, “Sometimes the other girl was a Dom, sometimes she was a Sub, and sometimes she was a switch. It depended on who we met and... who we were in the mood to play with.”
Dawn slowly nods her head to show that she understands, “Is that the wildest thing you’ve ever done?”
Tara smiles back and nods her head, “And the wildest thing we have ever seen.”
“Until we saw you two go at it.” Willow says causing all eyes in the room to turn and look at her which causes her to hang her head due to the redhead not being able to believe what she has just said.
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile deciding to let Willow off and get the rooms focus back on what she had suggested that she and Tara do.
“Alright then Tara.” Dawn says causing the blonde haired Wicca to turn her attention from Willow to her. “Since you’re willing to accept my conditions. Buffy is all yours.”
Tara looks at Dawn still finding it hard to believe what she both has said and is doing as she slowly turns her attention from Dawn to Buffy who has her head hung. As she looks at the blonde Slayer Tara can’t help but think about all the dirty little fantasies she has had that have involved the woman in front of her who has saved not just her life but the world countless times. And although she is feeling nervous about what she is about to do the blonde haired Wicca can’t help but also feel excited as she tries to think which one of the naughty things she has been given permission to do to Buffy she will do to her first.
After having made up her mind what she is going to do to Buffy first Tara grabs a nearby chair and places it not too far away from the bed making it possible for everybody on the bed to see what she is about to do. Once she is happy with the position of the chair Tara sits down on the chair and turns her attention back to the bed specifically to Buffy.
“Come here Buffy.” Tara tells the blonde haired slayer doing her best to sound both commanding and authoritive and hide her nervousness and excitement.
Buffy slowly turns her attention from Tara to Dawn who turns her head and looks back at her.
“You heard what she said Buffy.” Dawn says emotionlessly.
Buffy slowly turns her head back around from looking at Dawn to looking at Willow who is looking back at her. Buffy secretly hopes that Willow will say something or do something to stop what is about to happen however as she looks into her best friend’s eyes she sees no hint of willingness or desire to stop what is about to happen. This shocks the blonde haired Slayer however she does her best to try and convince herself the reason her friend is refusing to do anything is because she is a Sub and it is not her place to say or do anything against her Dom even if she wants too. Yet despite doing her best to convince herself that this is why Willow is going to allow this to happen she can’t help but keep thinking about the fact that there was no desire to either help her or stop this and even if she was a Sub and had accepted the fact that she could not stop or it was not her place to stop what is about to happen Buffy is sure she would have at least seen the desire to want to help or want to stop this from happening.
Doing her best to not think about this Buffy moves to the end of the bed where Tara was sat a short while ago and gets up off of the bed and takes a step toward where Tara is sitting.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Tara asks looking at Buffy who looks back at her.
“You told me to come to you.” Buffy says a tad confused by Tara’s question although doing her best to hide it.
“I didn’t say you could walk.” Tara says.
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile as she watches what is going on between her sister and Tara.
“Get down on your hands and knees and crawl to me.” Tara tells the Slayer.
Buffy looks at Tara unable to believe what she has just told her or the commanding and domineering tone which the blonde haired Wicca has just used. It is completely different from how she normally talks even if Tara has got over some of her initial shyness. Slowly Buffy gets down on her hands and knees and starts to make her way over to where Tara is sitting. Once she reaches the Witch’s feet Buffy stays on all fours and looks up at Tara waiting for her to give her the next instruction.
“Stand up.” Tara says, looking down at the blonde Slayer unable to believe that Buffy is actually doing what she is telling her and yet at the same time loving every minute of it.
Buffy does as she is told and slowly gets to her feet.
“Now lay across my lap.” Tara says, “Face down.”
Buffy immediately knows what is coming as does Willow who smiles a small smile and Dawn who watches as the blonde Slayer slowly positions herself face down across Tara’s lap unable to help but notice how quickly Buffy is doing everything Tara tells her to do with a lot less resistance then when she herself tells her older sister to do something.
Tara meanwhile smiles as she looks down at Buffy’s well rounded backside and runs her hand over both cheeks gently loving the feel of them underneath her hand.
Buffy does her best not to let Tara’s gentle caress fool her due to the fact she is sure that any minute now Tara will start to give her a really hard spanking just like Dawn and Faith and she does her best to mentally and physically prepare herself for what she is sure is about to come. Despite being a little bit afraid of what is about to happen to her there is a small part of Buffy that can’t help but also be turned on and want to get spanked by Tara and as things go on the blonde Slayer’s desire to have Tara do whatever she wants to her slowly starts to out weigh her fear and nervousness. She also secretly wonders how hard the blonde haired Wicca can hit due to her being a Wicca and looking forward in a weird way to mentally comparing a spanking from a Witch to a spanking from a Slayer and a magic paddle/crop.
Suddenly Buffy feels Tara remove her hand from her ass and is sure that the spanking is about to begin and so she does her best to really mentally and physically prepare herself. However much to her surprise the first hit from the blonde Witch’s hand to her ass isn’t hard at all in fact it is very gentle and almost playful as is the second one and the third and the fourth and the fifth. With each strike that Tara gives her Buffy can't help but slowly start to relax and enjoy the spanking.
Dawn watches this with a disapproving look on her face, “Come on Tara, put some effort into it and spank the bitch!”
Tara looks up at Dawn and smiles, “I'm working up to it.”
“Well, work harder?” Dawn huffs, “She's a Slayer. She can take the best you've got. Besides, she didn't ask you how you wanted her to come to you. Doesn't that earn her a serious butt beating?”
“And Buffy disobeyed Dawn earlier.” Willow suddenly interjects causing both Dawn and Tara to look at her. Willow feels both embarrassed and nervous for having just said what she did due to the fact that this was a conversation between the two Doms and she was not asked her opinion, but now they are looking at her she can't help but reply, "Well it’s true isn’t it? You told her not to cum which meant that she had to stop fucking her ass with the strap on until you told her otherwise. You also told her not to forget her place and that the next time you told her to do something she was to do it.”
Dawn smiles a small smile at Willow as she slowly turns her attention from the redhead to Tara, “Your sub is right. So now you have two reasons to give Buffy a good hard spanking.”
Tara looks at Dawn and Willow able to tell that Willow wants to see her give the Slayer a hard spanking. Tara had wanted to build up to it as she wanted to see how much or how hard a spanking a Slayer can take. But since both Dawnie and Will wanted her to dish out the rough stuff right from the start Tara figures she might as well go for it. So she turns her attention from Willow and Dawn to Buffy’s backside and starts to hit that hot Slayer ass a little harder.
“That’s better.” Dawn says with a smile.
Tara does her best to ignore Dawn’s praise even though being praised by another Dom causes her to smile. As she continues the spanking she looks at Buffy’s ass having always wondered what it looked like underneath the clothes she wore nearly all of which showed her ass off to anybody who either was looking or wanted to look and Tara could not deny she both had looked and had wanted to look on many occasions and now here she is quite literally getting a front row seat look at Buffy’s naked butt that from the blonde Witch’s point of view looks as though it was made to be spanked. Or fucked. It's so round, not fat by any stretch of the imagination, but it is toned and tanned and yet still has just enough flesh on it so that when she hits it Buffy's ass cheeks rippled a little for about a second or two almost hypnotic and very hot. Also Buffy’s cheeks are making a lovely noise when her hand makes contact with it and the harder she smacks it the louder and the smacking sound becomes.
Buffy closes her eyes and does her best to stop herself from shivering in response to the blonde Witch’s strikes and how much she is enjoying them especially due to the fact that they are getting harder and harder. She feels that she should be angry with Tara for doing what Willow and Dawn tell her due to the fact that Tara is supposed to be a Dom and do what she wants not be told by another Dom much less her own Sub what to do. If she wants to give her a gentle spanking she should be allowed to do so.
And although she is a bit angry with Dawn for having told Tara to do what she is doing and that is giving her a harder spanking there is a part of her that also wants to thank her little sister for having told Tara to do this due to the fact that there is a part of her that doesn’t want to be spanked gently she wants to be spanked hard. She wants to see if Tara can spank her as well as Faith or as well as Dawn because although this spanking is a good spanking it doesn’t compare to the spankings she has been getting from her baby sister.
Part of Buffy wants to ask or beg Tara to spank her harder but her pride won’t allow her to do so also due to the fact that if she was to do this it would be a sign of submission to her best friend’s girlfriend. And so she lays were she is waiting for the spanking to end and yet at the same time enjoying and hoping for it to continue on.
“Ok that’s enough,” Tara says finally as she stops the spanking, “Get back onto your knees in front of me Slayer.”
Dawn watches Buffy slowly slide off of Tara’s lap and onto her knees facing the blonde haired Witch who looks down at her.
“Move back a little.” Tara tells the blonde haired Slayer.
Buffy does as she is told scooting back while keeping her eyes locked with Tara’s
Once Buffy is far enough way for Tara to do what she wants she stands up in front of Buffy and Willow and Dawn doing her best to ignore the fact that Buffy’s little sister is about to see her naked as she slowly starts to undress keeping her eyes and focus on the Slayer who is looking up at her the way a little puppy dog would look up at its owner.
Buffy watches as Tara takes off her long black sleeve shirt to show that she is not wearing anything underneath it not even a bra which shock her however she does her best to focus as the blonde Witch then takes off the brown pants to reveal that she is not wearing anything underneath them either which again shocks Buffy as Tara takes off her black shoes. Once she is completely nude in front of the Slayer Tara sits herself back down in the chair with her legs spread apart so that Buffy can see her well shaven pussy. Buffy stares at Tara’s pussy knowing what is coming next however for right now she is trying to get her head around the fact that she is currently looking at her best friend’s girlfriend’s pussy.
Tara looks down at Buffy with an ear to ear smile on her face able to imagine what she is thinking due to the fact she is thinking or rather trying to get her head around the same thing the fact that her girlfriend's best friend is currently on her knees in front of her completely nude looking or rather staring at her pussy.
“Buffy, show me what a good little pussy pleasing Sub you can be and eat my cunt.” Tara tells her getting a perverted thrill out of telling Buffy the Vampire Slayer what to do.
Buffy slowly turns her attention from Tara’s face and eyes back down to her pussy feeling both nervous and excited in equal measure as she slowly moves forward until she is as close as she physically can get to the blonde Witch’s pussy.
Once she is as close as she can physically be to the Wicca Dom’s pussy Buffy moves her face as close as she can get it to be able to smell Tara’s scent, a scent Buffy instantly likes. She then takes a deep breath doing her best to ignore any thoughts or feelings of doubt and nervousness as well as doing her best to ignore the fact that she knows both Willow and Dawn are watching her as she slowly sticks her tongue out and gives Tara’s pussy a long, slow lick.
Dawn eagerly watches Buffy stick her tongue out and lick Tara's cunt again and again and again. It's incredibly hot watching her stuck up older sister lick another woman’s pussy, and Dawn is so incredibly turned on right now. She's literally dripping, Dawn reaching down to rub her pussy at the beautiful sight before her. The beautiful sight she's really, really enjoying. But... as much as she likes it Dawn can't help being a little jealous. She knows that's crazy, knows that she suggested this, knows that this is what she wanted.
She wanted to give the Slayer the chance to experience the difference between serving another woman and serving her. Sure, Buffy had plenty of experience being dominated by Faith, but besides her fellow Slayer and her own sister Buffy hadn't been dominated by another girl yet so this would be an important learning experience for her. Give the Slayer something else to compare Dawn and Faith too, and hopefully help her reach the conclusion that Dawn is the only one for her. Plus watching Buffy with another girl is so hot. But... there is part of Dawn which wants her big sister all to herself, that thinks the slayer should be licking her pussy and ONLY her pussy.
Concentrating on her sister licking Tara’s pussy Dawn notices Buffy has managed to find a good rhythm, Tara moaning softly with the look of bliss on her face as the Slayer hungrily laps away at her cunt. This causes the youngest of the two sisters to grin and to wonder if her older sibling likes the taste of Wicca Dom pussy.
“How does Tara’s pussy taste Buffy?” Dawn asks, feeling the need to remind Buffy that she is being watched. Tara too. Yes, Dawn wanted remind them that she and Willow are watching from the bed which they are both sitting on enjoying the show.
Buffy closes her eyes for a moment, hating the sound of her sister’s voice due to it bringing her back to reality and reminding her that she is being watched by not only her younger sister but also her best friend who’s girlfriend she currently has her tongue inside of.
“Does her pussy taste as good as mine does?” Dawn adds.
Deciding to do her best to ignore her little sister and concentrate on what she was supposed to be doing Buffy continues to run her tongue up and down the outer lips of the other blonde, enjoying the soft moans that are coming from Tara. Not just because it lets her know that she is doing a good job but she knows both Willow and Dawn can hear the moans just as well as she can which means Dawn also knows that she is pleasing Tara and with this thought in mind the blonde haired Slayer pushes her tongue slowly into the blonde Witch’s pussy.
"Answer me!" Dawn yells, clearly having enough of Buffy ignoring her.
Quickly pulling away from the blonde Witch's twat Buffy answers the questions, "It tastes good Dawnie. Tara's pussy tastes good. I love the taste of Tara's pussy. It's almost as yummy as yours."
Even though she's pretty sure her big sister was sucking up to her with that last comment Dawn is pleased with Buffy's answers overall and she rewards the blonde with a beaming smile. She is also smiling because of the pussy juice covering Buffy's chin, but Dawn chooses not to point that out.
Instead she just tells Buffy, "Good answers. Now, get back to work. Lick Tara's pussy real good. Make her cum all over your pretty face."
"Yes Dawnie." Buffy says, burying her face in Tara's cunt and lapping away twice as eagerly as she was before.
Meanwhile Tara smiles, "You really do have her a short leash, don't you Dawnie?"
Dawn replies with a smile and a nod as she, along with Willow, focuses on Buffy going down on Tara. Or at least Dawn thinks that they focused on Buffy. In reality Willow can't help glancing at the littlest Summers because Dawnie looks a little jealous.
For her part Willow is not feeling any jealousy but it's still hard for her to get her head around what she is seeing. Sure, she has seen other women eat her girlfriend’s pussy before however this time is different. This time it isn't a stranger, it's somebody she has known for nearly seven years, her best friend who until tonight she thought was straight and if she had known or suspected that Buffy was a lesbian she would have thought that she would have been a top like her girlfriend not a bottom like her. As she looks at her Dom Willow can tell that despite Tara also having her eyes closed like Buffy does there is no denying from the look on Tara’s face that she is enjoying what Buffy is doing to her. Which causes Willow to turn her head and look at Dawn again.
Dawn was leaning forward, a slight frown on her face but mostly she was in rapture, the younger girl practically salivating over what was happening. Yes, Willow thinks, Dawnie was definitely a little jealous but she was also enjoying it as much as she was.
Meanwhile Buffy’s fears, uncertainties and doubts have gone and have been replaced by a burning desire for Tara to cum in her mouth. With this intention in mind she starts to explore as far inside of Tara’s pussy as she can get her tongue feeling a pair of hands on the back of her head not forcing her further but simply holding her in place. With this show of encouragement Buffy starts to speed up her licking moving her tongue in every direction not caring where her tongue touches simply focusing on making her temporary mistress cum.
“Buffy use your tongue on my clit and use your fingers on my cunt.” Tara says wanting to feel Buffy’s fingers inside of her and feel her tongue on her clit.
Buffy does as she is told without a second thought or minutes hesitation removing her tongue from Tara’s cunt and replacing it with one and then two of her fingers, which causes the Witch to moan in pleasure. Tara’s moans make Buffy happy and knowing that what she is doing makes the blonde Witch happy causes the Slayer to start thrusting her fingers in and out of the other blonde's cunt as hard and as fast as she can while she focuses her tongue on Tara’s clit causing her to let out a louder moan than when she first slid her fingers inside of her.
Tara continues to hold Buffy’s head to her pussy not that she is meeting much if any resistance. In fact from Tara’s point of view Buffy is taking to being her temporary sub like a duck to water, this woman who has had to deal with all sorts of unbelievable nasties from an Ancient Vampire to her Soulless Vampire lover to a half monster half man to a Hell Goddess is now kneeling before her and passionately pleasuring her pussy like a good little sub that is desperate to please her Dom.
Tara is brought out of her thoughts by Buffy suddenly stopping and removing her fingers from her pussy and replacing them with her tongue only this time Buffy doesn’t simply lick her pussy instead she slides it as deep into the blonde haired Wicca’s wet and willing pussy as it will go. Then without a seconds hesitation starts to fuck Tara's cunt with her tongue gently at first however getting faster and faster and faster with each and every thrust.
Buffy continues to pound Tara's pussy with her tongue feeling for some reason like she needs to make Tara cum for reasons she can't even begin to understand or analyse but reasons which burn inside her like a fire. The hands gripping tightly to the back of her head lets Buffy know she's doing exactly what she needs to do as do the moans of pleasure falling from the blonde Witch's mouth.
Suddenly Buffy, Willow and Dawn all hear Tara let out a loud scream of pleasure before the Slayer's mouth is filled with a heavenly flavour. Instantly recognising it as girl cum Buffy starts noisily gulping it down, the slayer pushing her face as deep as it will go into the other girl's cunt as she tries to swallow all the yummy liquid. While she is slurping down this heavenly treat Buffy thinks about the taste of the Witch’s cum and how it compares to the two other women’s cum that she has tasted, focusing more specifically on how Tara’s cum tastes compared to her sister’s. As she thinks about it Buffy realises while she enjoys the taste of Tara's cum… it doesn't compare to the taste of her sister's cum.
Buffy screwed up her face as she thinks about this not understanding how she can think this and yet unable to deny it as she tastes more and more of Tara's cum and as she does she slowly mentally starts to both wish and imagine that it was her sister’s cum that she is tasting as she feels Tara start to thrust her hips into her mouth.
For Willow and Dawn it looks as though Tara is actually face fucking Buffy which turns Willow on while making the brunette wish it was her that was face fucking her sister.
Buffy meanwhile doesn’t care what she looks like or what it looks as though is happening due to the fact she is lost in the thought and fantasy that it is her sister she is eating and who’s cum she is tasting which is causing her to swallowing every drop of Tara’s come she can get into her mouth thinking that it is Dawn’s.
Finally Tara calms down and her cum stops flowing however due to her enjoying the feeling of the Slayer's tongue inside her the Witch doesn’t move. She continues to face fuck Buffy while looking down at her watching her hungrily suck at her pussy until there is no more cum. However this doesn’t stop Buffy from continuing to suck Tara’s pussy juice replacing her cum, further bringing the blonde Witch pleasure. If her pussy wasn't so tender after that powerful orgasm and if she wasn't so eager to move onto other things Tara would have been happy to allow the blonde between her legs to spend the rest of the night or however long she has with her in between her thighs but there are other things that she wants to do to the slayer .
“Ok Buffy, that was good.” Tara says, gently pushing Buffy's face away from her pussy, “But I think that's enough of you eating my pussy.”
With Tara's encouragement Buffy slowly moves her face away from the Witch’s pussy, feeling guilty for what she has just done.
Tara looks down at the other blonde and smiles an ear to ear smile as she watches Buffy lick her lips evidently making sure that no cum escapes her grasp.
“Buffy.” Tara says causing the other blonde to turn her attention from Dawn back to her. “I want you to lay down on the rug looking up at the ceiling for me.”
Buffy smiles a small smile grateful to Tara for the distraction from her thoughts as she does as she is told and goes from kneeling before Tara to laying down on her back looking up at the ceiling.
Tara, Willow and Dawn watch as Buffy lays down on her back and looks up at the ceiling just like the blonde haired Witch told her too. Tara smiles as she stands up and walks over and stands before Dawn who turns her attention from Buffy to the blonde Witch.
“I’m going to need that strap on.” Tara says looking into Dawn’s eyes and being able to see two emotions that she didn’t expect to see one of them being anger and the other being jealousy.
“Willow, take off my strap on and give it to Tara.” Dawn tells Willow who turns her attention from Dawn back to Tara who turns her head and looks at the redhead and slowly nods her head before turning her head back to the brunette. Willow moves over to where Dawn is kneeling and proceeds to remove the strap on from around the brunette and once she has done that she gives it to the blonde Witch.
“Thank you Willow.” Tara says as she turns around and walks back over to where Buffy is still laying and looking up at the ceiling totally unaware of the rather tense situation that had just unfolded.
Buffy looks down at her feet to see Tara standing there with the strap on that Dawn had used on her earlier in her hand. She then watches as Tara gets down onto her knees in front of her feet.
“Open up your legs for me Buffy.” Tara says watching as Buffy does as she is told and spreads her legs as wide as she can.
After staring down at the blonde haired Slayer’s pussy for a long time Tara lifts her head and looks up at Buffy who is once again looking up at the ceiling. As she continues to look at her girlfriend’s best friend Tara can’t help but smile even more as she thinks about the woman currently between her legs being with the woman who less than five minutes ago was giving her evil’s the likes of which she had never seen her give before. And as she thinks about this Tara can’t help but imagine the two Summers sisters as wrong as it might be etc she can imagine both Buffy and Dawn being happy together and she can imagine Buffy being a lot happier with her sister than she would be with Riley.
Buffy slowly looks down at Tara who is looking or rather staring at her with a strange little smile on her face, “Tara, is everything ok?”
Tara smiles an ear to ear smile at Buffy, “Everything’s fine. I’m just savouring the moment. I’ve fantasised about this quite a few times.”
Buffy smiles a small, nervous and embarrassed smile back having never thought or imagined that the woman that is now positioned in between her legs would fantasised about doing this to her.
Tara puts the strap on that is still in her hand down on the floor next to her and then turns her attention back to Buffy and slowly bends down and blows on the other blonde’s pussy causing Buffy to shiver with pleasure.
Tara stops blowing on the other blonde’s pussy smiling an ear to ear smile as she sticking her tongue as far into Buffy wet moist cunt as she can get it on the first strike.
Buffy moans uncontrollably due to this invasion, the Slayer only feeling pure pleasure as she was very much ready for this thanks to everything that had happened earlier. Just as she starts to get used to the feeling of Tara’s tongue inside of her she experiences another sensation as the other blonde glues her lips to her pussy and starts to gently suck at her pussy lips for the first time. Much to Buffy’s surprise it doesn’t take long for Tara to get into a rhythm of switching between sucking her pussy lips and thrusting her tongue in and out of her in a way which drives the blonde Slayer closer to the orgasm she can feel building.
Tara meanwhile is busy using all of the skills she has obtained from being with Willow and the sub or switch orientated girls that she and Willow have taken into their bed, the blonde Witch hoping to make Buffy cum so that it will easy for her to slide the strap on inside of the Slayer and she can fuck her cunt. Despite herself she also can't help focuses on the yummy taste of her girlfriend’s best friend’s pussy. Willow has confessed to being a breast girl, and she knew others preferred asses, or legs, or feet, but Tara's favourite part of a woman was her pussy. She loved everything about it, the look, the smell, the feel of it against her tongue and fingers, but most of all Tara loved the taste. She craved it. She craved the intoxicating flavour which is pure woman.
She is certainly getting to enjoy the flavour now as the other blonde's cunt cream is flowing straight from the source into her mouth and down her throat. The entire time Buffy is moaning, that and the juice flowing out of the other blonde's twat letting Tara know she is achieving both of her goal. She quickly gets an idea how to continue achieving her goal as she slowly and rather reluctantly removes her mouth from Buffy’s cunt. This causes Buffy to look down at her, obviously worried that either there is something wrong or she has done something wrong.
“Buffy.” Tara says loving the look on the blonde haired slayer’s face due to it being very rare to see a look of fear or concern on her face due to her more often than not either being confident or hiding her fears and concerns from her and her other friends, “I want you to wrap your legs around my head.”
Buffy smiles a small rather relived looking smile as she both happily and willingly does as she is told and wraps her legs around Tara’s head.
“Good girl.” Tara says as she returns her mouth to Buffy’s cunt.
Buffy wraps her legs around Tara’s head rather loosely due to her knowing that if she applied too much pressure what with her Slayer healing she could hurt Tara very badly and this is something she doesn’t want to do however as she watches the blonde haired Wicca go back to what she is doing only now she is doing it with more intensity and determination and is making it very hard for Buffy to resist the desire to tighten her grip around Tara's head due to her wanting to make sure that her girlfriend's best friend doesn't move from where she is until she has cum.
Tara smiles as she continues to eat the other blonde’s pussy able to tell that Buffy is intentionally trying to keep her hold on her head loose as well as knowing or able to imagine why due to her having seen what Slayer strength can do and the fact that Buffy is doing her best not to tighten her hold on her makes Tara increase the speed of her oral assault.
Dawn watches eagerly as Tara presses her face deeper in between her older sister’s legs, those legs wrapped around her head tightening ever so slightly as Buffy moans with pleasure. Although Dawn is mostly loving the show there is part of her that wishes it was her in Tara's place. Or maybe Buffy's.
Willow meanwhile is enjoying also the view although she can’t help but feel jealous of Buffy due to it normally being her wrapping her legs around Tara’s head so that she can eat her and it being her who moans and groans and who’s pussy juice is flowing into Tara’s mouth. Something she is sure Buffy’s pussy juices are currently doing, not just because of the moans and groans that she is making but due to the fact she knows from personal experience how good Tara is at eating her pussy and having a woman's thighs wrapped around her head just adds to Tara’s enjoyment.
It is something that Willow has gotten used to since she and Tara have been together and from the look of things it is one thing that Buffy doesn’t seem to mind doing for her.
Willow doesn’t know it but she is right Buffy doesn't mind having to wrap her legs around Tara’s head. In fact if she had known that Tara would respond the way that she has she would have wrapped her legs around Tara’s head as soon as she started eating her pussy if it meant she would get to feel this extraordinary pleasure. 'It doesn’t compare to the kind of pleasure Dawn has given me though does it?' Buffy mentally asks herself. She does her best to ignore this question and focus on what Tara is doing to her pussy loving the fact that she is getting one of the best tongue fuckings of her life. 'She’s not fucking me as good as Dawn has.' She mentally tells herself. Buffy continues to try and ignore this part of her brain and focus on what Tara is doing with her tongue. And not just her tongue her mouth is working wonders as well.
All of a sudden Buffy feel’s Tara’s hands make their way up her body until they reach her breasts which she immediately grabs on to and starts to tweak the nipples of hard to some women this might hurt however for she this just adds to her pleasure and enjoyment of what is happening to her. 'Why hasn’t Dawn done this to me?' She mentally asks herself and starts to imagine that it is Dawn who’s hands and mouth are working her upper and lower body over. The thought of her little sister doing this to her instead of the blonde haired Wicca is too much for Buffy and causes her to explode with a roar of a cry of pleasure that easily rivals any scream or cry she has made with Dawn the past six days.
Buffy’s orgasm is so intense that it causes her to go as stiff as a board however this doesn’t stop Tara from greedily and noisily sucking the cum from her cunt.
The reason Tara is being extra noisy is she can't resist taunting Dawn a little while the reason she is being greedy is due to the fact that she loves the taste of girl cum even more than regular pussy cream, Tara swallowing every drop of Buffy's cum making sure she gets every last little bit of it with her tongue and lips.
Once Buffy’s orgasm subsides and she has gotten as much of the cum she can get out of her Tara removes her head causing the Slayer to unlock her legs from around her head as she does so she and Buffy lock eyes as Tara slowly repositions herself so that she is once again in between the blonde haired Slayer’s legs on her knees licking her lips as she gets back into this position.
Tara once her lips are clean of Slayer cum breaks the eye contact that she has with Buffy and turns her attention to the strap on which is resting on the floor on the right side of her and slowly turns her attention back to the woman who she has just made cum who is still looking at her obviously waiting to see what happens next.
“Sit up Buffy.” Tara says, watching as Buffy forces herself into a sitting position with her legs spread to make room for Tara who is kneeling in front of her, “You see that strap on Buffy? I want you to pick it up and put it on me.”
Buffy without saying a word quickly moves and picks the strap on up and wraps it around Tara’s legs moving it up her legs until it is in position at which point she straps it to her.
“Good girl Buffy.” Tara says with an ear to ear smile on her face once Buffy has finished securing the strap on into place, “Now I want you to suck it. Get it nice and wet for your pussy.”
Buffy takes a deep breath and swallows hard having had a feeling that this would come once she had secured the strap on into place she is also a little nervous due to the fact that although she hasn’t looked in their direction she has not forgotten that Willow and Dawn are watching her and Tara. As she continues to look or rather stare at the fake cock in front of her Buffy can’t help but compare it to the strap on Dawn has used on her since their picnic and how while this strap on is big Dawn’s strap on is a lot bigger and even though she knows that this strap on is going in her pussy and not her ass she can’t help but wish that it was her sister’s strap on and that it was attached to her sister even though there is a part of her that is curious to see how well Tara fucks her.
“Come on Buffy.” Tara snaps causing Buffy to look up at the Witch her focus on the strap on between the blonde haired Wicca’s legs having been broken, “I gave you an order.”
Buffy slowly turns her attention from Tara back down to the strap on which she takes in her hand and does her best to try and focus on the present as she takes the head of the strap on into her mouth and starts to gently but firmly suck on it.
Tara smiles an ear to ear smile as she watches Buffy continue to suck the fake cock between her legs. Then she slowly turns her attention from the other blonde to Dawn who looks a little jealous. This causes a wicked smile to cross Tara's face. Clearly Dawnie wishes it was her getting a blow job from her sister instead. Although from the sounds of it Dawn would have plenty of chances to get Buffy's lips wrapped around a strap on again, Tara still unable to believe just how dominant lil Dawnie has turned out to be.
Turning her attention back to the Slayer Tara licks her lips. Buffy has gotten into the blow job more, the submissive blonde going lower on the cock with every bob of her head until she has over half of the large fake dick in her mouth.
Buffy continues to bob her head up and down on the strap on determined to get the whole thing in her mouth and finally accomplishing her goal as she feels the shaft not only hitting the back of her throat but beginning to slide down it.
She continues to deep throat the big fake cock as she closes her eyes doing her best to try and imagine that it is her sister’s strap on that she is currently deep throating. As she does this Buffy thinks about where the strap on in her mouth will be going and imagines that it is her sister’s strap on that she is preparing. She imagines the giant head of the thing slowly making its way down her windpipe as she continues to move her head up and down on it as Buffy feels her lips touch the base of the actual strap on that she has in her mouth and not the one that she is imagining it is.
After a few minutes Buffy pulls back until only the tip is in her mouth so she can get some much needed air into her lungs before going all the way back down and repeats this process keeping her eyes firmly shut as she does so continuing to imagine it is her sister and her sister’s strap on that she is doing this to and not Tara's. After a few times of doing this Buffy changes tactics and instead of going all the way down on the strap on she starts bobbing her head at random lengths, sometimes going down all the way, sometimes halfway, sometimes a third of the way, and sometimes just down a few inches constantly keeping Tara, Willow and Dawn guessing how much cock she will take next.
As Buffy becomes lost in the blow job Dawn continues to watch her sister feeling as though she is doing what she is doing intentionally not just to get the strap on between Tara’s legs wet so that she can fuck her with it but that she is doing this because she knows her little sister is watching her and she is intentionally trying to make her jealous and that that is why she is doing what she is doing with the strap on. “Two can play that game Buffy.” She mentally says to herself as she slowly turns her head and looks at Willow slowly starting to think how and in what way she can make her older sister jealous when the time comes for her and Willow to have their fun.
Tara continues to watch the other blonde unable to believe how much enjoyment she is getting from watching Buffy suck her fake cock nor can she believe how much the Slayer seems to be enjoying what she is doing from the look on her face. It is an amazing thrill for the blonde haired Wicca to have the blonde haired slayer in between her legs worshipping her strap on cock. It makes her feel even more powerful than she normally does when Willow is in the position that Buffy is in due to the fact that Willow is a very powerful witch, more powerful than Tara, is hence the reason why having her girlfriend in between her legs or on her knee’s before her doing what Buffy is currently doing is such a thrill for her. However right now Tara is experiencing an even greater thrill than having a more powerful witch between her legs because she has a Slayer in between her legs. A Slayer down on her knee’s worshiping her strap on and not just any Slayer but her girlfriend’s best friend which just makes this even more of a thrill for her.
As she continues to stare at Buffy Tara can’t help but notice how in a strange way sexy and beautiful Buffy looks being where she is and as she watches her Tara gets another idea as to how she can continue to make Dawn jealous “That's it Buffy suck that cock. That's it. You're doing great. Keep sucking my cock Buffy suck my cock just like that. I can't believe how much you're taking down your throat. You're so good at this and you look so sexy doing it. Sexy and beautiful. My sexy and beautiful little cock sucking sub.”
Dawn looks at Tara when she says “My sexy and beautiful little cock sucking sub” feeling like saying or rather telling Tara My sexy and beautiful little sub as she slowly turns her attention to Buffy who is continuing to suck the strap on between Willow’s girlfriend’s legs
After a few minutes of watching Buffy suck Tara’s fake cock Dawn turns her attention to Willow who seems transfixed by the sight of her best friend sucking Tara’s strap on.
As she continues to watch her sister’s best friend she can’t help but wonder if Willow is feeling as jealous of the situation as she is. She is also wondering if the redhead will submit to her as easily as Buffy seems to have submitted to Tara.
Willow feels a set of eyes on her and turns to see Dawn looking or rather watching her.
“What’s wrong?” Willow whispers just loud enough for the two of them to hear.
“Nothing. I’m just thinking.” Dawn shakes her head, not wanting Willow to know what she is thinking about at least not yet.
“Thinking about what?” Willow asks again in a whisper.
Dawn smiles a small smile at her, “You’ll have to wait and see.”
This causes Willow to turn and look at Tara and Buffy unable to help but wonder what Dawn means by what she has just said.
“Ok Buffy that's wet enough.” Tara says causing Dawn to also turn her attention to the Wicca and the Slayer as Tara removes her fake cock from Buffy’s mouth and smiles as she as well as both Willow and Dawn see the dildo is now coated from base to tip in Buffy’s saliva.
Buffy looks at the fake cock which is now covered in her saliva unable to help but smile due to the saliva showing Tara and herself what a good job as she turns her attention from the strap on before her to Tara.
“Lay back down on your back Buffy.” Tara says looking at Buffy with an ear to ear smile of her own as she watches the slayer do as she is told without question. Once she is laying back down on her back Buffy looks down and see’s Tara kneel down in between her legs again, “Are you ready for me to fuck your pussy Buffy?”
Buffy swallows hard unable to believe what has happened to her thus far tonight as well as what is about to happen to her however she slowly nods her head in response to Tara's question.
“What?” Tara asks wanting Buffy to verbally answer her not just so that she can hear her but so that Willow and specifically Dawn can hear her as well.
“Yes Tara, I'm ready for you to fuck my pussy.” Buffy says swallowing hard, unable to believe how much she wants what is about to happen to her to happen to her.
Tara nods her head to show Buffy that was the right answer and that she did the right thing by answering her verbally as she positions the strap on so that the tip is aiming at the entrance to the Slayer’s cunt and pushes her fake cock into her pussy causing Buffy to moan through gritted teeth as the head of the shaft enters her. For some reason Buffy is evidently trying to stop her moans from being too loud maybe it is because she knows who that her little sister is watching and listening. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t want to admit how much she is enjoying being with her either way for right now Tara doesn't mind as she starts to slide the dildo into her.
Although she is sure Buffy is not a virgin taking into consideration the way Dawn was fucking her earlier and the way she can imagine Faith fucked her from what Dawn told them about Faith and Buffy’s relationship Tara can’t believe how tight Buffy’s pussy is. No doubt it is thanks to her Slayer healing. Whatever the reason for her tightness Tara likes it because it gives her a thrill knowing that although this isn’t Buffy’s first time she can imagine that it is due to one of her fantasies having been that she is Buffy’s first.
With each thrust Tara slides another inch inside of Buffy until they are both able to feel that the base of the fake cock is up against her pussy much to both girls surprise and delight. Knowing that she is balls deep inside of her girlfriend's best friend is a thrill beyond anything Tara can imagine and she cannot believe that she has not come just from the thought or the knowledge that she is balls deep inside of the vampire slayer instead of making her cum this knowledge just turns her on more.
Buffy looks down and sees her body is now practically joined with the strap on that Dawn had used on her earlier and that Tara is now using on her having completely disappeared inside of herself. She slowly turns her attention from her’s and the other girl’s almost joined bodies up to Tara who looks down at Buffy and slowly starts to remove the strap on from inside of her and once it is all the way out she slowly and gently pushes it back in.
Dawn and Willow watch as Tara quickly finds a rhythm of slowly fucking Buffy as the two stare into one and other’s eyes. As she watches her sister take the strap on she used on her earlier and is now taking it from her best friend’s girlfriend who is using it on her very slowly. Too slow for Dawn’s liking. And while there is a part of her that thinks she is simply doing her best not to hurt Buffy another part of her can’t help but think that Tara is doing this on purpose to tease her.
Buffy meanwhile is thinking about everything that has happened since she and Tara started and realises that nothing that has happened between them has happened the way she expected it too. Then again she never imagined she would end up being with her best friend’s girlfriend and while when this first started she had felt guilty about what was happening now she no longer feels any guilt. She is simply enjoying what is happening and as she thinks about everything that has happened and how nothing that has happened has happened the way she expected it too.
She realises that while she has imagined or fantasised what it would be like to be with Tara she has never really thought about what sort of lover much less what sort of Dom Tara would be. And as she thinks about it more Buffy realises that everything Tara has done to her has been nice and gentle almost loving in a weird way. And while she has enjoyed it there is a small part of her that hasn’t liked it and as she thinks or tries to think why she has not liked it she quickly comes up with the answer even though she doesn’t want to accept it as the answer. That answer or rather the reason why part of her has not liked what Tara has done to her is because it hasn’t been her sister Dawn doing it too her.
Buffy closes her eyes and does her best to try and imagine the other blonde being like Dawn has been with her and yet despite how hard she tries she just can’t imagine Tara being like Dawn due to the way she has treated her since they started. She doubts the Witch would or rather could ever treat her the way she needs to be treated or be rough with her even if she asked her to be because that is what she needs or needed her to be with her. And the reason she can’t imagine Tara being this way is because it is just not in the blonde haired Wicca’s nature.
Which is weird because up until this week Buffy wouldn’t have thought it would have been in Dawn’s nature or that she would be capable of being rough with anybody either least of all in the bedroom and yet that is exacterly how she has been when she has needed to be that way. However at the same time she has also been the way that Tara has been to her tonight, nice and gentle and loving. All in all Dawn has been the perfect mix of what Buffy both wants in a partner which is for them to nice and gentle and loving and yet she has also been what Buffy needs in a partner which is for them to be rough with her.
As she thinks about this Buffy can’t help but feel the same way she felt when she looked over her shoulder at Dawn while she was laying across the tree stump when Dawn first took her ass. She remembers how when she turned her head she lost the ability to speak due to her having seen a dominant top pounding into it's bottom's bottom and proving their dominance over their bottom and how she had felt lucky to be the dominant top's bitch. An how at that moment she realised she could be happy with Dawn. Not pretend to be happy for the sake of getting the normal life she had always told herself she wanted like it was with Riley, she could be truly happy.
Just like then Buffy is now thinking about how she could be happy with her sister due to her sister it seems being the perfect partner for her.
Buffy closes her eyes doing her best not to think about what she is and has been thinking about and instead doing her best to try and focus on the present and in an attempt to try and help block out any and all thoughts about her and Dawn being together she starts to thrust herself back against the dildo that is slowly plowing her pussy making it move even deeper inside of her.
Buffy’s actions do not go unnoticed by Tara who turns her attention from looking at Buffy to looking down at their joined bodies when she feels the slayer start to move back against her which causes her to smile an ear to ear smile.
“If you want me to go faster Buffy.” Tara says causing Buffy to open her eyes and look at her. “You have to tell me.”
Buffy looks at Tara knowing what she means by what she has just said. “Fuck me Tara. Please fuck me faster.”
Tara smiles as she slowly removes the strap on from Buffy’s pussy until only the head is inside of her. After a few seconds of making Buffy wait she slams the dildo back inside her as hard as she cannot so hard that it hurts her even though she is sure taking into consideration the fact that she is the Slayer she could handle more than what Willow could.
Buffy moans in pleasure defiantly able to tell now that she has the whole cock inside of her and loving the fact that she has something to distract her as Tara starts to fuck her, pressing on faster and going deeper while maintaining the force of her thrusts.
Tara doubts she can fuck Buffy as well as Faith did due to the fact she is not a Slayer. However she is fairly certain she can fuck her just as well as Dawn did earlier and she is intent on doing so working as hard as she can and using all of her skills she has. As she continues to pound Buffy’s pussy the blonde haired slayer starts to cry out in pleasure letting Tara know that her skills are evidently good enough.
Not only do Buffy’s cries of pleasure let Tara know that her skills are good enough to please or pleasure a Slayer they also encourage her to slam into her as hard and as fast as she can.
“I want more! Ohhhhhhh God Tara, more!” Buffy moans all thoughts of Dawn at least for the time being having gone from her mind as she focuses on the pleasure she is feeling, “Oooooooh shit, ooooohhhhhh fuck, please, give me more. Please give me more Tara. Please, I need it."
Tara smiles an ear to ear smile wanting to look up and over at Dawn however managing to keep her focus on the Summers sister that is between her legs and as she continues to look down at Buffy a thought pops into her head as she removes the dildo from the other girl’s pussy causing Buffy to look at her.
“If you want more Buffy turn over and get on all fours.” Tara tells the Slayer in a tone of voice letting Buffy know she isn’t asking.
Buffy looks at Tara in shock and she isn’t the only one in shock. Dawn also stares at Tara in shock at what she has just told her big sister to do and immediately figures what the blonde haired Wicca is planning on doing to her big sister.
“I told you Buffy’s ass was off limits Tara!” Dawn says in a warning tone.
Tara smiles a small smile having expected what she told Buffy to do to get to Dawn, “I know Dawn and I am going to continue to agree to your two conditions. I just want to fuck Buffy's pussy from behind.”
"Oh... ok." Dawn says a tad suspiciously.
Tara turns her head from looking at Dawn to looking at Buffy who turns her attention from Dawn to Tara and slowly rolls over onto her stomach and gets up onto all fours turning her head around to look back at the blonde Witch.
“Face forward Buffy.” Tara tells her causing Buffy to turn her head back around.
Dawn watches Tara like a hawk as the blonde haired Wicca positions her fake cock at the entrance to Buffy's pussy and slowly presses it until it starts to slowly slide in which causes Dawn to relax a little.
Buffy meanwhile is able to feel the fake cock slowly start to get pressed back into her pussy. As Tara slowly but firmly slides more and more of the fake cock into her Buffy softly mews as every inch of the strap on makes it’s self once again comfortable inside of her cunt. It isn’t long until she feels Tara’s thighs pressing against her ass cheeks announcing that she once again has the whole strap on inside of her.
Buffy waits wanting to feel that fake cock do the same thing it did to her pussy while she was laying on her back now that she is on all fours only this time she wants Tara to do it until she cums however Tara doesn’t move. Although she wants to look back and see what Tara is doing Buffy does her best not to do that due to her having been told by the other blonde to face forward and so she simply waits.
The wait seems endless with Tara seemingly doing nothing for a long time before Buffy finally starts to feel her move her hips side to side and up and down and then in a circular motion causing Buffy to groan and moan each time as every movement causes the dildo to move around inside her.
“You said you wanted more Buffy.” Tara says playfully after a while continuing to move her dildo around inside Buffy's cunt, “I'll give it to you... but first there is something I want from you.”
“What?” Buffy asks wanting to turn her head around and look back at Tara however keeping her head facing forward.
Tara slowly starts to speed up her movements, “I want you to tell me out loud how good what I am doing to you feels. I want you to tell me so that both your best friend my girlfriend Willow and your sister Dawn can hear.”
Buffy closes her eyes unable to believe what Tara both wants and is telling her to do.
Tara waits patiently however Buffy doesn’t say anything. “Not willing to do as I ask? Well maybe this will help convince you to do it.”
Tara then takes a firm grip of Buffy’s hips and slowly pulls the strap on out almost all the way before she slams the dildo back inside with all her might and proceeds to slowly but both firmly and forcefully fuck Buffy’s cunt waiting to hear Buffy’s decision as she continues her slow and steady pace.
Dawn watches her sister’s best friend’s girlfriend and her sister now no longer under any delusion that Tara is doing what she is doing with the specific intent of making her jealous which confuses her slightly due her not understanding why Tara would be or is doing this unless she is trying to show her who the better top is or who would be the better top for Buffy to be a sub too. “If that is the case then I will show Tara just exacterly who the better top is and who is the perfect top for Buffy to be a sub too and I will do it by using Willow.” She mentally says to herself as she continues to watch the two women in front of her.
From the moans falling from Buffy's mouth Tara is sure that the blonde haired slayer is not too far away from doing what she wants and that is telling Dawn and Willow how much she likes what she is doing to her but first she needs a little bit more convincing. Although there is a part of Tara that can’t believe what she wants Buffy to say aloud there is another part of the blonde haired Wicca that craves to hear those words fall from the Slayer's mouth. However the temptation not to slam fuck Buffy’s pussy as hard and fast and deep as she can is becoming unbearable. In fact with every thrust into the other blonde's cunt Tara's desire to pound Buffy's cunt increases with she desperately wanting to go faster but refusing to allow herself to until Buffy has said what she wants her to say and what she wants not only herself but Willow and more specifically Dawn to hear.
Buffy closes her eyes unable to believe how good the other blonde's pussy fucking feels it‘s not as good as a pussy pounding by Dawn but it still good and with each thrust from the dildo Buffy finds herself wanting more and the more time passes the more desperate she is getting for Tara to go faster deeper and harder and yet she knows what she has to do in order for that to happen however she still isn’t willing to do what Tara wants her to do.
After fighting for as long as she can doing what Tara wants or rather saying what Tara wants her to say seems like nothing due to the fact that while she wouldn’t be lying about how good what the other blonde is doing to her feels at the same time she wouldn't be telling the truth either due to what Tara is doing to her doesn't feel as good as what Dawn has done to her.
“You want me to fuck your pussy harder Buffy?” Tara says breaking Buffy from her thoughts, “Then say what I want to hear you say and I will fuck you harder. I’ll go as hard and as fast and as deep as I can.”
After hearing Tara say this Buffy decides to do what Tara wants.
“I, I want you to fuck me Tara. I want you to fuck me hard. Please? I love what you’re doing to me, it feels amazing, but I want more. Mmmmmmm, I need more.” Buffy says aloud making sure all three of the other people in the room with her can hear what she is saying, “Ohhhhhhh God, oh Tara, please, I need it. I need you to fuck me! Please? Please, please, please, mmmmmm, fuck me harder! Pound my slutty pussy! Slam it as hard as you can! Please Tara, mmmmmm, give it to me, ooooooooh fuck me, please fuck me harder ooooooohhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkk! Ahhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhh, oooooooh God!”
Tara smiles the biggest smile of the night as she pulls the dildo almost completely out of the Slayer's pussy and then slams it back in, this time using every ounce of strength she has to bury every single inch inside of the Vampire Slayer. She keeps up that punishing pace, Tara going harder and faster and deeper with each stroke hearing Buffy moan as she does so. Tara loves those sounds that Buffy is making, and the fact that she knows Willow and Dawn can also hear the Slayer moan.
Buffy can’t help but moan as Tara fucks her pussy the way she promised harder deeper and faster and yet despite how much she is loving what the blonde Witch is doing to her in the back of her mind she can’t help but compare what Tara is doing to her to what Dawn has done and would be doing to her if she where in the blonde haired Wicca’s position and despite how good what Tara is doing to her it doesn’t really compare to what Dawn has and would be doing to her. Once again Buffy does her best not to think about this or compare her sister with her best friend’s girlfriend and simply enjoy what is happening to her. She is also doing her best not to think about the fact that she knows Willow and Dawn are watching her get fucked by Tara and that they have both heard her say or rather tell Tara and them how good what Tara is doing to her feels.
Despite a part of her not wanting to Buffy turns her head and looks over at Willow who is watching what is going on with a look of lust on her face. Buffy blushes and then looks at Dawn, who has the same look on her face and then finally at Tara. The look on the blonde haired Wicca's sends Buffy's horniness into overdrive due to it causing her to remember when she looked back over her shoulder when she was laying across the tree stump and saw Dawn and remembers what she thought. This causes her to turn her head around and face the front once again as she starts thrusting herself backward impaling her horny pussy on Tara’s fake cock wanting to get all the pleasure she can.
As she continues to pound into Buffy’s pussy Tara smiles as she sees Buffy start to respond by forcing herself back on her fake cock. As she continues to go as hard and as fast and as deep inside of the blonde haired Slayer’s pussy as she can Tara turns her attention to the one hole that is off limits to her, that being Buffy’s ass. As she looks at the soft cheeks of Buffy’s butt she can’t help but wish that she was fucking that whole if only to see how tight it is. All of a sudden Tara gets an idea as she continues to look at the Slayer’s ass doing her best to get a good picture of it in her mind and when she has she closes her eyes and does her best to imagine that she is fucking Buffy’s ass instead of her pussy.
Buffy also has her eyes closed and is imagining something different to what is really happening only she is imagining that instead of Tara fucking her pussy it is her sister Dawn and the image of her sister being where Tara is causes Buffy to moans and cry out even louder.
Dawn watches her big sister start to fuck herself on Tara’s cock without permission. If this had happened earlier she would have probably told the blonde haired Witch to punish her sister for doing this. However right now all Dawn can think about is how this shows her how much her big sister is loving what Tara is doing to her.
Despite being glad and grateful to Tara for having kept to their agreement and not having allowed the temptation to fuck Buffy's ass to become irresistible Dawn can’t help but hate having to watch Tara fuck her sister’s pussy a little due to the fact that despite how hard fast and deep the blonde haired Wicca is going Dawn can’t help but think about how if she was in the blonde haired Witch’s position she would be going harder faster and deeper especially if she had her strap on on instead of the one that Tara is using. Note to self always carry around your riding crop, paddle AND strap on in future. Dawn mentally tells herself wishing she had brought at the very least the strap on with her because if she had she could have used that on Buffy before they got caught and then had the blonde Witch use the strap on she is currently using and if she had asked if she could use her strap on she could have refused and in doing so maybe Buffy would not be enjoying the pussy fucking that she is currently receiving from Tara as much as she is due to the strap on that is being used not being her sister’s.
Even though she knows that Buffy’s ass is still her’s it isn’t enough. Dawn doesn’t just want her sister’s ass she wants her sister. She wants her mouth and pussy. She wants her whole body, and what has happened and is happening right now if anything has proven this to Dawn. And that is not the only thing the youngest Summers sister wants, because she also wants her older sister to want her to want her the way that she does. She wants Buffy to want her to own her completely. Own her mouth, pussy and ass. Heart, mind, body, and soul.
“Fuck me.” Dawn suddenly hears Buffy say causing her to refocus her attention on the present.
“Fuck me harder… deeper… faster!” Buffy moans as she continues to shamelessly throw herself back against Tara’s thrusts keeping her eyes closed and focusing on the image of her sister being the one fucking her as she repeats the words harder, deeper, faster.
Tara smiles as she too keeps her eyes closed and continues to imagine that it is Buffy’s ass she is fucking instead of her pussy knowing that no matter how good her fantasies of what Buffy’s ass are like nor how good her fantasies of having and being with the Slayer are from now they are not going to be as good as actually having and being with the Slayer is as she fucks Buffy as she is asking to be fucked... harder, deeper and faster.
“Oh my god… I'm going to… oh my god I'm going to cum!” Buffy moans.
An with that Tara Dawn and Willow watch as Buffy’s body starts to shake and shiver. Seeing this and feeling Buffy’s orgasm take a hold of her is too much for Tara as she screams almost as loud as Buffy and explodes along with her.
Despite both of them now being in the throws of orgasm neither Buffy nor Tara miss a beat and continue to fuck the other or themselves with Tara impaling her clit on the little nub inside the strap on while Buffy is impaling her cunt on the fake cock both women looking like they're working together to when in reality they are both lost in their own separate fantasies. However at the same time they are both savouring their orgasm which eventually leads to the both of them having a second and then a third. However instead of causing the two women to stop each orgasm seems to drive both women on relentless pushing themselves to the next orgasm until exhaustion forces Tara to slowly stop fucking the Slayer until the dildo is just inside of Buffy’s pussy and both she and Buffy are doing their best to get their breath back.
Tara finally gets enough strength back in her body to slowly pull her fake cock out of Buffy’s pussy. Once the strap on is out of Buffy’s cunt Tara slowly starts to undo the straps. Once she has taken the strap on off she feels tempted to have Buffy lick the strap on clean however decides to once again taste the Slayer’s pussy juice as she sucks the toy clean, loving the taste of her girlfriend’s best friend’s pussy on her cock.
Tara smiles widely around the cock in her mouth as she looks down to see Buffy still on her hands and knees. Once she has gotten every little bit of Buffy's pussy juice Tara puts the dildo down on the floor next to her and turns to look at Dawn and Willow.
Willow is staring at Tara with a small smile on her face while Dawn is staring at Buffy who is still on all fours and looking at the floor.
“Did you enjoy that Buffy?” Dawn asks both wanting and yet at the same time not wanting to know the answer to this question.
Buffy turns her head and looks over at Dawn who is looking at her with an unreadable expression. She slowly turns her attention from looking at Dawn to looking at Tara who turns her attention from Dawn to Buffy and slowly nods her head giving her permission to answer her sister’s question. Buffy slowly turns her attention from Tara back to Dawn having been given permission to answer the question.
“Yes.” Buffy says, feeling guilty for admitting what she is admitting, “I did enjoy it.”
Despite herself Buffy feels tempted to add that the reason she enjoyed what just happened wasn’t because it was Tara doing it to her but rather it was because of what or rather who she was imagining doing it to her. However she manages to keep this to herself due to her feeling both confused and ashamed to admit that she was imagining thinking about and wishing that it had been Dawn fucking her pussy to orgasm after orgasm.
Tara smiles as she turns her attention from Buffy to Willow and Dawn.
Dawn immediately gets off of the bed and walks over to the seat Tara used earlier. As she does so Tara, Buffy and Willow all watch her as she walks over to the seat and sits down and looks at Willow who is looking back at her.
“Willow.” Dawn says keeping her focus on the redhead on the bed even though she can feel both Buffy and Tara’s eyes on her as well, “I want you to crawl over here on your hands and knees.”
Willow slowly gets down onto her hands and knees and slowly makes her way over to Dawn. As she does Buffy and Tara slowly make their way over to the bed and sit down next to one and other as they both watch Dawn and Willow.
“Stop!” Dawn snaps causing Willow to stop halfway in between the bed and the chair that Willow is sitting on. “Stand up.”
Willow slowly gets to her feet keeping her eyes locked with Dawn’s.
“Now. I want you to strip for me.” Dawn says looking Willow up and down, smiling a small smile as she thought about how this was so similar to her first night together with Buffy, the brunette confident that Buffy will remember this.
Willow rather stares at Dawn a tad stunned by what she has just been told to do due to the fact that Tara has never asked her to strip for her normally depending on what sort of mood their in they normally magic the clothes off one and other if they can’t be bothered to physically strip each other or if they are in the mood to take things slow then they strip each other however Tara asked Willow to strip for her while she watches. And the thought of stripping for another woman and that woman being her best friend’s sister while both her girlfriend and her best friend watch actually turns the redhead on and she slowly starts to do as she has been told by taking off the black shirt.
“Do it slowly Willow.” Dawn tells Willow with a smile as she continues to watch her sister’s best friend slowly start to remove the light green top which covered her tits completely and had been covered by the long sleeved black shirt over.
“Stop there.” Dawn says intent on taking her time and making not only Willow wait or herself but also Tara and especially Buffy who she knows is watching what she is doing to her best friend.
However right now the fact that her sister and her sister’s best friend’s girlfriend are watching her and Willow are the last things on her mind. Right now the main thing on Dawn’s mind is enjoying the view of Willow’s now that the light green top is gone uncovered rack which while not as impressive as her sister's is still very impressive compared to some of the flat chested women Dawn has been with.
“Ok.” Dawn says finally deciding to move on a little, “Now very slowly and as seductively as you can I want you to take those black leather pants shoes off.”
Willow takes a deep breath and swallows hard due to the sight of Dawn licking her lips the way she just has sends a chill, or rush of excitement... she isn't sure which, down her body as she bends over slowly and starts to undo the shoes that she is wearing.
“Stop!” Dawn says suddenly getting an idea due to the position Willow is in.
Willow stops halfway through undoing the first of the shoes and looks up at Dawn while remaining bent over.
“Turn around.” Dawn tells her with an ear to ear smile.
Willow looks at Dawn in shock and slight confusion.
“I said turn around!” Dawn tells her the smile having gone from her face.
Willow slowly stands back up straight.
“I didn’t tell you to stand up did I!” Dawn snaps.
Willow quickly shakes her head having never heard Dawn snap at her before.
“Well then re-assume the position you were just in.” Dawn tells her and Willow does as she is told bending back over, “That’s better. Now turn around and face Buffy and Tara. So that they can watch you undo and take off your shoes and your pants. And I get to watch you take off your pants from the back and see your fuck-able little ass.”
Buffy swallows hard as she continues to watch the scene before her unable to believe that Dawn has just told Willow what to do and why she has just told her to do it.
Willow keeping herself bent over turns around until she is facing or rather she is in the direction of the bed and her ass is facing Dawn.
“Now.” Dawn says keeping her focus on Willow’s ass having noticed while she and Buffy were walking behind Willow and Tara on their way to the club that the redhead’s ass looked rather tight in the black leather pants. Although the pants weren’t as tight fitting as the ones Faith wore or wears they still showed off the redheaded Wicca’s backside nicely to anybody who wanted to look.
Willow keep’s her head hung feeling embarrassed that she is doing what she is doing not just because her best friend’s sister is currently watching her ass which while embarrasses her gives her a bit of a thrill knowing that another woman likes her ass however she is also embarrassed because she is currently facing the direction of the bed on which she is sure Buffy and Tara are currently sat watching her as she undresses for Dawn which both embarrasses her and at the same time also gives her a bit of a weird thrill.
Dawn meanwhile has her eyes glued to the view that she is currently getting to enjoy which is of Willow’s backside in the black leather pants. However as soon as she has undone her shoes and take them off Willow stands back up straight and looks behind her. Why she does this Dawn isn’t sure however she slowly turns her attention from the redheads butt to her face.
“After you have taken them off I want you to give me a little wiggle.” Dawn says and tells Willow able to imagine how much this must be driving Buffy insane. Or at least she hopes it is.
As she watches Dawn turns her head back around and not look at the bed but rather the wall in front of her as she unbuttons and then slowly starts to take the black leather bottoms that she has had on all night off once they are down past her ass she does as Dawn has told her to and gives the brunette a little wiggle as she then continues to take them down and off.
Dawn licks her lips as she watches Willow wiggle her ass for her and then finishes taking off the pants and stands still continuing to face away from her and allow Dawn to enjoy the view of her now equally uncovered ass which again doesn’t compare to her older sister’s but is more than good enough for what Dawn has in mind for it.
“I see both you and Tara like to go o’natural when it comes to underwear.” Dawn says having noticed how just like Tara Willow isn’t wearing a bra or panties or thong etc.
“Tara is the one who likes to do that.” Willow says as she continues to look at the wall behind the bed.
“And she makes you do it?” Dawn asks sensing a hint of discomfort from Willow.
Willow nods her head.
“Mmmmmmmmmm.” Dawn says seeing a golden opportunity to make Buffy jealous, “Well I can see why Tara doesn’t like you wearing underwear underneath clothes. Although I have to say Willow... if you were my Sub… I don’t think I would let you wear clothes… at least not in private.”
Buffy looks at Dawn feeling herself physically shake at what she has just heard her little sister say.
“You mean… you like the way I look… in my birthday suit?” Willow asks partly wondering if Dawn means what she is saying and at the same time wondering if she is saying this to get back at either Tara or Buffy or both for the show they put on a short while ago and how it made the youngest Summers girl feel.
“Very much.” Dawn says able to feel her big sister’s eyes on her however keeping her focus on Willow, “Especially your ass.”
Willow can’t help but like the fact that Dawn is commenting her on the way she looks even though she can’t help but feel that she might simply be using her as a way of getting back at Buffy and or Tara for making her jealous. If that is the case while there is a part of her that doesn’t like it there is another part of her that sees no harm in enjoying it.
“Thank you.” Willow says loud enough for everybody in the room to hear not just Dawn and Buffy but also Tara due to the fact that although she did enjoy watching Tara and Buffy together she can't deny that seeing her girlfriend with another woman did annoy her a bit and decides to use this opportunity the same way that Dawn is and that is to make her girlfriend jealous.
“You’re welcome.” Dawn says having not expected Willow to thank her although she can’t help but like the fact that she did The sign of a good Sub. She mentally says to herself. “Now, first I want you to turn around and face me.”
Buffy watches the redhead turn back around and face Dawn giving her the chance to inspect Willow’s ass for herself and while she won’t deny that her best friend does have a fairly cute looking backside she is sure that it is not as 'fuck-able' as hers. At least not when she thinks about what Dawn has been saying about her ass the past couple of days. Which causes Buffy to wonder weather her sister is simply teasing her or weather she is trying to make her jealous.
“Good girl.” Dawn says to Willow once she is once again facing her noticing out of the corner of her eye how her big sister’s attention turns from her to Willow’s ass, a clear sign to Dawn that what she said about her sister’s best friend’s behind worked, “Now I want you to get back down on your hands and knee’s and come over here. When you get here climb up and lay yourself face down across my lap. Do you understand?”
“Yes Dawnie.” Willow says.
“Good.” Dawn says back, “Then do it.”
Willow once again gets down onto her hands and knees and crawls the rest of the way over to where Dawn is sitting giving both Tara and Buffy the chance to get a really good view of her ass as she does so which Buffy is sure had been her little sister’s intention. Once she reaches where Dawn is sitting Willow climbs up and lays face down across the youngest Summers sister’s lap and awaits what she knows is coming and that is a spanking at the hands of her best friend's little sister.
Once Willow is laying face down across her lap Dawn begins to run her hand all over Willow’s ass enjoying the feel of it underneath her hand and enjoying the fact that she is getting to see her sister’s best friend’s rather well rounded backside up close and personal as she continues to run her hand over both cheeks gently.
Willow does her best not to let Dawn’s gentle caress of her backside fool her due to the fact she is sure that any minute now her best friend’s little sister will start to give her a really hard spanking. Although she isn’t sure why unless she is simply doing this because it is either something Tara did to Buffy and Dawn didn’t approve of the way she spanked her older sister so she is either going to show Tara how a Dom should spank their Sub or she is going to show Tara that she is just as good at spanking as she is or she has always wanted to spank her.
Either way the redheaded Wicca does her best to mentally and physically prepare herself for what she is sure is about to come. And despite being a little bit nervous Willow can’t help but also be turned on at the thought of getting spanked by her best friend’s little sister. And a part of her wants to get spanked by Dawn regardless of the reason due to it having been a secret fantasy of her’s for this to happen and yet having never imagined it would ever happen even on the Hellmouth where it seems like anything can happen.
Willow suddenly feels Dawn remove her hand from her ass and is sure that the spanking is about to begin and so she does her best to really mentally and physically prepare herself. However much to her surprise the first hit from Dawn’s hand to her ass isn’t hard at all neither is the second or the third or the fourth or the fifth. With each strike that the brunette is giving her Willow can’t help but slowly start to relax and enjoy the ‘spanking’.
Tara watches Dawn toy with Willow’s ass turning to look at Buffy who’s focus seems to be locked on what is happening in the chair. Tara slowly turns back around to face the scene herself.
“Dawn what in the name of the Goddess are you doing?” Tara asks curiously.
Dawn turns her attention from what she is doing to Tara, “Getting Willow ready for her spanking.”
Tara is surprised to hear Dawn say this, “Getting her ready for her spanking?”
Dawn nods her head.
“Well… what do you call what you’re doing right now?” Tara asks curiously.
“I call it warming her up.” Dawn says in response.
“But she hasn’t done anything to earn a really hard spanking.” Buffy suddenly interjects causing both Dawn and Tara to look at her in surprise. She feels nervous for having just said what she has as she turns her attention from Dawn to Tara, “Well it’s true isn’t it?”
Tara looks at Buffy slowly turning her attention from the blonde haired Slayer back to her little sister. “She is right, Willow hasn’t done anything to earn a really hard spanking.”
Dawn looks at Tara and slowly looks back at Buffy before turning her attention to the woman laying across her lap, “Well Willow? Have you done anything to earn a really hard spanking?”
Willow lays across Dawnie's lap not sure weather the question she has just been asked was rhetorical or weather Dawn wants her to answer her. Weather it was rhetorical or not the redhead thinks about everything that has happens since she and Tara walked in on the two sisters going at it and despite a small part of her actually wanting to find something Dawn can use as an excuseto spank her she can't find anything.
“No Dawn.” She says finally deciding to answer the question she was asked figuring that if the question Dawn has just asked her was rhetorical then she has just given the youngest Summers sister a reason to give her a hard spanking. “There is nothing I can think of that I have done to earn a hard spanking.”
“Oh really. Don't you remember saying 'not to mention the fact she is owed a hard spanking for having not done what Dawn wanted her to do earlier'.” Dawn says quoting what Willow had interjected into the conversation Dawn and Tara had been having concerning the fact that Tara wasn’t giving Buffy a hard spanking. “You told her not to cum which meant that she had to stop fucking her ass with the strap on until you told her otherwise. You also told her not to forget her place and that the next time you told her to do something she was to do it.”
Willow closes her eyes doing her best not to smile even though there is a part of her that wants to her due to her knowing why Dawn has brought this up or rather able to imagine why Dawn has brought this up.
“Do you remember saying this?” Dawn asks.
Willow nods her head.
“I can’t hear you.” Dawn tells her.
“Yes.” Willow says, “I do remember saying that.”
“Now why did you say that?” Dawn asks Willow rhetorically, “Was it because you thought I would forget about Buffy having not done what I told her to do? Or was it because you thought I wouldn’t punish her?”
“It was neither of those reasons.” Willow says feeling both nervous and excited at the thought of getting spanked by Dawn. “I was simply trying to help you.”
“Did I ask for your help?” Dawn asks back.
Willow shakes her head.
“I can’t hear you!” Dawn snaps.
“No.” Willow says, “You didn’t ask me to help you.”
“Did either me or Tara give you permission to speak? Or ask for your opinion or for your help?” Dawn asks.
“No you didn’t.” Willow says.
“So not only did you tell me something that I already knew and didn’t need for you to tell me nor did I ask for you to remind me about you also spoke out of turn and interrupted a conversation between myself and Tara that not only had nothing to do with you but neither of us had asked you to join.” Dawn says, summing up all the reasons for her to now give the redhead a hard spanking, “So tell me Willow. Taking all of this into consideration do you still think you have done nothing that would earn you a hard spanking?”
Willow swallows hard and takes a deep breath her excitement now outweighing her nervousness, “Yes, I have earned a hard spanking.”
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile as she turns her attention from Willow to Tara, “What about you Tara? Do you think she has earned a hard spanking?”
Tara looks back at Dawn partly wanting to smile due to the fact that even though Dawnie's ‘reasons’ for giving Willow a spanking are minor things and things that she could tell Willow off with she can’t help but like how she is using these things as reasons to give her girlfriend a hard spanking due to the blonde wanting to see how good Dawn is at being a Dom.
“Yes she has.” Tara says nodding her head.
Dawn turns her attention from Tara to Buffy, “What do you think sis? Has Willow earned a hard spanking?”
Buffy looks back at Dawn and slowly turns her attention from her little sister to her best friend and thinks about the reasons for Dawn giving Willow the hard spanking that she has a feeling weather she agrees with it or not she is still going to give her. As Buffy does she remembers what her little sister said to her Good girls should get soft spankings. Bad girls should get hard spankings. As she thinks about this and despite part of her not wanting to watch her best friend get spanked by her sister Buffy can’t help but feel that Willow should get a hard spanking as she slowly nods her head.
“I can’t hear you Buffy.” Dawn says wanting not only herself and Tara to hear Buffy say the words but also wanting Willow to hear her best friend say that she deserves a hard spanking.
“Yes.” Buffy says doing her best to hide her slight anger at what Dawn is about to do, “Willow deserve a hard spanking.”
Dawn looks at her big sister and smiles at her as she turns her attention back to Willow, “Now that we are all in agreement... I think it is time for the spanking to begin.”
Before Willow has the chance to mentally or physically prepare herself for the first strike she cries out as she feels Dawn’s hand come down hard on her backside.
Dawn smiles as she hears Willow cry out in pain and continues to smack her ass with her hand again and again enjoying the sound that the redheaded Witch is making with each connection of her hand to her ass and as she continues to do this she looks over at Buffy who turns her attention from looking at Willow to looking at Dawn.
“Don’t think just because Tara gave you a hard spanking I’m not going to still give you one.” Dawn tells her older sister, “You didn’t do as I told you and you forgot your place. You will learn to do as I tell you when I tell you to do it. And you will know your place.”
Buffy swallows hard knowing that she should be scared and yet instead of being scared she is actually excited or rather looking forward to getting spanked by her little sister partly because she feels as though she does deserve to be spanked for not having done as she was told and for having forgotten her place but also for another reason which Buffy can’t figure out.
Dawn meanwhile turns her attention back to Willow and gives her another hard slap to her ass.
Comparing the spanking Willow is now receiving to the 'warm up' she received earlier is like night and day so much so she now is starting to wish that her girlfriend hadn’t opened her mouth and asked Dawn what she was doing due to the fact that if Tara hadn’t said anything she may have gotten away with a “warm up” spanking instead of this.
Despite all the screaming she is doing Willow can’t help but feel deep down as though she does deserve this because while the reason she gave for having interjected what she did into the conversation that Dawn and Tara were having as far as reasons why the blonde Witch should give Buffy a hard spanking is true and that she was as she put it simply trying to help Dawnie when she had not asked for her help. Nor had either she nor the blonde Witch given her permission to speak or asked for her opinion or for her help and she had told Dawn something that she already knew and didn’t need or ask for her to remind her about but she also spoke out of turn and interrupted a conversation between Dawn and Tara that like the brunette said had nothing to do with her and neither of them had asked her to join in. All of these facts causes Willow to stop screaming and simply lay across Dawnie’s lap and take her spanking.
Dawn’s smile widens as she notices Willow has stopped screaming and is now only moaning and groaning in response to her spanking.
“So Willow, will you ever tell a Dom something that she already knows again?” Dawn asks waiting a minute or two for Willow to answer which she doesn’t which causes Dawn to react, “Answer me!”
Dawn hits Willow’s ass extra hard causing Willow to cry out, “No! I will never tell a Dom something that she already knows.”
“And will you ever offer a Dom help when they have not asked for your help?” Dawn asks.
“No I will not.” Willow says almost immediately in response.
“Will you ever speak or give your opinion or offer help when you have not been given permission to or asked for your opinion or asked for your help?“ Dawn asks.
“No I will never speak out of turn again.” Willow says, “Nor will I ever interrupt a conversation that has nothing to do with me ever again.”
Dawn looks up at Tara able to see the shock both on the woman who is currently laying across her lap’s girlfriend’s face and in her eyes. Why she is shocked Dawnie isn’t sure. It might be due to how hard she is spanking Willow or the fact that the redhead seems to have cracked so quickly to her. Either way whatever the reason Dawn can’t help but feel a sense of pride as she turns her attention from Tara to Buffy who is looking at Willow and doesn’t look shocked but rather she looks jealous which shocks Dawn a little. However it also makes her smile as she turns her attention back to Willow and continues to roughly beat the redhead’s butt not caring which cheek she hits so long as her hand makes contact with the redhead’s ass due to her wanting to show Buffy not only what she is going to get when she does spank her for what she did earlier but also what she is currently missing.
Buffy and Tara both continue to watch as Willow’s ass turns from its normal colour to a light pink.
“That’s enough!” Tara snaps causing both Buffy and Dawn to turn their attention to her.
“You said no conditions.” Dawn points out to Tara.
Tara looks at her girlfriend’s backside having never smacked her ass so hard that it started to change colour her spankings have always been a 'warm up' to them doing other things.
“Yes.” Tara says finally turning her attention from Willow’s now pink coloured ass to Dawn, “But I didn’t think you would do that.”
“You mean you didn’t think I could do that.” Dawn says, being able to read between the lines as to what the blonde haired Wicca means and what she is saying.
“No I didn’t.” Tara admits feeling guilty for having underestimated Dawn’s ability as a Dom.
Dawn smiles, “If you think this is bad you should see what I can do to Buffy with a paddle and a crop.”
Buffy turns her head from Dawn to Tara and slowly hangs her head feeling as though she should point out what her sister failed to and that was the fact that at least the paddle and maybe the crop are magical. However despite feeling a desire to do this she can’t help but not do it for one reason and that is due to the fact that Dawn has just told her best friend and best friend’s girlfriend that she has spanked her using a riding crop and a paddle. And while she is embarrassed there is a small part of her that can’t help but be proud that she can take a spanking from the brunette with the riding crop and or paddle even if they are magic due to the fact that she doubts Willow could take a spanking from either or both of those two things considering that her ass has turned a light shade of pink just from Dawn using her bare hand.
“Because you were willing to adhere to my conditions I will stop the spanking.” Dawn says causing Buffy to lift her head and look at her sister who’s focus is on Tara who is looking back at Dawn and slowly nods her head.
Dawn turns her attention from Tara back down to Willow’s still light pink ass and starts to run her hand over the redhead’s beaten cheeks admiring her work and wishing that she had brought the paddle and crop although she wonders if she had weather or not either Willow or Tara or both would have been able to tell that they were magical tools as she stops simply running her hand over the redhead’s ass and starts to rub it however she soon stops that and slips her hand farther down the redhead’s ass cheeks and starts to feel her sister’s best friend’s pussy.
Willow closes her eyes knowing that there is no way to stop or hide what Dawn has no doubt found running in between as well as down her legs and the reason she is wet down there is because she was starting to get turned on by the spanking.
“You have a real Sub here Tara.” Dawn says turning her attention from Willow to her girlfriend, “She enjoyed the spanking so much she started to get wet from it. Didn't you Willow?”
“Yes Dawn I did.” Willow says knowing that if she doesn't answer her Dawn will no doubt make her pay for it with another hard spanking and while she is not sure she could take another round there is a part of her that wants to see if she could.
Suddenly and without warning Dawn pushes Willow off of her lap and onto the floor.
Willow quickly gets onto her knees and turns to face Dawn to see what is wrong.
Dawn looks down at Willow she knows that what she has just done was a bit mean and rough however she is intent on showing Willow and Tara and especially Buffy that not only is she a good Dom/Top but she is the best. Far better than Tara.
“Lay down on your back Willow.” Dawn says doing her best not to let any emotion into her tone of voice even though deep down she does feel a bit guilty for treating Willow so poorly although she does her best to try and comfort herself with the thought that she is trying to prove a point and will by the end of the evening and that point will be that Buffy should be not only with her but hers period.
Willow does as she is told and lays down on her back and stays there waiting to see what Dawn is going to have her do or do to her next. After a few minutes of waiting she looks down and see’s that the brunette hasn’t moved from her spot she is still sat in the chair looking back at her. All of a sudden the brunette stands up and makes her way over to Willow once she reaches her feet the redhead expects Dawn to kneel down like Tara did with Buffy. However instead of doing this she watches as Dawn puts one foot on one side of her leg and the other foot on the other side of her other leg and then walks up until she is standing directly over her and she is looking up at the brunette who is looking down at her. Willow now knows what is going to happen next and does her best to prepare for it as she sees Dawn slowly get down onto her knees with her pussy a short distance away from her face.
Dawn waits expecting for Willow to start doing what is expected of her however Willow doesn't move a muscle.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Dawn asks finally having had enough of waiting.
Willow swallows hard and slowly sticks her tongue as far out as she can get it and runs it up and down Dawn’s outer pussy lips.
Dawn smiles as she feels Willow’s tongue come into contact with her pussy and feels Willow follow her first lick up with a second lick and then a third and a fourth. Much to her surprise and delight it doesn't take the redheaded Wicca long to get into a rhythm and Dawn closes her eyes and allows herself the pleasure of enjoying what her sister's best friend is doing to her.
Willow meanwhile is focused on her task having not expected Dawn’s pussy to taste so good. Although there is a part of her that wants to take her time and enjoy the taste of her best friend’s sister’s pussy there is another part of her that wants to see what the youngest of the two Summers sister’s cum tastes like. So with the intention of making Dawn cum as fast as she can Willow puts everything she has into eating the brown haired Summers pussy and is soon rewarded by the taste of her pussy juice which starts to pour out of Dawn’s cunt and into her mouth.
As soon as she tastes Dawn’s pussy juice Willow immediately changes her tactic going from lapping at the brunette’s cunt to tongue fucking it for all she is worth not caring if she gets a bit rough considering how rough Dawn was being with Buffy and with her earlier she is sure the brunette can take a little roughness and might even like it considering who her sister is. While she continues to tongue fuck Dawn’s pussy Willow also does her best to lick Dawnie's pussy's lips and clit in between the tongue fucking willing to do anything to make Dawn cum.
Dawn moans in pleasure as she feels Willow increase the speed and power behind her thrusts which causes her to smile as she looks at Tara and Buffy as she feels Willow wrap her lips tightly around her pussy, evidently trying to stop any of her juices from escaping her mouth.
“That’s it Willow lick my pussy.” Dawn says intentionally encouraging Willow on not just because she can feel herself heading towards orgasm but also to continue the torture of her older sister, “Dam Will, you're a natural pussy licker. Maybe the best pussy licker I’ve ever had in between my legs.”
Buffy feels a mix of jealousy and anger shoot through her when she hears her little sister say this hoping that she is just saying this to either make her jealous or anger. If that is what she is trying to do she is succeeding as she turns her attention from her sister down to her best friend who’s head is in between Dawn's legs. Where I should be. Buffy mentally thinks to herself hating herself for thinking this and yet wanting nothing more than to either push Dawn off Willow or pull Willow away from her sister’s cunt so that she can get at it herself and show her that the redhead is not as good at eating her pussy as her older sister is which makes her even angrier with herself.
Dawn closes her eyes and allows herself to enjoy the feeling of having Willow’s tongue and mouth on and inside of her pussy due to her having been able to see the jealousy and anger in her sister’s eyes which just adds to her pleasure due to the fact her sister now knows what it was like for her to watch her big sister lick another woman’s cunt.
Willow meanwhile is completely oblivious to what is going on around her and only focused on what she has her tongue inside of and her lips attached too as she starts to greedily suck Dawn’s cunt while her tongue touches every part of her that it can.
Dawn’s moans and groans slowly get louder as she starts to move her body back and forth in response to Willow’s actions while imagining that it is Buffy in between her legs rather than Willow. “Ooooohhhhh that’s it… eat my pussy. Mmmmmmmmmm yeah that’s it… you like eating my pussy don’t you… you certainly seem to… my good little sub.”
Despite herself hearing Dawn say these things turns Willow on more and makes her more determined to make her have an orgasm.
While Dawn’s words of encouragement turn Willow on more they hurt Buffy just as much and cause her to hang her head in shame and disgust. Not just disgust at herself for feeling the way she does about what is happening but disgust towards her sister for saying what she is due to her having said what she has about the way she feels about her, which Buffy is sure if Dawn meant what she said she would not be saying these things due to her knowing how much they are hurting her.
Dawn’s verbal encouragement soon turns into moans and groans but it is enough for Willow to do whatever she can to make sure the brunette’s pussy gets the best tongue fucking it’s ever had.
The moans and groans coming out of Dawn's mouth are even louder than the moans and groans which had been falling out of Tara’s mouth when Buffy was eating her pussy.
Dawn continues to moan and they get louder and louder as she feels her orgasm building as she feels Willow stop tongue fucking her and concentrates on her clit going from licking it one minute to tongue fucking it the next. However Willow soon stops tongue fucking it and focuses souly on just licking it. And she doesn’t just lick it one way she alters the way she does it going from licking it up and down to licking it down and up left to right and left or left to right.
“Oh that's it you little muff diving slut! Eat my pussy just like that you rug munching little whore! Mmmmmmm such a good little sub! Such a good little cunt lapper!” Dawn moans through gritted teeth before she suddenly yells at the top of her voice, “Oh I’m about to cum! OH FUCK ME I'M CUMMING!”
As she yells this she grabs the back of Willow’s head for support as her orgasm hits her and it is so powerful it actually makes her entire body shake which makes Dawn smile as she rides the waves of pleasure.
Willow meanwhile is busy trying to get as much of the brunette’s cum in her mouth as possible not wanting to miss any of the new delicious juice which is gushing out of her best friend’s sister’s cunt and into her mouth. The greedy redhead continues to gobble up as much of the brunette’s cream as she can. While her best friend watches her sister continue to ride the waves of her orgasm and her best friend focuses on cleaning her sister’s pussy completely of any and all cum until Dawn comes down from her orgasm at which point Willow immediately goes on cleaning duty with her tongue until she can’t find any and so she simply lays there and waits for Dawn to make the next move.
After she has come down from her orgasm and Willow has finished cleaning her pussy of any and all remaining juice, and she has gotten her body back under control, Dawn slowly stands up and walks over to the chair and sits down causing Willow, Buffy and Tara to look at her in confusion as to what she is doing.
Dawn is able to feel the three sets of eyes on her and this causes her to smile due to her being able to imagine what all three sets of eyes are thinking as she looks down at Willow who is still laying on her back.
“Willow.” Dawn says quite calmly and naturally, “I want you to get up on all fours and position yourself so that you’re facing the chair and your ass is facing the bed.”
Willow continues to stare at Dawn for a second or two wondering as well as trying to figure out what the youngest Summers sister is planning on doing as she slowly gets up onto all fours and positions herself so that she is facing the chair which Dawn is sitting on and her ass is facing the bed which her best friend and girlfriend are sitting on.
After watching Willow do as she is told Dawn turns her attention to her sister, “Buffy, I want you to remove the strap on from around Tara. Then I want you to go over and kneel down behind Willow with the strap on in hand.”
Buffy looks at her younger sister having had a feeling she knew what she was planning on doing when she told her to remove the strap on from around Tara however after having heard the second instruction that she is then to kneel down behind Willow she is now once again confused as to what her sister both wants and is planning.
Dawn looks at Buffy expecting her to do what she has just told her without hesitation, “Well what are you waiting for?”
“Don’t move a muscle Buffy!” Tara says causing both Summers sisters to turn their attention to the blonde haired Wicca who‘s focus is on Dawn, “Unless I am very much mistaken Dawn. Until you’re finished with Willow Buffy is still MY sub which means I am the only one who can tell her what to do.”
“I apologise Tara.” Dawn says a small smile crossing her face, “Your right, until I am finished with Willow Buffy is still your sub. Would you mind asking your sub to do what I have just said?”
“Buffy” Tara says turning her attention from Dawn to the blonde haired slayer, “I want you to remove the strap on from around me. Then I want you to go over and kneel down behind Willow with the strap on in hand. Do you understand?”
“Yes Tara.” Buffy says with a nod of her head and with that she moves over to where Tara is sitting as the blonde Witch gets up into a standing position on the bed enabling Buffy to remove the strap on from around her waist and lower it down to her feet waiting a minute for Tara to step out of it. Once the strap on is removed from around the blonde Witch Buffy gets off of the bed and goes over and positions herself behind Willow on her knees with the strap on in her right hand. Once she has done this Buffy turns her attention to Tara although she feels tempted to focus her attention on Dawn due to the fact it is her little sister that is really in control here even though the blonde Witch is the one giving her the instructions on what to do.
Tara slowly turns her attention from Buffy to Dawn realising the same thing that Buffy has realised and while partly hating it she can't help but find it funny considering how everybody including herself and probably her girlfriend and Dawn's sister consider or rather considered her to be… weak… harmless… insignificant at least when compared to the powers that she and Willow and her older sister possess and yet this seemingly weak harmless and insignificant teenager has two witches and a Slayer doing what she both wants and tells them to do.
“Now Tara.” Dawn says having watched Buffy remove the strap on from the blonde haired Wicca and move over and kneel down behind Willow, “If you would be good enough to tell Buffy to put the strap on down on the ground and then lay down on her stomach with her face directed towards Willow's ass.”
Tara looks at Dawn now knowing or rather having a feeling she knows what the brunette is going to have her older sister do to Willow. Knowing this causes her to swallow hard as she slowly turns her attention from Dawn to Buffy who is looking at the blonde Witch the look on her face and in her eyes letting the Wicca know that she also knows or has an idea what the brunette is going to make her do due to the look on the Slayer's face being one of shock and horror. While there is a part of Tara that feels tempted or rather that doesn't want to have to make Buffy do what they both know she is about to she can't think of a way to stop it from happening due to the fact that Dawn has asked her to ask the blonde Slayer to do it. Also there is a part of Tara which very much wants to see it.
“Buffy.” Tara says, “Will you please do what Dawn has just said.”
“No Tara.” Dawn says causing Tara to turn her head and look at her, “That is not good enough. She’s YOUR sub. There for she has to follow YOUR instructions. So tell her exacterly what you want her to do.”
Tara looks at Dawn, finding it amusing the younger top is using what she had said earlier against her but now seeing a way out of having to tell Buffy what she is sure the brunette wants her to do as she slowly turns her attention from Dawn to Buffy.
“Buffy.” Tara says taking a deep breath and swallowing hard due to the look on Buffy’s face having changed from a look of shock and horror to one in which the blonde haired slayer is looking at her or to her for help almost as if she is asking or rather begging her not to make her go through with this, “Buffy for the rest of the night you will also take orders from Dawn as well as myself. Understood?”
Buffy looks at Tara having hoped that she would have stopped her from having to do what she is sure Dawn wants her to do and yet able to tell from what she has just said that the blonde haired Wicca either can’t or isn’t willing to stop it for some reason, “Yes.”
Tara slowly turns her head from Buffy to Dawn.
Dawn looks back at Tara with an ear to ear smile on her face due to the fact the look the blonde Witch is giving her is basically telling her 'You want her to do it, you tell her to do it yourself'. Something Dawn doesn’t have a problem doing as she turns her attention from Tara to Buffy. “Buffy, look at me.”
Buffy takes a deep breath and slowly turns her attention from Tara who she can’t help but feel betrayed by due to the fact she is a Dom just like Dawn and as such she is sure she could have thought of something or someway to stop Dawn from making her do what she is sure her little sister is about to make her do.
“That’s a good girl.” Dawn says with an ear to ear smile on her face. “Now. I want you to put the strap on down on the ground and then lay down on your stomach with your face directed towards Willow's ass. Is that understood?”
“Yes.” Buffy says as she slowly nods her head.
“Yes what?” Dawn asks.
“Yes it is understood.” Buffy says doing her best to keep her tone emotionless even though she can’t help but hate or at the very least dislike her sister for what she is about to make her do.
“Not the answer I was looking for.” Dawn says having secretly both wanted and expected Buffy to say 'Yes Dawn', “But it will do.” She adds hoping to get that answer or response from her sister before the end of the night as she watches her big sister put the strap on down on the ground next to her and then lays down on her stomach with her face directed towards Willow’s ass. “Now Willow, I want you to move backwards until you feel Buffy’s face in your ass.”
Willow who has kept her head facing the front while the conversation between Dawn, Tara and Buffy has gone on slowly and rather reluctantly moves herself back on all fours until she can feel Buffy’s face is in her ass.
Both Buffy and Willow squeeze their eyes shut.
“Open your eyes Willow.” Dawn says and tells her sister’s best friend causing Willow to slowly and rather reluctantly open her eyes and look at Dawn who is sitting on the chair in front of her. “That’s a good girl. I can’t see Buffy’s pretty face because it is full of your ample ass. However I want to be able to see your pretty face as my sister does what I tell her too.”
Willow looks at Dawn unable to believe how she can do this to her own sister her own flesh and blood and not understanding why she is doing this to her and yet knowing she can't ask the youngest Summers these questions nor is she sure if she could she would want to due to the fact she isn't sure she would like the answers.
“Well don't just lay there and take it Buffy.” Dawn says having turned her attention from Willow's face to her sister's, “Start kissing Willow’s ass! I want to see your lips covering her ass!”
Keeping her eyes closed and deciding to just try and get this over with as quickly as possible Buffy puckers up and starts to kiss her best friend’s ass, hoping that Willow will be able to find it within her heart to forgive her for what she is being forced to do. Physically being forced to kiss Willow’s ass isn’t that bad of an experience despite the fact her best friend's ass is a little sweaty probably from being in the jeans and her and Tara dancing at the club etc but leaving that aside the taste isn’t that unpleasant. For Buffy the unpleasantness is the mental knowledge that she is literally kissing the ass of her best friend in front of not only her sister but her best friend’s girlfriend. Despite being tempted to kiss Willow’s ass once and hoping that that will please Dawn she knows that it won’t and so with great reluctance she lays pecks all over Willow’s ass.
Dawn watching her sister slowly start to get into some serious best friend ass kissing decides to give Willow an instruction.
“Shake your ass Willow.” Dawn says with an ear to ear smile keeping her focus on both Buffy’s head and Willow’s ass.
Willow does as she is told shaking her ass in her best friend’s face able to feel that what she is doing makes it harder for Buffy to do what her big sister has told her to do and forces her to try and keep up with her motions something the redhead is sure Dawn not only knew would happen but intended for it too.
“Now Buffy I want you to stick out your tongue and lick the flesh of Willow’s backside.” Dawn says and tells her older sister.
Buffy freezes momentarily at hearing her sister tell her to do this feeling tempted to refuse and yet knowing that she doesn’t have any protection against Dawn as far as being punished for disobeying her is concerned and so she slowly does as she is told.
Willow’s facial expression turns from expressionless to one of shock as she feels her best friend’s tongue touch her ass cheeks.
Dawn sees this, “Willow, stop shaking your ass so it's easier for my sister to lick and kiss her best friend's butt.”
Willow does as she is told doing her best not to think about what Buffy is doing to her back end and how it is actually starting to feel nice.
"That's it Buffy. Lick your best friend’s ass. Lick her ass just like I licked yours during our picnic.” Dawn says, causing both Wicca’s to turn their attention to her in shock at what she has just said however Dawn ignores both Willow and Tara and keep’s her focus on Buffy and what she is doing. “You remember that don’t you sis? When I licked your asshole while you were laying bent over that tree stump.”
Buffy closes her eyes doing her best to block out what her sister is saying while at the same time doing her best not to think back to the picnic she and Dawn had and how having her little sister give her first ever ass licking and yet unable to stop herself from remembering that and how it felt. She remembers how part of her had been glad that Dawn was the first woman to ever show her what having her ass licked out felt like and was grateful to her for doing it. She also remembers how much she enjoyed having her ass licked. Enjoyed it! She thinks to herself. That’s an understatement I fucking loved it and it got me so wet and turned on.
Willow meanwhile is fighting her own mental battle and that is trying to deny how much she is liking what Buffy is doing to her. Hell she isn’t liking it any longer what Buffy is doing to her the more she is slowly starting to fall in love with it due to the fact that despite all of the things she and Tara have done together and with others neither of them have ever licked the other’s asshole or kissed one and other’s ass. And as she thinks about it Willow can’t think why they have never even tried it and hoping that after tonight and how good it feels she can convince Tara to try it.
“Alright Buffy that is enough attention on the outside.” Dawn says having grown tired of seeing her sister kiss and lick the outside of Willow’s ass now wanting to see or rather watch her big sister lick the inside not just because she knows how humiliating it will be for her but also because it will prepare Willow for the butt fucking she intends on giving her, “Willow reach back and pull your ass cheeks apart for your best friend.”
Willow looks over at Dawn her mind racing for a way to get out of this not because she doesn’t want to feel her best friend’s tongue inside of her there is a part of her that does but simply due to the fact she knows or rather can imagine how humiliating this will be for Buffy and not wanting to do that to her.
“Willow I can either fuck your ass with the strap on raw.” Dawn says intent on making the redhead choose how she fucks her, “Or I can fuck your ass with the strap on after Buffy has prepared it. It’s your choice.”
Willow looks back at Dawn feeling tempted to tell her that she would rather have her fuck her ass raw and yet remembering how good or rather well she fucked Buffy before when she and Tara walked in. And while there is a part of her that hopes the brunette will fuck her just as good she isn’t sure she will be able to take that type of fucking without it first being 'prepared' as Dawn put it and so with her mind having been made up she slowly positions herself so that the upper half of her body is laying down on the ground and reaches back with both hands and spreads her ass cheeks for her best friend.
Buffy watches with disgust and horror as her best friend pulls her ass cheek’s apart for her letting her, Tara and Dawn know what she has decided as far as weather her little sister fucks her ass with the strap on raw or not. Not looking at Dawn because she knows what she will tell her Buffy simply sticks her tongue out and moves it inside of Willow’s ass causing her best friend to moan uncontrollably.
Willow moans uncontrollably in pleasure as she feels her best friend’s tongue enter her ass.
“Move your ass back and forward Willow.” Dawn says and tells her which Willow does able to feel Buffy’s tongue move further up her ass.
Dawn sits in the chair watching as her big sister lays on her stomach on the floor of her best friend’s hotel room naked with her tongue up her equally naked best friend’s ass while both she and her sister’s best friend’s girlfriend watch.
Part of Buffy doesn’t want to be here. She wants to be saved. She wants to go back in time and try and convince her sister that they go either to her hotel room or her sister’s rather than them come into her best friend’s. That is how part of the blonde haired Slayer feels and yet there is another part of her that can feel Willow’s ass pushing back into her face forcing her tongue further up her ass and there is a part of Buffy that actually wants to push more of her tongue up her best friend’s ass.
There is a part of Buffy that likes hearing the moans that are coming from her best friend because she knows that she is causing them which means that she is doing a good job. Which means that while she may not be in the same class of ass licking as her little sister she is a good ass licker. This along with the moans and the fact that she is being forced to do this not just by anybody but her own sister by Dawn is causing her pussy to start to get moist again even though the other part of her is trying to tell her that what she is doing is disgusting and it is her best friend and her best friend’s girlfriend is watching etc despite this it doesn’t stop her pussy from continuing to get wetter.
Willow meanwhile is fighting the same battle as Buffy, she is trying to convince herself that she is not enjoying every second of this and that the only reason she is grinding her ass on her best friend Buffy's tongue is because she has been told too by her best friend’s sister Dawn.
"Yeah, that's it Buffy lick your best friend’s ass hole get it nice and wet so that I can slide that dildo that both myself and Tara used on you on her and fuck her like I have been fucking you. How does it feel Buffy?” Dawn asks, “How does it feel licking your best friend Willow’s ass? Knowing that your little sister and your best friend’s girlfriend are watching? Do you like it? I bet you do! I bet you love licking your best friend’s ass while knowing that both me and Tara are watching you do it. I bet it turns you on you dirty little dyke slut. Come on Willow what sort of friend are you? Encourage Buffy to keep going.”
Willow looks at Dawn unable to believe that the woman she is looking at is the same one she has known for the past years.
“Encourage her Willow!” Dawn says looking or rather staring back at Willow the smile having gone from her face and having been replaced by a look of deadly seriousness.
Willow slowly hangs her head hating Dawn for what she is making both herself and Buffy do at least in part but also hating herself for what she is about to do.
"That's good Buffy.” Willow says loud enough for everybody in the room to hear. “That's real good. Your lips feel great on my ass. Ohhhhh, that's it, right there. Ooooohhhhh fuck yeah, that's it, just like that.”
Buffy obeys Willow’s commands doing her best to try and convince herself that her best friend is only doing this because she has been told too by Dawn just like the only reason she is devoting herself to the redhead's ass hole is because she has too.
"Oh yeah Buffy, you're really worshipping Willow’s ass now. And might I add you’re doing a good job. If I didn't know better I would think that my ass wasn't the first you’ve serviced.” Dawn says again deciding to simply enjoy the view form now on and as she does so she can’t help but think or imagine that it is her ass Buffy is servicing and as she thinks about and imagines it she can’t help but like the idea of having her sister service her ass on a regular basis.
“Alright Buffy that is enough.” She says finally as she gets to her feet and walks over to where Buffy is laying.
Buffy stops licking Willow’s ass when she hears Dawn tell her that is enough and pulls her head out of her best friend’s ass doing her best to try and convince herself that she is glad that that is finished although there is a part of her that could have and wishes she could have continued tonguing her best friend’s backside. However she does her best to try and ignore this part of herself as she turns her head and looks at Dawn who is now standing a short distance away from her looking down at her.
“That was really good Buffy.” Dawn says looking down at her sister with an ear to ear grin on her face, “I’m going to have to teach you how to become a first class ass kisser. Now I want you to get up onto your knee’s in front of me and strap the dildo on me.”
Buffy slowly moves so that she is on her knee’s in front of Dawn, picks up the strap on that is in between the two of them and proceeds to put it on her younger sister.
"Good.” Dawn says watching her big sister like a hawk, “Now I want you to suck it and get it nice and wet for me so that I can butt fuck your best friend.”
Buffy slowly parts her lips and takes the head of the dildo into her mouth and starts to gently suck on it as she takes a hold of the base with one of her hands and closes her eyes.
“Eyes open Buffy.” Dawn says causing Buffy to open her eyes and look up at her, “That’s good. Now suck my cock. Take it deep into your mouth.”
Buffy slowly lowers her eyes from looking up at Dawn to looking directly in front of her as she does as she is told slowly taking more and more of the fake cock in her mouth sucking and slobbering on it the blow job becoming more wet and sloppy with every bob of the blonde's head. Buffy is soon sucking the strap on like a pro even though there is a part of her that doesn’t want to be doing this due to the fact she knows both why she is doing this and what Dawn intends on doing after she has gotten the dildo nice and lubricated just like she lubricated her best friend’s ass hole.
Despite hating idea that she is getting the strap on in her mouth ready to go in her best friend’s ass Buffy does her best to try and focus on the strap on as she feels it slide to the back of her throat and down to the point where her lips are actually touching her hand which is wrapped around the base of the thing in her mouth.
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile as she looks down at her sister very impressed at how good of a job she is doing and only wishing that the job that she was doing was not to the strap on she has attached to her right now but rather it was her strap on.
After a few more minutes Buffy removes her hand from the base of the dildo and actually lowers her mouth all the way down until she is deep throating the entire thing. This impresses Dawn even more and makes her wish even more that she had brought her strap on and was using it. Although she is glad she didn’t due to the fact that if she had she would have to use it on Willow and while she is sure a part of her would have enjoyed doing that and she is sure Willow would have enjoyed her using her strap on dick on her there is another part of Dawn that only wants to ever use the strap on cock on her sister as she watches her sister continue her relentless oral assault on the dildo, slobbering all over it getting it ready for her best friend’s ass which also makes Dawn a bit sad due to her preferring that after her sister has finished getting the strap on ready it was Buffy's ass she was going to be using it on.
Buffy meanwhile is engrossed in what she is doing having managed to block out the thought of what is going to happen after she has finished sucking the strap on in her mouth and simply focusing on sucking it.
“Alright that’s enough.” Dawn says suddenly causing Buffy to look up at her little sister not wanting to stop what she is doing partly because she was enjoying it and partly due to her knowing what is going to happen now. Despite not wanting to stop the look her little sister gives her let’s her know that she is going to do what she has planned one way or another and so slowly and very reluctantly Buffy removes the fake cock from her mouth.
“You can go back and sit on the bed now Buffy.” Dawn says doing her best not to let her emotions get the better of her.
Buffy slowly nods her head as she moves in the direction of the bed while Dawn turns her attention to Willow who is still on all fours facing the chair and moves into position behind the redhead. Once Dawn is in position she positions the well lubricated strap on at the entrance to Willow's ass.
After taking a few seconds to remind herself why she is doing this Dawn goes to press forward however she stops and suddenly gets an idea which causes her to smile an ear to ear smile as she gets up onto her feet and walks around until she is standing in front of the redhead, “Willow.”
“Yes Dawn.” Willow says in response as she looks up at the brunette.
“I want you to turn around and face the bed.” Dawn tells her.
Willow looks at Dawn a tad surprised by this instruction.
“Turn around and face the bed!” Dawn says now in a commanding tone of voice.
Willow slowly moves around still on all fours until she is facing the bed.
“Good girl.” Dawn says as she slowly gets back down onto her knee’s behind the redhead and once again positions the strap on at the entrance to Willow’s butt.
This time Dawn doesn’t hesitate to slowly start to push the head of the strap on into Willow’s back hole which to her delight slowly stretches around the strap on showing Dawn how well Buffy lubricated her best friend’s ass and the dildo as she continues to watch the redheaded Wicca’s hole swallow the head of the strap on.
Dawn looks up and over at her sister who is watching her sodomising Willow with a look of pure jealousy on her face. This makes the brunette smile as that's the exact reaction she wanted out of Buffy, the Slayer clearly wishing it was her butt currently getting stretched. Oh yeah, Dawn knows how much Buffy loves being fucked in the ass so having to watch her little sister take another woman's ass will be torturous.
With these thoughts in mind Dawn leaves the tip of the fake cock buried inside Willow’s ass hole for a few minutes. After a while she slowly starts to push her way further inside of Willow’s back passage, moving very slowly and carefully, giving the redhead plenty of time to relax with each additional inch she slides into her butt. Although from the feel of her she doesn’t have to do this, her big sister obviously having done such a good job getting the redhead's ass ready for Dawn's use. Also, it's clear this isn’t the first time Willow has taken this big dildo inside her backside. Still, Dawn is intent on continuing to go slowly because she knows that not only will it drive Buffy insane watching but hopefully it will drive the redhead insane and make her beg for more.
Buffy looks at Dawn feeling tempted to look at Willow and yet not being able too due to her not wanting to see the look on her best friend’s face as her little sister continues to slowly butt fuck her.
Willow meanwhile is in heaven and at the same time hell due to the fact that the feeling of the strap on inside of her is heavenly and yet the speed at which Dawn is moving is hell because she is going so slowly. However with each thrust she can feel her best friend’s little sister slowly picking up speed much to her pleasure and delight.
Dawn continues to pick up speed with every thrust while keeping her eyes on her big sister, her face an expression of stone as she starts fucking hard and fast and going deep. Dawn all of a sudden notices something out of the corner of her eye which causes her to look down at where she and Willow are joined and notices that the redhead is starting to move her hips in response to her thrusts. Despite being tempted to stop and make Willow beg for her to fuck her ass the brunette decides to use a different tactic, one that she is sure will torture Buffy just as much as if she was to make her sister’s best friend beg for her to ass fuck her.
“That’s very good Willow.” She says as she lifts her head and looks back at Buffy now smiling a small smile, “Give me that ass! Give me your hot ass!”
“Oh yes Dawnie, take my ass!” Willow cries out surprising everybody else in the room although Dawn does her best to hide her surprise, “Oh God Dawn harder please. Mmmmmmmm fuck my ass harder! Fuck it as hard as you can! Oooooooooh Gawwwwd fucking take it! Take it! Take my ass! Please pound it! Pound it hard and deep! Ahhhhhh shit, fucking ass fuck me Dawnie! Ohhhhhhhh Dawnie! Mmmmmm I want you to fuck my ass Dawnie, oooooooh, fuck it harder! Please It feels so good! Oh my God!”
Dawn turns her attention from Buffy to Tara who is looking down at Willow with a look of shock and disbelief on her face which causes the brunette to smile even more due to what she is doing obviously getting a hell of a reaction out of Willow. Then Dawn slowly turns her attention back to Buffy as she starts to savagely thrust into the redhead giving her what she wants and much to her delight Willow just as savagely thrusts her ass down impaling herself on the dildo.
“Are you sure you want it harder Willow?” Dawn asks simply to add to her sister's torture.
“Yes!” Willow begs, “Fuck me Dawnie! Fuck my ass! Fuck it as hard as you can!”
Dawn decides to give her sister’s best friend exacterly what she wants and so she takes a firm hold of Willow’s hips and starts to give her the hardest butt fucking she can and the only response Willow gives is cries of pleasure and moans begging Dawn to fuck her even harder which is something she is only too happy to do and does.
As skilled as Dawn is when it comes to ass stretching and as skilled as she is when it comes to ass pounding she isn’t as strong as a Slayer and the difference between her own strap on back in her room and this strap on is evident due to her having to use a lot more of her own strength. Even though when she butt fucked Buffy all those times with her own strap on she put her heart and soul into it and she is doing her best to give Willow the best butt fucking she can. However despite how much she wants to torture her big sister for earlier she can’t put her heart and soul into it due to the fact that despite wanting to torture her sister there is a part of her that doesn’t like butt fucking Willow as much as she loved butt fucking her sister and there is a part of her that hopes or rather is looking forward too butt fucking her sister’s ass again.
However that doesn’t stop Dawn from continuing the torture as she decides to use the fact that if she had her strap on with her right now she could give Willow a much better ass fucking against her big sister, “How does this feel Willow? How does it feel having your best friend’s sister fuck your ass?”
“It feels good.” Willow moans, “It feels really good.”
“I bet it does, mmmmmmm, but I wish I had brought MY strap on with me. It's bigger, mmmmmm, and thicker, oooooooh, and really stretches an ass out nice and wide. Mmmmmm you would be feeling twice as much pleasure if I had it right now, isn't that right Buffy?” Dawn grins, glancing over at her sister, “You remember, don't you sis? You taking my dick in your ass, mmmmmm yeah, that huge strap on stretching your shitter wide and deep, ooooooooh yes, touching places inside you that no one else has, mmmmmm, truly making you my bitch? You remember don't you Buffy? Bending over that fallen tree and giving me your hot slayer ass, mmmmmm, and then taking it in all those other positions when we got back to the hotel, ahhhhhhhh fuck, you cumming over and over again when I took your ass in all those different positions, shit yeah, when I fucking took my sister's ass and made it mine! When I made my big sister's butt hole my own personal fuck hole! You remember that, don't you sis? Becoming my anal slave? Mmmmmmm, do you think the same would happen to Willow if I ass fucked her with my strap on? Do you think she'd give me her ass?”
"She wouldn't because she is mine." Tara interrupts firmly.
"I know that." Dawn says dismissively, "I just want her to imagine it. Mmmmmm, I want my big sister to imagine her best friend being ass fucked by my strap on and begging to be my bitch. Mmmmmm, her best friend suffering the same fate. Being butt fucked by little old me and becoming my anal slave. Well, permanent anal slave, because you are my anal slave right now, aren't you Will?"
"Yes Dawnie, I'm your anal slave!" Willow moaned, mostly trying to tell Dawn what she wanted to hear so that she would let her cum, "I love you Tara, mmmmmmm, and I'd never leave you, oooooooooh fuck, but right now I'm Dawn's anal slave! I'm lil Dawnie's anal slave just like my best friend is! Ohhhhhhh God, we're both her bitches right now Buffy, mmmmmm, Dawnie owns our ass holes! Mmmmmmm because she's so fucking good at pounding ass! Ooooooohhhhhhh lil Dawnie's a lil ass pounder! A butt buster! A rectum wrecker! A total stud who's fucking my ass sooooooooo gooooooddddddd!"
Buffy looks at Dawn in shock and disbelief at what she has just said, unable to believe that she would want to use her strap on, the same strap on she used to fuck her sister, on Willow. And then there is the fact that Dawn is once again talking about her surrendering her ass to her sister for the first time, the brunette having already told the story but telling it again and in detail as she continues to moan while pounding Willow's butt.
As if the fact that Dawn said this wasn’t bad enough the look on her face and in her eyes as well as her smile makes this whole thing ten times worse. But the very worst thing was what Willow was saying about being Dawn's anal slave, Buffy forced to imagine sharing her anal slave duties with her best friend, and actually feeling jealous. Being jealous of having to share her kid sister. Wanting to have Dawn all to herself, the Slayer wanting to be her baby sister's one and only butt slut, the shame of it causing Buffy to hang her head, unable to look at her baby sister any more.
However that doesn’t stop her listening to her best friend’s moans and groans as Dawn and Willow continue to brutally pound against one and other until they both explode at the same time which causes Buffy to lift her head and watch as her sister and her best friend cum. As she watches them both explode Buffy can’t help but notice than despite both of them being in throws of an orgasm they both manage to keep up the pace as their orgasms continue to hit them.
Despite feeling tempted to continue to fuck Willow’s ass to another orgasm Dawn feels from the fact that her sister hung her head and the fact that she was able to make Willow cum which in turn caused her to cum she has more than achieved her goal. Besides, that last climax almost knocked Dawn out and she's afraid another one might do the trick, which wouldn't help her maintain the image of being a dominant top in Buffy's eyes. So she slows down as the redhead also gets over her orgasm until they both eventually stop moving completely and Dawn slowly pulls the fake cock out of Willow’s now well fucked ass.
As soon as the strap on is out of her asshole Willow falls forward onto the floor due to the orgasm she just experienced having practically completely sapped her of strength and the only thing keeping her up was the strap on which joined her to Dawn.
Dawn smiles as she watches Willow collapse in a heap on the floor in front of her, taking a couple of long seconds to admire just how widely Willow's ass hole is gaping open, Dawn able to see deep into the redhead's bowels and grinning as she knows the two blondes can do the same. Turning her attention to them she sees an impressed look on Tara's face while Buffy's look is hard to read.
Doing her best to try and ignore the guilt she is now feeling for what she has done Dawn stands up and calls out, "Buffy, get over here and clean my cock!"
This gets everybody's attention but Dawn is only focused on one of the other girls, that being Buffy who is looking at her in horror. She looks like she is about to complain but a stern glare from Dawn soon has the mighty Slayer lowering her head in shame and slowly crawling over to kneel at her sister's feet. Buffy then looks up briefly, silently begging for pity. Dawn shows her none and the blonde lets out a pitiful whimper before swallowing the head of the brunette's cock and then beginning to bob her head up and down on it, Buffy slowly but surely cleaning the dildo of Willow's anal juices.
Of course the whole time she is doing this Dawn is helpfully guiding her up and down, the younger sister having a firm hold of the older sister's blonde locks as she taunts her, "That's it sis, clean my cock! Clean it of all your best friend's butt juices! Mmmmmmmmm yeah, clean your baby sister's strap on cock of all your best friend's butt juices. I mean, clean your best friend's girlfriend's strap on cock of your best friend's butt juices. Make sure this dildo is nice and clean for the next time Tara wants to fuck Willow with it. Mmmmmm, good little ATM whore."
Buffy's only response was a few whimpers while the watching Witch looks completely captivated by the sight of the mighty Buffy the Vampire Slayer slowly but surely deep throating every inch of a strap on dildo which had just been up her best friend's ass.
When she finally decides it is clean enough Dawn pushes Buffy away and slowly removes the strap on from herself and puts it down on the floor. Then she slowly gets to her feet and looks around the room and finds her scattered clothes which she picks up before turning her attention to Buffy.
“If it’s alright with you Tara we're going to get dressed and leave. We'd love to stay and talk, and maybe have a little more fun, but Buffy has a big day tomorrow and needs to get some sleep." Dawn explains, "I'm even going to stay away from her for the rest of the night because, well, whenever we're together I just can't keep my hands off her."
Tara smiles, "I understand Dawnie. Good luck with Buffy's training."
"Thanks Tara." Dawn beams, looking at a nervous Buffy and licking her lips, "Tomorrow should be an extra fun session."
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