Remember Me | By : Janina Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Threesomes/Moresomes > Angel(us)/Buffy/Spike(William) > Angel(us)/Buffy/Spike(William) Views: 8254 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Giles sat poring over a book on hypnotism, amnesia and 'mind sweeping' while Angel searched the internet and Spike alternated between looking over Angel and Giles' shoulders.
"Honestly Spike do you think you could find something more productive to do?" Giles nearly barked.
"I don't know what else to do! If I had my way, I'd be on my way to rip Quentin Travers' head off, but it's daylight out right now!" Spike exclaimed, "OR, I'd be out there, hunting for my lady."
"OUR lady," Angel interjected.
"Right. OUR lady."
"So instead you are going to drive us-" Giles stopped when Spike held up a hand. He had an urgent look on his face. "What is it?"
Angel's head popped up, "she's here. Well, close by anyway. Where the hell is that damn spell now? For crying out loud Spike, can't you just leave thing alone?"
"Don't start-"
"Shut up both of you," Giles snapped. He waved his hand in the air, chanted a few lines of Latin, "there. It's done. Sit somewhere where she won't accidentally bump into you or sit on you."
Acting as if they were two school children that had just gotten scolded by the principal, Angel and Spike sat on the stairs leading to the upstairs loft. They had a clear view of the living room and were sure not to miss a thing.
Giles straightened when the doorbell rang and he ignored the hopeful faces of Spike and Angel as he made his way to the door. Opening it, he pretended to act surprised to see Buffy.
"Well, hello Buffy. How are you?"
"Fine, thanks. Can I come in?" She didn't look fine though. She looked frazzled. Her eyes were shifty, her hands fidgeting, she was trembling and her hair was falling out of the clip holding her hair up at the top of her head.
"Of course," and Giles stepped aside to let her in. "Where's Lindsey? Will he be joining us?"
"Uh, no. He's um, napping."
"Oh? Late night then last night?"
She darted a pointed skeptical eye at him, "how'd you know?"
"Guessed. You are a Slayer now aren't you?"
She nodded absently and surveyed the room as she reached up to the mark on her neck and rubbed it.
"You feeling all right Buffy?"
She tugged on her clip and seeming to notice that her hair was falling out of it, she looked around and marched to the mirror: The mirror at the bottom of the stairs that Spike and Angel were sitting at. She tugged on the clip and her blond hair tumbled free. She made quick work of binding the wild mane back up and Giles could see Spike and Angel as they stared at her. Their hands were itching to touch her, he knew. They looked absolutely in awe and in love at Buffy. When she walked away, they both closed their eyes, savoring the moment of close proximity of their beloved.
She walked by the open books Giles had been looking at and stopped. She flipped to the cover and then looked up at him. "Interesting stuff you have here. You planning on controlling someone's mind?"
"No, I believe that wouldn't be right."
"Yeah, you're probably right," she murmured.
"What's on your mind Buffy? Lindsey bothering you?"
"No, of course not. Lindsey's great," why did she look so guilty suddenly?
"He's a knowledgeable Watcher, I imagine. What with Quentin having trained him."
"Yeah, he is. Listen, I have some questions to ask you."
"I figured you did. Why don't you have a seat."
Perching on the edge of the couch, she took a deep breath. Giles sat on his armchair and waited patiently. He made note of Spike and Angel moving closer. It wasn't as if they had to move closer to hear better either. Giles so wished he could reunite them and ease all their hurts.
"I don't know where to start," she admitted.
"From the beginning seems a good place."
"You know what happened to me. . . how Spike and Angelus. . . they did that stuff to me and my mother."
Giles nodded. Over her head, he could see the looks of despair clearly written on Angel and Spike's faces. Giles realized that perhaps it was one thing to hear from him what Quentin did to her, what he made her believe and quite another to hear it from her mouth. He imagined that not only did it make it seem more real that she hated them, but also made it that much more painful.
"Yes, I know."
"Well, see, they bit me. A lot. Mostly on my arms and on my neck. I don't even think they drank from me all that much. Think they enjoyed the fact that it hurt me more than anything. They seemed to love making me scream in agony," she shivered at the 'memory'. So did Spike and Angel.
"Anyway, lately I've been feeling the marks-two in particular very acutely. I-I don't know what it means."
Giles nodded and leaned forward, "how do you mean you feel them 'acutely'? Have they been tingling? Aching? Are they hot?"
Her eyes widened, "yes, that's it exactly. Just out of the blue all of a sudden and today-" she jumped up, "today Lindsey helped me to meditate and. . . it was weird. Creepy weird."
He noticed Angel brighten at the mention of meditation and Spike hit him in acknowledgement on the arm.
"How was it creepy weird?"
"Well, first I kind of felt like I'd been there before-"
"Like it was some place you visited before?"
"Right. Only I don't think I ever did."
"How did this place make you feel?"
"That's a healthy place to go then when you meditate."
"God, you do sound like a shrink. No," she shook her head, "it's NOT a safe place for me to go no matter how safe it was. The place is contaminated."
"How so?"
"By Spike and Angelus."
"There was a cave there, with a waterfall in front. I went inside that cave."
"What made you do that?"
She shrugged, "felt like the thing to do? Get to know my surroundings."
"I saw things that I didn't want to see. It was like a movie playing out. Almost as if it were a memory; but it wasn't real. It was a very different me, my mother was very different and it definitely could NOT have been Spike and Angelus."
"They had souls. They were actually kind and I most obviously CARED for them."
"What happened?"
She relayed the story to Giles and all the while, behind her, Spike and Angelus were nodding profusely and pointing at her with big, silly grins on their faces. Apparently, what she 'saw' was what actually happened.
"And seeing it. . . it made me sick."
"What did you do?"
"I forced my eyes open, ran to the bathroom and threw up."
Now the vampires looked positively crestfallen, as if their hearts had been torn out of them. And, well, in essence-they had.
"You think that what you saw has some connection to your marks that are bothering you?"
"Yes. I think they're playing with my mind."
Giles nearly choked, "I-I don't know about that Buffy."
"Vampires can put their victims in a thrall, right? That's playing with their minds. And by biting me, maybe it gave them some kind of power over my mind."
"Thrall is akin to hypnotism. It can make the victim see things, make them zone or make them do things as if in a trance. However, it's not only something that can only be done in person, but getting inside your mind the way you experienced, that is not conceivable."
"Then what is happening to me?" She asked, almost mournfully.
Giles felt at a loss. Should he mention claiming? Did she know of it?
"The reactions you are having to your bite marks could mean they claimed you."
"Claimed me?"
"Has Lindsey taught you anything?" Giles asked, exasperated. "Claiming is, well, claiming a mate. It's like a human marriage between vampires except much more. Claiming involves blood and the word 'mine', because vampires are possessive creatures and the claiming of a mate is not to be taken lightly. To claim a mate for a vampire is to possess them, love them-"
"You can stop right there. If those bastards claimed me, it was NOT because they loved me." She shook with rage.
"It is also possible they could have claimed you just for the simple act of possessing you."
"And controlling me? Could they be messing with my mind through a claim?"
"That is a bit of a stretch. Claiming can do a lot of things. It can, for one, explain your reaction to the bite marks you are having."
"Why is it only the two?"
"Those could have been the marks they worked the claim on you with."
"I don't recall them ever saying 'mine'. Course, I wasn't exactly conscious for a lot of it either."
"You could have been claimed. The marks could be letting you that they are close. Biting someone-and having them live-allows the claimed one to be aware of the vampire that bit them."
"Like a survival thing? Let the victim know where the vampire is that bit them so they can save themselves?"
"Perhaps for humans, if they are unwilling." Huh, never thought of it that way. Maybe for those unwanted claimings-focus Giles. "Not for vampires who claim each other."
"Who the hell would want to willingly let themselves be claimed by a vampire?" She spat. Something snapped inside her and she started to shake. "You're saying that they could be close by? They could be coming for me?" Her arms wrapped around her in a protective cocoon.
"You knew one day they would, didn't you Buffy?"
The scared girl he had seen just a second before changed then. She set her jaw, balled her fists at her side, and straightened her gait. Her eyes shifted from one of fear to one of iciness, fury and determination.
She didn't answer, but she didn't need to. She did know. Giles knew it was what this Buffy was waiting for. And now, the Buffy they had squashed inside of her, she was waiting too. Waiting to be saved. Waiting to be reunited with her loves.
"The interesting thing is the cave you saw and then entered. Entering something like that, a cave, a hole, something with depth, something dark like that, usually signifies traveling deeper into your subconscious."
"Which means?"
"That's where your deepest and darkest feelings, desires, fears and dreams come from. Even some of the memories you might have squashed live."
"Are you saying that my deepest desire is for what I saw to have happened? That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. Not to mention the most incredibly INSANE." She was outraged now. Her eyes were flashing and Giles wondered if she were going to pummel him at any minute.
"Ever hear of child abuse victims blocking out the bad memories as a defense mechanism?"
She gave him a weary look, "are you saying that my mind turned what happened to me into some kind of Brady Bunch moment as a defense mechanism?"
Giles nodded, "your mind created something happy to get rid of the unpleasant memories."
"Unpleasant? Understatement."
"I'm throwing out options here. The mind is a powerful instrument Buffy. It makes things happen. Take amnesia for example. The whole blocking of memories. Memories you've acquired over your entire life, just wiped out. Or hypnotism. The person hypnotizing you has complete control over you. They can make you, say, cluck like a chicken if they so desired. You'd have no control over it. It's fascinating."
Now she was looking at him as if he were crazy. "Yeah, that is. . . fascinating." Taking a deep breath she thanked him and started for the door.
"Was I able to help in some way Buffy?"
"Yes, definitely. Seems I've got some work to do."
"Is that so."
She nodded, "I've got a couple of vampires to get ready for. Find out what the hell is happening to me and put a stop to it." She smiled evilly and let out a diabolical chuckle, "it's going to be so. Much. Fun." Opening the door, she took a step out, turned and waved to Giles.
Giles shut the door behind her and turned to Spike and Angel. Angel was frowning, Spike was pacing and cursing under his breath.
"Well, it seems she's expecting you now," Giles told them.
Angel looked up at him, "yes, it seems so. I just hope that we're ready for her."
"Afraid, Angel?" Spike started to laugh nervously.
"The depth of her hatred for us is not to be taken lightly, Spike," Angel snapped. "Remember how you felt when those vampires attacked you and Buffy once upon a time? Remember how it felt to see her hurt and almost dead-remember the rage you felt? Now imagine how she feels thinking we did that to Joyce."
Spike fell silent.
"It seems you have another option now as well," Giles rushed in.
"What?" Angel asked, confused.
"Her meditation? I am thinking that is a way to reach her. She's reconnected to that place in her mind, where before all you got was darkness."
"If she decides to meditate again. She probably won't want to now. Her reaction to that memory was not encouraging."
"She will."
"How do you know?" Spike asked curiously.
"Morbid fascination. Sometimes we just can't stop ourselves from doing that which disgusts us."
Spike shook his head, "you have a scary mind, Rupert." Then he smiled, "I like it."
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