Buffy's Blackmailing Little Sister | By : MTL Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > FemmeSlash - Female/Female > Buffy/Dawn Views: 59739 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The doors to the lift open on Buffy’s hotel room floor. Unlike last night Buffy doesn’t check to see if anybody she knows or doesn’t know is around she simply steps off of the lift and heads straight for her hotel room door her mind too occupied with what has just happened in her younger sister’s hotel room to care or notice anybody or anything around her.
She reaches her hotel room door and immediately unlocks it and walks in shutting the door behind her. Once the door is shut she makes her way over to the dressing table which is on the opposite side of the room to her bed. She then puts the video camera down onto the dressing table and walks over and sits down on the bottom of her bed focusing on nothing except what has happened thus far tonight.
As she sits there Buffy starts thinking about the massage and how it not only helped ease the pain in her pulled muscle but it also turned her on and led to Dawn going down on her better than Faith ever did or probably could not only that but Dawn also made her cum faster between orgasms than Faith did and the amount of orgasms she made her have not just the first time she went down on her but in total. Buffy remembers getting to the point where she was sure she was going to pass out from the force of each orgasm they seemed to get stronger the closer together they where. How she managed to keep up she has no idea. She knows she didn’t give her younger sister as many orgasms as Dawn gave her however she is sure she is close behind as far as the number of orgasm she gave to the number of orgasms she received.
Buffy blinks realising that she is actually comparing the number of orgasms her sister gave her to the number of orgasms she gave her sister when what she should be doing is being sick if not literally at least feeling disgusted with herself and she does but not as much as she should.
In an attempt to try and get her mind off of the amount of orgasms the two sisters gave one and other Buffy turns her attention to the video camera at the other end of the room laying on the dressing table and as she looks at it she remembers what Dawn had told her to do with it and as she thinks about the reasons why Dawn wants her to play with herself she begins to see in her mind’s eye her younger sister’s strap on.
Buffy swallows hard at the memory due to her being sure that her younger sister’s strap on dildo is bigger than Faith’s one was that she used to use on her by at least 3 inches which would make Dawn’s fake cock 12 inches long due to Faith’s having been 9 inches. It is also about an inch wider, the slayer shudders at the thought of Dawnie’s dildo inside her, stretching out her holes.
As her mind begins to wonder Buffy remembers her former slayer lover’s strap on. She can’t help but smile due to the pet name Faith had given it she called it 'Mr Pointy' due to the end of it although being round and looking like a cock it did have a bit of a point to it or on it however that isn’t why the first time she heard Faith refer to her strap on as 'Mr Pointy' she laughed it is because Kendra the slayer that came before Faith who’s death made Faith a slayer had called her stake 'Mr Pointy'.
Buffy’s smile slowly fades as the memory of 'Mr Pointy' is replaced by the image of Dawn’s strap on which in the back of her mind Buffy wonders if Dawn has a pet name for however the main thing she is thinking about or imagining is how that 12 inch monster of her sister’s will feel inside of her pussy and ass and as she thinks about it despite herself Buffy can’t help but feel herself getting a little bit turned on at the thought of having that big dildo inside of her.
Buffy shakes her head doing her best to try and remind herself who it is that will be using the strap on as she refocuses her attention on the video camera and contemplates filming herself as she plays with her pussy and ass in order to get both holes ready for Dawn’s strap on and slowly starts to shake her head.
She can’t do it.
She can’t play with herself while she's being filmed. After everything that's happened it's just too much.
Desperately Buffy starts to try and think of a way around doing what her sister has instructed her to do.
Only two ideas come to mind, however they are both dismissed just as quickly as Buffy thinks them up, one of them being that she plays with herself both her pussy and her ass without the video camera being on and tells Dawn tomorrow that she forgot or didn’t know how to turn the video camera on, the other idea is that she plays with herself with the camera on however she doesn’t have it pointing in her direction so Dawn doesn’t get to see her but she does get to hear her as she plays with her pussy and ass.
However the reasons both of these ideas are quickly dismissed is due to Buffy having shown Dawn how to use the very same video camera she is now looking at due to her having wanted to be the one to film Xander and Anya’s wedding day for them.
The second idea is dismissed by Buffy is due to the fact that if Dawn can’t see her playing with her pussy and ass and can only hear her then she might doubt that she actually did as she was told.
Buffy does her best to try and come up with another way around having to film herself playing with her pussy and her ass knowing deep down that she doesn’t have any choice but to do it due to the fact that if she doesn’t do it there will be 'serious consequences' and yet despite knowing this Buffy just can’t bring herself to go through with what her younger sibling wants her to do.
A small shudder runs through Buffy's body at the thought of what the 'serious consequences' could be knowing the ultimate punishment Dawn could give her is for her to tell Riley and the others about her past with Faith.
The blonde slayer is willing to take any punishment Dawn wants to give so long as her little sister doesn’t do that, and with what feels like no other option Buffy contemplates telling this to Dawn tomorrow.
As she thinks about it Buffy can’t help but smile a rather nervous smile knowing that her idea is risky due to her plan or rather what she is thinking depending on how much Dawn 'loves' her the way in which she says she does. If she loves her as much as she says Buffy is confident that Dawn will agree to what she has come up with however if she doesn’t then tomorrow night could very well be the end of everything.
Buffy runs her fingers through her hair as she looks at the video camera once again knowing that she has no choice but to go with this idea and hope that Dawn’s love for her is as strong as she claims because if it isn’t tomorrow could be the beginning of the end for her and Riley.
With her mind having been made up Buffy slowly starts to get undressed and once she is down to her bra and panties she climbs into bed and simply lays there wondering what tomorrow is going to bring for her.
The next morning Buffy wakes up to the sound of ringing. She slowly opens her eyes and finds herself looking at the telephone on the nightstand next to her bed which is ringing. Slowly she makes her way over to it picks up the receiver and moves it to her ear and mouth.
“Hello.” Buffy says still half a sleep.
“Rise and shine beautiful.” She hears Riley’s voice on the other end of the line say.
“Riley.” Buffy says, surprised, and a little annoyed, by Riley’s cheeriness, “What do you want?”
“Can’t a man just call his wife to be to see how she is?” Riley asks.
“Not when it’s this early.” Buffy grumbles.
"It's 10:30 AM." Riley says, a little surprised by his soon to be wife's reaction.
Buffy wasn't the wake up at the crack of dawn type as Riley had trained to be but she was normally awake by now.
"Are you ok?" Riley asks.
"I'm fine, I just... overslept." Buffy says, her mind briefly flickering back to what she was doing all last night which tired her out so much before quickly adding, "So why did you call me?"
"Again, can't I just call you to see how you are?" Riley asks.
There is a brief pause.
“Ok, I admit I do have an ulterior motive for calling.” Riley says.
“What... what is it?” Buffy asks, her mind briefly lost again in remembering her night of incestuous passion with her own sister during the brief pause.
“Do you have any plans for tonight?” Riley asks her.
Buffy is suddenly wide awake at hearing Riley ask her this question.
“Why?” Buffy asks doing her best to sound natural.
“Well because we have been invited to my parents for dinner and I told them we would be there at 6pm sharp.” Riley tells her.
Buffy goes pale.
"That's ok right? You didn't have anything else you had to do?" Riley asks after a surprisingly long pause.
Well, Buffy's sarcastic side thinks to itself, tonight my little sister is planning to fuck me with a big strap on cock, and unlike you I know she has stamina so I'll probably be too busy taking her cock to go to dinner with your parents. Tomorrow night Dawn is going to be fucking me up the ass so I won't be available then either. As for the day after that I'm not entirely sure what I'll be doing but I promised to be my little sister's sex slave for the rest of the week so she wouldn't reveal to you my lesbian affair with Faith so for the next couple of nights I'll probably be pretty busy. I'll be free for our wedding night though, where you can spend all night trying and failing to make me cum, something my own sister seems to be able to do with ease.
Of course Buffy can't say any of that to her fiancée, however as she pushes that thought out of her head her mind is left blank, the slayer is unable to think an excuse to get out of this dinner no matter how hard she tries.
“Buffy are you ok? Is something wrong?” Riley asks, concerned by the long pause.
“Nothing's wrong, I'm ok.” Buffy lies.
"Ok... so, I’ll meet you downstairs with the others at ten to six.” Riley then tells her, feeling as if the matter is resolved.
“Others?” Buffy asks quickly before Riley has a chance to put the phone down on her.
“Yeah the others. You know Xander, Anya, Willow, Tara, Dawn.” Riley says.
Buffy swallows hard at the mention of her sister.
"Is there a problem?" Riley asks.
"No." Buffy lies softly.
"I would have liked it to be just you, me, Dawn and my folks, you know, just family, but my Dad insisted and you are always saying how Xander and Willow are more like family to you than friends so I'm ok with them and their wife and... friends joining us." Riley says.
There's a pause.
“Have you told any of the others about the invite?” Buffy asks.
“No I wanted to let you know and then tell them. I figured if I told them that you where going they would be more willing to go.” Riley says.
Buffy smirks loving what Riley just said he figured if he told them she was going they would be more willing to go, like she really has a choice in the matter.
“Well I’ll tell you what.” Buffy says, “You call Xander and Anya and Willow and Tara. I’ll get washed and dressed and then go and see Dawn.”
“Are you sure?” Riley asks her, “It would only take me a phone call.”
“I’m sure.” Buffy says hoping she can convince her sister to come to this 'family' dinner.
A small part of her kinda hopes Dawn refuses to come however she knows if she refuses then the others will no doubt ask questions as to why she isn’t coming which means Buffy has no choice but to convince her to come if only to stop the others asking questions.
“Besides.” Buffy adds looking across the room at the video camera which is still in exacterly the same place and position it was when she put it down on the dressing table, “I have to return something of her’s.”
Buffy's thoughts go from Riley and the 'family' dinner to the fact that she hasn’t done what Dawn told her to do last night and that despite her plan Dawn might decide to punish Buffy by revealing her deep dark secret.
“Ok then.” Riley says, “Hey listen I haven’t seen you since Sunday. Why don’t after you’ve seen Dawn you and me spend the day together?”
Buffy does her best to smile.
“Sure.” Buffy says, “I’d like that.”
“Great we can start by having lunch together. I’ll meet you down in the restaurant at 12 o’clock.” Riley tells her.
Buffy looks over at the bedside table and see’s the alarm clock which reads 10:40am.
“I’ll see you down there.” Buffy says.
“See you then.” Riley says happily, “Bye for now.”
With that he hangs up the phone, leaving Buffy to slowly turn and look over at the video camera. Staring at it Buffy starts to think about what is going to happen when Dawn checks it and finds no footage of her playing with her pussy or ass.
She wonders if maybe she could force herself to do it now... however even if she did force herself to play with her pussy and ass now Dawn would be able to tell that she didn’t do it before she fell asleep due to the date and time the footage was taken being shown on the screen along with the actual footage it’s self.
Buffy takes a deep breath and exhales heavily knowing that there is no going back she has made her decision to break the rules and now she has to hope she can convince her younger sister to punish her but not by revealing to Riley and his family as well as her friends her secret affair with Faith.
With this in mind Buffy get’s up and goes into the bathroom strips off and climbs into the shower. As she washes herself Buffy thinks about the best way she can try and convince her younger sibling to both come to the dinner at Riley’s parent’s house and not reveal the secret to them.
Once she has washed her entire body from her hair to her feet she climbs out dries herself and get’s dressed in some smart but casual clothes.
Once she is ready she picks up the video camera and leaves her hotel room, heading for her sister’s hotel room.
Buffy soon arrives in front of Dawn’s hotel room as she looks up at the door she can’t help but feel nervous, more nervous than she did last night, more nervous than she did the night before, in fact although she can’t believe it Buffy feels more nervous than she did both the two previous nights combined.
She does her best to try and relax as she reaches up and knocks on the door and waits for her sister to answer.
The door opens to reveal Dawn who is back in her pyjamas.
“Buffy!” Dawn says sounding surprised but happy to see her older sister.
“Hi Dawn.” Buffy says doing her best to smile at her younger sibling even though she is feeling nervous.
“Uh what are you doing here?” Dawn asks curiously, before a smile crosses her face, “I mean, I'm definitely not complaining or anything but I didn't think I'd see you until tonight.”
Dawn thinks it is unlikely that her big sister is comfortable enough already with their arrangement for a little morning booty call, but the smile on her face clearly shows that she is hopeful.
“Yeah.” Buffy says swallowing hard, “That’s what I came here to talk to you about.”
Dawn immediately senses her sister’s nervousness, which doesn't bode well for her hopes of morning sister-sister sex fun.
“Can I come in?” Buffy then asks her sister.
“Of course.” Dawn says stepping out of the way and allowing Buffy to enter her room which she does once she is inside Dawn closes the door and turns to look at her older sister, “What’s up?”
“Riley called me a little while ago and told me that we have all been invited to dinner at his parents house tonight at 6pm.” Buffy says.
Dawn frowns.
“And of course you told him that you had other plans.” Dawn says able to tell from the look in Buffy’s eyes that she didn’t.
Buffy hangs her head.
“Why didn’t you tell him that you had other plans?” Dawn snaps doing her best to control her anger however tonight is one of the nights she has most been looking forward to and now she is being told that they can’t do what she wants them too... what she wants them too.
Buffy lifts her head and looks at Dawn.
“Because he would have asked me what my plans where.” Buffy says doing her best to control her anger.
“So.” Dawn snaps again.
“So what was I supposed to say!” Buffy snaps allowing her anger at her sister’s attitude to slip into her tone of voice, “Sorry darling I can’t come to your parents for dinner because I’m being blackmailed by my little sister who's going to…”
Buffy stops herself from saying the actual words.
Dawn smiles a small smile loving how her sister can’t bring herself to say the words despite how angry she is.
"Fuck you better than he ever could." Dawn says, helpfully finishing her big sister's sentence for her.
Buffy opens her mouth to object but thinks better of it as she does not want to get into an argument with Dawn about who fucks her better, especially when Buffy can't even convince herself Riley could even come close to Dawn and the last thing Buffy needs to be doing right now is encouraging Dawn's twisted lust for her by unintentionally letting her know how good she fucks her.
“You could have lied to him.” Dawn says calming herself down.
Buffy sniggers at this.
“What a great foundation for a marriage.” Buffy says.
Dawn closes her eyes and hangs her head however something suddenly occurs to her and causes her to start giggling as she slowly lifts her head and looks at Buffy.
Buffy looks at Dawn with a frown not understanding why she is giggling.
“What the heck is so funny?” Buffy asks.
Dawn slowly get’s over her fit of giggles.
“What you just said.” Dawn tells her older sister, “You can’t lie to him about having plans with me... and yet you have been lying to him since the start of your relationship about yours and Faith’s past.”
Buffy swallows hard as she stares at her sister.
“That’s different.” Buffy says doing her best to keep her eyes locked with her younger sisters.
“How?” Dawn asks, “It’s a lie that you built your relationship on and now your adding to it by building your marriage on another lie.”
“Would you rather I tell him the truth about me and Faith and about tonight!” Buffy snaps.
Dawn looks at her older sister rather surprised by this question and feeling tempted to say yes however she knows she can’t even though she knows even if she where to say yes Buffy would never do it.
“I didn’t think so.” Buffy says taking her sister’s silence as a no, “Because then you wouldn’t have anything to blackmail me with would you.”
“Watch yourself Buffy!” Dawn snaps not liking Buffy’s attitude or tone of voice, “You seem to forget you have far more to loose than I do. Don’t make empty threats.”
“Empty threats.” Buffy says.
Dawn nods her head.
“That’s right empty threats which is exacterly what you have just made. You would never tell Riley about you and Faith because your too desperate to marry him and pretend to live happily ever after. And if you won’t tell him about you and Faith you most certainly wouldn’t tell Riley about us and what we have been doing.” Dawn says swallowing hard, “And while I may loose this control that I have over you if I was to tell Riley about yours and Faith’s past at least I would put an end to this sham of a marriage and stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life.”
Buffy simply looks at Dawn having rarely heard her sound so serious which scares her on a number of levels, the main one being that Dawn really would tell Riley the truth if she had too.
“Your not going to though are you?” Buffy asks a lot calmer now.
Dawn simply looks at her older sister.
“Your not going to tell Riley or any of the others about me and Faith are you?” Buffy asks needing to know.
“So long as you don’t force me too.” Dawn says in a much calmer voice.
Buffy swallows hard and nods her head showing that she understands feeling the need to get out of Dawn’s hotel room and away from her younger sister due to them both needing time to calm down.
“We’re expected at the Finns residence at 6pm. We’re all meeting down in the lobby at ten to six.” Buffy says.
Dawn frowns, "How many of us are coming?"
Buffy swallows, "Er... all of us... I think..."
"All of us?" Dawn says suspiciously, "Cordy and Faith as well?"
"I... I don't know." Buffy admits truthfully.
"Mm... well I'll give them a ring just in case Riley forgets to invite them. I mean, you know how forgetful he is when it comes to them." Dawn says.
Buffy doesn't respond. She knows Riley probably hasn't invite Cordelia and Faith because he and his family are not entirely comfortable with the whole lesbian thing, and while Riley couldn't not invite Buffy's best friend he could get away with not inviting the formerly evil slayer who he suspected had and still does have a thing for his girl, if only he knew. However Dawn has always liked Faith and Buffy had a feeling if she tried to talk Dawn out of inviting her fellow slayer her sister might use the leverage she has over her to blackmail her into it and Buffy just doesn't have the mental strength right now to go through with all that, especially when weather her secret ex-girlfriend is attending this dinner with her fiancée’s parents is actually the least of her worries right now.
“So... I guess I'll see you at 6... unless you want to stay for a little morning fun.” Dawn says mischievously.
"N... no, I have to go meet Riley for lunch." Buffy says, backing away.
"Are you sure, I mean you could always blow him off and stay here. I'd love to have you for lunch." Dawn says with a mischievous giggle.
"I... I really shouldn't be late..." Buffy mumbles as she turns and tries to leave.
"Er Buffy, aren't you forgetting something?" Dawn asks.
Buffy turns and looks at her little sister blankly.
"The video camera." Dawn says, reminding her big sister of what she holds in her hand.
Buffy inwardly cringes as she walks up to her sister.
“Here it is.” Buffy says handing Dawn the object she has been carrying in her hand since she left her hotel room.
Dawn smiles as she takes the video camera from Buffy looking forward to watching the footage it has on it.
“See you tonight.” Buffy says and with that she walks quickly past Dawn and goes to open the door when she hears Dawn call out behind her.
“Wait a minute Buffy.” Dawn says causing Buffy to stop and slowly turn around and face her, “Why don’t we watch this together?”
Buffy does her best to hide her fear and shock at what she has just heard her younger sibling suggest.
“No, I really have to go and meet Riley for lunch... I'll be spending the day with him as well... see you later.” Buffy says not sure how else to tell Dawn her plans nor is she sure what to say in response to Dawn’s offer of them watching the blank video camera footage.
“Well we can watch this and then if you really want to go...” Dawn begins.
“No, I told you I have to go now.” Buffy says interrupting her sister really not wanting to be around when she watches the video camera.
“Oh, ok.” Dawn says for some reason getting a gut feeling that the reason Buffy is giving isn’t the only reason she wants to leave.
“I’ll see you tonight.” Buffy says.
Dawn nods her head and watches as Buffy dashes out the door like the hounds of hell are chasing her.
Once she is outside of her sister’s hotel room Buffy breaths a heavy sigh of relief however her relief soon turns back to fear due to the fact she doesn’t know what Dawn is doing on the other side of the door. For all she knows she could be watching the video camera footage right now, or lack of video camera footage. This thought causes her to walk quickly to the lift, press the call button and as soon as the lift arrives she quickly get’s on and press the ground floor button. The doors to the lift close and as they do Buffy watches Dawn’s hotel room door like a hawk hoping and praying that her little sister doesn’t come out of it. Once the doors close Buffy breaths a heavy sigh of relief as the lift makes it’s way down to the ground floor and the hotel restaurant where Riley is no doubt waiting for her.
The journey from the hotel to Riley’s parents house is unusually long for Buffy because of the utter silence that fills the car.
Buffy can tell her soon to be husband is in no mood to talk due to the fact that following on behind them in a couple of taxi cabs is not only Xander, Anya, Willow and Tara who had been originally invited but also Faith and Cordelia who Riley had planned on not having at this family dinner however has been forced to allow to come along in the lobby of the hotel with Dawn.
Of course Buffy isn't as worried about Riley's silent annoyance as she is about the fact that her eyes keep wondering to one of the mirrors so she can look behind her at the back seat which contains her scheming little sister, who always seems to catch her looking at her and returns the look with a playful smile as if Dawn knows Buffy can't stop thinking about the wicked things that she has made her do.
Buffy tries to push these thoughts out of her head and not look at her blackmailer but she just can't help herself and due to the fact that nobody is talking she can’t find something to distract herself.
Finally the group arrives at the Finn household and are greeted by Mr Stewart Finn and Mrs Rosemary Finn Riley’s mom and dad.
Despite having met him on Sunday at the wedding dress rehearsal Buffy still finds it hard to get over how much alike Riley and his dad look. The only way you can tell the two of them apart is that Riley’s dad looks older and they are both wearing different clothes, other than that there is no real difference, they both have the same hair style, same eye colour, same build, same height, etc.
As for Riley’s mom she is the same height as Buffy with short shoulder length greyish hair with a very pale complexion and is very thin looking.
While Mrs Finn finishes dinner in the kitchen Mr Finn shows Buffy and the other around the house which although looks nice or rather is very well kept both inside and out there is nothing particularly special about it point of fact it is exacterly the way Buffy imagined it being.
Once Mr Finn has finished giving them all a tour of the house they sit down at a huge dinner table with Mr Finn sitting at the head with his son on his right and Mrs Finn sitting on his left Buffy is sitting next to Riley with Willow sitting next to her and Xander sitting on Willow’s other side and Faith is sitting on Xander’s other side and on the opposite side of the table next to Mrs Finn sitting opposite Buffy is Dawn and Tara is sitting next to her and Anya is sitting next to her and Cordelia is sitting next to her.
As they all tuck into their meals the table is alive with talk, the only two not talking are Buffy and Dawn.
Buffy is too busy eating her dinner and listening to the conversation Riley and his dad and mom are having while Dawn’s focus is on her older sister.
Slowly Dawn turns her attention to Riley and his mom and dad as she looks at her potential brother in law’s parents she can’t help but not like them due to them being exacterly how she imagined they would be.
Mr Finn who is a former soldier himself is very straight laced and proper just like his son and Mrs. Finn from Dawn’s perspective looks dead not physically but she looks like a vampire has sucked all of the life out of her. Also it is clear who wears the pants in the parents relationship and that of course being Riley’s dad Mr Finn.
Slowly Dawn turns her attention back to her older sister who looks as though she is intently listening to her husband to be’s conversation with his parents and as Dawn continues to look at her sister she can’t help but imagine how she will look in a few years time if she does end up marrying Riley. Dawn can imagine Buffy ending up looking exacterly like Riley’s mom which causes Dawn to close her eyes and hang her head as she involuntarily shudders at the thought of her sister ending up looking as though a vampire has sucked all the life out of her.
In an attempt to try and stop herself from imagining this potential future for her older sister Dawn tries to think of something she can do and suddenly get’s an idea as she slowly lifts her head and looks at her sister and smiles as she secretly moves her right foot under the table and touches Buffy’s right foot.
Buffy feel’s something touch her under the table and for some reason she looks across the table at Dawn and see’s the ear to ear smile on her face and knows that it is her that is touching her underneath the table and after a minute Buffy realises exacterly what Dawn is doing.
Her own sister is playing footsie under the table with her.
Buffy shakes her head trying to tell her sister no however Dawn simply smiles as she continues to play footsie with her.
“So Dawn.” Mrs Finn says causing both sister’s to turn their attention from one and other to her, “How do you feel about your big sister marrying my son?”
Buffy turns from looking at Mrs Finn to looking at Dawn wondering what she is going to say due to her having gotten the impression that she doesn’t like what is going to happen in 6 days time.
Dawn turns and looks at her sister able to tell that she is scared of what she is going to say.
“I’m very happy about it.” Dawn says turning her attention back to Mrs Finn and smiling, “It’s great to know that she finally has a good strong steady man to look after her.”
“I take it her past boyfriends weren’t like our son then?” Mr Finn asks the youngest Summers sister.
Dawn smiles at him.
“Honestly I don't think any of my sister's lovers were good enough for her... and I don't think any of them ever truly gave her what she needed... but now I think she's finally found someone who can give her what she needs and can take care of her.” Dawn says turning her attention to her big sister halfway through speaking.
Buffy's heart is pounding in her chest as she looks across the table at her little sister, having a gut feeling that Dawn isn't talking about Riley, not that anyone in the room seems to notice, or could possibly conclude that from what Dawn was saying.
"That's great to hear." Mr Finn says, beaming with pride at his son while totally oblivious to what Dawn is really talking about.
Mr Finn goes into some long-winded story about his son which occupies the polite attention of most of the group, except for that of the two Summers sisters as Buffy finds herself too distracted by Dawn's determination to play footsie with her to concentrate on the story and Dawn is too intent on playing footsie to care about a Riley story
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you currently seeing anybody special?” Mrs Finn asks Dawn when her husband has finished his long story.
Dawn smiles at Mrs Finn.
“I don’t mind you asking at all.” Dawn says honestly as she turns and looks at Buffy who is staring back at her, “As a matter of fact I am currently seeing somebody very, very special.”
Buffy’s expression turns from anger to shock and horror due to what her younger sister has just said.
“Mind if we ask who?” Mr Finn asks.
“It’s nobody you would know.” Dawn says turning to look at Mr Finn.
“Ah come on Dawnie, tell us more.” Willow says.
“Yeah D, dish. Who's the hottie?” Faith says.
“Well.” Dawn says thinking of how she can tell the group who this person is without making it obvious, “I can describe them to you.”
“Ok then.” Riley says, “Describe them.”
Dawn turns her attention back to Buffy who‘s face is now a mixture of fear disbelief horror and anger.
“Well they have blonde hair, green eyes, a slim build... a really tight butt and... that's probably the best way I can describe them without getting too graphic.” Dawn says turning her attention from Buffy to around the table seeing if any of the others have figured out who she is talking about.
“Have you invited them to the wedding?” Mrs Finn asks.
“No.” Dawn says turning to look at Mrs Finn, “I don't know if this thing that we have is just a… holiday romance type of thing or if it's going to be something more serious.”
“What would you like it to be?” Xander asks causing Dawn to turn her attention to him.
“I'd definitely like it to be serious.” Dawn tells him honestly, "Spending the rest of our lives together type of serious."
“Wow... did any of you know about this?” Riley asks looking at the others around the table each one of them in turn shakes their head.
“Excuse me.” Buffy says standing up, “I need to use the bathroom.”
With that Buffy swiftly walks off.
“Is she ok?” Mrs Finn asks concerned, “Riley maybe you better...”
“I'll go.” Dawn says just as concerned if not more so than anybody about her older sister as she get's up.
“Are you sure?” Riley asks.
“Yeah. I think I know why she left like that. Don't worry about it. It's a sister thing.” Dawn says doing her best to play the situation down as she turns and heads off after her older sibling.
Dawn walks up the stairs and goes along the landing until she reaches the bathroom door.
She knocks on it a couple of times.
“Buffy.” Dawn says loud enough so that anybody listening downstairs can hear, “Are you ok in there?”
Dawn doesn't get an answer from inside which makes her more concerned as she tries to open the door only to find that it is locked and so she taps on it again only this time quieter and whispers through the door.
“Buffy let me in.” Dawn says.
“I'm fine.” Buffy snaps through the door.
“Just leave me alone Dawn.”
“I said let me in Buffy.” Dawn snaps back doing her best to keep her voice down, “Or else.”
Dawn leaves the threat in the air for a few moments before she hears the door being unlocked before it slowly opens. Once it's open Dawn slips inside the bathroom to find Buffy sitting on the toilet with both seats down and her head hung.
“Are you alright?” Dawn asks letting her concern into her voice as she looks down at her older sister.
Buffy lifts her head and looks at her younger sibling.
“What the hell do you think your playing at!” Buffy snaps doing her best to keep her voice down so nobody outside of the room can hear them.
“What do you mean?” Dawn asks having a gut feeling she knows what she means.
“I mean out there.” Buffy says gesturing to the door, “Telling everyone my previous lovers weren't good enough and then describing me as your… holiday thing.”
Dawn simply smiles.
“I was asked a series of questions and I answered them.” Dawn says matter of factly, “I thought you would have been pleased me telling your future mother and father in law how great I think your future husband is compared to your previous lovers.”
“I would have been if you had meant it.” Buffy snaps.
“Oh I meant what I said about your previous lovers." Dawn says, "Angel could never be with you, not really thanks to his curse, Parker was only interested in one thing and let's face it, Riley is just way too boring both out and I’m sure in the bedroom for you. Of course none of them ever really satisfied you in the bedroom did they? They all treated you way too nice. Ok, so every girl likes a little soft and gentle sex now and again, and you definitely liked it last night..."
"Dawn please stop..." a blushing Buffy tries to interrupt.
"When I made soft, gentle love to you, fucking you with my tongue until you just couldn't stop cumming in my mouth, but most of the time that isn't how you like to be treated is it?" Dawn continues forcefully, "You like being treated like a little whore, preferably by another girl. That's why Faith was almost perfect for you, if she hadn't basically been the female version of Parker, only worse because while he only used you once Faith used you over and over and over again and she never loved you like you loved her. To her you where just a slab of meat, a piece of ass which she used over and over and over again for her pleasure until she finally got bored of you and then she tossed you aside like an old broken toy and got herself a nice new fresh piece of meat.“
Buffy hangs her head hating to admit it but knowing deep down that what Dawn is telling her is the truth.
“Ok.” Buffy says a lot calmer, lifting her head and looking right at Dawn, “However what you said about Riley being better than them you didn’t mean did you?”
“Oh come on, you don't actually think I was talking about Riley do you?” Dawn asks.
Buffy doesn't answer.
"I was talking about me. I'm better than any of them, Riley included, because I can give you what you need. I can treat you like the little submissive slut you really are, fuck you better than anyone else ever could, but I'll do it because I love you and I want to give you what you need, I don't want to just use you like Faith did." Dawn says.
"You're not better." Buffy mumbles bitterly.
"Please, I so am and we both know it." Dawn says, "Don't even try and pretend there's any part of you that thinks Riley would be better for you than me."
Buffy shakes her head.
“Why do you hate Riley so much?” Buffy asks.
Dawn sniggers.
“I don’t hate him.” Dawn says honestly, “I just don’t like you being with him.”
“Why?” Buffy asks wanting to know.
“Look around you Buffy. At this house. What do you think of it?” Dawn asks.
Buffy looks around the room.
“It’s alright.” Buffy says not understanding the reason for her sister asking this question, “It’s nice-”
“It’s plain. There’s nothing special or unique about it it’s probably just like every other house on this street.” Dawn says interrupting her, “What do you think about your future mother and father in law?”
“Where are you going with this?” Buffy asks not understanding the question or what relevance it has to why Dawn doesn’t like Riley.
“Just answer the question.” Dawn tells her.
“They seem like nice people.” Buffy says after a brief silence, “What do you think of them?”
“I think Mr Finn is how Riley is going to be in a few years time and I think Mrs Finn is how you are going to end up if you marry Riley.” Dawn tells her honestly
“A happily married couple.” Buffy says.
“Mr Finn might be happy however I don’t think Mrs Finn is.” Dawn says, “I think Mrs Finn is just surviving, just doing what she has to to get by, walking through the motions... rather like you where when you first came back from heaven.“
Buffy just looks at her sister in shock and disbelief.
“Only Mrs Finn didn’t sacrifice herself for her younger sister and the world. Mr Finn broke her spirit.” Dawn continues on, “I can imagine Mrs Finn was once a very independent woman who lived life to the fullest didn’t let any man tell her what to do or anything like that.“
“You don’t know that for sure.” Buffy says for some reason able to see the same thing.
“It’s what I think and feel.” Dawn tells her, “And I am not going to let you end up like her.”
Buffy hangs her head and thinks about everything her sister has just told her.
“Ok.” Buffy says lifting her head once she has thought through it all, “Let’s just say for argument sake that your right. And Mrs Finn was like you described before she met Mr Finn and he did break her spirit or will. Riley wouldn’t do that to me.”
Dawn hangs her head unable to believe how blind her older sister is sometimes as she slowly lifts her head and looks at her older sibling.
“He’s already doing it to you.” Dawn says looking Buffy dead in the eye.
Buffy swallows hard.
“What are you talking about?” Buffy asks.
“Did you want to come here tonight?” Dawn asks her, “Did Riley ask you if you wanted to have dinner here tonight? An what about having the wedding here in Iowa did you want that as well? Did you want to leave nightly patrols to Spike?”
Buffy doesn’t say anything she just hangs her head not wanting to believe what her sister is saying to be the truth about Riley.
“Bit by bit Buffy Riley is changing you from the way you where to the way he wants you to be. He’s slowly turning you into Mrs Finn.” Dawn says not wanting to hurt her older sister but wanting her to see how wrong Riley is for her.
“He won’t be able to do it.” Buffy says defiantly.
“I just told you he’s already doing it.” Dawn snaps starting to feel as though she is talking to a brick wall
“No I mean… if what you say where true he won’t be able to continue doing it after the wedding I’ll be in Sunnydale and he’ll be off in some dark jungle hunting Big Bad’s.” Buffy says doing her best to convince her sister that she is wrong in what she says.
Dawn sniggers at Buffy’s logic.
“I just told you he’s changing you bit by bit. Whenever he get’s the chance to visit he’ll continue to change you subtly so subtly you won’t even realise it until it is too late by the time he leaves the army he’ll have you exacterly how he wants you.” Dawn says really believing what she is telling her older sibling.
Buffy looks at her sister unable to believe what she is hearing or what her sister is saying and yet she can tell from the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes that Dawn really does believe what she is saying and she really does feel it.
Dawn watches as Buffy once again hang her head causing Dawn to swallow hard due to her really not wanting to hurt her older sister and yet willing to do whatever it takes to make her see and realise the truth.
However right now she can tell that Buffy doesn’t need to hear any more of the truth in point of fact she needs a distraction which causes Dawn to smile due to her having the perfect distraction as she does her best to hide her smile.
“I took a look at the video camera.” Dawn says immediately getting Buffy’s attention as she slowly lifts her head and looks at Dawn, “There was nothing on it.”
Buffy swallows hard knowing where this is going.
“No footage of you doing what I had told you to do last night.” Dawn continues on, “I thought we had an understanding that if you didn’t do what I told you to do there would be serious consequences.”
Buffy looks at Dawn terrified as to what those consequences are going to be.
“Dawn.” Buffy says in a whisper, “Please.”
“I’m sorry Buffy.” Dawn says, “You give me no choice.”
And with that Dawn turns and heads for the door.
“No wait!” Buffy snaps getting up and getting in between Dawn and the door to the bathroom, “Ok I admit it I couldn’t record myself playing with myself or my ass like you told me.”
“Did you play with yourself and your ass despite not filming it?” Dawn asks her already knowing the answer.
“No.” Buffy says honestly, “But you can punish me another way. Please don’t tell Riley about me and Faith.”
Dawn smiles at Buffy as she takes a step back from both her sister and the door.
“I’m not going too.” Dawn says causing Buffy to frown in confusion due to her having been sure that that was what Dawn had intended to do, “That would be too merciful, too quick, and it wouldn't really be a fitting punishment.”
Buffy does her best to not show her relief even though she is relived she is also a tad worried as to what Dawn is going to have her do or how she is going to punish her instead of telling everybody her secret.
“However that doesn’t mean I won’t still tell them unless.” Dawn says intentionally pausing.
“Unless what?” Buffy asks swallowing hard.
“Unless you agree that I can punish you later tonight when we get back to the hotel. I can come to your hotel room and punish you however I see fit.” Dawn tells her.
Buffy swallows hard having hoped she could convince her younger sibling to punish her in a different way to telling Riley and the others her secret however hearing her sister say ‘however I see fit’ makes her nervous which she is sure is Dawn's intention.
“So do you agree to my terms or am I going to have to go downstairs and-” Dawn says.
“I agree.” Buffy says interrupting Dawn before she can finish her sentence.
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile again.
"I knew you'd see it my way... eventually." Dawn says as she begins to undo her pants.
"Wait Dawn... what are you doing?" Buffy asks nervously.
"Relax, I'm just getting something to help me with your punishment." Dawn says as she reaches into her pants, rummages around and pulls something out, "There... have you ever seen one of these before?"
"W... what are you doing caring around that?" Buffy asks in surprise.
"Well, I don't make a habit of it. I thought of this just as I was leaving and figured I'd get you alone at some point so I could teach you a lesson, which is exactly what this little thing is going to help me do." Dawn says, "Now, answer the question."
There's a pause and then Buffy admits, "Faith kept a couple in a box along with some other things but she said... they were a waste of time for me."
"Good girl." Dawn says with a smile, "Do you know what it's called?"
There's the briefest of pauses and then Buffy says, "Dawn, please... I can't..."
"You can and you will." Dawn snaps at her, before adding in a much softer tone, "Because you know what will happen if you don't. Now, what is this called?"
Buffy closes her eyes briefly, gulps and then replies, "It's called a butt plug."
"That's right, that's exactly what it's called." Dawn says, smiling widely, "And where do you think it goes? More to the point, where do you think it's going?"
Buffy blushes bright red and then in a voice barely above a whisper answers, "Up my butt."
"Right again." Dawn says, her smile becoming even wider, "Now, bend over the sink and stick your ass out."
Dawn feels a sudden urge to lick her lips as her big sister obeys her command, presenting her ass like a good little slave in training to her owner, who almost reaches out to touch what's on offer until a wicked thought crosses her mind.
"I just thought of something." Dawn announces, "I was going to just pull your skirt up and your panties down and have some fun with your hot ass... but I think it would be more fun if you were completely naked so why don't you strip for me first and then bend back over the sink."
This time Dawn does lick her lips as her older sister quickly strips in front of her and gets back in position, Buffy is obviously in a hurry to get this over with, not that Dawn can blame her considering Riley, his family and their friends are all still waiting for them downstairs.
Once her sibling is naked and bent over the sink Dawn licks her lips again as her eyes focus on Buffy's tight ass, the slayer gasps softly as Dawn reaches out to give her butt a firm squeeze followed by a shameless groping it.
After putting the plug down on the sink next to one of Buffy's hands Dawn grabs a second handful of her sister's rear and starts shamelessly groping it like she was a butcher testing out just how succulent a fresh piece of meat was. In that analogy Buffy's ass is a grade A cut of the finest pieces of ass meat Dawn has ever had the pleasure of sampling and she can't wait to savour every moment of enjoying it.
"Has anyone ever told you you have a great butt?" Dawn asks lustfully after a couple of minutes of greedy butt fondling.
"Yes." Buffy replies quietly.
"Well they were all selling your butt short, it's so beyond great, it's perfect." Dawn says, completely lost in her lust, "I used to spend hours stealing glances at it, staring at it, imagined fucking it and now it's mine, all mine."
Dawn knows she's far from objective considering she's spent all of her life lusting after her but Dawn truly means everything she just said. To her Buffy's ass is perfect, which is why she finds it understandable to spend several more minutes just enjoying filling up those tight cheeks she has fantasized about for so long, but she can tell from Buffy's whimperings that her big sister is feeling a little uncomfortable so to make sure she doesn't have an unnecessary freak out again Dawn decides to move on with her little plan.
"I used to lie awake at night wondering if you were still an anal virgin." Dawn admits softly into Buffy's ear, "It was stupid. I knew it was, but I liked to dream you still were because taking your anal virgin was pretty much my ultimate fantasy. To be the first to fuck you there, in such an intimate and forbidden place, mmmmmm, oh I came so hard every time I mentioned popping your anal cherry. In my dreams I did it in so many different way, but in my absolute favourite you would come into my room carrying a strap on, confess you were crazy about me and wanted to be mine, and then you would hand me the dildo, strip naked, get on all fours on my bed and then spread your ass cheeks wide and beg me to take your anal cherry so you could be my bitch forever."
Dawn pauses to let it sink in for a second.
"Stupid right? Yeah, it was stupid. It was stupid to think Faith wouldn't have been gaping your hot little ass the first chance she got. Hell, it was hard to believe that she wouldn't have been balls deep in your butt, but for some stupid reason I kept convincing myself you still had your back door cherry just waiting for me to take it. That was until I saw those picture of you taking Faith's big strap on up your butt like a giant anal whore or that one picture of your gaping ass hole showing off your insides like Faith had been ass fucking you with a truck." Dawn says in a weird mix of jealousy and lust, "I hated Faith more than I hated anyone when I first saw those pictures. It wasn't enough she had to be your first lesbian experience she had to take your anal cherry as well. That should have been mine. You should have been mine."
Dawn sighs, letting her pent-up anger and jealousy wash away from her, at least for the moment.
"For a while I even blamed you for not saving yourself for me, for not at the very least keeping some shred of your uptight nature by refusing to let Faith ass fuck you but then I realise it was my fault. I should have made a move on you years ago, claimed you and your ass hole long before Faith got the chance to turn it into her cock depository. Besides, it would have been a crime to let you go this long without getting your tight little ass thoroughly fucked so really I should be grateful to Faith for giving this ass what it so obviously needs and stretching you out to get nice and ready to become my little anal whore." Dawn nips at Buffy's neck, squeezing a half whimper, half moan out of her sister, "It's isn't like I could stay mad at you or Faith for long, especially not after frantically masturbating to those pictures, but now we're going to do a little rewriting of history and pretend, just for now, that you still have you back door cherry intact and waiting for me to take it."
Only letting go of one of Buffy's butt cheeks Dawn quickly brings her free hand up to her mouth and suck on one of the fingers before putting it directly in front of her sister's face.
"You see this? This isn't my finger, it's my strap on. It's that big strap on dildo you saw back in my room, and in just one moment I'm going to use it to pop your anal cherry, but first you're going to reach back, spread your ass cheeks and beg your little sister to fuck you up the butt for the very first time." Dawn says, obviously more excited than she's ever been before in her life.
Buffy's face first goes white and then red as she is filled with horror and embarrassment about what she must do and for a few seconds she just stays where she is but just before Dawn is about to warn her about disobeying her the slayer slowly pressed her face against the cold glass of the mirror in front of her, reaches back with both hands and spreads her ass wide-open, exposing her 'virgin' back hole.
"Good." Dawn says, practically drooling at the sight before her as she presses her saliva covered finger against her older sister's vulnerable little butt hole, "Now beg. I want to hear my big sister beg me, her little sister, to take her anal cherry."
Buffy closes her eyes, gulps and mumbles, "Plea... please Dawnie... fuc... fuck my ass..."
"Your virgin ass." Dawn corrects.
"My virgin ass... fuck my virgin ass... take... take my anal cherry..." Buffy whispers.
"Say it like you mean it." Dawn orders.
"Please Dawn... fuck me, fuck my virgin ass. Fuck your big sister's virgin ass." Buffy says, trying to be quiet but also trying to sound like she means it, and succeeding more than she would have liked, "Your big sister wants to be your bitch Dawnie. Butt fuck your big sister and make her your bitch. It's... it's what you've always wanted... what we've both always wanted, so please Dawnie, make me your bitch. Fuck me up the ass and turn me into your bitch. Push your big strap on cock through my tight little virgin ass hole and take my anal virginity. Pop your big sister's back door cherry Dawnie. Take my anal cherry and... oh... Dawnie..."
Buffy's begging slowly trails off into gentle whimpers as she feels the pressure against her little puckered rosebud increase until her ass hole slowly begins to open up for her little sister's finger.
During the begging Dawn had closed her eyes and imagined herself in her favourite dream scenario, her big sister face down and ass up on her bed, spreading her butt cheeks and begging for her as Dawn knelt behind her, a nice big strap on pressed against her older sister's 'virgin' butt hole.
Part of Dawn remains in the fantasy for what comes next, but she opens her eyes and tries to stay mostly in reality, not wanting to miss a moment of what is about to happen, which is something she has dreamed about for so long and is going to be such a special moment that she wants to treasure it for the rest of her life... the first time she enters her big sister's ass hole.
There will be many, many more times, Dawn will make absolutely sure of that, but she knows this moment will always be special. And it will.
Buffy gasps and then whimpers as her baby sister violates her back hole, while at the same time Dawn gasps, moans and then shoves her finger as deep into her big sister's butt as it can go, causing both sisters to gasp and whimper/moan again.
"Oh. My. God." Dawn groans lustfully into Buffy's ear, "Your so... so tight. How the hell are you this tight? I've fingered the asses of 16 year old virgin girls who never even kissed anyone before and they weren't even this tight. Seriously, how is your ass this tight? Especially after all those nasty things Faith did to it?"
Not for the first time this week, or the first time since she stepped into the bathroom, Buffy wishes she could literally die from embarrassment just to end her humiliation, but it doesn't seem the world is that merciful and, believing that Dawn will force the truth out of her anyway she tells her little sister one of her most embarrassing secrets.
"My... my slayer heeling..." Buffy says, tears of humiliation beginning to flow, "It... it heals me... back there..."
More tears flow from Buffy's eyes, which she wishes she hadn't opened again, as she sees Dawn's mouth hung open for a few seconds before her eyes seem to burn with pure lust.
"You mean... you mean your slayer heeling heals your ass hole? As in it makes your ass hole as good as new? Like virgin tight?" Dawn asks in disbelief.
Buffy's soft whimper as a response sounds deafening under the circumstances.
For a few seconds Dawn just stares at Buffy with her mouth slightly open and then Dawn briefly opens and closes her eyes, a lot of pure joy crossing her face as if she's just had an orgasm.
"Oh... oh my... you're... you're so beyond perfect..." Dawn says, struggling to find the right words to convey what she's feeling, "I mean, I've dreamed of making you mine for so long, and in all my dreams you've been perfect, but... wow..."
As her baby sister salivates over this news Buffy whimpers, not just from what Dawn is saying but from the feelings of her little sister's finger beginning to slowly slid in and out of her rectum, the mighty vampire slayer struggling to keep the pleasure from her voice as her neglected back door was pleasured for the first time in what feels like forever.
It had been so, so long... not that Buffy had missed it, or that she was enjoying it now... she is only moaning because her clit was bashing against the basin, not because she has something in her butt again, and especially not because the thing just happens to be her little sister's finger.
"I love butt fucking... I've always loved butt fucking." Dawn says, waking Buffy from her thoughts before she done quickly adds, "Giving, not receiving. I love fucking butt. And I'm good at it too. You can just ask all the blonde girls I've ass fucked, while imagining they were you are of course. All of them said I was made for butt fucking, as in I was made to fuck butt. And you, you were clearly made for butt fucking too. Differences is I was clearly made to fuck butt, you were clearly made to take it in your butt. You were clearly made to take a nice big fat dick up your butt every single moment you are not slaying... and hey, wouldn't it be funny if that was supposed to be your other job? You could be Buffy the vampire slayer by night, and Buffy the insatiable anal whore by day. Hell, you wanted to settle down right, so why don't you quit being the slayer so you can concentrate on your true calling in life, getting fucked up the ass like the insatiable anal whore you are!"
At this point Buffy has her mouth pressed against her right hand which is in turn pressed against the glass of the mirror, the humiliated slayer desperately tries to keep her whimpers and moans quiet as her own sister whispers such filth into her ears while frantically pounds her ass with her finger.
With what seems like every passing moment Dawn's finger has been moving faster through Buffy's bowels, it somehow becoming even worse when Dawn starts randomly twirling and curling her finger around inside Buffy's back passage, and when a second finger is added a tear rundown Buffy's cheek as she can no longer deny she is enjoying being anally finger fucked by her baby sister, which is sadly only the latest in a long line prevented and humiliating facts the blonde slayer has had to acknowledge so far this week.
"Are you on imagining it anal whore? Are you imagining your little sister's strap on dick pounding your ass?" Dawn asks as she starts finger fucking her sister's ass even harder, "Remember? It's my favourite fantasy. Me taking your anal cherry... and that's exactly what I've done. You came in here, into my bedroom, told me you loved me in more than just a sisterly way and you wanted to be my bitch, so you handed me a strap on, bent over, spread your ass cheeks and begged me to take your anal cherry, then I did it, strapping on the fake dick and slowly pushing it into your ass, taking your anal cherry and making you mine forever. And now I'm butt fucking you, my own sister. I started slow, stretched my sister's shit pipe for a bit, making you nice and loose so that I can give you a nice rough butt pounding, which is exactly what I'm doing now. I'm pounding your butt, pounding my big sister's butt with my strap on cock, making her my bitch, making you my bitch!"
For a few moments after she's done talking Dawn finds herself completely lost in her fantasy world in which she is butt fucking her older sister, the only difference between this time and all those other times is that now she is really butt fucking her older sister, only with her fingers which she thinks to herself sadly as she slowly comes out of her fantasy world just isn't as much fun as if she was butt fucking her big sister with her strap on, it doesn't even feel like a real butt fucking to her considering she can't go as hard or as deep into Buffy's ass like she has always dreamed, but the sensations of feeling her sister's super vicelike grip on her fingers almost makes up for that fact. Still, Dawn finds herself longing for the moment in which she will make her fantasies a reality as she stuffs a strap on deep into her sister's ass, a moment Dawn promise herself won’t be far off.
Despite desperately trying not to Buffy can't help imagine the scenario Dawn has described like it is happening before her clear as day, like she has willingly spread her cheeks for her little sister and offered her her anal cherry, little Dawnie eagerly taking it and then fucking the hell out of her ass with a giant strap on.
Of course in reality there is no strap on, but it's not here and now, and compared to Faith's strap on Dawn's fingers are easy to take. They don't provide the same amount of pleasure as Faith's strap on had on all those many, many occasions Buffy's fellow slayer has sodomised her, but the anal finger fucking had become so strong that with every thrust of Dawn's fingers Buffy's clit is bashing against the sink, the double stimulation rising to the point where Buffy can't deny it, and is now to the point where the slayer is beginning to feel a powerful orgasm building inside her, the sensations building, and building, and building, until...
All of a sudden Buffy finds herself whimpering again, but this time not in pleasure or humiliation but in disappointment as Dawn's fingers suddenly slow down to the point where they are barely moving at all.
"I know, I know, I hate this too, I want to butt fucking you to climax so bad, but I can't because you've been bad, what kind of top would it be if I fucked you to climax after you've been bad?" Dawn asks, fighting to smile as she hears her sister whimper from the slowdown of the incestuous anal fun, "If Faith did that then she was a lousy top for you and I have no problem with denying you pleasure to keep you in line."
With that Dawn pulls her fingers all the way out of Buffy's ass, quickly grabs the butt plug and positions it at her big sister's slightly loosened back hole.
"Don't get me wrong..." Dawn says as she slowly begins to insert the plug, watching lustfully as her sister's shit hole slowly stretches open to accept the little toy, "I would love to fist your ass or maybe see what we can find around this dump to shove up your dumper but we're going to have to take a rain check on serious anal fun until you've been properly disciplined."
A soft gasp escapes Buffy's lips as she feels her ass hole closing round the plug, at the same time a half giggle, half moan escapes from Dawn's lips as she watches her sister's ass swallowing her sex toy.
"Ok, that plug looks good and buried in your ass." Dawn says, slapping Buffy's ass playfully, "Now turn around, I want to look into your eyes for a second."
Eager to get out of her current position Buffy turns around, but has problems looking her sister in the eyes when she sees the lust burning in them.
"Buffy, look at me." Dawn commands firmly, waiting until her sister to obeys before continuing, "All that anal fun has got me seriously hot, and while I'm so horny I could probably just cum from rubbing my pussy against your hot ass, but I can't help think that would be a waste, especially considering just how talented that mouth of yours is."
"Dawn..." Buffy tries to protest.
"I know, we don't have much time." Dawn says, interrupting her sister, "We've been up here ages already so it's just a matter of time until your fiancée or his family or our friends come looking for us... which is why you're going to work so hard to get me off quick."
As she's speaking Dawn pulls down her pants and panties, steps out of them and then sits down on the toilet and spreads her legs.
"Come on, it's not like it's going to take much. I mean considering fucking my big sister up her ass has me practically creaming myself already it should only take a few licks before I'm cumming in your mouth." Dawn giggles.
Buffy blushes at Dawn's comment but, understanding her baby sister won't take no for an answer she falls to her knees and quickly buries her face in her little sister's snatch.
"Oh my God!" Dawn cries out as softly as possible, "Oh... oh that feels so good... keep... oh, oh yes, that's it, fuck me with your tongue. Fuck your baby sister with your tongue. Tongue fuck your baby sister as hard as you can!"
Closing her eyes tight Buffy desperately tries to ignore Dawn's words, and the fact that this is her little sister's twat she is eating out, and concentrate on making the pussy in front of her cream.
Luckily it doesn’t seem like it is going to be difficult giving that Dawn hadn't been lying about being practically ready to cream herself as she is dripping wet.
The last time Buffy had started licking a pussy this wet it had been Faith's after the last time the dark haired slayer had finished pounding her ass, a not at all uncommon occurrence as Faith had always been quite fond of some after fucking head, normally for both her strap on and her pussy, and that time, just like all the other times Faith had been that wet, it hadn't take long for Buffy to make her fellow slayer cum in her mouth.
Seeing a way she could make this easier on herself Buffy begins focusing on her memories of Faith, imagining she is hearing her former lover's moans as she roughly thrusts her tongue in and out of the wet hole in front of her.
Momentarily convincing herself of what she is choosing to believe Buffy redoubles her efforts on tongue fucking the pussy before her, her mouth clamping tightly around the twat so she can suck it and swallow down the sweet juices flowing from her hole.
The problem is that even though she can imagine it's Faith she's doing this to for a little while Buffy's mind will not allow her to believe this lie for long, and the terrifying thing is when she returns to reality she is not as disgusted with herself as she should be, and perhaps even finds Dawn's juices taste even sweeter as she clearly remembers there the juices of her own sister.
Meanwhile Dawn certainly isn't trying to convince herself it isn't her big sister in between her thighs, in fact who's tongue fucking her is the best part of the whole experience, and that's really saying something.
True to her word Dawn feels herself approaching climax shortly after her older sister starts eating her pussy, and while Dawn would have liked to hold herself off so she could savour the heavenly pleasure she is receiving she knows she can't. They've spent too much time in the bathroom already, and truth be told she probably shouldn't have even made Buffy do this, but Dawn couldn't help it, playing with her big sister's butt had got her all hot and bothered and she needs to cum.
Knowing she needs to go over the edge fast Dawn increases her stimulation first by reaching one hand under her top, and then under her bra, so she can roughly cup one of her tits and tweak one of her nipples while she uses her other hand to push Buffy's face deeper into her twat. Quickly after that Dawn begins thrusting her hips upwards while pushing Buffy's head downwards, fucking her older sister's face with her pussy. Rather than putting Buffy off and making her freak out as Dawn partly feared the slayer seems to adapt quickly and easily, timing the thrusts with Dawn's movements so her tongue goes as deep into the brunette as possible with every thrust. Regardless whether this is a result of Faith's influence or Buffy wanting to get this over with so they can get away or a combination of both is a little hard for Dawn to tell, but it's also hard to care as Dawn feels herself getting closer and closer to that oh so wonderful edge right before orgasm.
Seconds away from her climax Dawn searches for something to send her over the edge in a big way. She could try saying something but Dawn knows she can't trust herself to be quiet enough as it is taking every ounce of will power she has not to scream out in ecstasy as a result of Buffy's thrusting tongue. Another option could be if she could just get at her other nipple but she needs that hand for grinding Buffy's head up and down. Alternatively Dawn could fuck her big sister's face a little harder, but any harder than the current speed and she would probably break the toilet, and she doesn't want to try explaining that to the Finns.
Just as she literally reaches the edge Dawn turns her eyes away from the blonde head between her legs to the mirror, and in its reflection she sees Buffy's ass, the little plug she had firmly inserted into her big sister's back door still sticking out from between her cheeks, that little sign of Buffy's submission combed with the thoughts of what she has planned for her own sister's rear combed to give Dawn that little extra boost over the finish line that results in her quickly being brought about climax rocking through her body almost as hard as if she had been fucking for hours.
As Dawn is concentrating on muffling her screams with her hand as her eyes roll on the back of her head and her body shakes almost hard enough to break the toilet Buffy is swallowing down her sister's cum for three reasons, the first reason being she wants to try and avoid Dawnie's juices staining her top, the second reason is she figures it's what Dawn wants anyway, and to her shame the third reason she simply wants to because it tastes so good.
Even while fully aware she's going down on her little sister Buffy can't deny how delicious Dawn's pussy juice is, and when her baby sister's cum floods her mouth she can't stop herself from greedily swallowing every last drop of this little climax.
Sadly knowing she doesn't have time to allow Buffy to bring her to another orgasm Dawn pushes her elder sibling's head away from her pussy and smiles down at her.
"Stay there a second." Dawn says, standing up and then walking around so she's now behind her sister, "Ok, now get up and kneel on the toilet. I want your plugged ass on display for me while I make myself look presentable."
Buffy grit her teeth momentarily but does as she's told, awkwardly kneeling on the toilet seat while grabbing on to the wall behind it for balance so she could present her plugged ass to her sister.
Dawn smiles at Buffy's obedience as she slowly pulls her pants and panties up before checking her appearance in the mirror. All things considered she looks pretty good considering what they've just been doing, then again it wasn't her face that had been buried deep in pussy. Buffy is definitely going to need a little more time to make herself presentable, time Dawn has no problem in giving her.
"Mmmmmm, your plugged ass is so pretty. I could play with it all day, but unfortunately we have a boring dinner to get back too, the only highlight of which will probably be me continuing to imagine what I'm going to do to you... and the knowledge that you'll be sitting there with a plug up your ass." Dawn grins as she can practically feel the horror on Buffy's face, "What, you didn't think I was going to let you take it out did you? I mean hello, it's meant to be a punishment, and considering your behaviour you should be grateful I picked a nice small one. I could have made you sit through dinner with my 12 inch strap on up your butt, maybe even while it was still strapped around my waist. So stop whining and listen very carefully. In a second I'm going to leave and then, and only then, will you be allowed to get up and try and make yourself presentable. Whenever you're finished I want you to wait a couple more minutes and then come down so we can get through this boring dinner. When it's finally over and we're back at the hotel you will wait for me in your room. If the plug doesn't stay in your butt the entire time you will be severely punished, even worse than you're already going to be. And don't even think about taking it out and putting it back in, because I'll know if you do."
Dawn lets her words hang in the air for a moment before she heads to the door.
“See you downstairs.” Dawn says, opening the door just enough for her to slip outside and close it behind her.
Dawn then heads for the stairs, running into Riley as he reaches the top of them.
“Riley!” Dawn says loudly, hoping to let her sister know that her boring husband to be is here, “What are you doing here?”
“I just came up to check on you two.” Riley says, “You where both taking so long I was worried something was wrong.”
“Nothing's wrong.” Dawn shrugs, "Me and Buffy just needed a little sister to sister chat.”
“What about?” Riley asks her not wanting to pry and yet unable to help his curiosity.
“Just... sister stuff." Dawn says with a grin.
Part of her so badly wants to tell him what they were really doing, that she shoved a butt plug up Buffy's ass and then made her own sister go down on her and that when they get back to the hotel to punish and dominate his bride to be, that she is blackmailing her big sister into being her sex slave, and all this is happening because she wants Buffy for herself, she's always wanted her and she'll now do anything to get her. She's going to steal her away from him. She's going to steal his bride to be right from under his nose and give her what she needs, what he could never give her, and there's not a thing he can do to stop her.
Of course Dawn doesn't say any of that, instead she simply adds, "Buffy was just upset I didn't tell her I was dating someone. See, she's been worried about losing touch with her family and friends after she gets married, so when she found out I didn't come to her first about my love life she freaked out a little. We're pretty much the only family we've got now. It's just me and her, and she's right, we should talk more, get closer, you know? That's why we're going to spend as much time as possible with each other this week, in between the wedding stuff she has to do with you of course."
"Oh, that's nice." Riley says with a nod, "Always thought family was important. You and Buffy should try and be as close as possible."
"Oh I have a feeling that by the end of the week me and Buffy are going to be as close as two sisters can possibly be." Dawn grins as she walks past Riley down the stairs, stopping halfway down to look back at him, "Buffy said she... needs a minute, so why don't we go down stairs and wait for her there?"
“Ok.” Riley says with a nod, before following Dawn down the stairs.
“Riley.” Dawn says with a smirk on her face as they reached the bottom of the stairs.
Riley stops and turns to face his future sister in law.
“Thanks.” Dawn says to him her smirk turning into a smile.
Riley frowns at this, “For what?”
“For asking Buffy to marry you. If you hadn't I... I don't think I would have ever had the courage to go after what I really wanted, you know?” Dawn asks him with a smile.
"Er... not really." Riley says.
"Oh, I just mean watching you and Buffy coming together in marriage really motivated me." Dawn says, choosing her words carefully, "I mean if you and Buffy can go after what you really want why can't I?"
"Oh, I see what you mean." Riley says, a smile returning to his face, "You're right kid, and I hope you end up as happy as me and your sister."
"Hopefully even happier." Dawn says sweetly.
Riley nods and smiles, totally unaware Dawn is currently thinking about just how satisfying it is going to be stealing his fiancée/her sister right from under his nose.
When she heard Riley's voice outside Buffy had rushed to make herself presentable again.
Pulling her pants and panties up had been the easy part, washing her face, re-applying her makeup and removing any stray bit of her little sister's cream from herself proved more of a challenge. Luckily from the sounds of it Dawn was able to talk Riley into leaving, even if she did make Buffy blush horribly in the process.
Buffy's blushing problem has only just begun though, a fact the slayer realises when she finally decides she looks presentable enough to try and leave the bathroom and she tries to head to the door.
While standing still and worrying about her appearance Buffy had forgotten all about the plug in her ass, but she quickly remembered it as she starts to move. It isn't painful but it is an uncomfortably weird feeling which reminds Buffy of her situation which of course makes her blush furiously.
Buffy considers removing the plug, but decides against it as while she isn't sure how Dawn would know weather she removed the butt plug or not she is afraid to take the risk. True, her little sister is already intent on punishing her, but if Buffy did remove the plug and Dawn somehow realises it during dinner she might get mad and expose her secret in front of everyone, and even if she didn't Buffy isn't sure she wants to give her baby sister anymore reasons to punish her.
So Buffy leaves the plug up her butt and finally exits the bathroom, desperately concentrating on walking normally as she makes her way down the stairs and back to the table. As she does this Buffy thinks how strange it is that right now she's more afraid of what her little sister might do to her then any daemon or vampire she can remember, but then again the situation is so totally different. A daemon or a vampire she could fight, but she is helpless against Dawn, and the worst part of it is that being helpless to her own little sister doesn't horrify her as much as it should do.
As she approaches the dinner table Buffy hears the sound of laughter, hearing this sound causes her blush to come back with a vengeance as she imagines Dawn telling everyone everything and they are now laughing at her. It is an incredibly unlikely scenario, but still a paranoid part of Buffy still believes it right up to the point where everyone turns to look at her and smiles at her.
“Hey.” Riley says as he watches Buffy pull out her chair and slowly sit down.
“Hey.” Buffy says back to him doing her best to smile and not grimace at the feeling of pain and discomfort of forcing the plug deeper into her ass as a result of sitting down, “Sorry about leaving the table so abruptly I just...”
“It’s alright.” Riley says interrupting her, “Dawn explained everything.”
Buffy looks across the table at her smiling sister.
“She did?” Buffy asks keeping her focus on Dawn.
“Yeah.” Dawn says loving the look on her older sister’s face, I told them how you where upset that I hadn’t told you about the new person in my life before I told these guys.”
Buffy swallows hard relived at what she has just heard.
“Oh.” Buffy says breathing a heavy sigh of relief, “Yeah… I was.”
“But everything is cool now isn’t it Buffy.” Dawn says staring into her older sister’s eyes.
“Yeah.” Buffy says nodding her head, “Everything is cool.”
With that the rest of the evening goes on as if nothing happened. Buffy tries her best to concentrate on talking to the people around her and not on the plug still in her ass, but it is a constant reminder of what her own sister has done to her, and what she is still planning to do to her, and as these thoughts echo through her mind Buffy finds herself struggling to keep from blushing. Several times throughout the night she is asked if she is ok, which of course only makes her blush more as she desperately tries to act like everything is fine. It doesn't help that every so often Buffy finds herself glancing across the table at her younger sister who every time she does looks at her and smiles an ear to ear smile at her which causes Buffy to swallow hard, knowing that Dawn is thinking about the punishment she is going to give her.
Buffy sits back down on the bottom of her bed for the hundredth time and looks over at her clock on the bedside table to see what the time is. It is 5 minutes to midnight.
The slayer slowly turns her attention from the clock to the floor in front of her and then slowly turns to look at her hotel room door having spent the last almost three hours in her hotel room waiting for Dawn to arrive to give her her punishment. Buffy wishes her younger sister would hurry up and get here due to the fact that the waiting is killing her and she is sure that Dawn knows this and that is why she hasn’t arrived yet because she wants to torture her by making her wait.
Unable to remain seated any longer Buffy once again get’s to her feet and starts to pace around the room the only sound that can be heard is her footsteps as she walks around from one side of the room to the other.
As she walks around Buffy grimaces for what has to be like the millionth time at the feeling of the plug in her butt. The feelings are no longer painful, just a little weird, perhaps even a little enjoyable, which might just be the worst thing about it. Part of her actually liked being forced to wear a butt plug given to her by her little sister, a fact which makes Buffy want to not only blush but cry. She luckily managed to avoid crying at the dinner table, but to have to sit there with a toy in her ass which had been put there by her baby sister while she was surrounded by her friends and her fiancee's family, trying to talk to them like everything was normal when she couldn't stop thinking about what her little sister was doing to her, and Dawn grinning at her nearly the whole time meant that it was an incredible struggle.
Buffy laughs bitterly despite herself as she realises even with all the perverted things Faith had done to her when they were together, and the things Dawn has done to her in private, and still promises to do to her, that family dinner was the most humiliating experience of her life, an experience that Dawn could not only forced her to repeat but make it even worse if she so chooses.
All of a sudden Buffy hears a tapping which causes her to stop as she looks over at her hotel room door wondering if that is really somebody knocking on her hotel room door or just her imagination starting to play tricks on her.
Buffy hears the tapping again only this time a little louder, letting Buffy know that it is defiantly somebody knocking on her hotel room door. She starts to run over to the other side of the room however halfway to the door Buffy stops and realises what she is doing she is rushing to answer the door knowing that the person on the other side of the door is Dawn who intends on punishing her somehow so basically she is rushing to get punished.
This causes Buffy to immediately stop where she is take a few deep breaths to try and regain her composure and once she is back in control of herself she slowly walks the rest of the way to the door and opens it to find her sister still wearing the same outfit she wore to the family dinner at the Finn house only now she is carrying a large black bag with her.
“Hi Buffy.” Dawn says smiling at her older sister able to see from the look on Buffy’s face and in her eyes that she has been waiting for this due to her looking rather relived that it is her.
“Hi Dawn.” Buffy says doing her best to smile back although she isn't as interested in her younger sibling as she is the bag she has brought with her.
“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” Dawn asks after a minute or two of the two sister’s simply looking at one and other.
Buffy quickly realises that Dawn is still standing in the hallway.
“I’m sorry.” Buffy says smiling a small rather embarrassed smile, “Please come in.”
Buffy steps aside and allows Dawn to enter her hotel room which she does.
Once Dawn is inside her hotel room Buffy looks up and down both sides of the corridor just to make sure nobody is watching them or has seen Dawn enter her hotel room due to the time etc. Satisfied nobody is watching them or has seen Dawn arrive Buffy shuts the door and turns around to find Dawn standing in the middle of her room with the black bag at her feet looking at her with an ear to ear smile on her face.
“Worried somebody might have seen me come here?” Dawn asks having watched Buffy check up and down the corridor.
“Well it is very late Dawn.” Buffy says doing her best to explain herself or rather give reasons why she was checking to make sure nobody saw her come to her hotel room.
“Yes but you forget Buffy the only people on this floor are members of Riley’s family, not to mention Riley himself, and they all know that we’re sister’s so if they had seen me despite how late it is I very much doubt they would have spent along time wondering why I was coming to see you.” Dawn says to her.
Buffy decides rather than argue or continue this conversation it is best if she just moves on and so she turns her attention to the black bag at her sister’s feet.
“What’s in the bag?” Buffy asks turning her attention from the bag to her sister again.
Dawn simply smiles.
“Things I am going to need in order for me to punish you. The first of which being...” Dawn says as she bends down and reaches into the bag with both hands and pulls out the video camera Buffy had returned to her earlier that morning, “This.”
Buffy swallows hard having a gut feeling she knows what Dawn intends on doing with the video camera however hoping that she is wrong.
“Now where did you put this when you came back to your hotel room after our last time together?” Dawn asks before Buffy can open her mouth and ask her how she plans on using the object in her hands.
“On the dressing table.” Buffy answers.
Dawn turns and looks over at the dressing table and immediately notices how the video camera would have been in the ideal position for it to have filmed Buffy doing what she had wanted to her to do the night before had she gone through with her instructions.
“That’s interesting.” Dawn says turning her attention back to her older sister.
“What is?” Buffy asks curiously.
“You put the video camera down in the perfect place for it to film you playing with yourself and your ass hole and yet you didn’t do it.” Dawn says, “Why not put it on the bedside table or somewhere other than on the dressing table?”
Buffy looks at her sister a little shocked by the question and what she is suggesting.
“Are you trying to suggest that I actually wanted to go through with what you wanted me to do last night?” Buffy asks in disbelief.
“That is exacterly what I am suggesting Buffy.” Dawn says to her, “I think that when you first came into this room there was apart of you that actually wanted to film yourself while you did what I had instructed you to do weather it was consciously or subconsciously I think you knew that putting the video camera on the dressing table was the best place for you to film yourself for me. Unfortunately instead of getting straight to it and turning the video camera on, getting undressed and playing with yourself you allowed your… conscience to get in the way and you allowed your conscience to convince yourself that you couldn’t play with yourself while being filmed.”
Buffy looks at Dawn not wanting to and yet unable to stop herself from wondering if what her younger sibling has just said is true and as she thinks about it she looks around the room to see if there are or where any other better locations for her to put the video camera had she actually wanted to go through with what Dawn had wanted her to do and after looking the room over she knows that the best place and really the only place for her to put the video camera where it would be in a good position to film her playing with herself and her ass was the dressing table. This causes questions to start going around and around in Buffy’s head, like did she put it there consciously or subconsciously knowing that it was the best place for it to be for her to film herself? Did she put it there with the intention of filming herself? Or did she just put it there until she had decided weather or not she was going to film herself?
“Well tonight Buffy, this little beauty is going to film you." Dawn says causing her big sister to come out of her thoughts and look over towards the dressing table where Dawn now is putting the video camera down onto it, "Only it isn’t going to film you playing with yourself or your ass it’s going to film you getting punished for not filming yourself playing with your pussy and ass.“
As she is saying this Dawn tries to position the video camera so that the angle is just right. Once Dawn is happy with the position she presses the turn on button and then presses the record button and once she is sure that it is recording Dawn walks over to the bottom of the bed and sits down on it. She then turns her head and looks over at Buffy who is watching her like a hawk.
“Come over here and lay down across my lap Buffy.” Dawn orders.
Buffy swallows hard knowing that the video camera is now recording everything that is being said and done due to there being a little red light which is blinking on top of the video camera to show that it is recording. After a couple of seconds of thinking about it Buffy slowly walks over to where her younger sister is sitting and when she reaches her she lays face down across her sister’s lap.
Dawn smiles loving the fact that her older sister is no longer resisting her nor has she seen thus far any desire to resist in her older sister’s face or eyes causing her to think maybe Buffy is finally realising who exacterly is in control.
She quickly ignores this thought as she turns her attention to her older siblings clothed backside which she quickly uncovers by pulling Buffy’s bottoms down until they are around her ankles and doing the same with her underwear.
"Mmmmm, did I mention what a gorgeous ass you have?" Dawn giggles, both sisters remembering the earlier conversation as the younger sister spreads her older sister's ass cheeks, exposing the butt plug still buried between them, "Did you keep the plug up your ass like I told you too?"
"Yes." Buffy says softly after a brief pause which tells her she is meant to answer this question.
"Mm, I'm not sure you're telling the truth." Dawn says, pretending to be suspicious.
"I am Dawnie I swear." Buffy says in quick desperation, mixed with a little anger and frustration, "I kept that stupid plug in my ass the whole time just like you told me too, and you know it, it's why you spent the whole of dinner grinning at me."
"Not all of dinner." Dawn protests, "I spent plenty of time eating, and talking, and fooling around with you in your fiancee's parents's bathroom, but you're right about one thing, I'm pretty sure you kept the plug nice and deep in your ass, but since I really can't be 100% sure I'm going to give you just a little more punishment, with a little more still for your back talk, which I'm getting pretty sick of by the way."
Dawn pauses, giving Buffy a chance to back talk but her older sister wisely decides against it.
"Of course I was planning on giving you a pretty rough spanking anyway so it's going to be hard for me to make it worse, but I'm sure I'll think of something." Dawn says, "But before we get to that though there is just one more thing, your cute little butt plug. It looks so sexy stuffing your little back door, but if I leave it in every time I spank you your butt hole is going to clamp down on it."
Buffy cries out as Dawn’s hand suddenly connect with her exposed backside, her ass hole clamping down painfully on the plug inside it just as Dawn had promised.
"See?" Dawn giggles, "That isn't pleasant is it? Then again this is a punishment, so it's not supposed to be, so maybe I should leave it in, although if I leave it in it will help prepare your little ass hole for later, so I guess you'll suffer either way... in which case why don't you choose? Leave the plug in your butt, or take it out?"
That plug has been nothing but a source of pain and embarrassment for Buffy so the slayer doesn't even take a second to answer, "Take it out."
"Are you sure? You're only making things harder on yourself later." Dawn says.
"I'm sure." Buffy says firmly.
"Ok." Dawn says, gripping on to the plug and slowly pulling it out of Buffy's ass, Dawn grins to herself as she hears her big sister gasp and then whimper as she pulls the plug out.
"MMMMMMM." Dawn moans loudly as she takes the plug fresh from her sister's butt into her mouth and sucks on it noisily, thoroughly cleaning it before carelessly tossing it aside, "Yummy, now let's begin."
Buffy grimaces at what her baby sister has just done before she cries out in pain as she feels Dawn’s hand coming down full force on her ass. Another cry follows another spank immediately afterwards and then after that Buffy just tries to remain quiet while her little sister completely goes to town on her ass, surprising the slayer as she expected Dawnie to at the very least start off gentle.
Dawn is immediately filled with regret having not meant to slap her sister’s beautiful behind quite so hard, at least not at first, however for some reason feeling the need to do so.
I'm sorry about that Buffy however I felt like I needed to do that in order to make sure your paying attention, Dawn thinks wondering if maybe that was the reason why she is hitting her so hard instead of starting off nice and gentle like she had the first time she spanked her sister.
Forgetting about the reason why she began spanking her sister so hard Dawn simply focus’s on the present and slowly settles down into spanking her sister exacterly the same way she had the first time nice and gentle but at the same time firm.
Buffy simply lays where she is doing her best to take her punishment like a good girl knowing that she can’t do anything, partly due to her having agreed to let her younger sister do this to her, and also because although she had said that she wouldn’t reveal her secret to Riley etc if she agreed to this punishment until this week is up Dawn can threaten to reveal the secret to Riley and co as often as she wants knowing that Buffy will always bow to her wishes when she does due to her not being able to allow the secret to get out no matter what Dawn wants to do to her or have her do.
Despite Dawn’s spanking starting out gentle Buffy soon starts to whimper and her whimpers starts to get louder and louder and louder due to Dawn’s hits starting to get harder with each smack.
Dawn continues to focus on what she is doing her best to ignore her sister’s slowly elevating whimpers hating to having to do this to her older sister and yet knowing that unlike last time she has to make sure Buffy knows that she is serious when it comes to punishing her and so she continues to spank her trying her best not to hurt Buffy too much but just enough to convince her this is something she never wants to go through again.
As she continues the spanking Dawn thinks about their childhood growing up with their Mom and dad, and then with just their Mom, and as she thinks about it she realises that neither she or Buffy where ever spanked by either of their parents when they where still together or after they split up. This causes Dawn to wonder if her parents would have ever spanked them due to her being sure that there where times when they had wanted to and yet they hadn’t. She also wonders if either she or Buffy would have been able to have gotten out of getting spanked and as she thinks about this Dawn is sure that if it was Buffy she would have probably got away with it, but the littlest Summers wouldn't have been so lucky.
Despite doing her best to try and keep the blows she is laying on her sister’s butt as gentle as possible Dawn can’t help but feel tempted to use this opportunity as a way of getting back at her sister for all the times she was either mean to her or did something she didn’t like, like the time she pulled what she liked to call a 'Slayer-related Mom cover-up thing' and tried to get some credit for that but instead all she got was insulted by Buffy when she asked her who the man was and Buffy told her she was but then added that she was a very short annoying man. Despite having started off with a gentle spanking Dawn soon starts to roughly beat her older sister’s ass causing Buffy to whimper through what she is sure is gritted teeth in pain.
Buffy closes her eyes and grits her teeth doing her best to stop her whimpers from getting out of control and getting so loud one of her two neighbours will hear her as she feels Dawn go from hitting one cheek and then the other to now just hitting any part of flesh her hand lands on. Not only does Dawn’s blows become random as far as where they land but they also become random in force with some blows being soft and gentle others being violent savage and very, very painful despite her slayer healing and thresh-hold for pain.
Dawn knows she should probably stop however she can’t deny that this is something else she has always wanted to do to her older sister give her a good old fashioned spanking loving the colour her older siblings ass is slowly starting to turn as well as the moans and groans that she is causing Buffy to make actually wanting her to get louder to the point where one of their neighbours hears them and yet at the same time not wanting her to due to the chance that if one of her neighbours does hear her they will interrupt the fun.
As she continues to spank her big sister Dawn watches as Buffy's well toned, tanned, tight ass goes from it’s natural colour to pink although she is curious to see how pink she can get her older sister’s ass although she is surprised she has managed to get Buffy’s backside this colour Dawn quickly stops the spanking wanting to enjoy what she has done thus far.
Buffy swallows hard grateful to her younger sister for stopping as she feels Dawn rub her butt cheeks which causes her to shiver slightly at the contact due to her not having expected it Buffy simply lays where she is and allows Dawn to continue brushing her hands all over her skin until she feels one of her younger sibling’s hands slip a little farther down her ass cheek than she should have and has no doubt that Dawn can feel something that she partly wishes she couldn't feel that being her pussy which is absolutely soaking wet.
Dawn feels Buffy’s dripping wet pussy which causes her to smile an open mouthed smile at the camera letting her future self know or remind her future self of what she has discovered when she watches this back.
After a minute of looking into the video camera Dawn turns her attention to her sister who is still laying across her lap.
“You enjoyed that didn’t you.” Dawn says matter of factly.
Buffy nods her head knowing that there is no point in denying it.
“I can’t hear you.” Dawn says wanting Buffy to verbally admit it not just for her but for the camera.
“Yes.” Buffy says hating her sister and herself for saying it, “I enjoyed it.”
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile as she once again looks into the camera.
“Normally by this time my other lovers asses would be swollen and red some would even have bruises on them. However I have to admit I have never been quite this rough with any of them. Do you think you could handle some more?” Dawn then asks turning her attention back to her sister, confident that because of her slayer powers Buffy would be able to take a lot more.
Buffy feels tempted to lie however she is sure Dawn knows the answer to this question already due to her slayer powers and decides to allow Dawn to have her fun as well as her way with her ass.
“Yes.” Buffy says doing her best to sound as ashamed as possible when in point of fact there is a large part of her that wants her younger sibling to give her another hard spanking.
“Yes what?” Dawn asks.
Buffy closes her eyes keeping her head hung in shame of what she is feeling.
“Yes I can take another hard spanking.” Buffy says.
With that Buffy feels Dawn’s hand come down on her backside once again, only this time her little sister isn’t trying to be gentle she is simply letting her hands hit whatever part of her backside it finds. One blow after another rains down on her tight tush causing her to moan and groan only this time not so much in pain as in pleasure.
Dawn just smiles as she continues to beat Buffy’s ass as fast and as hard as she can trying to get it to turn from pink to red, wanting to test her strength against her sister’s slayer healing abilities, loving the sounds of both pain mixed with joy her sister is making.
As her little sister continues to ruthlessly spank her ass Buffy can’t help but wonder why she is enjoying this so much due to Faith having spanked her on many occasions however for some reason despite apart of her not wanting to admit it Buffy can't help but think and feel that her reasons for liking this spanking to the ones Faith gave her are different and yet in some cases the same as she lifts her butt up to receive her punishment choosing to not worry about why she is enjoying what is happening to her or what her little sister is doing to her and simply enjoy it.
Despite wanting to continue to spank Buffy’s backside eventually both pain in her hand due to how hard she is hitting her sister’s butt and fatigue start to set in and cause Dawn to slowly slow down until she stops completely and examines the damage she has done to her older sister's bottom.
She really didn’t think it was possible however somehow she has managed to turn her slayer sister’s backside from pink to a light shade of red and even make it a little swollen looking which causes Dawn to just smile a bigger ear to ear smile in pride as she reaches out with both hands and runs them over her older siblings smooth swollen butt cheeks and gently begins to massage them again. This time Dawn spending a lot of time rubbing the heated flesh causing Buffy to moan softly in pleasure.
Once she is finished running her hands all over her sister’s ass Dawn allows her fingers to find Buffy's pussy which is arguably the wettest Dawn has ever felt it thus far. Dawn smiles at the whimper her sister lets out as she feels her wetness, Buffy continues to whimper as her sibling let her fingers lazily move over her pussy lips before withdrawing them entirely.
"Stand up." Dawn orders, waiting until her sister awkwardly gets to her feet before adding, "Take off the rest of your clothes."
There's a pause and then Buffy slowly does as she's told, stepping out of her pants, panties and shoes before pulling off her top and then removing her bra, leaving her completely naked before her little sister.
"Good, now get on your knees, crawl to my bag over there and bring it back to me in your teeth." Dawn commands.
Buffy pauses again before reluctantly doing what she's told, hanging her head in shame as she is forced to act like a dog, fetching something for its master.
"Good girl, now back over my knee." Dawn orders with a smile as she pulls the item she wants out of the bag and then slides it over Buffy's exposed ass cheeks once her big sister is in place, "You know, considering you're a slayer I think I've done a pretty good job of spanking you so far, but I'm guessing this still pales in comparison to what Faith used to do to you, which is why I got this. It's a magic paddle. I can't really even pronounce it's real name, but the guy in the shop I bought it from says it basically translates to spirit breaker, and it was one of the only toys in his store which he guaranteed would turn anything no matter how tough into a whimpering wreck. Technically it's a torturing device, enchanted to increase the strength of its user tenfold... which I guess means it makes a blow from me 10 times more powerful. I tested it out on a few girls who were in tears after only a few hits and begging me to do anything but continue, and then on a daemon girl with the same results, which led me to curiously testing it out on myself and wow, so never doing that again, so I pretty much know what you're in for. Of course, even though I've only experienced a single slap of it myself, I don't think any words truly can do justice to it, it's just something you are going to have to experience for yourself... but before you do I want to make this clear, I take no joy from this and I really don't want to do this to you again, but if you make me I will... and I want you to remember, you brought this on yourself."
With that Dawn brings the paddle as hard as she can down onto Buffy's right ass cheek, the sound of the smack echoes throughout the room, quickly accompanied by a loud scream from the slayer.
Buffy had prepared herself for the spank. She had done so before during the earlier spankings and so many times before during battle. Pain is inevitable in her line of work. No matter how hard she trains, no matter how good she is, an enemy can get a lucky shot in at any time. It is the scariest thing about being a slayer. But at least half of the time there is a split second in which she knows she's about to get hit and can prepare herself accordingly. It isn't much of a help, but at least it is something. However this, this isn't something Buffy could have prepared for. She tries, but when Dawn brings the paddle back down onto her ass the mighty vampire slayer screams out in agony, the pain is like nothing she has ever known... and considering the pain she has known that is really saying something.
For a split second Buffy wonders if she is imagining things, or if it was a fluke, but then Dawn brings the paddle down on Buffy's ass again, and again, and again, Dawnie quickly establishing a steady rhythm as Buffy claws at the bed sheets and grits her teeth in a desperate attempt to stop herself from screaming.
No matter how much it had hurt before Buffy had just stayed where she was quietly bent over Dawn's knee as her little sister spanked her, but that was when it had only hurt. Now the pain is agonising.
It's so bad Buffy is actually considering begging Dawn for mercy, but she knows she won't get it, not after everything her baby sister has done to her already, so the blonde is just about able to keep that small part of her dignity, not that she feels very dignified right now.
Buffy also considers just breaking free, something she could have done with ease from the start, but not without hurting Dawn, and even after everything her kid sister has done to her Buffy can't bear the thought of hurting her little sister.
So all Buffy can do is stay where she is and try and stop herself from crying, but as the spanking continues and becomes harder and harder it becomes more and more of a struggle.
Finally as a single tear falls from Buffy's eye the slayer turns her head to look back at her baby sister, her eyes quietly begging for mercy, but Dawn just looks back with a look which crushes Buffy's hopes and even scares her a little.
Although she has been dreaming of spanking her big sister for years Dawn had been a little apprehensive about using the magical paddle on Buffy.
True, part of her had been dying to do it, but another part had felt guilty about doing it to the woman she loved over all others... and yet... here she is, Buffy now sobbing softly, and Dawn having the time of her life.
A big part of the fact she is now comfortable with what she's doing is that, as she told herself many times leading up to this moment, her sister is a slayer and if she is going to dominate her she is going to need to be firm and show Buffy she isn't messing around. Buffy can't think she can disobey whatever orders she pleases otherwise she will never take Dawn seriously as a top. That is true of all girls, but it is doubly important for someone who saves the world on a regular basis and is super tough and resilient. So to keep Buffy in line Dawn is going to need this paddle, and other things like it, otherwise she just isn't going to be able to fulfil her lifelong dream of turning her big sister into her sex slave, and after coming this far failure is no longer an option.
Of course if Dawn is honest with herself it's the fact that it is the slayer she is reducing to tears that is making this so awesome for her. She has never felt more powerful. Well, maybe once or twice, but even then it wasn't like this, because even those powerful girls Dawn had made beg for mercy before weren't on Buffy's level. Buffy has to be the strongest girl Dawn has ever dominated in both the physical and mental sense and yet the mighty Buffy the Vampire Slayer is now crying her eyes out as she spanks her like a disobedient child.
However, even as Buffy cries like Dawn has never seen or heard her cry before Dawn can't help be impressed by her older sister's strength, because after this many strikes from her paddle every single other girl had been begging her to stop and swearing they would do anything if she did. Meanwhile Buffy just lays across Dawn's lap and takes it, even having the presence of mind to bury her face into the covers in an attempt to keep a shred of her dignity.
Dawn tries, and tries, and tries, the paddle coming down again, and again, and again on Buffy's vulnerable flesh, but Buffy doesn't beg for mercy, even after Dawn spends far longer than she intended to spanking Buffy's butt with the paddle, the slayer's ass turning from a light red to a dark red and then to a horrible mix of colours which Dawn doesn't even know if she can even attempt to describe.
After what feels like hours Dawn finally stops spanking Buffy's ass thanks to a combination of tiredness and concern for her sister's well being. It's obvious Buffy is determined to keep that little shred of dignity she is hanging onto, and although Dawn would like her to lose it as it would probably make her sister a better slave Dawn is forced to concede that taking it from her probably isn't going to be an option. If she wants that last shred of Buffy's dignity she is going to have to convince Buffy to give it to her willingly, something Dawn has no problem with.
For a while Dawn just allows Buffy to continue to lay across her lap as her sobs slowly fade away and both sisters breathing return to normal. While this is happening Dawn casually drops the paddle down onto the floor and lays her hand on Buffy's ass, caressing it again while cooing softly.
Once she is finished running her hands all over her sister’s ass Dawn allows her fingers to find Buffy's pussy which is arguably the wettest Dawn has ever felt it thus far. What surprises her even more than how wet her older sister’s pussy is is what she does in response to her having her younger sister’s fingers down around her pussy instead of pulling away or crying out in protest Buffy raises her ass and pushes herself upwards as if she is trying to impale herself on her younger siblings fingers.
Dawn smiles having gotten a great idea from Buffy doing this she decides to give her older sister what she wants at least in part however before she gives her what she wants Dawn is intent on finding out just how badly Buffy wants her fingers inside of her and so she places a single finger at the very edge of her older sister’s womanhood sliding it gently around her pussy lips waiting for her sister to respond which she does almost immediately. As soon as she realises what her little sister is doing Buffy responds by thrusting herself back and forth wanting her sister’s finger inside of her.
Dawn does her best to stop herself from laughing as she gives her big sister exacterly what she wants running her finger around her pussy lips and then slamming two of them into her right up to the knuckle.
Buffy moans as she feels Dawn force two fingers into her dripping wet cunt loving the feel of them as they enter her as she feels Dawn start to slam those two fingers in and out of her welcoming pussy.
Focusing on nothing else not the chance that somebody might hear her older sister’s moans of pleasure not the video camera that is filming what she is doing nothing but what she is doing to her older sister Dawn continues to finger fuck Buffy revelling in the feeling of power and control she has over her as she pounds away at her older siblings pussy focusing on her objective which isn’t what it was the last time she finger fucked her big sister.
This time Dawn wants Buffy to get as close to the edge as she can so close that if she was to blow on her sister’s cunt it would cause her to cum, at which point she is going to stop.
Buffy meanwhile is not thinking about anything except her kid sister’s beautiful wonderful fingers that are moving inside her making her feel things she knows she shouldn’t be feeling not with her sister or by her sister however loving it all the same and partly because she knows she shouldn’t be feeling these things with or because of her sister figuring that she has taken her punishment and now Dawn is giving her her reward. However as Buffy feels herself about to explode all over her sister’s fingers she suddenly feels Dawn completely remove her fingers from her pussy.
Dawn watches as Buffy slowly comes down from the orgasm she has just denied her taking a deep breath and letting it out heavily due to her having wanted to feel her sister clamp down on her hand and having wanted to feel her fingers get drenched in her older sister’s cum. Despite having wanted those things she knows that if she had given Buffy release it would have ruined her plan to give her older sibling release but not until she has made her point and is sure Buffy knows who is in charge.
“Stand up Buffy.” Dawn says once she is sure her older sister has gotten her breath back.
Buffy slowly climbs off of her sister’s lap and stands next to her looking down at her and wondering why she stopped finger fucking her when she was so close to cumming and due to the fact that she had taken her punishment.
Dawn looks up at Buffy and can see the confusion in her big sister’s eyes which causes her to smile.
“What’s the matter?” Dawn asks with a grin, “Did you think your punishment was over?”
Buffy swallows hard due to her having thought exacterly that and now starting to wonder what else her little sister has planned for her.
“That was just the warm up. Now the real punishment begins.” Dawn tells her sister as she reaches down to pick up the bag, lifting it on her lap and opening it up showing Buffy what's inside, grinning at the slayer's reaction, "As you can see I came prepared. The question here is which lucky toy gets to fuck you. Mm, let's see... it's so hot that your slayer healing makes your ass as good as new after it's been used, but I'm guessing it isn't the same for your cunt. Am I right?"
"You're right Dawn." Buffy replies softly, not wanting to upset her sister.
"Good, then I won't bother with any warm up toys and go straight to the fun toys. Not too fun though, I mean I don't want to stretch you out too much before taking you tomorrow. Mm, I know, this is perfect!" Dawn says, pulling out a 8 inch dildo, dropping the bag and then laying down on the bed with the toy sticking upwards over her crotch, "Well come on, I want you to ride me. Ride this dildo like it was my strap on cock. Let's practice for tomorrow by stretching out your slayer cunt. But don't you dare cum without permission. You've been bad, so if you want to cum, you're going to have to beg."
There is a moment's pause as Buffy once again reminds herself she has no choice but to submit to this latest act of perversion before she inevitably kneels over her sister on the bed, slowly reaching down to guide the fake cock into her pussy. At least as a result of the fingering, and to Buffy's shame the spanking, the slayer's hole is nice and juiced up, making it easy for her to slide down the full-length of the shaft, trying and failing to suppress a moan as she goes, before she begins to ride it, just as Dawn told her too.
It's not good enough for Dawn though, "Harder. Ride that cock. Make me believe you want it. Make me believe you need it. Come on, we both know how badly you need to cum. I can see it in your eyes. Fuck it. Ride that cock. You better do it hard if you want to cum."
To Dawn's delight Buffy obeys her every word, quickly establishing a rough, pussy pounding speed which is almost scary.
If she didn't know what type of girl her seemingly prudish sister really is Dawn might have been surprised, but she knew deep down her big sister is a submissive little slut just begging for the opportunity to let her hair down and unleash her inner whore. Of course the fact that the fingering and the spanking has left Buffy on the verge of climax, something that has been made crystal clear only a few seconds ago when she was finger fucking her older sister, also has a lot to do with Buffy's current actions, but at that moment Dawn doesn't really care why her sister is acting this way, she's just enjoying the show.
Seeing pictures of Buffy acting like a slut is one thing but to experience it up close is another thing entirely, Dawn is loving the sight of Buffy's eyelids fluttering as she bounces up and down on the dick, her face a mask of pure pleasure.
The sight before her makes Dawn wish she brought her strap on with her so she could fuck her sister right here, right now. Sure she has a well thought out and detailed plan on how to achieve her biggest fantasy, that being enslaving her own sister, but could one little early strap on fucking really hurt that plan so much?
No sooner has this thought entered her head Dawn is reminding herself that if she did have her strap on and she did use it then it would be probably underwhelming due to all the energy she used spanking Buffy, and she wouldn't allow herself to cheat herself out of making the first time she strap on fucks Buffy being something special. This doesn't stop her from imagining Buffy is riding her strap on though, Dawn looses herself a little in the fantasy of what tomorrow will bring.
"P... Ple... Please Dawn, can I cum?" Buffy whimpers, momentarily breaking Dawn from her fantasy.
"No." Dawn says firmly.
"But I need it." Buffy whines.
"If you really need to cum... slow down a little bit, and then speed up again." Dawn orders.
Buffy whimpers, but does as she's told, slowing down until the urge to cum has passed, at which point she speeds up only to be forced to repeat the process as Dawn denies her again, and again, and again.
Quickly Buffy realises what Dawn is doing. First she punished her with pain, now she is doing it with pleasure, or more accurately she's punishing her by denying her orgasm.
This is something Faith had done on occasion during their on again, off again relationship but it hadn't been something Faith had made a habit out of. Faith preferred fucking Buffy's brains out until she thought she would perish from too much pleasure. Buffy feels that way now, the difference being instead of too many orgasms she isn't even being allowed to have one.
As the fucking continues and she is mercilessly kept on the edge of climax tears threaten to fall from Buffy's eyes again and she realises just how truly effective this punishment is as thanks to her strong will she could go on denying herself orgasms for a very long time, and thanks to her slayer strength and stamina who knows how long she could last fucking herself on the dildo. Inevitably either her willpower or her stamina would fail her, giving Dawn more reason to punish her, which leaves Buffy literally begging for her release.
Dawn enjoys her sister's begging for a very long time, enjoying every moment of Buffy suffering in pleasure, before finally she gives her the chance to get her climax, "You want to cum? Then tell me how much you wish this was my strap on. Tell me how much you wish this was my strap on cock. Tell me how much you wish you were getting fucked by my big cock, that I was using it to slam your pussy, that you wish your baby sister was fucking your cunt right now!"
"I... I wish this was your strap on Dawnie. I wish this was your strap on so bad. I wish this was your strap on cock. I wish you were fucking me with your big cock right now. I wish you were slamming my pussy right now Dawnie, I wish you were slamming me with your big cock. I wish my baby sister was fucking my cunt!" Buffy parrots, desperate to cum.
Dawn smiles, "Grab the dildo, roll on your back, look at the camera, and then repeat that."
Without a moment's hesitation Buffy does as she's told, grabbing the toy, rolling on her back so she's besides Dawn, looking into the camera and saying, "I wish this was your strap on Dawnie. I wish this was your strap on so bad. I wish this was your strap on cock. I wish you were fucking me with your big cock right now. I wish you were slamming my pussy right now Dawnie, I wish you were slamming it with your big cock. I wish my baby sister was fucking my cunt!"
As Buffy says this Dawn lays on her side next to her, and when she is done Dawn leans in and whispers, "You can cum."
Even with her slayer hearing Buffy barely hears it, but she does and the moment those words leave her sister's lips Buffy lets out a deafening scream and creams all over the dildo.
Dawn watches with a big grin on her face as Buffy slams herself with that toy, her eyes rolling into the back of her head and her body shaking so much that it nearly breaks the bed as she cums.
Eventually Buffy starts to come down from her high, a blush crossing her panting face as she tries not to look at her sister's grin.
"Good, now take that toy out of your pussy and suck it clean of your juices." Dawn commands.
Buffy's attempts not to blush are rendered a complete failure at this point as the slayer is forced to take the toy she has just used to fuck herself with into her mouth and clean it, the whole time trying to avoid looking into Dawn's eyes as her sister watches her.
"Very good now turn around and lay face down.” Dawn orders as she gets up and grabs the black carrier bag as Buffy does as she's told, slowly turning over so she's laying face down on the bed.
Buffy remains laying on her stomach with her face on the pillow waiting and wondering what Dawn plans on doing to her now.
All of a sudden she feels something wet slowly start to run up and down her ass crack and quickly realises that it is one of her little sister’s fingers.
Buffy swallows hard knowing what her sister is doing and having a gut feeling she knows what she plans on doing. Despite wanting to object or try and stop Dawn from doing what she is doing Buffy does her best to simply lay where she is and not clench her ass cheeks as Dawn’s finger continues to go up and down her ass crack. With each passing length of her ass crack that it does Buffy is able to feel it slipping deeper and deeper into her ass until she can feel it touching her actual ass hole.
As soon as she feels Buffy’s actual ass hole Dawn pulls her finger out of Buffy’s butt quickly sucks it again getting it as wet with her saliva as possible once she has enough on it she pulls it out of her mouth and sticks it back into her older sister’s butt and starts to rub her finger on and around her actual ass hole slowly and gently sliding her finger inside of it doing her best to coat it’s walls with her saliva.
Dawn does this a couple more times pulling her finger out sucking on it, getting it wet with saliva again, and then sticking it back into her older sibling’s ass and getting her hole as well lubricated as possible.
Once she is happy that Buffy’s backside is as well lubed as she can get it Dawn pulls her finger out of her butt one last time and turns to look at the three dildos on the bed next to her and picks up the smallest one which is 3 inches in length, the second biggest being 6 inches, and the biggest being 9 inches.
"Buffy turn on your side and face me.” Dawn says deciding to let Buffy see what she is about to do as she watches her sister slowly roll over onto her side and face her.
“You see these?” Dawn asks once Buffy is in the position she told her to get into and is looking at her, “Each and every single one of these is going to go up your hot ass. An you're going to love it. By the time I'm finished with you your not ever going to be able to deny that your a total anal whore who just can't get enough of it up her hot ass. Your going to love it so much you won’t go through with this wedding because you know not only will Riley not fuck you up the ass he won’t be able to satisfy you like I can in fact I am going to become the only person who can satisfy you sexually. But that is the future right now I'm going to give you just a little taste of the ass fucking you're going to get when I use my strap on dick on you. But before I can use this on your ass I need to get it ready just like I got your backside ready. Actually. Why don’t you get it ready for me.”
Dawn offers Buffy the smallest dildo. Buffy knows what Dawn wants her to do and slowly takes the dildo from her younger sibling and starts to lick it and suck on it getting it as wet as she can with her own saliva. Dawn watches as her sister gives the small dildo a blowjob imagining that the small dildo is her strap on which is a hard thing to do due to the size difference between the dildo in her sister’s mouth and her strap on. Once she is sure that the small dildo is lubricated enough Buffy takes it out of her mouth and offers it to Dawn who takes it.
“Well done.” Dawn says loving the thought of the dildo going into her sister’s ass with her own saliva on it.
Buffy does her best to smile feeling a small amount of pride and yet too focused on what is about to happen to let it over take her.
“Here.” Dawn says offering Buffy first the second biggest dildo and then the third once she has taken the second biggest and then takes the third biggest from her, “When I tell you I want you to lubricate each one of those and then when they are ready hand them back to me so that I can put them where this is going to go. Now turn back over onto your stomach.”
Buffy slowly does as she is told putting the two dildos she has been given by her younger sister in front of her.
Once Buffy has turned back over onto her stomach Dawn turns her attention to her sister’s backside and notices that it has pretty much gone back to it’s natural colour which causes her to smile having known that it wouldn’t take long for the slayer healing to kick in however having not expected it to be that quick.
Buffy whimpers as she feels the dildo entering her well lubricated back entrance. She does her best to relax knowing from past experience that if she doesn’t it will only be harder on her once the tip of the dildo is inside of her Buffy feels the rest of it suddenly get slammed all the way into her ass forcing Buffy's backside to open so the head of the toy can enter her back passage.
Buffy moans and groans more from shock than from pain due to Dawn having lubed her ass hole up enough so that there isn’t as much pain as Buffy had expected there to be. Despite the surprise Buffy can’t help but enjoy the anal invasion despite doing her best not to enjoy it due to the cause of her pleasure being her younger sister and just like before she does her best to constantly remind herself of this. However just like before despite her doing this to try and stop herself from getting turned on this seems to have the opposite affect and actually turns her on more.
“Sounds to me like your already an anal whore.” Dawn says smiling an ear to ear smile due to her sibling’s moans and groans as she slowly uses the small dildo to fuck her older sister’s back passage, “Ah well, soon you’ll be my anal whore!”
Buffy whimpers at this in between the moans she does her best to try and control however despite her best efforts she just can't as the ass fucking continues.
“Oh yeah Buffy your going to be my anal whore! Nobody else’s, just mine. Your little baby sisters.” Dawn says as she begins really go to town on Buffy's ass.
Well, go to town as best she can with the small dildo, wanting to move on the biggest or even the second biggest however knowing that she has to take her time and really loosen up her sister's shit hole ready for her strap on even though she isn't going to use her strap on until either tomorrow or the next day and knowing that the slayer healing will probably tighten her sister's ass back up however she has a plan to stop the slayer healing from tightening her sister's backside up completely but before she can put that plan into affect she needs to do this.
“Get the second biggest dildo ready Buffy.” Dawn says after a while feeling as though her sister’s ass is ready for the next size up.
She watches as Buffy uses her arms to measure the two dildos she has with her by putting them next to one and other which causes Dawn to smile and then watches as her older sibling puts one of her arms back where it was and uses the other to get the second biggest dildo out of the two ready using her mouth. Once it is ready she reaches back and offers the saliva lubricated dildo which Dawn takes with one hand while at the same time pulling the other dildo that is in her sister’s ass out of it and placing it down onto the bed next to her. Once she has done that she puts the dildo Buffy has just lubricated into her other hand and slowly starts to slide it into her sister’s ass.
Buffy closes her eyes continually mentally telling herself to keep her ass relaxed while at the same time still doing her best to make herself not enjoy what is happening to her. However despite her attempt to not enjoy what is happening to her as the second biggest dildo moves through her bowels it heightens her state of arousal and causes her backside to become a tunnel of pure pleasure burning away at her insides with every heavenly thrust pushing her closer and closer to having an orgasm.
For who knows how long now Dawn continues to stuff the second biggest dildo in and out of her ass every time Buffy thinks she is about to go over the edge Dawn seems to sense this and stops the butt fucking with the dildo and wait’s a few minutes before slowly starting again picking up speed until Buffy is once again on the edge at which point again she stops and waits and then starts again slowly driving Buffy insane which Buffy is sure is Dawn’s plan.
Dawn smiles an ear to ear smile as she hears another groan of both frustration and she is sure annoyance as she stops butt fucking her sister with the dildo and simply holds the tip of it at her entrance making sure Buffy can feel it and yet not doing anything but that her intention is to drive Buffy so mad with desire or rather the need to cum that she will do anything.
“Get the last dildo ready for me Buffy.” Dawn says feeling that it is time to really drive her sister crazy as she watches Buffy get the third and final dildo ready with her mouth.
The brunette notices that Buffy is a lot more into lubricating this dildo than she was the last two which causes Dawn to smile even more due to the fact that she is sure the only reason her older sibling has picked up the pace is because she wants her to use the third biggest dildo to make her cum. She watches Buffy reach behind her and offer her the lubricated dildo which Dawn takes and swaps with the second biggest putting the second biggest down next to the smallest and placing the biggest dildo where she had the second biggest before it just barely touching her sister’s anal entrance.
Buffy groans in frustration, having hoped that her showing her younger sister how co-operative she is being would have gotten her a reward, however Dawn is continuing to play with her the way a cat would probably play with a trapped mouse if it could.
Dawn notices how open Buffy's ass hole has become since she first started finger fucking or rather finger lubricating her sister’s butt and it only seems to become more open and loose with each dildo which makes her wonder how loose her sister’s ass will be after she has done what she plans on doing to her hoping and confident that it won’t be too loose due to the fact that she is sure Buffy has never taken a cock fake or real as big as her’s and doubting that despite how loose her sister maybe when the time comes for her to use her strap on she is sure there will still be a nice bit of tightness for her to break through.
Despite this being a punishment and she is sure that this is a punishment Buffy never expected due to the fact she isn’t punishing her by fucking her ass with dildos she is punishing her by not allowing her to cum something she is sure her previous lesbian lover never did which is not allowing her to have an orgasm as a way of punishing her. While she is sure Buffy is hating this due to the fact she is not being allowed to cum Dawn is also sure that Buffy is enjoying this as much as she is at least she's getting the most enjoyment she can from the type of dildos she is using to pound Buffy's backside.
Unfortunately Dawn knows that Buffy is getting the most pleasure out of this due to the fact she is getting the physical pleasure while she herself is only getting the psychological pleasure of imagining how Buffy is feeling as well as taking pleasure in not allowing her big sister to cum.
Dawn decides that this will be the last time she will torture her sister and so she starts to really drill Buffy’s backside even harder with the latest dildo determined to make Buffy think that this is it she is about to let her cum even though she isn’t due to this still being a punishment and due to the fact that she wants to cum first before Buffy does and knows that this is the best way of getting Buffy to make her cum the way she wants her too.
Buffy closes her eyes tightly knowing that with the way Dawn is now pounding her pooper with the biggest of the three dildos it won't take her long to finally cum and as she feels herself quickly building to orgasm she can't help but moan and groan in pleasure letting Dawn know how much she appreciates letting her finally cum and just when she feels she is about to explode Buffy feels Dawn completely remove the dildo from her ass causing her to groan the loudest groan she has ever done in frustration.
“I’m so sorry Buffy did you think I was going to let you cum?” Dawn asks with an ear to ear smile on her face.
Buffy doesn’t say anything nor does she look behind herself at her sister despite wanting to due to the fact she wants her little sister to see how angry she is from the look on her face and in her eyes.
“Under normal circumstances I would have allowed you to cum.” Dawn says almost making Buffy laugh due to her use of the words 'normal circumstances', “However you seem to forget that I am punishing you. And me letting you cum isn’t really a punishment is it. However I will allow you to cum if... if...”
“If.” Buffy says desperate to know what she has to do for Dawn to allow her to cum, “If what?”
“If.” Dawn says again, “You prove to me that you understand who is in charge.”
Buffy blinks and swallows hard a tad surprised by this and also a tad nervous due to her wondering how Dawn is going to have her show that she understands who is in charge.
“How do you want me to do that?” Buffy asks doing her best to hide her nervousness.
“Well, first...” Dawn says still smiling as she climbs off of the bed and stands at the bottom of it, “Get down on your knees in front of me. Make sure you keep that cock in your ass. Hold it there with your hand if you have too, but try and clench down onto it with your ass muscles.”
Buffy does as she's told, her ass clenching down on the toy as she slowly get’s off the bed and down onto her knees were she watches as Dawn slowly drops her bottoms and her underwear making Buffy think she wants her to eat her to orgasm however to her horror Dawn slowly turns around and bends over.
“Now kiss my ass.” Dawn says with an ear to ear smile on her face able to imagine the look on her older sister’s face at what she wants her to do, “And in between kisses I want you to tell me how sorry you are for not doing what I told you to do AND to promise that you will do what I tell you from now on.”
Buffy crinkles her nose at this command, but it's not like she hasn't done this before, and it isn't like she hasn't done plenty of other nasty things lately so what's one more perversion?
So leaning forward Buffy spreads Dawn's ass cheeks with both hands and kisses her softly on the ass hole.
"Ooooooo Buffy." Dawn half gasps, half moans in surprise, "That feels nice, but there will be plenty of time for you to worship my ass hole later. For now, I told you to kiss my ass. Come on, cover my cheeks in kisses and tell me how sorry you are."
Buffy frowns. Faith had put her through a lot of weird and perverted things but this, this is new. New didn't mean necessarily good, and really Buffy didn't see how this could be good for her, but it pales in comparison to some of the stuff Faith and/or Dawn has done to her. So letting go of Dawn's butt cheeks Buffy leans forward, briefly pausing to crinkle her nose again before pressing her lips to her little sister's ass.
"I'm... I'm sorry Dawnie. I'm sorry for not doing what I was told. I promise to do whatever you want from now on. Please don't spank me again. I'll be good. I swear." Buffy says, kissing Dawn's ass in between every sentence.
Although she tries Buffy quickly runs out of things she can think of to say other than 'I'm sorry', which she soon finds herself repeating over and over.
Of course she's not really sorry, and resents being forced to apologise for her behaviour while literally kissing her little sister's ass, but if this night has told her anything it's that Buffy needs to do what Dawn says no matter what.
While she isn't really sorry Buffy does mean what she says when she tells Dawn she will be good and do as she's told. Buffy knows it's something she needs to accept if she wants to avoid getting her ass beat by that paddle, and boy does she want to avoid getting her ass beat by that paddle. She just needs to do as she's told and get through this week.
With this in mind Buffy devotes herself to kissing Dawn's ass, covering both cheeks in soft pecks, silently wondering to herself why Faith never made her do this as there was no way Buffy could pretend she was doing anything but this humiliating act.
Buffy might have been feeling humiliated but Dawn is loving every second of it. In fact it is partly because this is obviously humiliating for her big sister that this is such a turn on for Dawn.
After all, Buffy has been bossing her around since forever, so it is great to take her down a few pegs. Plus Buffy isn't just the main authority figure in Dawn's life or even just a girl who spent most of their childhood telling her what to do, she is the slayer. That fact made the spanking extra sweeter, and it is definitely the same for this.
Making her big, tough slayer sister kiss her ass gives Dawn a wonderful feeling of power and control, each kiss a delicious little appetiser to the pleasure to come.
However in that lies the problem, while this is certainly enjoyable it's not going to make Dawn cum. Of course what Dawn has planned for Buffy on its own wouldn't necessarily make her cum either, which is why Dawn reaches down to pull out another one of her toys from the carrier bag, smiling as her older sister continues to kiss her ass the entire time.
"Mmmmmmm, Buffy, you make a great ass kisser, but now I want you to worship my ass hole." Dawn says, wiggling her behind as it is kissed, "Get your tongue deep inside your little sister's shit hole and rim her out you dirty little sister fucker."
Buffy cringes at Dawn's words. Sister fucker. That is what she is now. It doesn't matter that she got blackmailed into this, that she had no choice, she is a sister fucker. She has fucked her sister, her own flesh and blood, and nothing will ever change that. She is going to have to live with it forever, and there's nothing she can do about it.
With this thought of despair running through her head Buffy spreads Dawn's ass cheeks and again presses her lips to Dawn's butt hole, this time poking at it with her tongue and slowly pushing her way in, causing her sister to moan in pleasure.
Hardening her tongue Buffy pushes it as far as it will go into Dawn's shit shoot before gently beginning to thrust it in and out, using it like a small cock, butt fucking her baby sister with her tongue at an ever-increasing speed.
From Dawn's moans it's pretty clear that her little sister likes this treatment so Buffy continues her actions, just hoping to get this over with, and more importantly hoping for Dawnie to allow her to cum.
Just as she thinks this Buffy hears a buzzing sound and then her prayers are answered.
"Ok, keep one hand on my ass and use the other to butt fuck yourself. While you're doing that I want you to imagine it's me who's fucking your ass. I want you to imagine that your mouth and tongue are in the present and worshipping my ass, but your ass is in a day or two in the future and it's getting the fucking of a lifetime by my big strap on cock. So right now, I'm pounding your ass with my cock, giving you the best butt fucking you've ever had, while at the same time you're cleaning out my shit pipe. If you can imagine that you can cum, but only when I cum. And don't try just cumming anyway because I'm going to ask you afterwards and if I don't like the answer you're going to get punished again." Dawn warns.
Buffy frowns at the oddness of the command but desperate to cum she does as she's told, reaching behind her with her right hand to grab the dildo she has been clutching onto for what feels like an eternity, her anal muscles grateful for the chance to relax, and even more grateful for the chance at stimulation, something Buffy is only too happy to give herself.
Although secretly she might have liked to Buffy hasn't anally masturbated since the last time Faith told her to finger her ass as the dominant slayer had been tightening her strap on around her waist, and even then it had only been briefly before Faith inevitably bent her over. Of course Buffy hadn't exactly had much chance to enjoy fingering herself back then, but as Faith had shown her only seconds later her ass hole could be a great source of pleasure, and it certainly is one now.
Moaning into her sister's ass Buffy's eyelids flutter as she begins to increasing the speed of the thrusts into her own ass until she is pounding her pooper hard and deep with the toy, her incredibly aroused body taking less than a minute to bring her to the edge of orgasm again.
Unfortunately Buffy remembers what Dawn had said and since it doesn't seem like Dawnie is going to cream any time soon Buffy is forced to slow down her thrusts, fucking herself up the butt at a steady pace, keeping herself close to the edge of orgasm but far away from it enough that it isn't painful or anything.
While she is forced to settle for a steady self-inflicted butt fucking Buffy concentrates all her efforts into reaming Dawnie's ass out, searching her mind for every trick Faith ever taught her about salad tossing and using them on her little sister in the hopes of making her cum so she herself can do the same.
Although Dawn might have liked Buffy to be doing this simply because she wanted to please her the brunette truly believes that time will come soon enough, and for now it's hard for her to care what her big sister's motivation is, just so long as she keeps using that magical tongue.
Dawn has had a lot of talented butt kissers, some of which seem to literally worship ass, but none of them were half as good as Buffy when her older sister gets going.
Buffy just seems to bury her face in Dawn's ass, her lips sucking and slurping noisily around the brunette's back door, that tight little hole welcoming Buffy's tongue as it not only thrusts but swirls around inside Dawn's rectum, seemingly reaching places inside her colon no other girl has ever reached before.
Part of Dawn almost wants to find out if she could cum just from having her big sister's tongue up her ass, but there's just no way Dawn could convince herself to drop the magic wand she has pressed to her clit.
It isn't literally a magic wand, although that could provide interesting if dangerous clit stimulation, it is in fact another sex toy, this one is a vibrator specifically designed for a clit. Surprisingly it is battery-powered and there is in fact nothing magical about it, although after experiencing its power many times Dawn believes differently.
Even if it isn't technically magic it certainly feels like it, the sensations of the toy combining with her sister's butt munching skills make it almost impossible for Dawn to control herself.
It takes every ounce of willpower she has, but Dawn is able to hold off her orgasm for quite a while, allowing her plenty of time to revel in the position she is in until finally she lets out a little high-pitched squeal and cums, her body shaking, her eyelids fluttering and her ass hole clenching roughly down on the slayer's tongue in the process.
The second Dawn squeals in a high pitched tone and her butt hole clinches down on her tongue in that oh so familiar way Buffy starts jack-hammering her horny bottom with the toy, the whole time imagining it's her little sister's strap on just as she has been ordered too.
Buffy's eyes roll in the back of her head and her cream slides down her thighs as she cums with visions of her baby sister behind her, somehow banging her butt while at the same time she is screaming into Dawnie's ass.
As she comes down from her high Dawn turns off the magic wand and drops it to the floor, enjoying a few more moments of her sister's expert rim job skills before quickly pulling herself away, turning around, dropping to her knees and shoving her tongue down the blonde's throat, tasting her own ass on her big sister's lips.
"Mmmmm, yummy." Dawn says with a smile, which quickly fades, "So, did you think about my cock fucking your ass while you were kissing mine?"
"Y... yes Dawnie. I was imagining you fucking my ass while I was kissing yours." Buffy replies truthfully.
There is a moment's pause, and then Dawn smiles, "I believe you."
Dawn then kisses Buffy again before reaching down to grab hold of the dildo which is still deeply embedded in Buffy's ass.
Buffy gasps softly as Dawn begins to slowly remove the dildo from her ass, whimpering softly as the last inch is removed and brought up to her lips.
"Suck it." Dawn commands.
Even as she's saying it Buffy's lips are opening in anticipation of the order, the slayer obediently takes the toy into her mouth and submissively cleans it, Dawn laps softly at the base as she deep throats it, licking the shaft as Buffy is sucks on the head. Eventually the dildo is forgotten and the two sisters fall into another long passionate kiss before Dawn pulls away and smiles.
"Mmmmm, again, yummy." Dawn says, giving Buffy one more quick kiss before jumping up again and getting dressed.
Buffy just remains were she is, kneeling on the floor, watching as Dawn gets her things together.
"You can get up, I'm done punishing you for the day now I have you masturbating both your pussy and ass hole while thinking about my strap on cock, but you better be wearing this all day tomorrow." Dawn says, throwing Buffy a slightly bigger butt plug compared to the one she had been forced to wear earlier, Buffy's slayer instincts allows her to catch it without thinking, "I will check at least once, and if your ass isn't nice and plugged then what just happened is going to seem like a picnic... hey, that sounds like fun. How about a little sister-sister picnic for our next date?"
Buffy frowns at how quickly her sister goes from threatening her to suggesting a date scenarios, but the look on Dawn's face quickly has her replying, "Th... that sounds great Dawnie."
"Good, I'm glad you like it." A now dressed Dawn says, as she reaches down to pull Buffy up, "I'll see you tomorrow, sis."
One long passionate kiss later Buffy finds herself alone in her room again, trying to make sense of what has just happened as well as what is happening to her in general.
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