Loves Bitch | By : pixiecorn Category: > Buffy/Spike(William) > Buffy/Spike(William) Views: 1121 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS), nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Well now where the fun starts. The gang have seen Buffy, oh what are they going to, do well I’m not saying because that would ruin it so just read ok and review that’s always a nice thing to do. (hehe)
RATING: This story is so R rated.
PAIRING: Well this story is gonna be Willow/oz, Cordy/Angel, Xander/Anya, Dawn/Conner, and…….. SPUFFY.
“That was really good Buffy.” Ben said smiling, people clapped as Buffy. Lara and Kelly hoped of the stage.
“Thanks. I‘m gonna finish cleaning the tables now.” Buffy smiled putting her apron back on.
“Giles was right about the talent in this town.” Angel smiled
“Yup” Spike said watching as the young woman wipe down the tables and start to stack the chairs.
LOVES BITCH CHPT 2: She’s not my………...
……The Bronze 11:20……
Buffy bobbed her head to the music that was playing over the sound system.
“Can I help you, you guys look lost.” Kelly smiled as she walked up to the group.
“Yeah were um looking for Ben.” Angle said smiling. This girl was cute.
“He‘s over there.” Kelly pointed to Ben who was near the bar. Spike was still staring at Buffy, who was unaware of his onlooking eyes.
“Thanks.” Oz smiled as they walked over to the bar. Buffy had turned to look around to see what other chairs needed to be stacked when she saw Spike at the bar with a group of people.
“Wow, Capitan peroxide is one fine ass hottie.” Buffy thought stacking the remaining chair.
“Are you Ben.” Anya asked standing opposite Ben on the other side of the bar.
“That I am gorgeous, how can I help you.” Ben smiled. Xander put his arm around her waist to show that she was off limits.
“Were from the band Loves Bitch and………….” Angel started but was cut of bye two girls who were screaming.
“OH MY GOD, it‘s you, it‘s them. OH MY GOD, can we have your autographs” they smiled excitedly.
“OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD.” One of the girls repeated under her breath.
“Sure.” Oz said getting everyone bar Anya to sign the piece of paper, he handed it back to the girls who squealed and walked of with huge smiles on their faces. Buffy had herd the squealing and looked up.
“Who the hell is loves bitch. OH WELL” Buffy thought shrugging and continuing with what she was doing.
“were from loves bitch and our lead singer has left the band. We came to SunnyDale because we’ve herd it has talent, we were wondering if we could hold auditions in your club.” Xander asked fingers crossed behind his back.
“Yeah but it‘ll cost you 50 buks an hour.” Ben said trying to get money out of them.
“That’s fine mate.” Spike smiled.
“I‘ll se you later Ben, bye.” Buffy smiled walking out of The Bronze’ door slipping her jacket on as she went.
……Saturday (next day) Summers House 10:00am……
“Mummy, BB needs her brecky.” Amy said holding the small kitten.
“Here you go sweetie.” Buffy smiled handing Amy a bowl of cat food to her daughter.
“Look BB, brecky is good for you, its yummy.” Amy said patting her cat as it ate.
“Buffy dear, have you seen my silver hoop earrings.” Joyce said walking into the kitchen.
“There here.” Buffy handed her mother the hoops off of the bench.
Buffy wore a black, long sleeve zip up jacket. It had two blobs of pink bubbles on either side of the zipper and on the right side down it had pink writing on it. She wore a black leather corset over the top of her jacket that tied up at the front. She wore a black ruffled skirt that reached a bit passed her knees.. On the underbelly of the skirt were some white ruffles.
Buffy wore boots she wore last night. Her hair was out. A bit more than half of it was combed over the right side of her head. The bit on the left was braided half way round. Red material braided through it and tied up at the ends, bits left hanging to flow into the rest of her hair.
Her makeup was the same, dark eyeliner, eye shadow and a bit of lip gloss.
“Mummy, can you do my hair please.” Amy asked running into the lounge room where Buffy sat. she had a little hair brush in her small hands.
“Do you want it in some plats and some out or a braid.” Buffy asked brushing her long jet black hair. It was half way down her back.
“Braid please. Ohhhhhh play.” Amy smiled hitting the play button on the video player.
“Ah yes the terrible sleeping beauty is on play again.” Buffy smiled kissing Amy’s head as she was half way through the braid. The phone rang.
“I‘ll get it.” Joyce said running down the stairs to the phone.
“Mummy, what should I wear.” Amy asked as Buffy finished.
“HMMMMMMMM. How bout the new jeans I got you and your blue Singlet top.” Buffy smiled as Amy ran up the stairs. Joyce came back onto the lounge room.
“That was Giles. He‘s uh bringing 5 more people, which is ok I guess since aunt Nancy and her 3 kids can’t come.” Joyce smiled.
“Oh ok.” Buffy said getting up from the couch.
“It‘s 11:10 now, everyone should be here at 12, wanna help me get the salads ready.” Joyce asked making her way to the kitchen.
……Giles Apartment 11:30am (same day)……
“God she was hot.” Angel smiled.
“Defiantly.” Xander agreed.
“She was one pretty chit, had a voice on her to. I wonder if she‘ll come to the auditions.” Spike smiled.
“Yeah, she‘d be great.” Oz smiled.
“I liked her clothes.” Anya beamed smiling.
“God she was hot.” Angel said again.
“Who‘s hot.” Giles asked walking into the room.
“The girl that was singing at the bronze last night” Angel said glancing at Giles.
“She was really good” Anya smiled.
“I just talked to Joyce and she said it was fine that you guys come, 4 people pulled out at the last minuet.”
“Who‘s the party for again.” Xander asked as the group stood up.
“Joyce‘s granddaughter and a good friend of mines little girl. Now lets go I don’t want to be late.” Giles said opening the door.
……Summers House 12 (lunchtime)……
“M mum is a meanie doo, that looks like BB’s poo. Meanie doo BB‘s poo.” Amy laughed as she stood outside the bathroom, while Buffy was inside using the toilet.
“You better run little girl, I‘m gonna get you.” Buffy said evilly flushing the toilet.
“AHHHHHHH” Amy screamed running down the stairs. Buffy followed her
“Nanny, mummy‘s being a poo.” Amy laughed as Buffy chased her around the lounge room. The doorbell rang.
“Buffy leave her alone, Rupert hi, come in guys.” Joyce smiled letting everyone in.
“Joyce this is……” Giles was cut of by a little persons laughter and Buff’s voice.
“SAY IT.” Buffy smiled, as she tickled her daughter holding her to her chest.
“N……..NO” Amy laughed.
“Say it.” Buffy smiled.
“Y…’re the (laugh) best (laugh) in the world.” Amy laughed.
“See I knew you love me.” Buffy picked up her daughter and held her in her arms. Buffy kissed Amy’s cheek.
“Buffy.” Joyce smiled looking at mother and daughter.
“Yeah.” Buffy said looking to her mum.
“I told you nanny, she‘s being a poo.” Amy laughed wiggling out of her mothers grasp and running to Joyce.
“Hey you get back here.” Buffy said glaring at her daughter. Amy pocked her tongue out.
Buffy looked up and saw a group of people staring at her. She blushed.
“Buffy this is William, Liam, Daniel, Anyanka and Alexander.” Giles said pointing to each of the people who in tern said there preferred name.
“Spike, Angel, Oz, Anya. Xander.” They all smiled.
“I saw you guys at the bronze last night, how’d your talk go with Ben.” Buffy asked shaking each of their hands.
“You were the singer.” Angel asked staring at Buffy.
“Yeah I sang at the end but I usually just waitress.” Buffy smiled shutting the door.
“The song you sang last night was really good.” Anya said smiling happily.
“We‘ll leave you guys to talk, Rupert.” Joyce said walking into the kitchen with Giles and Amy.
“Thanks.” Buffy smiled
“So how long you been signing for.” Xander asked her as they all went to the living room and sat down.
“Since I could talk really.” Buffy laughed a bit.
“God I love you clothes, where did you get them from.” Anya asked touching the material on Buffy’s skirt.
“I make my own clothes.” Buffy smiled as Anya looked at what she was wearing.
“So, how old‘s your little sis.” Oz asked sitting on the single couch.
“Oh she‘s not my……” Buffy was cut of by Spike, the blonde who was staring at her again.
“How old are you pet.” Spike asked smiling.
“I‘m 20.” Buffy smiled as Spike raised his scared eyebrow.
“How old did you say your lil sis was again.” Angel asked.
“She‘s 4 and she‘s not my…………” Buffy started but was cut of by a crying Amy.
“MUMMY.” The girl cried running in.
“Hey what happened.” Buffy said standing and scooping the child up balancing her n her right hip.
“BB scratched me.” Amy sniffled, showing her arm to her mum.
“OH, I’m sure you’ll be ok, how bout you go get a bandaid from nanna.” Buffy said putting Amy on the floor again.
“NANNY” Amy yelled running into the kitchen, Buffy smiled.
“She‘s ……………. she‘s your daughter.” Angel asked shocked.
“Shit probably got herself a husband or boyfriend already.” Spike thought.
“Yeah she turned 4 last Friday on the 28th of May.” Buffy smiled looking at the shocked faces.
Well I hope you all loved that chapter cause I sure did.
Neyway I would really love it if you all reviewed. AND A HUGE THANKYOU again to all of you who have reviewed so far.
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