The Bad Boy Next Door | By : addielogan Category: > Buffy/Spike(William) > Buffy/Spike(William) Views: 5907 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Usually, Spike wouldn't be caught
dead at a block party. It was incredibly too suburban with all the women
gossiping over covered dishes and the men ready to grill. But he'd looked out
the window and seen Buffy. He knew he was no better than a lovesick teenage boy
the way he'd do anything just to be around her, but he didn't care.
After glancing over at the men to
verify that Riley was nowhere to be found, Spike approached the group of women
Buffy was talking to. "Hello, ladies," he said, giving his most
charming smile.
The women all turned, greeting
Spike with hellos and coy smiles. Spike ignored most of them, focusing on
Buffy. "How are you doing today, Mrs. Finn?"
Buffy blushed a little at the
knowing looks women gave each other over the way Spike focused on her.
"I'm fine, you?" she asked, trying to sound casual. After all,
William was just her friend. There was nothing she should feel guilty about.
"Great. Is your husband not
back in town?"
More looks from the other women.
"No," Buffy said simply.
"Pity," Spike said with a
smile that told Buffy that he thought it was anything but. "He seems like
the type who would love a chance to grill something." He nodded his head
towards the group of men who were currently flipping hamburgers.
"And why aren't you over there
helping them?" Buffy asked, suddenly wishing William was anywhere but
there. She didn't like the looks she was getting from the other neighborhood
Spike shrugged. "Not too big
with the whole cooking over an open flame thing, pet. Too
caveman for me."
"Buffy, dear, could you give
me a hand? I have a few pies I baked sitting on my counter, and I'd like to
bring them out."
Buffy smiled at the elderly woman
who lived across from her. "Of course, Mrs.
Cranston." Buffy gave Spike a quick glance before walking across
the street.
"Marriage is a difficult
thing, child," Mrs. Cranston said once she and Buffy were in her house.
Buffy blinked. "What?"
"I remember when I was your
age, dear. My sweet Lyle, bless his resting soul, was always working—much like
that handsome husband of yours." Mrs. Cranston went into the kitchen,
pulling out some plastic wrap to cover the pies with. "A few times I was
confronted by the demon of temptation, but I didn't give in. Even if Lyle did,
I always turned a blind eye. After all, men will be men. But we wives, we're
meant to be there for our husbands, no matter how much better something else
may look."
Buffy frowned, confused. "What
are you talking about?" she asked. "I haven't…"
Mrs. Cranston shook a stern finger.
"Don't pretend you don't know. It's plain how you and that William look at
each other. But you're a good girl, Buffy. Don't let him tempt you into being
anything but a good wife. Riley's the kind of man who will
take care of you."
Buffy forced herself to stay quiet.
She knew Mrs. Cranston meant well, but she didn't like the way she was talking
to her. She wasn't a girl, she was a woman. A grown, adult
woman. And she didn't need Riley to take care of her, did she? And as
far as William was concerned, well, he was just a friend. No reason to worry
there. She pushed herself to smile. "Thank you for the advice, Mrs.
Mrs. Cranston smiled as if she felt
she had truly accomplished something, then handed Buffy a pie. "Thank you
for helping me with these, dear."
Buffy nodded. "Happy
to help."
*** ***
As the evening came to a close,
Buffy found herself sitting with Spike on his back porch. "I was surprised
to see you come out and join us today."
Buffy took a sip of her drink. "Yeah. You seem like the type who would hide from
something like this."
Spike chuckled. "Normally, I
would. But I knew you'd be here, pet."
Buffy looked up at him. "You
came to see me?"
"Well, yeah. We're friends,
aren't we?"
"We are." Buffy elbowed
him. "You sure you weren't here to see that brunette who lives down the
"The one you were talking to
earlier. She kept touching your arm. All big with the
"I guess that was her name.
Tattoo on her arm?"
"Yeah, that's Faith. And no, I
wasn't here to talk to her. She's not my type."
Buffy took another drink.
"That's good. She seemed sorta skanky."
Spike chuckled. "I'm surprised
you noticed." He gave her a teasing smirk. "Were you jealous?"
"Jealous? Ha!" Buffy
waved her left hand in his face. "Married woman
Spike cringed a little at the sight
of her rings. He hated Riley Finn for finding this woman first and marrying
her. "Doesn't mean you can't be jealous, kitten.
I am a rather attractive bloke after all."
Buffy felt suddenly lightheaded and
blamed it on the couple of beers she had and not on the way Spike was looking
at her. Kitten? That was a new one. And he was right, he was an attractive "bloke." Buffy
"What? Something
funny in that? You could seriously wound a man's ego that way, you
Buffy chuckled. "No, nothing's
"Then why are you
"No reason."
Spike pointed to her beer. "Had
one too many of those?"
"Nope, I'm good." More
"Somehow, I don't believe
that." Spike took her drink from her.
"Hey!" Buffy yelled
indignantly. "What was that for?"
"I'm cutting you off."
"You can't do that, you, you
"Meanie?" Spike laughed. "Case
in point, Buff."
Buffy pouted. "I'm not drunk,
I swear. Maybe a little tipsy, but still big with the
clear-headedness." Buffy sighed. "I just feel relaxed. Kinda happy. I had a good time today. Got to be around
people, and I didn't have to think about how Riley isn't here. Even Mrs.
Cranston's little 'don't give into the demon of temptation' speech didn't get
me down."
Oops. Buffy hadn't meant to let that slip. Maybe
she had had more to drink than she'd thought. "Oh, it's nothing. Just when
she had me go help her with the pies she hinted that you and I are getting
awfully close, and that I need to remember that good wives don't have affairs,
or something like that." Buffy laughed again. "But that's crazy
because you and I so aren't having an affair."
"No," Spike said, more
for his own benefit than for Buffy's. "We're not."
"Nope, we've just been hanging
out. In a completely friendly, non-affair having kind of way." She reached
over William, and he found himself suddenly assaulted with the wonderful scent
of her hair.
"What are you doing?" he
"Liberating my drink,"
Buffy said, grabbing the beer away from him.
"Evil," Spike muttered.
"Distracting me like that."
Buffy giggled again. "It was
easy, too. Didn't even have to fight you for it."
"Lucky for
you. I don't think you
would've stood much of a chance against me."
"Bah. I'm tougher than I look,
mister." Buffy lightly punched his shoulder.
"Oh. Ow. I'm in pain."
"The sarcasm is not
trying to be sarcastic.
I was just trying to, um, boost your ego."
Spike gave her a cocky look.
"What can I say, you hit like a girl."
"I am a girl."
"I've noticed."
Suddenly, it grew silent between them, the husky tone Spike's voice took in that simple
comment changing the mood between them from playful to something else.
"William…" Buffy looked up, meeting his eyes for just a second.
Spike felt his heart clench in his
chest as she said his name. She was so beautiful, and he couldn't help but
wonder what it would feel like to kiss her. Would it really be so bad, just to
give in a little? He moved closer, mesmerized by eyes.
Buffy knew she shouldn't. But her
mind kept cycling through fantasies about what it would be like just to kiss
him. It had been so long since she and Riley had shared anything passionate,
and she missed the rush she felt from a good kiss. She leaned in towards him.
Buffy froze when she felt Spike's
lips against hers. It was better than she'd expected, the light press of his
mouth stirring more up inside of her than the fieriest kiss she'd ever shared
with Riley. She reached up, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling him
The little voice in the back of Spike's
head told him what he was doing was wrong, but he didn't care. Kissing Buffy
somehow made him feel lost and at home at the same time. He wrapped his arms
around her, holding her tightly against him.
Suddenly, Buffy pulled herself
away, her eyes wide. "I…I…oh god, Riley."
Spike's shoulders slumped. He
mentally kicked himself for allowing himself to forget she was married.
"Buffy, I'm sorry. I didn't…"
"No, it's okay," Buffy
said softly, standing up. "I was kissing you, too." She looked at him
for a second then turned away. "I have to go."
Spike wanted to beg her to stay.
"I know." He watched as Buffy ran away.
*** ***
As soon as Buffy got into her house
she felt the tears start. She couldn't quite put her finger on exactly what had
happened. How had she gone from having a simple conversation with her neighbor
to kissing him like that?
Buffy decided to blame the alcohol.
What else would've made her completely forget about her husband like that?
She sank down on the couch, knowing
it was more than just the couple of beers she had had. She wanted Spike when
she was completely sober, too. And she'd been just one step away from throwing
all her vows out the window and doing something she knew she'd regret.
She knew she should stay away from
Spike, that the temptation was too great, but at the same time she wasn't sure
if she could. She felt more alive with him than she had in so long, and she
didn't want to give that up. She'd felt trapped in a loop for so long with
Riley, doing the same thing every day, but not really feeling anything. With
Spike, everything was different. But it was wrong. She was a married woman.
Buffy stood, wiping at her eyes as
she headed to the bedroom, telling herself that everything would look better in
the morning.
*** ***
Buffy woke the next morning feeling
no better than she had the night before. All she could think about was what it
felt like to kiss Spike and the overwhelming sense of guilt she felt at
betraying Riley, even in that simple way.
She busied herself around the
house, hoping that if she didn't sit still, maybe she could keep herself from
thinking. It worked.
Until she did the
Buffy stood in the basement in
front of the washing machine, checking the pockets of the jeans she was about
to wash. She reached into a pair of Riley's, pulling out a small, folded slip
of paper. Curious, she opened it. Buffy felt her whole world spin as she read
what was written. It was simple, just the name "Sandy" and a number
in curvy, feminine handwriting.
The paper fell to the ground as
Buffy stepped back, her hand clamped over her mouth as she fought back tears.
In the back of her mind she'd always had the nagging suspicion that Riley's
"business trips" weren't all that he said they were. Her friend
Xander's wife, Anya, had once tried to argue that if Riley wasn't getting it at
home, he was getting it somewhere, but Buffy hadn't let herself believe that.
Riley was just tired. All that working and traveling…
But Anya had been right. Riley
hadn't been simply worn out from work; he'd been worn out from whatever it was
he was doing with "Sandy."
Buffy felt angry tears begin to
stream down her face. She'd let herself be torn up with guilt over one kiss,
and he'd been sleeping around on her for who knew how long. "That
bastard!" Buffy yelled, throwing the jeans as hard as she could.
She stared down at the piece of paper, her pain quickly becoming nothing but
anger. She'd wasted so much time, keeping his house, doing nothing for herself,
while he'd been out having fun with some home-wrecking slut.
Buffy's mouth formed a determined
line. "No more," she said aloud. She wasn't going to sit at home
playing housewife Barbie for Riley Finn any longer.
Buffy walked out of the basement.
*** ***
Spike sat in front of his computer,
unable to focus long enough to write anything. He didn't feel blocked—the story
was still clear in his mind—but he was distracted. The kiss he'd shared with
Buffy the night before kept playing in his mind over and over again. It was
better than he'd even dreamed. He'd loved Drusilla almost as long as he could
remember, but even kissing her was never like that.
Yet Buffy wasn't his. She had a
husband, and despite the fact that Riley was one of the biggest wankers Spike
had ever met, he didn't want to let himself become the other man. He knew what
it felt like to have your wife cheating on you, and Spike didn't think even
Riley deserved that.
When Spike heard the knock on his
door, he frowned. Only two people ever came to his house these days, and Clem
never knocked. That meant it had to be Buffy. "Or it could be that pizza I
didn't order," Spike muttered as he got up. As much as he didn't want to,
he knew he had to talk to her.
Spike expected a guilty, nervous
Buffy to be standing on the other side of his door. What he didn't expect was
for her to launch herself in his arms, kissing him with a fierce passion.
Spike's eyes grew wide in shock as Buffy pushed him against the wall, slamming
the door shut with her foot as she did. She kissed him hard enough to bruise, tangling
her fingers in his hair. A million reasons why he shouldn't be doing this ran
through Spike's head, but he couldn't do anything but wrap his arms around
Buffy and kiss back.
Spike turned Buffy in his arms,
pressing her against the wall instead. Buffy let him for a moment before
pushing him across the room into the opposite wall, gaining the upper hand
again. She's spent too many years being the weaker one. This time, with this
man, she wanted control. Buffy jumped up, wrapping her legs tightly around his
waist. Spike held on to her for support, thankful for her slight weight. She
pushed herself against him, and Spike groaned against her lips. Suddenly, she
reached between them, pulling down his zipper and pulling him out of his jeans.
When he felt her small, soft hand around him he almost told her to stop, but
then she was pulling up her skirt and, before he knew it, she had slipped
herself down onto him.
Spike looked up at her in surprise.
She looked back with the same expression of shock, as if she was as unsure as
he was as to exactly how things had progressed to this. Spike expected her to
jump out of his arms and run away without looking back. But instead, her look
changed to one of determination as she began to slide up and down on him. Any
rational thoughts he may have had left him as she closed her eyes, a sound of
complete bliss escaping her lips. She kissed him again, and Spike spun with her
still in his arms, pushing her against the wall for better leverage.
Buffy whimpered, pushing herself
against him as hard as she could. Spike tried to keep his balance, but he
couldn't, Buffy's movements too frantic for that. He fell backwards, Buffy's
hand reaching out and knocking over everything on his side table as they went
to the ground. Buffy didn't miss a beat, immediately resuming her motions as
they landed, now riding Spike as he lay on his floor.
She looked into his eyes for a moment before throwing her head back, gasping
with pleasure. Then she leaned down, meeting his eyes again. Her lips were
close enough to kiss, but Spike didn't lean forward. All he could do was lay
under her, panting, his body still in shock that this was even happening. He
wondered for a moment if he would wake up and find this was just another one of
his dreams.
Buffy sat up again, riding him
harder this time. She threw her head back, closing her eyes and biting her
lower lip. He watched her for what could've been minutes, and hour, eternity,
he wasn't sure. Then, she cried out his name, her body spasming and clenching him
tighter. Spike let himself go then, knowing he couldn't keep himself from
falling over the edge now if he tried.
Buffy slumped forward, and Spike
held her to him, feeling her tremble. She pushed herself up on his chest, her
eyes searching his. Suddenly, her face paled, and she scrambled to get off of
him, straightening her clothes. She fidgeted nervously with her hair, her eyes
scanning the room wildly, trying to look at anything but him.
Spike's mind was going a mile a
minute as he tried to process what the hell had just happened.
"Buffy…" he said, sitting up and fixing his pants.
Buffy held her hand out.
"Don't. Just…don't."
Spike frowned. Had she forgotten
she was the one that threw herself at him? He stood. "Buffy, I just… What
happened here, pet?"
Buffy turned towards him, the look
of hurt confusion on his face tearing at her. "I'm so sorry," she
said, starting to cry.
"It's all right," Spike
said, unable to keep himself from going over to comfort her. He wrapped her
arms around her, letting her cry against his shoulder.
"I'm sorry," Buffy said
again, her voice muffled against his chest.
Spike stroked her hair. "Shh.
You don't have to be sorry. It's going to be all right, love."
Buffy pushed away from him.
"Don't call me that."
Spike frowned. "Call you what?"
"Love. I don't love you. I can't love you."
"I…I didn't mean…" Spike
gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm British."
"I know, I
just." Buffy looked
around the room again, the reality of what she'd just done hitting her. "I
have to go. Riley's supposed to be home this afternoon."
Spike looked down, the mention of
her husband's name filling him with guilt over what they'd just done. "Right."
Buffy ran out the door without
looking back. Spike sighed and started picking up what they'd knocked over.
*** ***
When Riley got home, Buffy was
sitting on the couch. "Hey, baby," he said, leaning down to kiss her.
Buffy turned away. "What's wrong?" Riley asked,
his brow knitting.
"Who's Sandy?"
Buffy stood and tossed the scrap of
paper she'd found earlier at Riley's head. "Sandy! Who
the fuck is she, Riley?"
Riley's eyes grew wide, and he bent
down to pick up the paper. He opened it, reading the name and number.
"Where did you find this?"
"In your
jeans earlier, when I was doing laundry. Is she where you've been, Riley? Is Sandy your 'business?'"
"What! No! Buffy, I…Do you
think I'm cheating on you?"
"You have women's numbers
crumpled in your jeans, Riley. What the fuck
am I supposed to think?"
Riley blinked. He'd never seen
Buffy like this, never heard her talk this way. "Buffy…I wouldn't do
"Then who is she?" Buffy
screamed, her whole body shaking.
"She's…she's a business
associate. She'd left her house that morning without bringing her business cards,
so she just scribbled her number down. I swear, Buffy, I'm not cheating on you.
I would never, ever do that, baby! I love you so much."
Buffy stared at him, feeling sick
to her stomach. "You didn't…"
"No!" Riley placed his
hands on her arms, looking down into her eyes. "Buffy,
listen to me. I love you. I know I'm gone a lot, but I'm always
faithful. You're my everything."
"You really didn't cheat on
me? Oh god…" Buffy burst into tears.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
Riley asked softly, wiping the tears off her cheeks. "You seem upset that
I didn't."
"No, it isn't that,"
Buffy said, hoping he couldn't tell she was lying. "It's just, I found
that this morning, and it's been a really emotional day. I'm so sorry,
"It's okay," Riley said,
kissing her forehead. "I don't blame you for making that conclusion,"
he told her, unable to know the true reason for her apology. "I probably
would've thought the same thing in your shoes."
"I'm sorry," Buffy said
again, slumping against her husband's chest.
"It's okay, really." He
hugged her. "You've had a hard day, baby. Why don't I go run you a bath,
and you can soak while I order something for dinner."
Buffy looked up at him, the gentle
way he was treating her compounding the guilt he was feeling. "Riley, you
don't need…"
"No arguing,
Buffy. Come on. Let's go
get you relaxing."
Buffy nodded numbly as she followed
Riley into the bathroom.
*** ***
I know it's been forever since I've
updated, and this chapter is short and well, a little evil. Sorry! I'll write
more, happier stuff soon, I promise! Let me know what you thought—leave a
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