Buffy's Blackmailing Little Sister | By : MTL Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > FemmeSlash - Female/Female > Buffy/Dawn Views: 59739 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Buffy opens her eyes due to her hearing what sounds like knocking. To begin with she thinks it was just in her dream however after a couple of minutes she hears the knocking again and turns her head over and looks in the direction of her hotel room door which is where the knocking seems to be coming from. Sure enough after another couple of minutes there is more knocking and it is defiantly coming from her hotel room door.
The slayer slowly and rather groggily sits up and throws the quilt off of her climbs out of bed and goes to walk towards the door however after one step in the direction of the door she stops and looks down at herself realising she is still naked and quickly turns and looks for her dressing gown and finds it hanging up on the back of the door leading into the bathroom. She groans as she walks around and get’s the gown off of the door and puts it on all the while the knocking continues and is starting to become annoying due to Buffy already being awake and on her way to answer the door.
She finally arrives at the door however before she opens it Buffy checks herself over to make sure the dressing gown belt is tied tightly around her to hide her nakedness due to her not knowing who is on the other side of the door although she is fairly sure it is probably Dawn come to take her on their picnic however at the same time she can imagine it being Riley or one of her other friends.
Taking a deep breath and actually mentally hoping and praying that it is Dawn due to her not wanting it to be Riley or another one of her friends due to her being able to imagine the only reason they would come and visit her is for them to do something together and she really doesn’t want to have to either get out of doing something with her friends or Riley in order to go on this picnic with Dawn nor does she really want to have to try and get out of going on this picnic with Dawn in order to do something with her friends or Riley.
Once she is satisfied that she is as decent as she can look Buffy puts her hand on the door knob turns it and slowly opens the door to reveal Dawn on the other side of the door with an ear to ear smile on her face.
“Good afternoon Buffy.” Dawn says her smile widening.
“Morning Dawn.” Buffy says doing her best to smile although her heart isn't really in it.
“Afternoon actually.” Dawn tells her matter of factly, “May I come in?”
Buffy feels tempted to turn and look over at her bedside clock however she decides it is best to allow Dawn to come in first and so she simply moves out of the way and allows her sister to enter the room once she is inside Buffy shuts the door and turns to face Dawn giving the bedside clock a quick glance and notices that it is actually 12:02pm.
“Are... are we still going on a picnic today?” Buffy asks watching as Dawn reaches her wardrobe doors, before then adding once Dawn has turned to look at her, “You said last night that we are going on a picnic.”
“Yes, and it's going to be just you and me. I've got a nice quiet spot picked out where no one will disturb us.” Dawn says with a smile on her face as she turns back around to face the double doors in front of her.
Dawn loves the fact that they are going to be alone especially with what she has planned. With this thought in mind Dawn opens the two doors in front of her and begins rummaging through her big sister's clothes.
“Here.” Dawn says causing Buffy to open her eyes and look at Dawn who is once again standing and facing her with a top and braw in one hand and a pair of jeans and a thong in the other, “Why don’t you wear this today. It’s casual but sexy.”
Buffy swallows hard feeling tempted to tell Dawn she will wear what she wants to wear and that she doesn’t need her little sister picking her clothes for her. However she decides rather than argue to simply agree with her and so she walks up and takes the top and jeans from Dawn.
“So where are we going?” Buffy asks as she heads towards the bathroom door.
“You needn’t worry about that right now everything is ready all we need to do is get there which we will do once you’re ready.” Dawn tells her not wanting to spoil the surprise.
“And how are we going to get there?” Buffy asks as she opens the bathroom door and once she has done she turns to look at Dawn.
Dawn smiles at her older sibling, “Wait and see.”
Buffy looks at Dawn feeling nervous by her sister’s words she does her best to ignore them as she turns and heads towards the bathroom.
“Oh and Buffy.” Dawn says causing her older sister to stop in her tracks and slowly turn to look at her, “Before you put your underwear on I want you to stick this butt plug up your ass.”
Dawn grins ear to ear as she reveals a 5 inch butt plug from her pocket grateful to have finally gotten rid of it due to the size of the butt plug making walking with it in her pocket most uncomfortable. As she thinks about this Dawn can’t help but smile due to the fact she is sure as much discomfort as the butt plug caused her just walking from her room to Buffy’s it is no doubt going to cause Buffy more.
Buffy looks at the butt plug in Dawn’s hand which her sister is offering her. She feels tempted to refuse however she knows what will happen if she does and so she slowly takes a step forward and takes the thing from her sister.
“I... I won’t be long.” Buffy says as she turns and goes to open the bathroom door again.
“Actually Buffy.” Dawn says causing Buffy to stop where she is again and slowly turn her head and look back at her sister starting to get a little bit irritated by her sister constantly stopping her from doing what she needs to do in order for them to leave.
“Do it now.” Dawn says plainly.
“What?” Buffy asks with a frown.
“I want you to put the butt plug in now.” Dawn says matter of factly.
Buffy looks at her sister in shock and disbelief.
“Dawn.” Buffy says wanting to keep some small amount of dignity that is if she hasn’t lost it all already, “I will put it... in after I have gotten a shower.”
“No. Now.” Dawn snaps.
Buffy looks into Dawn’s eyes and is able to tell she is deadly serious.
“Would you mind holding it while I get undressed?” Buffy asks offering the butt plug back to Dawn.
Dawn smiles as she takes the butt plug from Buffy and watches as Buffy undoes the belt around her waist and takes off the dressing gown she is wearing and lets it slip to the floor showing her naked body to Dawn which causes the youngest Summers girl to smile even more and lick her lips at the sight of her older sisters flesh.
Once Buffy has removed her dressing gown she reaches out for the butt plug which Dawn goes to give her but just before the two girls touch hands Dawn pulls her hand back.
“Actually I’ll do it.” Dawn says with an ear to ear smile.
Buffy drops her hand having had enough of Dawn’s games.
“Do you want us to go on this picnic or not!” Buffy snaps letting her anger and frustration out into her tone of voice.
Dawn just smiles more if that is even possible.
“Are you threatening to refuse to do something I want?” Dawn asks as calm and as cool as can be.
Buffy takes a deep breath and swallows hard wanting so badly to say yes and yet knowing what will happen if she does and so she slowly turns around and bends as far over as she can.
Dawn watches as her older sibling turns around and bends over showing her her once again regular coloured backside her slayer healing having healed any damage she had done to her older sister's ass the previous night with the spanking.
“That’s a good girl.” Dawn says and with that she moves closer to Buffy’s ass and slowly and gently positions the butt plug at the entrance of her big sister’s back door and then starts to push the butt plug into her sibling's rear hole.
Buffy grits her teeth doing her best not to cry out as she feels the butt plug start to invade her back passage. Although feeling discomfort she also feels a small amount of pleasure as the butt plug enters her ass hole completely and Dawn leaves it imbedded in her backside.
“There.” Dawn says once the butt plug is deep enough in her sister’s shit hole that it can’t be removed without somebody removing it, “You can go and get ready now.”
Buffy slowly stands up feeling more discomfort now than pleasure due to the butt plug being very deep with in her butt however she manages to walk over towards the bathroom door opens it and enters shutting the door behind her.
A short time later Dawn turns her head in the direction of the bathroom door and see’s it slowly starting to open which causes her to jump up off the bottom of the bed as she see’s Buffy now fully dressed in the clothes she chose for her, walk out of the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
“Ready?” Dawn asks her.
Buffy nods her head, “Ready.”
Dawn smiles, turns and heads for the door with Buffy following close behind the two leave Buffy’s hotel room and head for the lift, get onto it and go down to the ground floor. They get off of the lift and leave the hotel walking out the front to a waiting taxi which they both get into the back off.
“Where too now?” The taxi driver asks.
“Back to where you first picked me up.” Dawn tells him and with that the taxi heads off on it’s journey.
After a while the taxi pulls up at it's destination. Dawn pays the taxi driver and the two sisters climb out of the taxi. Buffy looks around and realises that they are where they where the night before, the Finn residence.
“What are we doing here?” Buffy asks looking over at Dawn.
Dawn simply smiles at her.
“Follow me.” Dawn says as she turns and walks off, Buffy following close behind her.
As the two continue walking Buffy notices that they are walking away from the actual Finn house and head for what looks like some stables. As the two get closer to the stables Buffy notices somebody standing outside one of them apparently waiting for them. As they get even closer Buffy realises that it’s Riley’s dad Mr. Finn.
“Good afternoon Buffy. Dawn.” Mr Finn says when they reach him.
“Good afternoon Mr. Finn.” Dawn says.
“Good afternoon Mr. Finn.” Buffy says still very confused as to what exacterly is going on.
“Are they ready?” Dawn asks causing Buffy to turn and look at her sister who has her focus locked on Mr. Finn.
“Already waiting to go.” Mr Finn says causing Buffy to turn and look at him and can’t help but feel nervous as he smiles at her.
“Are who ready? What’s already waiting to go? Dawn what is going on?” Buffy snaps looking back at her sister who turns her head and looks at Buffy for the first time since they left her hotel room.
“Allow me Dawnie.“ Mr Finn says causing Buffy to turn and look at Mr Finn due to him calling her sister Dawnie something only the closest of friends and family call her.
Dawn turns her attention from Buffy back to Mr. Finn and smiles, “Go ahead.”
“Thank you.” Mr Finn says smiling back at Dawn.
“You see Buffy, Dawn called my son earlier this morning and asked him if there was any chance the two of you could go riding due to her feeling the need for you two to do something together in order to make sure that everything is ok between you after last night's revelation about Dawn’s secret boyfriend. When Riley got off the phone with Dawn he called me and we sorted it all out. The horses are right here all ready and waiting to go and as I understand it Dawn has picked out the best spot on our lands for you two to have a picnic.” Mr Finn explains.
“Excuse me Mr. Finn.” Dawn says, “How long do we have the horses for?”
Mr Finn looks at his watch.
“Well it’s half past one now.” He says turning his attention from his watch to the younger of the two women in front of him, “I’d like them back here by night fall if that is alright?”
“That's fine.” Dawn says with a grin due to that giving her plenty of time to do what she plans on doing at the secluded spot she has chosen for her and her sister to have their picnic.
Mr Finn nods his head and then turns and looks in the direction of the stables and makes a clicking noise which causes both Buffy and Dawn to turn their attention from the elderly man to the entrance of the stables as well as two large and extremely muscular looking brown coloured horses with black mains and tails both are a little bit taller than both Dawn and Buffy and they both have riding gear on them as they walk out and stand next to Mr Finn.
“So which one would you like to ride?” Mr Finn asks.
“Up to you Dawn.” Buffy says.
Dawn smiles at Buffy, “I’ll take that one.”
Buffy nods her head and with that the two girls walk up next to the two horses and climb up and get into their saddles Buffy winces a little due to the butt plug pushing deeper into her ass as she saddles up.
“Are you alright Buffy?” Mr Finn asks noticing Buffy’s wince.
“Yes.” Buffy says doing her best to shrug it off, “This horse is just a little bigger than the last one I rode is all.”
“Do you want to swap?” Dawn asks with a smile as she looks at Buffy.
Buffy looks over at Dawn who is smiling at her and knows the reason why she is smiling is due to her knowing the real reason for her wincing.
“No thanks Dawn.” Buffy says doing her best to hide the anger at her sister's pleasure in her discomfort, “I‘ll be alright.”
“Alright then.” Dawn says confident that her sister won‘t be alright by the time they get to their destination as she turns and looks at Mr. Finn, “We'll see you just before night fall Mr. Finn.”
“Have a good afternoon.” Mr Finn says smiling back at her.
“Oh we will.” Dawn says as she turns to look back at Buffy, “Follow me Buffy I know the way.”
With that she gives her horse a tap with her heel which causes it to start moving forward in the direction she wants. After a minute or two Dawn turns and looks behind her to see Buffy following her which causes her to turn back around and focus on the direction they are going.
Buffy follows close behind Dawn on her horse and soon notices that they are leaving the Finn farm walls and are soon very far away from the farm and house and getting further away.
“Dawn.” Buffy deciding to pass the time while they ride by talking to her younger sister.
“Yeah.” Dawn says.
“Aren’t we forgetting something?” Buffy asks.
“What?” Dawn asks back.
“The picnic basket or whatever it is we where going to carry the food in.” Buffy says having expected them to stop off at a supermarket or something in order to pick up food for them to eat on this picnic.
“The picnic basket is already where we're headed.” Dawn explains, “I came out here earlier with Mr Finn in his truck when he showed me the location that we are going to be having our picnic at. I set everything out, apart from the food obviously. The blanket is down, the basket is down, we even have two buckets of water and two buckets of food for the horses. And here we are now.”
Buffy looks around and see a huge tree with four buckets in the shade of the tree evidently the food and water for the horses and a short distance away from the tree is a tree stump and on the tree stump is a red and white chequered blanket and a brown picnic basket on top of that.
All of a sudden Dawn stops her horse which causes Buffy to bring her horse to a stop.
“Dismount.” Dawn says as she climbs down from her horse.
Buffy does the same and once she is down on the ground she then turns and looks at Dawn who is looking back at her.
“We’ll walk the horses over to the food and water and then tend to ourselves.” Dawn tells her older sister as she turns and grabs the reigns of her horse and slowly leads her over into the shade of the tree and towards two of the four buckets of food and water while Buffy leads her horse over to the other and both horses immediately tuck into their food and water, “Let’s leave them to it.”
Buffy nods in response, the two sisters tying their horses to some nearby trees before going to sit on the blanket. Then Dawn opens the picnic basket and starts to take out all of the snacks and finger food she bought on her way from the hotel to the Finns farm earlier in the morning. Buffy watches as Dawn puts different foods down onto the blanket which is underneath the picnic basket as she does so Buffy looks around the picnic basket at each of the different foods. There’s mini sausages rolls and chocolate fingers crisps ready made sandwiches etc.
“And now... for the centre piece.” Dawn says looking at Buffy and smiling as she reaches into the picnic basket and pulls out with both hands what is going to be the centre piece on the picnic table.
Buffy’s eyes go wide as she see’s Dawn’s 'centre piece' which is her 12 inch strap on dildo and watches as Dawn places it delicately in the middle of the picnic table in place of the picnic basket which Dawn removes before putting the strap on down in it’s place and puts the basket down in between her and Buffy once she has done that Dawn sits down opposite Buffy on her hands and knees.
Despite having seen it before Buffy still finds it an amazing specimen. As she continues to look at it Buffy remembers what Dawn told her she was going to do with it how she was going to... how she was going to have her older sister get down on her hands and knees and give the 'centre piece' a nice long blow job and then when it's nice and wet she was going to have Buffy lay down on her back and spread her legs and fuck her with it and then she was going to fuck her older sister in the ass with that monster.
Slowly Buffy turns her attention from Dawn’s strap on to Dawn herself who is looking at her with an ear to ear smile.
“Why did you bring that?” Buffy asks doing her best to hide her nervousness due to her being able to imagine the answer.
“I thought it might be nice for you to look at it and think about where it’s going tonight.” Dawn tells her her smile widening, “I hope you’re hungry because you’re going to need all your strength tonight. If you remember I had intended on using that to fuck your pussy last night. However because of your defiance I didn’t get to do what I intended so tonight instead of fucking your ass like I had origionally planned I am going to be fucking your pussy and then tomorrow night I am going to be fucking your ass. Also Buffy I feel I should tell you that I have decided due to your defiance yesterday you need to be spanked every day from this day until our last day together in order to make sure you remember who is in charge and who takes orders from who. And after we’ve finished eating we’re going to put everything back into the basket and then you are going to take your jeans and thong down and I am going to take out the butt plug and give you your first of what will become your daily spankings.”
Buffy looks at her sister in disbelief at what she is saying and yet knowing she means every word as she turns her attention from Dawn and looks around and slowly returning to looking at Dawn despite having not been able to see anyway that they could be interrupted Buffy can’t help but protest.
“You can’t.” Buffy says in a weak tone of voice.
“What did you say?” Dawn asks a little stunned by Buffy’s comment.
“I said you can’t Dawn!” Buffy snaps, “Not here. Not in broad daylight. Somebody could see us.”
She says unable to stop herself from saying it even though she knows it isn’t true.
Dawn just smiles, “Take another look around Buffy. We’re practically in the middle of nowhere. I planned for us to be. I asked Mr. Finn where the most secluded spot on his land was where we would not be disturbed by anybody and this was it. I don’t think I could have picked a better spot if I tried.”
“Didn’t Mr. Finn ask why you would want such a secluded spot?” Buffy asks her younger sibling.
“He did and I simply told him that we needed sisterly time alone.” Dawn tells her, “So I don’t think he’ll be bothering us. I don’t know what Mrs Finn is doing but I doubt she will bother us Riley is back at the hotel with the others and none of them know we’re here.”
Buffy slowly hangs her head unable to believe how well Dawn seems to have planned all this due to last night her suggesting they have a picnic seeming like a spur of the moment idea and yet now it seems as though she planned this whole week more or less down to the last detail.
“But let’s not worry about the spanking now.” Dawn says causing Buffy to lift her head and look across at her sister, “Tuck in.”
Buffy watches Dawn eat unable to believe how at ease she is after what she has just told her what is more she can’t believe how calm cool and collected Dawn is. As far as Buffy can tell Dawn couldn’t be less worried about getting caught or seen not that she can really blame her where they are is the best secluded spot Buffy has ever seen. She doubts you could get a better spot anywhere even in Sunnydale.
After a few minutes of simply watching her younger sister eat Buffy decides to try and do her best and not think about the spanking to come as she starts to tuck in to the food before her.
For a few minutes the two sisters sit at opposite ends of the tree stump in silence neither looking at one and other both with their eyes on the food in front of them Buffy doing her best not to think about what is going to happen later in the evening when they get back to the hotel or what is going to happen once they have finished eating right there in broad daylight.
Dawn meanwhile is wondering weather she should stay where she is or weather she should move closer to Buffy due to her having intended on this being a romantic picnic after thinking about it Dawn get’s up from her position causing Buffy to look at her as she walks around and sits down next to her she is so close infact their shoulders are literally touching one and other.
Buffy is surprised by this and feels tempted to move further round however she has a feeling if she was to do that Dawn would just move closer and so despite feeling a little uncomfortable sitting this close to her sister which is weird consdering what the two of them having been doing to each other the past few nights Buffy stays where she is and turns her attention from her sister to the food in front of them.
Dawn watches Buffy from the moment she sits down next to her to the moment her sister turns her attention to the food pleased that Buffy didn’t try and move away from her although she can tell from her older siblings body language that she is uncomfortable being so close to her. Dawn slowly turns her head and looks at the food in front of her and despite knowing that the idea she has just had will no doubt make Buffy feel even more uncomfortable she can’t help but want to try and decides to do just that as she picks up a strawberry from the bunch of strawberries she bought and turns to look at her big sister.
“Buffy.” Dawn asks in a teasing kind of way as she holds up the piece of fruit, “Fancy a Strawberry?”
Buffy’s eyes bulge as she imidiatly realises what Dawn is suggesting.
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile when she see’s Buffy’s eyes go like cup saucers and decides to press forward regardless of how her older sister has reacted really wanting to feed her big sister.
“Come on.” Dawn says keeping the teasing tone of voice, “Just take a little bite.”
Dawn slowly moves the strawberry towards her older sister’s mouth and waits for Buffy to react. Much to Dawn's delight Buffy slowly opens her mouth and accepts the strawberry into her mouth and takes a bite of it.
And so for the next few minutes Dawn feeds her older sister all sorts of different foods from the selection before them unable to believe Buffy is actually allowing her to do this.
Buffy meanwhile is unable to believe she is actually allowing her younger sister to feed her in a weird way she feels partly like a baby and yet in another even weirder way she is actually enjoying this despite there being one thought or reason going around in her head Buffy does her best to make herself belive that the reason she is enjoying this is because it is something she has always wanted to try and although she is doing her best to once again ignore who is feeding her the food Buffy can’t block out the fact that it is her younger sister who is feeding her the food.
In an attempt to try and break the silence that has fallen between them as she continues to feed Buffy the different foods on the tree stump Dawn tries to think of something for them to talk about in order for her to try and get her sister’s mind off of what she is doing to her as well as the spanking and what she plans on doing to her when they get back to the hotel that night and tomorrow night. Dawn knows the more Buffy thinks about it or is allowed to think about it the harder it will be for her to get Buffy to allow her to do it and she really doesn’t want to have to threaten to tell Riley etc about her secret relationship with Faith in order to get what she wants. In point of fact by this stage of their agreement Dawn had hoped that Buffy would have started to realise that she is what Buffy really wants and needs and Riley is not.
This causes Dawn to realise that she has found something for her and Buffy to talk about as she slowly feeds another piece of food to her older sister.
“Buffy.” Dawn says swallowing hard due to her feeling a tad nervous about asking the question that she is about to ask.
Buffy lifts her head and looks at Dawn a tad nervous that she may have had her fill of food and be ready to give her the spanking she promised.
“Has what we’ve been doing these past couple of nights.” Dawn starts off by saying, “Has it changed your mind about marrying Riley?”
Buffy is surprised by this question and is surprised to hear actual nervousness in Dawn’s voice for the first time since the two of them made this agreement not only can she hear the nervousness in her younger siblings voice but she can actually see it in her eyes.
“No.” Buffy says matter of factly.
Dawn looks at Buffy able to hear the seriousness in her voice and see it in her eyes and yet she can’t help but feel that Buffy is lying either because she wants to believe she is or because she actually is.
“You paused before you answered.” Dawn says.
“That means nothing.” Buffy says, “What we have been doing has not changed a thing as far as I am concerned. When this deal is over I still intend… I'm still going to marry Riley.”
“Even after everything I have shown you?” Dawn asks in disbelief.
“What exacterly have you shown me Dawn?” Buffy asks, “One future that me and Riley might end up having. However we might not end up like Mr and Mrs Finn.”
“But you might.” Dawn says determined to make Buffy face the possibility however much she may not like it, “Are you really willing to risk ending up like that?”
“And what exacterly is the alternative Dawn?” Buffy asks, “Let’s just say I decided not to marry Riley and instead I decided to be with you. Then what?”
Dawn frowns not understanding the question, “We’d go back to Sunnydale and be together as a couple.”
“And what about our friends?” Buffy asks.
“They come with us.” Dawn says in response.
“No Dawn I am not talking about that I am talking about us. Would we tell them about us?” Buffy asks.
“Eventually if you wanted us too.” Dawn says.
“We’ll they’d find out sooner or later secrets don’t tend to remain a secret for long on the Hellmouth. So after breaking a good man’s heart and upsetting his family you want me to sacrifice my friends our friends who I have known who we have known ever since we came to Sunnydale. Who have already sacrificed so much for me for us who have put their lives on the line for me for you for us." Buffy snaps.
Dawn swallows hard.
“They might be shocked and disgusted at first but they will come around eventually.” Dawn says after a moment or two.
“Do you know that for sure?” Buffy asks.
There was a pause.
“No you don’t do you.” Buffy says after a few minutes of waiting for Dawn to answer, “You talk about me marrying Riley being a risk well at least it’s a risk worth taking.”
“And the other option isn’t?” Dawn asks.
“As far as I am concerned Dawn there is no other option. I am going to marry Riley and nothing you do or say in the next few days is going to change that.” Buffy tells her younger sister determinedly.
Dawn slowly hangs her head not feeling as though she has been defeated or that maybe she is fighting a loosing or lost cause all she is feeling is even more determined to prove Buffy wrong in what she says and as she thinks about everything Buffy has said Dawn wonders something and so she slowly raises her head and looks at her older sister.
“What about Faith?” Dawn asks looking Buffy dead in the eye.
Buffy looks taken back by this question.
“What?” Buffy asks confused.
“What about Faith?” Dawn asks again.
“What about her?” Buffy asks still not understanding the question.
Dawn swallows hard having a gut feeling she already knows the answer to the question she is about to ask and yet needing to ask it anyway, “What if between now and your wedding day Faith realised she didn’t really want Cordelia and dumped her and came to your hotel room and confessed her undying love for you? Would you still marry Riley then?”
“That’s not going to happen.” Buffy says after a pause.
“But what if it did?” Dawn asks determined to get an answer out of Buffy.
Buffy swallows hard having not expected this question and knowing her answer due to the fact that although she has come to accept the fact that her and Faith are over and she is with Cordy now there is still a small part of Buffy that wishes has hoped and prayed and dreamed of Faith dumping Sunnydale High’s former Miss Popular and coming back to her ever since she dumped her. She’s even imagined Faith finding out about Buffy’s marriage to Riley and that being the thing that makes Faith realise how she really feels about her sister-slayer and dumping Cordy and coming back to her.
“You wouldn’t would you.” Dawn says causing Buffy to come out of her thoughts and look at her younger sister who is staring at her.
Dawn looks at Buffy able to tell from the look in her older sister’s eyes and the fact that she couldn’t answer her question that she wouldn’t marry Riley if Faith begged her to take her back. It hurts even more than Buffy telling her that as far as she is concerned there is no alternative to her marrying Riley and it also makes her angry due to the fact Buffy is willing to either a sham of a marriage or go with woman who would only use her and never really love her.
“You wouldn’t marry Riley if Faith begged you to take her back.” Dawn says allowing her pain and more importantly her anger to slip into her tone of voice, “I doubt she would even have to beg. If Faith snapped her fingers and told you to dump Riley and be with her while she was still with Cordelia you’d do it at the drop of a hat wouldn’t you! So if you had the choice between a sham of a loveless marriage or being with a woman who would never really love you only tell you she did in order to get what she wanted out of you which to put bluntly would be nothing more or less than a kinky fuck you would choose either of them over being with somebody who really does love you. Who would actually mean it when they say it. Who wouldn’t just say it in order to get what they wanted out of you. And yet if you had the choice you would rather be married to a man who you don't really love or be in a relationship with a woman who will never really love you.”
There was a long pause.
“Have you had enough?” Dawn asks.
Buffy frowns.
“Have you had enough food?” Dawn asks explaining herself.
Buffy looks down at the half eaten food on the tree stump and then turns her attention back to Dawn and slowly nods her head.
“Alright then.” Dawn says still angry and upset as she get’s to her feet and walks back around to the other side of the tree stump and first picks up her strap on and puts it into the picnic basket and then does the same with the food with the intention to get rid of the food either on the way back to the hotel or when they get to the hotel.
Once the blanket is cleared of all the food Dawn turns her attention back to Buffy who is still sat exacterly where she was staring up at her.
“Stand up.” Dawn tells her plainly.
Buffy swallows hard actually feeling nervous due to Dawn’s tone of voice as she slowly get’s to her feet.
“Pull both your pants and thong down.” Dawn says staring right at her.
Buffy slowly does as she is told unbuttoning her jeans and once they are unbuttoned she slowly pulls them down until they are down around her ankles not thinking about the fact that they could be seen only thing she is thinking about is the mood her sister is in as she takes down her thong and then turns her attention back to Dawn.
Dawn watches Buffy as she lowers both her jeans and her thong, happy to see that she is actually doing what she is told without argument, however her anger at what Buffy has basically said and admitted to not allowing her to applaud her older sibling as she slowly walks around and stands next to Buffy who is staring back at her like a hawk.
“Get on your knees and then lay face down over the tree stump.” Dawn says looking Buffy dead in the eye.
Buffy slowly turns her attention from Dawn and looks around to make sure nobody is near by.
Buffy’s head shoots back around to look at Dawn after feeling Dawn’s hand hit her left ass cheek hard.
“Now!” Dawn snaps glaring at Buffy.
Buffy once again swallows hard as she slowly get’s down onto her hands and knee’s and then lays face down across the tree trunk hoping and praying that nobody comes near to where they are and see’s them.
Dawn watches as Buffy kneels down and then lays down across the tree stump once Buffy is in position Dawn kneels down and moves her hand towards her older sister’s ass hole and reaches in and pulls the butt plug out gently but firmly. Unable to resist Dawn sucks on the plug, loving the taste of her sister's anal juices before putting the plug down and out of the way.
“So Buffy.” Dawn says, “Are you ready for your spanking?”
Buffy nods her head.
“I can’t hear you!” Dawn snaps giving Buffy’s ass a really good hard SMACK!
“Yes Dawn!” Buffy says quickly in response to the force of the smack she just recived.
“Yes what?” Dawn asks.
Buffy swallows hard despite knowing she has no choice but to take her spanking she can’t help but wish her little sister wouldn’t make her say what is about to happen to her.
“Yes Dawn, I'm ready for my spanking.” Buffy says doing her best not to grit her teeth due to her knowing that that will probably only anger Dawn more.
"Good girl." Dawn says with a smile before she gives her sister's ass another good hard SMACK, and then another, and another, and then another.
Buffy is taken by surprise at the force of the blows. She figured her kid sister would start out slow and work her way up, but instead Dawn is really letting her have it, so much so Buffy is forced to not only grit her teeth but cover her hand over her mouth an attempt to muffle the cries of pain her little sister is forcing out of her.
To an extent Buffy can force herself not to react to pain but she isn't just suffering physically as she is mentally worn down from all that she's been through over the last few days and the fact that it is her baby sister which is responsible for all of it, including her current predicament.
At least this isn't as painful as that magical paddle had been, and thinking back Buffy could even remember taking harder spankings from Faith and even Dawn before, although the horse riding might have left her backside feeling a little sore which couldn't be helping matters.
Since they're in a somewhat public place Buffy tries to make herself believe her baby sister won't take too long on the spanking, but given they're previous conversation on it the slayer is pretty sure that Dawn has no problem with spanking her in a public place. In fact Buffy suspects her little sister is actually getting off on it.
Buffy is right, Dawn is totally getting off on it, and even though she is almost 100% sure they won't be disturbed part of Dawn actually wishes someone would stumble across them. Not a member of the scoobie gang or a member of Riley's family or friends, that would almost definitely ruin her plans, but the idea that a stranger, someone they didn't know at all, could stumble across little Dawnie spanking her older sister is extremely hot to the youngest Summers girl.
It's probably quite the sight. The older blonde, the supposed authority figure of the two, bent over a fallen tree, her pants and thong down around her knees while the younger brunette spanks her over, and over, and over again with what a stranger would probably think of as surprising force and skill for someone of Dawn's size and age.
Would a stranger coming across this find it disturbing? Disgusting? Perverted? Hot?
What if they were discovered by a vampire? Or a daemon? Or some other force of evil? How would they react to seeing the mighty Buffy the vampire slayer getting spanked by her little sister? Would they laugh? Mock? Cheer Dawn on?
As all of these scenarios played out in her head Dawn really went to town on Buffy's ass, bashing it hard and loving the little squeals of pain she forces out of her big tough slayer sister.
Eventually Dawn stops and shakes her hand due to how much it is stinging because of how hard she has been hitting each of Buffy’s cheeks which are now a nice bright shade of pink.
“You did very well.” Dawn says as she slowly get’s up onto her feet and turns and walks over to the picnic basket.
Buffy turns her head and see’s Dawn standing next to the picnic basket and watches her rumaging around inside of it wondering what she is going to get out of it and in the back of her mind wondering if she is going to get her strap on only this time not for 'decoration' but to actually use.
However Buffy’s fears are soon put to rest, at least about the strap on being used on her, as Dawn pulls out of the picnic basket a black riding crop.
Once Dawn has the riding crop in hand she stands up and inspects the crop before turning and looking over at Buffy who is staring back at her.
“You see this Buffy?” Dawn asks gesturing to the tool in her hand and starts to practice swinging it around in the air, “It isn’t just any old riding crop. It’s a magic one. Infact it does the very same job as the paddle I used on you last night.”
Buffy looks at Dawn in horror remembering how her ass felt the night after Dawn used the paddle on her ass.
“I was thinking of bringing the actual paddle but this seemed to make more sense given the fact that we where going to be riding horsses and all. I had hoped I wouldn’t have to use it but figured it best to bring it just incase you where naughty or upset me. Unfortunatly you have done both, so now I have no choice but to use it.” Dawn says acting as though she doesn’t want to use it which part of her doesn’t and yet the part of her that is upset over what Buffy said does, “However since I have already spanked you with my hand and you where a good girl and took it… I’ll only give you 50 spanks with the riding crop, but I want you to count each one and thank me for each one as well. Do you understand?”
“Yes Dawn.” Buffy says swallowing hard.
Dawn nods her head and walks back over to where she was standing before which is right next to Buffy’s butt which has gone from bright pink to light pink again.
“Oh and Buffy.” Dawn says looking down at her sister, “If you forget to count one. I’m going to have to start all over again from 1.”
Buffy closes her eyes and prays to whatever powers are above that she doesn’t forget to count all 50 the first time around.
“Ready?” Dawn asks her.
Buffy nods her head.
Buffy grits her teeth in an attempt to stop herself from crying out as she feels the riding crop make contact with her buttocks.
“Owww, one... thank you Dawn..." Buffy says feeling an incredible amount of pain already much more than she did when Dawn hit her with the paddle for the first time, "Owww... two, thank you Dawn... owww... three, thank you Dawn... owww... four, thank you Dawn... owww... five, thank you Dawn..."
Buffy continues to count as Dawn hits her again and again and again, the slayer unable to believe how hard Dawn is hitting her and yet wondering due to the riding crop being magic just like the paddle how much of the power behind the blows is Dawn and how much of it is magic.
Meanwhile Dawn remembers how last night she hated having to spank her older sister although there is apart of her that really doesn’t want to do this there is another, part of her that is actually enjoying this partly due to the fact she is teaching Buffy not to upset or piss her off in future and partly due to her wanting to get her anger at what Buffy said out.
As Buffy counts the 20th hit of the crop Dawn can see that the light pink of Buffy’s ass cheeks is starting to slowly turn brighter than it did before when she used her hand.
Buffy meanwhile is doing her best not to cry out as she reaches the 25 mark being very greatful to the powers for making her the Slayer simply because it gave her the benefit of slayer healing which she is really greatful to have due to the force of Dawn’s spanking making her think that if she wasn’t the or rather a slayer she would probably be crying right now.
As the spanking continues Buffy can’t believe how angry she made her little sister and yet at the same time there is a part of her that doesn’t feel as though her sister being angry is her fault that part of her being the stubborn part.
The stubborn part of Buffy feels that Dawn asked her the question and she simply gave her an honest answer. It may not have been the answer Dawn wanted to hear but she can’t help that.
As Buffy thinks about the question Dawn asked her she can’t help but find it shocking that Dawn actually thought or expected her to say anything else due to what she said about there being no other option but for her to marry Riley being the truth.
If she and Dawn where to become a couple she would break a really great guys heart not to mention upset his family which she didn’t want to do due to the fact although Dawn may not like them to Buffy they seemed like good people regardless of their belifes etc. The same with Riley. He may have had very traditional values and points of view but he still was and is a great guy who doesn’t deserve to have his heartbroken, not after she had already broken it once.
And what if she did choose Dawn over Riley?
They couldn’t be a normal couple. They couldn’t do the sort of things that they are doing now having a picnic together nor would they be able to show public displays of affection towards each other not around her friends.
And who’s to say if they where to tell her friends that they where romantically together her friends would accept them?
They have already had to accepted a great deal when it comes to Buffy’s life and especially her love life the first thing they had to accept being Angel which Xander never accepted Willow thought was very romantic and then there was Faith who nobody knew about or Buffy thought and that was weird to begin with for Buffy but slowly she got into the relationship and then Faith turned evil and ended up turning herself in to the police and then Buffy heard that Faith was getting paroled and thought that she would finally have a as close to normal as she was ever going to get relationship until Faith pulled the rug out from under her and that led to her and Riley getting back together which everybody seemed to accept or so Buffy thought.
So needless to say her friends have had to put up with a lot and if they where to find out that she and Dawn where together it might just be too much for them to handle.
So there really is no alternative.
She has to marry Riley.
“Uh Buffy.” Dawn says bringing Buffy out of her thoughts and as she does Buffy realises she forgot to count the last spanking.
“Thirty five, sorry Dawn.” Buffy says quickly knowing that her apology is not going to be accepted due to them having made a deal.
“No good saying sorry.” Dawn says unable to stop herself from smiling even though Buffy can’t see her doing it as she hitting Buffy’s ass as hard as she can, “Let’s start again.”
"But Dawn..." Buffy starts.
"I said, let's start again!" Dawn snaps, smacking Buffy's ass extra hard.
“Owww, one... thank you Dawn... owww... two, thank you Dawn... owww... three, thank you Dawn... owww... four, thank you Dawn... owww... five, thank you Dawn..."
Buffy hates herself for allowing herself to get side-tracked and doing her best not to let it happen again as Dawn continues to hit each cheek one after the other just as hard if not harder than before each time the crop makes contact with her ass.
Soon what Buffy hates even more is how hard her little sister spanks her, Dawnie really beginning to let her have it until the ass whooping is so brutal Buffy can no longer fight back the tears.
Of course the fact that she, a slayer, had been brought to tears by her baby sister only makes this already humiliating situation worse, which in turn only makes Buffy cry harder.
It isn't long before the mighty Buffy the vampire slayer is bawling like a baby as the riding crop digs into her flesh to the point where it almost draws blood.
Dawn shows no sympathy for her sister, not because there isn't some part of her which is regretting this, but because she feels it has to be done.
Once again Buffy has questioned her authority, has once again disobeyed her, has once again pulled away from her control. If Dawn was to allow it to keep happening without giving her older sister the proper punishment she would never be able to enslave her, and Buffy needs to be enslaved. Buffy needs a strong, dominant top to treat her like the filthy little fuck slut she deep down likes being at least some of the time and that damn sure isn't Riley, but it could be Dawn, and since Dawn has always wanted her sister everything will work out, just as long as she is able to break Buffy completely.
Under this mindframe Dawn shows no mercy, beating her big sister's butt as hard as she can, so much so she forces her to break her count time and again just so she can continue the spanking for as long as she feels it is necessary.
When the slayer seems truly broken, at least for the moment, Dawn finally allows Buffy to finish the count, part of the brunette sorry that the fun has come to an end while most of her glad that it is over considering the spanking leaves her sister a whimpering wreck.
"Owww... forty six, thank you Dawn... owww... forty seven, thank you Dawn... owww... forty eight, thank you Dawn... owww... forty nine, thank you Dawn... owww... fifty, thank you Dawn."
With the spanking over with Dawn finds herself staring at her sibling's ass, unable to believe how red Buffy’s butt cheeks are, not just where the crop made contact with her ass which is almost everywhere.
As Dawn looks at Buffy’s red mark covered ass she can’t help but get turned on knowing that she did that. True, she had a magic riding crop to help her but still she did it none the less. Along with an almost overwhelming feeling of pride the sight of Buffy's ass is making Dawn hornyer than she can ever remember being before. Staring at her big sister's butt always made Dawn horny but as beautiful as Buffy's ass looked under normal circumstances it now looks even more beautiful than it has ever been and there is nothing in this world she wants to do more right now than strap on her fake cock and bury it balls deep inside her sister's ass.
Dawn looks over at the picnic basket remembering the other item that is in it that she plans on using later on and tomorrow night.
After staring at the picnic basket for a while Dawn slowly turns her attention back to Buffy’s ass, licks her lips and then bites her bottom lip.
“Fuck it.” Dawn says under her breath, having made up her mind that she isn’t going to wait another day to fuck her big sister’s ass or is she going to wait until later tonight to do it, she’s going to do it right here right now.
With this decision having been made Dawn walks back over to the picnic basket opens it up and imidiatly spots the strap on which she pulls out after putting the riding crop back inside it, at which point she closes the picnic basket back up, turns and see’s Buffy looking at her.
“I’ve decided to change my plans a little, because I just can't wait another day to fuck your ass.” Dawn says looking at her big sister with an ear to ear smile as she puts the strap on down on top of the picnic basket and takes off her jogging bottoms and thong and then replaces the strap on with her underwear and jogging bottoms and puts the strap on. Once it is in place she walks back over to Buffy’s ass.
Standing behind Buffy Dawn looks down at Buffy’s ass and licks her lips although she has seen her older sister looking vulnerable before in a weird way Buffy has never looked as vulnerable as she does right now in the position that she is in bent over a tree stump with a blanket over it and her ass in the air pointing at her dildo-wearing younger sister. Dawn slowly reaches out and pulls apart Buffy's butt cheeks so she can study the blonde slayer's defenceless ass hole. The sight that meets Dawn’s eyes makes her smile with unimaginable and unbelievable happiness knowing that what she is holding as well as what she is looking at is hers right now and very soon it will be hers forever.
As she continues to look at her big sister’s butt hole Dawn thinks about all of the bottle blonde Buffy substitutes she has fucked and despite how good or bad they where in bed Dawn has been able to experiment with a wide range of techniques and has become an expect at preparing and especially fucking another woman’s ass.
Fucking another woman in the ass has always been Dawn's favourite form of sex, hell it was her favourite thing in general, probably because the woman she has lusted after most for so long has such a beautiful ass and she has always imagined what it would be like to fuck it. By far sodomising her big sister has always been Dawn's favourite fantasy and now it's about to come true.
The only thing that Dawn really wishes, that would top off what she is about to do, is that Buffy was still an anal virgin. To fuck another girl's ass hole and make it yours is fantastic but to break another girl's ass in is even better. Dawn has busted her fair share of cherries and loved busting each and every one of them, however her ultimate dream, goal and ambition was always to bust Buffy’s back door cherry.
Despite knowing that unfortunately she will never get to be Buffy’s first Dawn consoles herself with the knowledge that from this day forward she is going to be the only person to take pleasure in fucking Buffy up the ass. Despite Buffy not being an anal virgin and her having slayer healing Dawn is intent on going slow not just because of the size of her dildo but so that she can enjoy it and to show Buffy the pleasure her ass hole can give her, something she is sure Faith never did. Faith was probably only ever interested in her own pleasure more than Buffy’s.
Dawn slowly let’s go of Buffy’s ass cheeks and spits on her hand and rubs her saliva all over the plastic dick in between her legs preparing it to be shoved deep inside her sister's ass.
Once her strap on is nice and covered with saliva Dawn moves as close as she can get to Buffy’s ass until she is as close to Buffy’s backside as she can and slowly sticks her tongue out and runs it from the top of Buffy’s ass crack down to her ass hole.
Buffy gasps as she feels Dawn's tongue make contact with her puckered hole. It is the first time that anyone has ever touched her back there like this Faith always used to use either lube or Buffy's cum or made Buffy use her own saliva to get her ass hole ready she never actually licked out her ass like Dawn is doing.
The moment Dawn's tongue touches Buffy’s ass hole for the first time Dawn feels Buffy tense up in an attempt to help Buffy relax Dawn takes a firm grip of her older sibling’s hips and uses her tongue to gently circle Buffy's puckered hole making sure not to go any further until she is sure her older sister is ready.
Once she feels Buffy relax she slowly and gently starts to push her tongue inside the blonde slayer’s ass hole. When her tongue is buried a good inch and a half inside of Buffy’s rectum Dawn closes her lips and eyes and starts to gently suck.
Buffy closes her eyes and starts to moan uncontrollably in delight when she knows she should be disgusted and apart of her is however that part of her isn’t strong enough to do anything about it as Dawn starts to eat her ass with vigour.
Feeling Buffy become distressed again Dawn moves one of her hands down from Buffy’s hip to her pussy which she is able to feel is wet and getting wetter which causes Dawn to smile as she starts to finger her older sister’s cunt giving Buffy double penetration something that she is sure her older sister has probably never experienced before.
Buffy had always been disgusted by the idea of anal sex until she met Faith and the two of them became a couple. Since then she has always loved anal sex of course after Faith dumped her and she got with Riley she had to pretty much give up any hope he would be willing to go anywhere near her ass with his dick. However while Faith had fucked her ass many, many times she had never even tried to lick Buffy’s ass before.
The way she is feeling right now part of Buffy wishes Faith had however another part of Buffy is glad that Dawn is showing her what having your ass licked out feels like and is grateful to her for doing it. To say Buffy is enjoying having her ass licked or that the experience is nice would be an understatement due to the sensations she is feeling as her little sister continues to lick her asshole are making Buffy wetter than anything she has ever had happen to her. Buffy’s wetness increases when she feels Dawn slip one and then two fingers into her pussy causing Buffy to relax once again and accept this new perversion and accept Dawn’s tongue in her ass hole.
Dawn smiles as she feels her big sister relax again not at all surprised that she has managed to make her older sister relax twice so far due to her knowing that if ass licking was an official sport Dawn would win whatever prize you got at the end and while she has licked a lot of asses before this one there is no doubt that this ass that she is now licking is by far the best she has ever stuck her tongue in.
Once Dawn is satisfied Buffy’s ass is as ready as she can make it she pulls her tongue out of her older sister’s butt hole while at the same time removing her fingers from Buffy’s pussy as she get’s back up onto her feet and stands as close to Buffy’s ass as she can get and lines up her strap on with her sister’s ass hole and prepares to fulfil her ultimate fantasy.
Dawn savours the moment, feeling as if time really has stood still and the whole of existence, the universe it's self, is waiting for Dawn to penetrate Buffy's butt hole so that it can return to normal.
Well time can stay frozen. The world can stay stood still. The universe can go on waiting for her, because after all the nights of laying awake listening to Faith do what she should have been doing, after all the nights she heard Buffy moan those words that have been playing over and over in Dawn’s head, ever since after spending night after night dreaming, imagining, fantasising Dawn is intent on enjoying this as much and for as long as she can.
Buffy feels Dawn remove her tongue from her ass and her fingers from her pussy and then she feels something hard touching the entrance to her ass which makes Buffy realise what is about to happen and she does her best to mentally prepare for it by closing her eyes. However all the preparation in the world doesn’t prepare Buffy for what happens as she feels Dawn push forwards violating her brown ring causing Buffy’s eyes to shoot open wide and for her to utter a wordless and soundless cry.
Dawn officially experiences the greatest moment of her life when Buffy's butt hole slowly opens up and excepts her cock inside it, little Dawnie sliding inside her big sister's ass just like she had always dreamed.
For a few long moments Dawn stays still as a statue, staring at the head of her strap on inside her big sister's ass hole, committing this sight to her memory forever while trying not to literally drool too much, at the same time giving Buffy plenty of time to get used to the anal penetration before continuing to fulfil her ultimate fantasy by pushing herself deeper into her sister’s butt.
As inch after inch of strap on cock disappears into Buffy's rectum the urge to drool almost becomes unbearable, as does the urge to slam every single inch inside the blonde's bowels in just one thrust, but Dawn is able to not only keep her composure but keep savouring every moment of the pure heaven that is slowly sliding her poll up her elder sibling's ass, Dawn's eyes never leaving that stretching shit hole as it accepted inch after inch of dildo inside it.
Buffy lays where she is looking down at the ground unable to mentally get her head around what is happening to her and yet physically unable to deny that it is happening to her. Every thing Buffy knows is telling her to stop this and yet she knows she can’t because if she does Dawn will make her regret it either with another spanking or by revealing her deep dark secret. Not only that but there is a part of Buffy that doesn’t want to stop what is happening to her, there is a part of her that is actually enjoying what is happening to her, and worst of all that part is getting stronger by the minute.
“Dawn… please… don't...” Buffy begs, not wanting to allow herself to be taken over by the part of her that wants to give in and enjoy what her little sister is doing to her.
“Shhh.” Dawn coos, “Just relax and enjoy it.”
“But...” Buffy says before she's cut off.
“No buts.” Dawn says.
“But...” Buffy tries again.
“Buffy.” Dawn snaps firmly before her tone softens, "I've waited my entire life to fuck you up the ass and there's nothing you can do or say which will save your ass from getting fucked. You have to do what I say or I'll tell Riley about Faith, and let's face it, if you were going to let me tell him you would have done it by now. So stop complaining, relax and accept it. Accept that your little sister is going to butt fuck you."
Buffy's heart sinks, truly accepting her fate. Hanging her head in shame and humiliation Buffy relaxes her body and even raises her ass up ever so slightly, giving her ass to her younger sister.
While Dawn doesn’t know what heaven was like for Buffy she doubts it was as wonderful as this. This is the greatest moment of her life. Her big sister the slayer Buffy Summers has surrendered herself to her, reluctantly but still she has surrendered herself and is allowing her little sister to fuck her ass.
Dawn has won again, both Summers sisters know it, but instead of claiming her prize the youngest sibling decides to reinforce her sister's surrender.
"So, you accept it?" Dawn asks, wanting to hear it from Buffy's lips.
"Yes Dawnie... I accept it." Buffy says softly.
"Prove it." Dawn says, "Spread your ass cheeks for me. I want my big sister to present her ass hole to me like I have always dreamed, show me the hole I'm going to fill up with my strap on. Show me you understand that your ass hole is mine to fuck."
As Buffy whimpers, reaches back and spreads her ass cheeks in total submission Dawn has to redefine the word heaven as this seems an even greater high than before, perhaps even toppling the moment her strap on first slid into Buffy's back door. They were such wonderful moments Dawn doesn't know if she could ever pick between them, so instead of trying she moves on to the equally wonderful task of filling Buffy's butt hole with her dildo, Dawn smiling the biggest ear to ear smile she has ever smiled as she takes a firm hold of Buffy’s hips with both hands and starts to slide her big fake cock into her sibling’s defenceless shit hole.
The second she feels Buffy's ass muscles become tense or the blonde's breathing change Dawn stops and allows her sister time to relax before continuing her journey deeper into Buffy's bowels. Dawn repeats this over and over and over, forcing her way inside until her dildo is completely buried inside Buffy's back door, her thighs resting against her sister’s ass cheeks. Dawn once again gives Buffy a few minutes to adjust to her anal invasion before she slowly starts to move in and out of her ass, trying her best not to hurt her whimpering older sibling too much.
Buffy has no doubt Dawn is in her idea of heaven but right now she is in her own personal hell and it isn’t Sunnydale it’s somewhere in Iowa on the land of her husband to be’s parents farm. Although she knows what's happening is real there is apart of her that still can’t believe it, that won’t allow her to believe it. She is the slayer. Not just a slayer or the slayer but the longest active slayer in a very long time. This shouldn't be happening to her. She has faced apocalypses god knows how many times, defeated and killed all manner of evil, and here she is bent over a fallen tree with her own sister sawing the largest strap on dildo she has ever seen in and out of her butt.
To make matters worse Buffy knows Dawn is not as strong as she is, after all she is the slayer, she has slayer strength and if she wanted too she could easily over power Dawn without hurting her too badly, but she isn’t, she is just laying here where she is taking it up the ass. Part of the reason Buffy is taking her butt fucking is because she doesn’t want to hurt Dawn and her little sister is blackmailing her but the very worst part about this situation is not the giant dildo moving through her bowels or the fact that it is her own sister who is joyfully sodomising her or even that this is all part of a twisted plan to somehow convince her to leave Riley for Dawn. The worst part is once again she is enjoying the perverted act she is being forced to endure.
Had Faith really fucked her up so badly? Or had she always been so perverted that she would get off on incestuous anal sex? Or was Dawn just breaking her into it? Considering how skilfully her baby sister is butt fucking her it could easily be the last one, Buffy struggling to silence her ever-increasing moans of ecstasy as her little sister stretches out her shit shooter.
Buffy thinks back to all the many, many times Faith had fucked her up the ass and while the other slayer had successfully turned her from an anal virgin who was totally grossed out by the idea of taking it in the butt to a total anal whore, one who was ashamed to love butt fucking so much, but still a total anal whore, Faith had never fucked her ass quite like this before. Faith had given Buffy more pleasure anally then all the guys in her life had in any other way combined, but Dawn is already threatening to be better. When Faith had stretched out her ass in the past it had eventually become pleasurable but in what felt like no time at all any pain or discomfort was completely gone. Not only that but instead of just a mild pleasure promising more to come Buffy's ass felt like it was on fire with ecstasy and Dawn is still only slowly sliding in and out of her butt.
Although Buffy feels ashamed to think it she can't wait for Dawn to really start pounding her ass, in fact she has to bite her lip not to beg for more, which of course makes this all the more of a hell for her.
This situation might be hell on earth for Buffy Summers, but for her little sister it is pure heaven.
When puberty hit and she began noticing other people sexually the first thing Dawn noticed was another girl's ass. Buffy's ass. She could still remember the first time she had checked it out as clear as day. Buffy had dropped something, bent over and Dawn had just stared at it for a few brief moments until her older sister had straightened up again. From that point on Dawn had constantly been checking out her big sister's butt, so much in fact she was surprised she was never caught. Actually there had been that one time but Buffy hadn't realised what she was doing. Maybe Buffy was even so naive it never even crossed her mind Dawn might have been lusting after her, which would explain her missing all the signs over the years. Well, if that was the case Buffy is certainly paying for it now.
Buffy's ass had caused Dawn's sexual awakening, and although she had noticed, checked out, touched, licked, fingered and fucked dozens of asses over the years they were all just substitutes for this ass, for this perfect ass which Dawn is now finally fucking just as she has dreamed for years, not that any of the dreams compared to the reality.
Deep down Dawn always knew being with Buffy would be better than dreaming about it but as high as her expectations had been every real sex act so far had blown the dreams away and this is no different. In fact this blows even everything else away, not just everything else she's done with Buffy but everything else she's ever done in her life. Nothing compares to the paradise that is butt fucking her big sister.
As with all the other times she had sodomised another girl it isn't the physical pleasure which is most enjoyable for Dawn. Sure the clit stimulator inside the harness is doing a fantastic job of making her all hot and bothered, but for all the wonderful sensations she is receiving from it the stimulator can't compare to finally seeing her big sister bent over and spreading her butt cheeks for her. All Buffy's slayer strength, all the monsters she's beaten, all the time she saved the world, all of it means absolutely nothing in this moment as Dawn slides her strap on in and out of Buffy's ass in a sign of pure dominance over this supernatural warrior. This was her guardian, her authority figure, the one who had been in charge of her for so long, who had always been in charge of her really because she was the big sister and yet in this moment Dawn is taking the status quo and turning it on its head with herself being firmly the one in charge and Buffy being the one forced to do whatever she wanted. As the cherry on top as well as all of those things Buffy is her own sister and yet she, little Dawnie, had made her submit. She had bagged her own sister and is now fucking her up the ass. She is such a stud.
In testament to her mental stimulation Buffy is spreading her ass cheeks, presenting her butt hole stretching obscenely around the huge strap on sliding in and out of it, the sight almost literally causing Dawn to drool. Dawn gets so lost in staring at the heavenly sight of her big sister's ass hole as she stretches it out a whole hour passes by.
As a result Buffy is nearly bawling with need, her back passage practically screaming to be fucked hard while Dawn continues to slowly butt fuck her, her pride desperately struggling to stop her from begging for more to the point where her lips are nearly bleeding from her biting them so hard.
Dawn notices her sister's need but is too caught up in her own to do anything about it. She has waited so long for this that it's not a case that she wants to do this her way, she needs to or she'll never forgive herself. With that in mind she continues fucking her sister's ass at the same slow and steady pace until she is ready to get down to some serious rectum wrecking and not a moment sooner.
"Take your hands off your butt cheeks." Dawn finally orders.
Although she had not said those words very loudly they sounded deafening as they broke the long silence that had fallen between the two sisters. Well, as long as you didn't count all the moaning, groaning and whimpering.
Whimpering is Buffy's first response to Dawn's orders, her second of course being to follow them by letting go of her butt cheeks.
"Good." Dawn says huskily, "Now the real butt pounding can begin."
With that Dawn grabs a tighter hold of her sister's hips and starts to slowly increase the pace, her dildo moving inside her sister’s bowels faster and faster as she begins ass fucking her harder with each stroke. Soon Buffy, Dawn, the horses and probably every living thing for several miles can hear flesh hitting flesh, Dawn's hips smacking into Buffy's butt cheeks with a vengeance as the littlest Summers gets down to some serious sister shitter slamming.
Almost just as loud is Buffy's moans, groans and cries, the slayer trying desperately for a while to keep herself quiet but eventually just losing all self-control. The pleasure is just too much.
Buffy has no idea how Dawn is doing it but somehow her baby sister is butt fucking her harder, faster and rougher than Faith ever did. Considering Faith is a slayer and Dawn is just a normal human it didn't seem possible, but Buffy felt like her bowels were being turned into jelly by her little sister's machine-like thrusts.
Looking round over her shoulder Buffy prepared to ask Dawn how she is fucking her ass so hard, but the moment she turns her head Buffy loses the ability to speak as she is shocked senseless by what she sees.
Behind her is not her kid sister little Dawnie Summers. It barely resembles Dawnie. Behind her is a dominant top, pounding into it's bottom's bottom to prove it's dominance. That dominating top is clearly showing it's bitch who's boss, and in that moment Buffy felt so lucky to be that dominant top's bitch. She actually found herself hoping that dominating top would find pleasure in fucking her up the ass. Buffy actually hopes Dawn finds pleasure in fucking her up the ass.
It was in that moment Buffy realises she could be happy with Dawn. Not pretending to be happy for the sake of getting the normal life she had always told herself she wanted like it was with Riley, she could be truly happy. If only Dawn wasn't her sister and she wasn't getting married.
As the greatest sex of her life continued it became harder and harder to see how either of those things were a insurmountable problem until it was all Buffy could do not to beg Dawn to let her be her anal loving sex slave forever.
While her mind was busy controlling her mouth her body went into business for itself, beginning to thrust itself back against the dildo plowing it's pooper, the fake cock moving even deeper and harder in Buffy's bowels and therefore giving her more pleasure as a result.
Seeing Buffy thrusting her ass back at her sent Dawn into rectum wrecking overdrive.
Buffy's actions made it clear the slayer was lost in the pleasure, and Dawn who had been determined from the start to give her big sister the best butt fucking ever is now doing exactly what she'd always wanted to do by destroying her older sister's ass hole.
This couldn't just be the best butt fucking Dawn could give, or even the best butt fucking Buffy had ever gotten, this had to be the best butt fucking anyone could ever get. Dawn needed to make a statement, mark her territory. After this no one would be able to butt fuck her big sister better than her. If Buffy ever took it in the ass for anyone else she would wish it was Dawn doing it thanks to this butt fucking. After the way Dawn pounded Buffy's butt her big sister would never be able to find anyone who could satisfy her like Dawn could. Buffy was going to crave the feeling of her little sister's strap on dick inside her ass. She was going to need it. She wouldn't be able to live without it. She was going to beg Dawn for it. Buffy the vampire slayer would beg her little sister to fuck her up the ass morning, noon and night.
Dawn had taken no risks in this part of her plan. She knew she couldn't compete with slayer strength, but there were things stronger than even her older sister and her fellow slayer.
It had cost a lot of money but it had been worth every penny, a fact Dawn knew before she knew the heaven that was fucking her big sister's bottom.
The strap on dildo was enchanted just like the special riding crop and paddle she had used. It enhanced the wearer's strength and power tenfold, and while she wasn't that strong to begin with it still meant the force she is using to butt fuck her sister with is far stronger than any force Faith could have on her own, and it isn't even fair to compare it to the force a normal man like Riley could manage even if he kept himself in good shape.
When she had bought the toy it had come with a guarantee. It promised to leave any ass hole a gaping mess for hours after anal sex, even days if the wearer could ass fuck her intended victim long enough. Dawn knew for a fact that this guarantee is legitimate and she is determined to use it to live up to that promise she made Buffy the other day, that being Buffy's ass hole would gape for hours and she wouldn't be able to sit down for the rest of the week without thinking about her little sister and her little sister's strap on.
Even though there is magic flowing through her Dawn is barely aware of it and the thing that makes her feel really powerful is still the sight of her sister bent over a fallen tree, frantically thrusting herself back against her as Dawn ruthlessly sodomised her, her magical strap on jack-hammering in and out of Buffy's obscenely stretched shit hole at what was almost literally lightning speed.
That speed actually seems to somehow increase as the two sisters become lost in the incestuous lesbian anal sex, the only thing that mattered to them both being that huge dildo slamming in and out of that stretched shit hole which had once been so tiny and tight.
They were soon lost in the animal lust they didn't think they could say anything if they tried, which was probably for the best as Buffy didn't trust herself not to finally break completely and Dawn was just satisfied with giving Buffy's rear the ramming of a lifetime, the brunette beginning to use every ounce of strength she has in her body to slam her strap on in and out of Buffy's back passage, her hips becoming a blur as they slap against Buffy's buttocks turning them from light pink back to bright red.
Buffy writhes underneath Dawn, the older sibling squealing in delight as her baby sister destroys her rectum and makes it’s way into her colon at least that is what it feels like it is doing. Whatever it is doing it is sending wave after wave of pleasure throughout her body an Buffy starts to experience something she hasn’t felt for a long time and yet at the same time in a weird way despite having experienced it before because of it’s power she feels as though this is the first real time she has ever experienced it and that is an anal orgasm.
The best way Buffy could describe what she is feeling would be to say it is like ten nuclear missiles going off in her ass and the blast is spreading throughout her body. Buffy can quite literally feel the cum oozing out of her pussy and down her legs as she starts to shake violently and her mind goes blank causing the slayer to frantically try and concentrate on getting her mind back into proper consciousness, but it’s no use.
Minutes after the first mind draining orgasm rocks her world a second runs through her body followed by a third. Buffy’s pussy while having only been touched a little during the whole ordeal is the wettest it has ever been and just when Buffy feels as though the pleasure can’t get anymore intense she is hit by a fourth orgasm that is so incredibly intense it causes her whole entire body to go as stiff as possible as it rocks her body.
At the exact same time as Buffy is experiencing her fourth orgasm Dawn feels her first one hit harder than any orgasm has ever hit her before and yet somehow she still manages to continue to slam into her sister’s shitter.
Dawn knew Buffy’s butt would be the best butt she would ever fuck however actually fucking it and knowing or imagining how good it would or will be to fuck are two very different things and the actual experience of fucking her older sister’s ass is better than any dream or fantasy.
Hours seemed to tick by and still the ass pounding continued, Dawn sodomising her sister through multiple anal induced climaxes after multiple anal induced climaxes, powering through her own climaxes as well all just to fuck Buffy’s ass better than it has ever been fucked by anybody before this, and better than anybody ever could.
Finally after god knows how long of riding the waves of her orgasm completely and utterly spent Dawn stops the fucking of her sister’s ass keeping her strap on buried inside of her older sibling as they both get their strength and breaths back.
Once she has enough strength Dawn slowly pulls her strap on all the way out of Buffy's ass, her eyes glued to the cock as it exited her big sister's bowels, the head expanding the battered butt hole even wider than usual before it came out with a pop, leaving Dawn with one of the most beautiful sights she had ever seen, that being her sister's ass hole gaping so obscenely wide it looked like she could fit the entire picnic basket inside it.
After staring lustfully at her handiwork for several minutes Dawn coughs loudly and says, "Buffy." She repeats her big sister's name a few times before she finally looked round at which point Dawn smiles and points to her strap on, "Clean."
Like a defeated, broken woman Buffy lowers her head and crawls over until she's kneeling before her little sister, her slayer strength and stamina no doubt the only reason she is even able to move at all after such a vicious butt fucking. Lifting herself up until her lips are right next to the cock Buffy grimaces for a moment and then takes the head inside her mouth and begins to suck.
Faith made Buffy do this countless times before and yet Buffy had always felt ashamed to submit to it, and worse like it. There was just something so perverted about being turned into a ass to mouth whore which drove the submissive slut inside Buffy wild.
Looking up into Dawn's grinning face it might as well have been Faith making her a ATM whore again, her baby sister guiding her lips up and down the dildo which had been buried so deep in the slayer's ass only moments ago.
Dawn loves watching her big sister work her cock, that dildo sliding all the way down Buffy's throat with practised ease, once again proving to Dawn that her older sibling is a submissive slut who needs to be fucked regularly by someone like her. There was no chance Riley had the equipment to satisfy Buffy like Dawn could, and the blow job her sister was now giving her made it crystal clear Dawn was doing the right thing by blackmailing her big sister.
Buffy might be hesitant now but soon she would see this week was the best thing that ever happened to her.
Of course Buffy's hesitance might be due to the ass flavoured cock in her mouth, but Dawn had a sneaking suspicion her slutty sister was enjoying it more than she let on. Besides, it looked so hot, and with the quality blow job the Slayer gave all the ass juices were gone in no time so it isn't like Buffy had to suffer for too long.
Even though Buffy cleans the cock fairly quickly Dawn kept her sucking on the strap on for a few minutes longer than necessary just to enjoy the sight of her big sister on her knees before her sucking her dick, before finally she pushs her away and slowly removes the dildo from her body. Once it is off her Dawn walks over to the picnic basket and puts it back inside, closing the picnic basket back up once she has done that.
Buffy turns her head and watches her sister put her strap on that she has just used to fuck her ass like nobody else ever has back into the picnic basket and then turns and looks directly at her and Buffy looks directly at Dawn while at the same time getting up off of the fallen tree.
The two sisters simply stand where they are staring at each other both naked from their waists down neither really sure what to say.
Dawn turns her attention from Buffy to the sky and notices that it is starting to get dark and they promised Mr Finn they would have the horses back by dark.
“I think it’s time we where heading back.” Dawn says.
After that the sisters fix their clothing, pack away all the picnic things, get on the horses and ride off back to the farm without exchanging anymore words to each other. It isn’t long before they see the Finn farm and in no time at all they are both approaching the gate which leads onto the farm. As they get closer they see Mr Finn who greets them cheerily and offers them a ride to the hotel which they take after helping him put the horses away. Once they reach the car Buffy makes her way to the front passenger seat but is intercepted by her little sister.
"No, sit in the back with me." Dawn says, playfully smacking Buffy's aching bottom.
Buffy blushes and looks angrily at Dawn. Was her sister trying to get them caught?
The look in Dawn's eyes seemed to suggest she didn't care and challenged Buffy to disobey her, not something that the slayer even wanted to think about after the way Dawn had totally dominated her with that brutal ass fucking. So she followed her baby sister into the back seat of Mr Finn's car, wincing in pain as she is again forced to put weight on her battered behind.
As soon as the door is closed Dawn who is sitting right next to Buffy turns and moves to whisper something in Buffy’s ear, “When we get back to the hotel. You’re coming to my hotel room with me.”
Buffy hears Dawn say this and immediately knows or has a good idea why her little sister wants her to come back to her hotel room with her.
“Can’t I go back to my hotel room first?” Buffy asks doing her best to try and think of something that will delay her going to Dawn’s hotel room, “I want to get washed and changed out of these clothes.”
Dawn simply smiles now knowing that Buffy is defiantly just trying to delay the inevitable.
“Don’t worry when we get to my hotel room we’ll be taking these clothes off again.” Dawn tells her older sibling.
Buffy closes her eyes trying desperately to think of some other way to stop herself from having to go to Dawn’s hotel room at least for a couple of hours so that she can mentally prepare herself for what is going to happen.
“Don’t worry Buffy. You’ll enjoy it.” Dawn whispers to her as she puts her hand on Buffy’s knee very close to her thigh, “I promise.”
For the rest of the car ride Dawn tells Buffy in great detail what she is going to do to her, whispering in her ear that before was just a taste, that her ass was going to be gaping twice as wide and it was going to stay that way all night and all through tomorrow because she is going to butt fuck her so hard, etc. Once they reach the hotel they say goodbye to Mr Finn who quickly makes his exit before Dawn turns to look at Buffy.
“Ready to go to my room?” Dawn asks with an ear to ear smile on her face knowing that Buffy has ran out of excuses not too and hopefully a part of her wants to due to her having gotten just as turned on if not more so than she herself is.
Buffy looks at Dawn and slowly nods her head taking a deep breath and swallowing hard. Dawn nods back and with that she turns and heads into the hotel with Buffy following close behind. They walk up to the lifts and wait for one to arrive after Dawn has pressed the call button. As soon as one arrives they both get onto it and Dawn presses her hotel room floor number and the two of them wait for the lift to arrive at it’s destination which it eventually does and as soon as the doors open Dawn get’s off of the lift with Buffy still following and the two walk up to Dawn’s hotel room. Dawn unlocks and opens the door and then turns and looks at her big sister.
“After you.” Dawn says.
Buffy slowly walks past Dawn and into the hotel room knowing that Dawn is also in the hotel room with her without having to turn around due to her being able to hear the hotel room door shut behind her.
As soon as the doors close Dawn smiles wickedly at Buffy, pushes her back against the door and presses their lips together.
Buffy could have pushed Dawn away no problem but doing that would only get her in trouble so the blonde submits to her younger sibling's touch, opening her mouth to allow Dawn's tongue inside and massaging it with her own. She does gasp as Dawn grabs two handfuls of her sore butt cheeks and gives them a firm squeeze, and then whimpers as that one firm squeeze turns into many squeezes, pinches and slaps but the blonde does nothing more.
The kiss is hard and brutal and leaves both Summers girls breathless when Dawn finally breaks it.
"What am I going to do to you now?" Dawn asks huskily.
"You're... you're going to fuck my ass again." Buffy replies softly.
"No. I'm not going to just fuck your ass, I'm going to destroy it! I'm going to pound your ass so hard you'll never be able to sit down again without thinking about me!" Dawn growls, squeezing her sister's ass to emphasise the point before stepping back, "Now, turn around, place your hands against the door and stick that ass out. I want you to present that ass to me."
Obediently Buffy does as she's told, turning around, placing her hands against the door and sticking her ass out.
Dawn licks her lips at the sight before her, kneeling down in front of her sister's rear to get a better look at it, her hands reaching out and lovingly gripping onto those tight cheeks, squeezing and caressing them as she had done before only this time close up. After enjoying this for a few moments Dawn reaches round to undo Buffy's fly before pulling down her bottoms and thong, revealing something that makes Dawn gasp before grinning with delight.
"Oh my God, you're still gaping!" Dawn squeals excitedly, "Your sweet little ass hole is still gaping wide, just begging to be filled again by a nice, big cock. Mmmmmm, I guess that slayer healing hasn't kicked in yet... at least not fully..."
Dawn trails off deep in thought as she further admired Buffy's butt. The marks on the cheeks have faded to a dull pink and the hole is less widely open but the effect of the first butt fucking and the spanking were still noticeable. Not as noticeable as Dawn wants though, and it is clear that given a little more time Buffy's slayer healing would fix her ass completely before the end of the night, or at least it would if Dawn wasn't planning to destroy it again. Unfortunately for Buffy's ass Dawn is determined to make her sister go to sleep with a butt hole gaping wider than the Grand Canyon.
With this in mind Dawn hurries to strip off her clothes and slip her strap on into place before pressing its tip to her big sister's still gaping shit hole and slid inside.
Buffy whimpers as she feels the strap on slide through her once tight anal ring and deep into her bowels, Dawnie's thighs slapping against her ass cheeks in what feels like seconds.
"Anal slut!" Dawn giggles as she slaps Buffy's rear before beginning to saw her strap on in and out of it, "Taking my strap on in one thrust. Mmmmmm, but that just means your ass is a perfect fit for my cock. Well, almost perfect. Seems you're still a little tight. You still need... stretching... out... a... little... bit... more. Don't worry though, I... just... love... stretching... out... other... girl's... asses... and... I'm... going... to... stretch... yours... out... so... good!"
With every pause Dawn gave Buffy's ass one quick hard thrust, each one causing the slayer to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as her bowels struggled to adjust to the incestuous anal invasion.
What made the slayer really whimper and cry though was how quickly her stretched rectum adjusted and began to welcome the invading cock, what pain there had been quickly dissolving into pure pleasure which causes tears to run down Buffy's cheeks.
She shouldn't be loving getting fucked up the ass by her little sister so much but Buffy just couldn't help it, Dawn was just such a little butt fucking stud. There was no other way to describe it.
Somehow her baby sister, little Dawnie Summers had become a total stud, able to stretch out an ass and make it feel pure pleasure in what felt like seconds and then pound that ass straight to heaven. Buffy should know, her ass had been getting absolutely brutalised by her little sister less than an hour ago and now to her great shame there was nothing the slayer wanted more than for her baby sister to pound her butt again.
It caused another tear to fly down her cheek but no matter how wrong it was Buffy wanted little Dawnie to butt fuck her hard and make her cum like she had done when she had been bent over that fallen tree.
Without even needing to resort to that kind of rough butt pounding Dawn was able to bring Buffy to the edge of climax with a quickness and ease none of her former lovers had shown, not even Faith, but when it felt like just a few more thrusts would send the slayer over the edge Dawn pulled out.
"Go over there to the wall and bent over it presenting your ass to me." Dawn orders gleefully as she smacks Buffy's right ass cheek roughly. Buffy whimpers and does as she's told, Dawn adding as she's getting into position behind her, "Get used to bending over sis, because I'm going to bend you over everything in here."
Being as true to her word as possible Dawn took Buffy for a little tour around her hotel room, tearing her ass open every place they went.
Dawn made sure Buffy ended up leaning against every wall, clutching every chair and table, even opened the window so Buffy had to stick her head out of it while Dawn was taking her ass. Detouring in the bathroom Dawn had Buffy bending over the basin, and then bending over in the shower, and then the towel rack, and then back into the main room to bend over the bed before finally ending up in front of the dresser's mirror. The two constants in all these different things was the position and the fact that Dawn never let Buffy cum, not once.
By the time they were at the dresser designed for someone to sit and look at themselves while preparing for the day Buffy was in tears, but still not begging for the climax she obviously so desperately needed, which was annoying for Dawn, and yet exhilarating.
While there was part of her that wished her big sister would have just fallen into her arms from the very first day, confessing her undying love, there was just something so enthralling about the idea that Dawn would have to break Buffy for them to be together. It wasn't like she was doing it to hurt her, this was something Buffy needed. Buffy needed a strong, dominant top in her life, just as Dawn needed a submissive little bottom she could boss around and fuck whenever she wanted. They were a perfect match, and eventually Buffy would see that, Dawn was sure of it. In the meantime Dawn needed to give Buffy a little push further into submission, and the littlest Summers knew just how to do that.
However while over the past few years Dawn had learned incredible patience no matter what was at stake even hers was wearing thin. Buffy was so stubborn she might just pass out before she begged to cum, and while it was possible Dawn could bring her round the brunette was really hoping it wouldn't come to that.
Just as Dawn was considering bringing Buffy to just one climax or two so she didn't drive her sister completely insane she heard a muffled sound, and then she heard it again as Buffy repeated, louder this time, "Please Dawn... make me cum."
The smile on Dawn's face could have lit up a stadium, "You want me to make you cum?"
"Yes." Buffy says weakly.
"Really... what's it worth?" Dawn asks.
"What?" Buffy whimpers.
"Well, I'm just having so much fun stretching out your ass I'm really not sure I want to make you cum yet as it will bring my fun to a close sooner." Dawn says.
Buffy whimpers, pauses and then with tears in her eyes says, "You... you can fuck my ass as much as you want Dawn... I... I promise you can have as much fun as you want with my ass for as long as you want."
"For as long as I want huh?" Dawn grins, "How about forever?"
"What!?" Buffy exclaims, sounding a little more awake as she is shocked and a little frightened by that statement.
"I'm sorry Buffy, but after fucking your ass I just know I can't go back. I need to be able to fuck your ass when ever I want otherwise life isn't worth living. My life isn't worth living if I can't fuck my big sister's ass." Dawn says, lovingly caressing Buffy's butt cheeks as she continues sliding in and out of her back passage, "So here's the deal, whatever happens, this ass is mine. No changing your mind, no trying to talk me out of it afterwards, no nothing, just you bending over for me when ever I want for the rest of our lives. If you actually end up marrying Riley and I want your ass on your wedding night you will leave him with blue balls so you can come spread your butt cheeks for your baby sister. Same goes for the honeymoon or any single moment of any single day I want after that. You want to cum so bad, give me this ass. You better do it now, because I swear we're not leaving this room until I own your ass hole. Riley can have the rest of you if you're so dead set on being miserable for the rest of your life, but this ass will not be wasted on him or worse go unused. I need to make sure this ass gets fucked every single day from now on, and this is the only way I can ensure that. So what do you say Buffy, can I have your ass hole, or do you want to spend another couple of hours not cumming?"
Buffy wept openly as she realised the hell she had been manipulated into. Either give up her ass hole and let it become the property of her anal loving little sister or not cum for who knows how much longer.
On the outside Buffy didn't move a muscle but on the inside she fought the most violent battle of her life, worse than any fight with Angel, Spike, Adam, Glory, or any other battle with any other evil force, what felt like every fibre of her being except for her hormones fighting herself from giving in but ultimately it was a battle lost before it had begun.
The minutes that followed the end of Dawn's speech felt like hours, the silence in the room deafening as the brunette desperately tried to remain calm while inside she was a nervous wreck, fearing that she has finally pushed things too far and was now going to lose the one chance of being with the one person she had been in love with her entire life.
Just as Dawn was about to give Buffy a counter offer, or perhaps just taking it back and letting her cum Dawn heard the soft muffled sound again, followed by a loud cry from her sister, "Ok."
"What?" Dawn asks, unable to keep the disbelief from her voice.
"Ok..." Buffy says louder, blushing as she forces herself to add, "You can have my ass hole."
The smile on Dawn's face could have lit up the world, the brunette reaching down and pulling Buffy up by her hair and forcing her to look her in the eye via the mirror.
"Say it again." Dawn orders.
"You can have my ass hole." Buffy whimpers.
"When ever I want?" Dawn asks.
"Yes... whenever you want." Buffy replies.
"For how long?" Dawn questions.
"Forever." Buffy responds.
"So I own your ass hole?" Dawn asks, before pulling back on Buffy's hair when her sister pauses, "Say it!"
"Yes Dawnie... you own my ass hole, my little sister owns my ass hole." Buffy weeps.
"So what, this ass is mine now? Is it my property? Do I own it?" Dawn asked, pulling back on Buffy's hair, "Are you going to bend over for me when ever I want for the rest of our lives? If you actually end up marrying Riley and I want your ass on your wedding night are you going to leave him with blue balls so you can come spread your butt cheeks for your baby sister? Are you going to do the same on your honeymoon or any other moment of any other day I want after that? Are you going to give me this ass so I can make sure it will not be wasted on Riley Finn or worse go unused? Are you going to let me fuck this ass every single day from now on?"
"Yes, yes Dawnie, my ass is yours now. It's your property. You own it." Buffy cries, completely submitting her ass to its fate, "I swear I'm going to bend over for you when ever you want for the rest of our lives. If you want my ass on my wedding night I'll leave Riley with blue balls so I can spread my butt cheeks for my baby sister. I'll do the same on my honeymoon or any other moment of any other day you want after that. I'm going to give you my ass so you can make sure it will not be wasted on Riley or worse go unused. I'll let you fuck my ass every single day from now on. I'll let you do anything you want to my ass, just please, please let me cum."
"Oh, anything for my big sis." Dawn grinned, pulling out and after taking a few moments to admire Buffy's gaping ass hole she pulled the chair to the dressing table exactly where she wanted it and patted her knee, "Come on, I'm going to let you cum... but you're going to have to do it yourself because I'm feeling a little tired from butt fucking my big sister. Come on Buffy, ride this cock with your horny ass."
Whimpering Buffy slowly moves backwards, looks behind her and begins lowering her ass down onto the cock when she is stopped.
"Wait, spread your cheeks for me." Dawn orders lustfully, "I want to see you spreading your ass cheeks for me while bouncing up and down on my cock."
Again whimpering at this latest humiliation Buffy reaches back and spreads her ass cheeks, the only advantage to which being it seemed to help guide her gaping ass hole on the poll, half gasping and half moaning as it slid inside her, the slayer slowly lowering herself almost all the way down at which point she lifted herself up again, and then down, and then up, and so on.
Buffy's horny ass quickly began crying out for a harder fucking much like it had been doing for what felt like hours but this time the slayer was able to do something about it, Buffy quickly increasing the pace until she was bouncing on Dawn's dildo with every ounce of her slayer speed and strength.
Within seconds Buffy is on the edge of climax again and this time the only one who can stop her is herself. So in need of an orgasm Buffy doesn't even think about it until her eyes roll in the back of her head, at which point the wave of physical pleasure flooding through her is followed by tremendous shame as what she has just done truly hits her.
She, Buffy the vampire slayer, the chosen one, a force for good and righteousness in this brutal world who always tries to do what's right just rode a dildo strapped around her little sister's waist to climax. She... she just came on her little sister's dick. Her ass muscles were still clenching on it as the last of the orgasm washed through her.
Sure, Buffy had been forced to make Dawn cum and Dawn had made her cum just as much if not more over the last few days, but this brought Buffy's participation to a whole new level and made Buffy feel ashamed and humiliated, just as much as her worst moments of the week so far, if not more so.
Of course all this shame and humiliation just drove Buffy to another climax, which in turn flooded her with shame and humiliation, which drove her to yet another climax, the process repeating itself over and over, tears blinding Buffy's eyes and covering her cheeks as she jack-hammered her ass up and down on her baby sister's cock.
While Buffy is suffering through an incredible emotional hell and physical heaven Dawn is experiencing some very enjoyable physical pleasure and is almost overwhelmed in an emotional paradise.
Every time Buffy pushes herself down onto the strap on cock the stimulator inside it presses against Dawn's clit, driving the brunette towards climax while the blonde climaxes over and over again on Dawn's dildo, that fact filling the slayer's sister with incredible pride and joy.
Dawn's plans to make Buffy hers couldn't have possibly been going better.
If all those times she had listened in on the two slayers was any indication Buffy was no stranger to getting a thorough ass pounding, but the last good butt fucking Buffy had was years ago, and since then the blonde has had to settle for ordinary men who no matter how bad Buffy probably wanted to believe it just couldn't compete with another slayer or what Dawn was bringing to the table. All Dawn has to do was completely wreck her big sister's rectum and make her cum at least half as much as Faith and Buffy would be as good as hers. That isn't going to be easy, but Buffy is definitely giving Dawn a helping hand, and she is looking so unbelievably hot while doing it.
In Dawn's opinion her big sister has never looked hotter than she does right now, bent almost in half as she slams her own ass hole up and down on that huge dildo strapped around Dawn's waist at such a brutal and savage speed it would probably be deemed medically unadvisable, perhaps even illegal, considering the potential damage inflicted to one's own rectum. If Buffy had been any ordinary girl and something was drilling her butt with this much speed and power her poor back hole would probably never recover, forever left a gaping mess after this level of brutality, but Buffy is a slayer and no matter what is done to that ass hole it will always return to virgin tightness, a fact which makes Buffy the perfect anal slave.
Of course as hot as the idea of her big sister being her anal slave is, and no matter how much Dawn is looking forward to reaping the benefits of this, Dawn doesn't want to settle for Buffy just being her anal slave. In fact Dawn refuses to settle for that. Buffy is going to be her sex slave, every single fibre of her big sister's being belonging 100% to Dawn. That's what Dawn set out to achieve this week and that is what she is going to get.
Taking another big step closer to getting what she wants Dawn watches gleefully as her big sister pounds her own ass hole on that big dildo, Buffy riding it for longer than any other girl Dawn has been with, the blonde no doubt breaking world records as the savage back door abuse continued for what had to be at least a couple of hours, Buffy cumming countless times in the process.
Buffy obviously put every ounce of her slayer speed, strength and stamina into this butt fucking until she is gasping and sweating as if she has gone 100 rounds with every creature the forces of hell had to offer all at once, at which point Buffy finally reached her limit, gradually slowing down as she prepared to collapse and probably faint.
"Hands off your butt cheeks." Dawn orders from out of nowhere.
Doing as she is told Buffy lets go of her ass cheeks and rests her forearms on her knees so she can rest a little while continuing to bounce. Nearly instantly Dawn's hands begin greedily groping her sore butt cheeks, squeezing, pinching and slapping the soft and yet firm flesh she finds there in between caressing it.
"Keep fucking your ass at this speed." Dawn commands.
Buffy is unable to stop herself from crying out in frustration, reminding herself while she has to do this again several times as she forces herself to continue.
Over half a decade of fighting daemons, vampires and the forces of darkness and yet Buffy had never felt so exhausted and sore in all her life. Not even Faith had been such a literal pain in the butt, and as much as every bounce was becoming painful the idea of cumming again so soon after her latest round of climaxes seemed unbearable, so much so Buffy couldn't not at least try begging for mercy.
"Please Dawnie... no more... I can't take any more..." Buffy whimpers softly, before crying out as her sore ass gets another hard slap.
"You'll take as much as I want to give you." Dawn says firmly, "Don't forget Buffy, I own your ass hole now. It's my property and I'll use it as much as I want from now on." Dawn's tone then softens, "But I'll tell you what, since I'm in such a good mood from watching you stretch your ass out on my dick I'm going to give you a chance to slow down your butt fucking for a little bit. First though, you've got to earn it. Pull your ass off my cock and spread your ass cheeks again."
Glad for the relief she so desperately needs Buffy quickly does as she's told and then blushes as she hears her little sister giggling behind her, Dawn staring lustfully at what used to be a virgin tight hole but was now so gaping it looked as if the hotel itself could be shoved up there without any lube.
After a few minutes of just staring and lustfully licking her lips Dawn leans forwards and spits deep into her big sister's bowels before sitting back again.
"Ok, now turn around, take off the rest of your clothes and slowly lower your ass down on my cock while facing me." Dawn commands.
Feeling as if she's about to collapse at any moment Buffy slowly turns herself around and blushes furiously again when she sees her baby sister who she has so many memories of growing up with sat there looking at her expectantly with a massive dildo around her waist which has just been buried deep within her ass.
Buffy's pants and thong which had earlier been pulled down to her ankles had got lost somewhere in the middle of all the anal sex so the only items of clothing the slayer has to remove are her shoes, top and bra. Once those are off Buffy whimpers and straddles her little sister's lap, reaching behind her to spread one of her cheeks so it's easier for her to guide herself downwards, her gaping shit hole easily swallowing the toy which has brutalised it for so long, Buffy sliding all the way down so that she is sitting on Dawn's lap with every inch of that monster buried within her rectum.
"Now kiss me." Dawn orders with a grin.
Leaning forward slowly Buffy does as she is told, pressing her lips softly to her sister's, Dawn shoving her tongue down her throat almost immediately as the younger girl eagerly turns the kiss deep and passionate right from the start, Buffy struggling to keep up but soon adjusting and kissing her sibling back just as hard. This kiss lasts for quite awhile until finally Dawn breaks it and smiles.
"Mmmmmm, it's better than I ever imagined." Dawn says dreamily.
"Wha... what?" Buffy asks softly in confusion before crying out as Dawn gives her ass a playful double slap.
"Your ass. I've dreamed about fucking it for so long I was worried it wouldn't live up to the hype, but it's so does. In fact it's the best ass I've ever had. Mmmmmm, so tight. I thought you had an ass which was made to be fucked and considering your slayer healing is going to make this ass virgin tight again I would say you were destined to slay vampires and take it up the butt. Mmmmmm, you're such a natural bottom sis. A natural bottom who was always meant to take it in her bottom." Dawn giggles, groping her big sister's butt as she says this, "You know it too don't you Buffy? You know you're a natural bottom who needs a dominating top like me to fuck her bottom. You need it don't you? You need to be my anal slave."
"Yes Dawnie." Buffy whimpers, knowing what her baby sister wants to hear.
"Mmmmmm, yes, I know you do. And you need more don't you? You've had long enough of a rest and now you want more butt fucking, don't you? Well this is your lucky day sis, because I'm going to let you fuck yourself on my cock some more. Come on, start bouncing on my cock again. I want to see your tits bounce for me." Dawn says gleefully.
Buffy whimpers again but does as she is told, continuing to whimper as she lifts her sore ass up and down on her little sister's strap on, her ass hole burning with an odd mixture of soreness and pleasure, and she isn't sure what's worse.
The blonde has cum way too much and doesn't think she can even take any more pleasure, let alone another orgasm, the supposedly pleasurable sensations almost as agonising as the pain coming from her ruined rectum.
Things only get worse for Buffy and better for Dawn when the brunette leans forwards and begins gently sucking on her elder sibling's nipples, using her hands to guide them into her mouth and caressed them while her big sister slowly bounces for her.
Dawn spends a little time torturing Buffy this way, happily suckling like a babe looking for milk, digging her teeth into her big sister's nipples, making her whimper even more.
While she isn't as fixated on her older sister's tits as she was with her ass Dawn still loved Buffy's boobs and could happily imagine herself sucking, licking and nibbling on them for days at a time.
She didn't spend days but she spent quite a while, occasionally breaking her mouth away and letting her fingers do the work while she kisses her sister, finding it amusing how Buffy is still hesitant to kiss back, the brunette giggling at the fact the mighty slayer can't seem to look her in the eye as she continues bouncing her butt on the cock, whimpering even when Dawn is kissing her.
"Why are you whimpering so much? You know you love it. You know you love my big cock in your ass. Don't you Buffy?" Dawn eventually questions.
"Yes Dawn, I love it, I love your big cock in my ass." Buffy parrots.
"Yes you do, because you're a total anal slut." Dawn says lustfully, reaching round to smack her big sister's butt, "You're purpose in life is to slay vampires and take it up the ass, and now you're my anal slave that's exactly what you're going to do, and you're going to love every minute of it, aren't you?"
"Yes Dawnie, I'm a total anal slut. My purpose in life is to slay vampires and take it up the ass, and now I'm your anal slave that's exactly what I'm going to do, and I'm going to love every minute of it." Buffy moaned softly.
"Don't just parrot what I say, tell me you're my anal slave and you love it. Tell me, and make me believe it, and maybe I'll think about leaving your ass alone so you can get some sleep." Dawn offers.
Buffy blushes a deep shade of red for a moment, and then begins to whimper and moan, "Oh Dawnie, I love being your anal slave so much. You have no idea how much I've missed taking it in the ass. Riley was so disgusted at me when I tried to suggest it, I felt so ashamed, but I need it so bad. I'm a filthy anal whore who can't get enough of it up her butt. Faith turned me into a total anal slut and it feels so good to be taking it in the ass again. It's even better knowing that I'm now your anal slave and you're going to be using my ass a lot from now on. Please Dawnie, butt fuck your big sister, show her she's your anal slave. Put me in my place. I'm your anal slave now Dawnie, and I'm going to love every minute of it."
Briefly Buffy pauses for breath, unsure whether she should continue or not and finding the way Dawn is now staring at her both unhelpful and a little unnerving. After debating it to herself for a little while Buffy decides to continue slowly bouncing on the strap on cock, the whole time telling Dawn exactly what she wants to hear, the whole time the slayer desperately trying to make herself believe she doesn't mean a word she's saying. Unfortunately it's hard for Buffy to lie to herself like that.
Everything Dawn has done to her so far has relit the submissive flame which Faith originally ignited, and while like everything so far this week the sodomy has been an emotional hell it has also been an overwhelming physical pleasure, Buffy's ass so well fucked it might as well have been at the hands of another slayer. Buffy certainly can't think of a way her ass could have been fucked better, of course just as that thought crosses her mind she is proved wrong.
Without any warning Dawn suddenly grabs a firm hold of her big sister, lifts them both up and effortlessly carries Buffy to the bed where she gently laid her down on her back, the slayer amazed at this as she has no idea Dawn's enchanted strap on is giving her enhanced strength to do such a thing. For that same reason Buffy is taken completely by surprise at just how hard her little sister begins slamming her ass, and just how hard the butt pounding becomes, the mighty vampire slayer squealing and crying like a total bitch as her rectum is ripped apart.
For the briefest of moments Buffy again considers the possibility that Dawn has been taken over by a daemon or a witch or some kind of evil force, the wicked look in the brunette's eyes giving the slayer hope that her suspicion is true, but then Buffy just thinks back to the numerous sister to sister conversations in which her sweet little Dawnie confessed her undying incestuous lust for her, those memories confirming the horrible truth that Buffy's baby sister is currently in the middle of joyfully butt fucking her harder than she's ever been fucked before.
This was easily harder than any regular fucking Buffy had taken from Riley and Angel, and even the earlier ass fuckings Dawn had given her paled in comparison. Hell, even at her worst Faith never abused Buffy's ass like this, Dawnie acting as if she genuinely wanted to ruin her big sister's rectum, Buffy fearing that regardless of slayer healing that she would succeed... and yet, Buffy didn't want her little sister to stop butt fucking her.
Every thrust is an exquisite mix of pain and pleasure, driving the slayer to yet another climax which she didn't know if she could survive, and she'd never felt more alive. It made it clear that some, if not all, of the words Buffy and Dawn had been saying were true, at least as far as Buffy being a total bottom are concerned.
As her ass is penetrated deeply with every thrust Buffy realises just how much she has missed being anally violated, to her amazement her baby sister putting her former slayer lover to shame in the pooper pounding department, the whole time Buffy staring deep into her little sister's eyes and knowing what she thought out in the woods was 100% true. Her baby sister was a total stud. A dominating top who knew just how to pound a bottom's bottom and put that bottom in her place.
Buffy feels honoured just to be taking this top's cock into her bottom, her legs coming up to softly wraparound this dominating girl in an unnecessary added sign of submission, Buffy beginning to praise the expert butt buster who is slamming her ass, telling her how great she is, that she is such a top, a stud, and meaning every word of it. This little stud bagged her own big sister and turned her into her ass slave for Goddess sakes. How much of a top did you have to be to do that?
Eventually Buffy's submissive words became lost in moans which only became louder as her little sister pushed her legs up and onto her shoulders so Dawnie could pound her butt even deeper, the slayer melting away from the sheer force of the overwhelming pleasure she is receiving until she is putty in her baby sister's hands, Dawn easily butt fucking her to the edge of climax and beyond.
Before she can even comprehend it Buffy is cumming, her whole world crashing down around her as she is forced to cum again and again, the sensations almost painful as they rack her exhausted body, her ass hole burning like an Inferno as it is savagely brutalise but the agony is almost unnoticeable, eventually becoming completely unnoticeable as Buffy's mind slips into a dreamlike state were there is only pleasure.
Dawn is so lost in butt fucking her big sister she doesn't even notice Buffy is cumming until the blonde's third climax, at which point the brunette grins happily.
More than any other time before now, even when she was slamming Buffy's ass out in the woods, Dawn has to show Buffy what a top she can be. Not just as good as Faith. That isn't going to cut it. Dawn needs to show her big sister she can be better than the dark slayer. Dawn needs to show Buffy she can fuck her ass harder than anyone ever could.
Luckily watching Buffy bouncing on her strap on has ignited Dawn's dominating urges like never before, the littlest Summers pounding into her elder sister's ass harder than she's ever pounded an ass before and loving every minute of it.
Staring into Buffy's eyes Dawn knows what she discovered during the first butt fucking over the fallen tree to be true, her big sister, the mighty Buffy the vampire slayer is a total bottom, born to take it in the bottom. Perfect for Dawn who had always known she was a total top. It feels like they're made for each other, Buffy's ass hole somehow still tight around Dawn's strap on despite the savage slamming it has been receiving, that tightness giving Dawn tremendous pleasure as it forces the stimulator inside the harness against her clit even harder, but it's something far more than that.
Buffy's eyes speak of total submission, as does the fact that the blonde wraps her legs around her, happily now letting Dawn practically bend her in half as she pounds her most private of holes, the sisters becoming one in their incestuous anal fun, the younger sister clearly showing she is the dominant Alpha female of the family as she pounds into her submissive elder sister's entrails, completely destroying her big sister's bowels and leaving her ass as nothing but an orifice for her pleasure. In fact, her big sister is now nothing but an orifice for her pleasure. She, little Dawnie Summers, has turned the mighty Buffy the vampire slayer into an orifice for her pleasure, something to be bent over and butt fucked at her whim.
The very thought drived Dawn onwards, sweat dripping off both sisters bodies and the bed threatening to break as the rectum ruining somehow becomes even more savage and vicious to the point where it feels as if Dawn should be arrested for attempted murder.
They got back fairly early but Dawn had planned to butt fuck her big sister all the way to midnight just to prove what a top she could be. Looking over to see if she is close to her goal Dawn is relieved to see it is long past midnight, meaning two things, firstly the sisters have been anal fucking for hours, and secondly Dawn can finally bring things to a close.
Over the course of this serious rectum wrecking Dawn has cum a few times but has been mostly trying to keep her own pleasure at bay so she can concentrate on ass fucking her sister. Confident Buffy will never forget this sodomising Dawn allows her own pleasure to wash over her, her eyes rolling in the back of her head and her body becoming so numb she can barely keep thrusting, but doing so and in the process bring herself and her elder sister to a few more climaxes before she finally pulls out and collapses in an exhausted heap next to her older sibling, the mighty slayer whimpering as her legs come down and her butt connects with the bed sheets.
Rolling over to alleviate the pain Buffy gives Dawn the most wonderful view of her handiwork, the older sister's ass gaping so wide it looks as if the whole of Sunnydale could fit up there.
Dawn stares lustfully at her big sister's utterly destroyed bottom for several minutes, licking her lips as she studies the bruised red cheeks and the angry looking violated hole stretched wider than should naturally be possible allowing Dawn to see deep into Buffy's bowels.
Finally Dawn turns her attention back to Buffy herself, slowly reaching out, gripping her hair and then suddenly yanking back on it, lifting herself up so that she and her sister could just about look into each other's eyes.
"What are you bitch?" Dawn demands coldly.
"I'm... I'm, your anal slave. I'm your anal slave Dawnie... you own my ass hole and can use it whenever you want." Buffy whimpers submissively.
Dawn leans in close, "And don't you forget it, anal slave!"
With those final words Dawn captures Buffy's lips with her own, her big sister moaning and then completely giving into her, allowing her tongue deep into her mouth. Buffy melts into first the kiss and then the arms of the dominating top who has just totally owned her ass, the slayer whimpering when the total stud who pounded her butt so good spooned her, the other girl's breasts pressing into her back and the wet with her anal juices strap on dildo pressing against her sore bottom, her aching and stretched butt hole quivering as it is threatened with the weapon which ruined it.
"You will stay here tonight." Dawn says matter of factly, "I want to see if your slayer healing makes your butt nice and virgin tight again or if I've ass fucked you so hard you'll still be gaping. I'll be butt fucking you in the morning either way, the only differences I'll either be spending some time stretching you out or I'll just be sliding straight into you."
Buffy whimpers as it becomes crystal clear her ass is getting fucked again in the morning even though her ass currently feels like it will never recover enough for her to ever even sit down again, let alone take another butt pounding. It's this knowledge, and the fact that her gaping ass hole is aching so much which has Buffy laying awake for hours, praying that her slayer healing kicks in as curled up behind her the little stud who stretched out her ass like never before, her own little sister Dawnie Summers, peacefully dreams of butt fucking her big sister again and completely turning her into her slave.
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