Know Who I Am | By : Paigie Category: -Buffy the Vampire Slayer > FemmeSlash - Female/Female > Buffy/Faith Views: 4794 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, 20th Century Fox, UPN and WB Television Networks own the television shows, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel". Dark Horse and IDW own the Comics. No copyright infringement is intended, no money is be |
“If Sunnydale is so damn small then how come we can’t find those damn vamps?” Faith asks and she sounds very irritated. We’ve been patrolling for three hours and we haven’t found anything. It’s like the vampires are invisible or something. It’s not like we haven’t been following the plan. We’ve patrolled every night together for the last week, and for about an hour longer then we normally do and still nothing.
“I don’t know. But we need to find them soon because I really need to kill something.” I’m very frustrated for two reasons. One, four days ago another little girl was taken and she still hasn’t been found. All of these missing girls are drawing a lot of attention from the cops, the press, and pissed off residents of Sunnydale and it’s making patrolling that much harder. Two, yesterday morning I walked into the bathroom thinking no one was in it, but I was so wrong. Faith was naked from the waist down, and Tanner was going down on her. She had her eyes closed and they didn’t hear me walk in so they didn’t stop. She had this look on her face and I know I’ll never forget it. She looked like she was in pain. It’s like she needs release so bad but he can’t give it to her. I shut the door and ran downstairs. I didn’t look either of them in the eyes all day. It was just too weird, and I never want to see anything like that again. I’m completely traumatized, and it’s their fault. The door has a lock they just didn’t use it. “I know what you mean,” she says and sits down on a tombstone. “If I don’t get at least one good lay anytime soon I might explode.” That’s not really what I meant. Ok, so it is, but I’ll never admit it out loud. Even though we’ve been getting along a lot better we haven’t talked about anything personal. I’ve been following her lead on the conversations ‘cause I don’t want to hit a nerve and scare her away. If she wants to get personal now I’m not going to stop her. “Really? But you and Tanner have been…” I need to word it just right or she might get offended or something. “Pretty…active in that department.” She gives me a weird look and I sigh. “Slayer hearing, remember? You two keep me up at night no matter how quiet you try to be.” She gets a little smile on her face, but it’s so not funny. I could have gone my entire life without knowing that Tanner says ‘shazam’ every time he comes. “He tries but it just isn’t enough for me anymore. I haven’t had a good lay since….” She trails off and her eyes start roaming all over my body. I can tell just by looking at her that she’s turned on, and my body is reacting to her gaze, and the heavy smell of her arousal. So I was right? She hasn’t been satisfied since our night together. Well, that’s good for the ego. I feel my face heat up as my entire body starts to tingle at the sensation of her eyes on me. I take in a sharp breath and her eyes jump up from my legs to my breasts. My nipples harden against my will and there’s a dampness between my legs. Faith has me wet and wanting her with just a look. She better get some release soon or we’re both going to either go completely insane or do something stupid that will make her hate me and never talk to me again. “Maybe we should call it a night.” Was that my voice? When did my voice get all throaty and kinda deep? Faith stiffens and takes in a deep breath. She either doesn’t want to go home or she likes my voice when it’s like this. “We’re not finding anything and I have to finish my history paper.” She stands up from the tombstone and gets really close to me. I don’t know if it was on purpose, or if I was standing that close while she was sitting, but we’re almost touching. “Buffy,” she whispers and the sound of it sends a shiver down my spine. I can feel my blood rushing through my veins, and my heart pumping so fast that I can hear it. Every fiber of my being is telling me to take her. To lay her down on the ground and fuck her until she’s screaming my name. I want to, you have no idea how much I want to, and I know she does too, I can smell her. So you can safely bet that my i.d. is screaming out in anger when I back away. “Let’s just go home, Faith. I don’t want to do anything we’ll regret later.” I watch in silence as she forces herself to calm down. When she nods we start walking towards the house. She’s walking like she’s in pain, and every once in a while she’ll hiss out a breath. I bet her clit is so…. Ok, Buffy if you’re going to stay sane then you have to stop thinking about Faith’s naughty parts. I wonder what her naughty parts look like? I’ve never seen another girl up close and personal before. “I’m sorry.” Wait, what? Why is she saying sorry? I don’t remember her doing anything wrong. But I don’t want to look stupid so I’ll just wait until I know what she’s talking about. “I’m the one who keeps saying no, but I’m not making it any easier. First I kissed you, and back there I was gettin ready to jump ya. I know you’re doin your best, and I’m sorry.” Wow. I never thought I’d hear her say sorry. Faith never says sorry for anything. “It’s alright. I just want us to be friends.” I don’t know if I should bring this up or not but I think I should. I don’t want to feel like an ass. “And I’m sorry too, about what happened at the Bronze.” I can practically hear her muscles tense up, and she sucks in a deep breath. “I never should’ve forced you to go. I knew you were uncomfortable with the whole thing, and I’m sorry.” I hold my breath as I wait for the freak out. “Ok, we’ve got to do something bad now.” What the fuck kind of response is that? “I’m not tryin to be insensitive.” Oh really, now why would I think that? “But I feel like I’m caught in an after school special.” I watch as she picks up a rock and throws it as hard as she can. It hits the car across the street, goes through the driver’s window, the passenger window, and it lodges itself in the house the car is parked next to. The alarm goes off and a light in the dark house turns on. “Run!” Faith yells. We take off down the street and she has a huge smile on her face. I can’t believe she did that! Just because she felt a little stupid it doesn’t mean she can go around throwing rocks. On the upside no one got hurt, and watching her boobs bounce while we run is pretty cool. But that person is going to have to buy new windows and those aren’t cheap. We stop when we get to my house and we’re panting at the end of the walkway. “Some fun, aye Pidge?” she says and winks. The smile is still plastered on her face and her dimples are out on display. Wait a second, when I reference Lady and the Tramp it’s immature, but when she does it it’s ok? That is totally not fair. I could get a little mad and argue my case or I could throw her of by saying something unexpected. “Nah. If you wanted to do something fun you would’ve thrown it at the living room window.” I smile when she gets a shocked look on her face. I’ve never seen Faith look like that. It’s pretty nice. “Well, well, well. It looks like you’re not such a goodie two-shoes after all.” I laugh a little as she stands up straight and shakes out her hair. My eyes wander down to her cleavage totally against my will. I remember what it was like when I touched them. They were soft, and felt so right in my hands. “I’m really, really not.” I give her a little look, almost like I’m challenging her. It can’t hurt to flirt a little, right? I know my plan to win Faith’s hand has been put on the back burner because of the vampires taking all of those girls, but a few subtle hints never hurt anybody. “Then again, you already know that.” I give her a little wink and she looks shocked and turned on at the same time. “We better get inside,” she says and it almost sounds like she’s talking about going to bed with me. I really wish that were true. I really want her to take me by the hand and lead me upstairs to my bedroom. Then she’ll undress me, her hands will softly roam over my body as she gently leads me over to the bed. She’ll pull back the covers, and I’d lay down and wait patiently. I’d watch her undress and I know I’d get even more turned on just watching her. Then she’d crawl on top of me, and make sure not to hurt me. We’d kiss, soft at first, but then it would build. Her hands would touch me in my most intimate places. She’s tease me, and kiss me, and make sure I’m good and ready before entering me with her fingers. We’d rock against each other building up a rhythm together and just when I think I can’t stand it anymore she’ll- “You wanna stand out here all night or what?” Fuck! That scared me. I must’ve zoned out. I look over at Faith and she has a teasing smile on her face. “I think you better hit the showers, B.” What? “Whatever you were thinkin about must be hot ‘cause you are all kinds of worked up.” Let’s see, my face is flushed, my palms are sweaty, I’m very wet, my heart is beating very fast, and my clit is throbbing. Yep, I’m all kinds of worked up. I ignore Faith’s comment and we make our way towards the house. Instantly we both know something is…off. Sam is crying really loud but it isn’t like any of her other cries. It’s not her tired cry, or her ‘I’m so hungry I think I’m gonna die’ cry, or her ‘will someone please just listen to me?’ cry. Faith tenses up and starts walking faster. She looks worried, to say the least, but there was something else in her eyes. Something that I can’t put my finger on. She practically throws the door open and I’m only two steps behind her. The crying is coming from upstairs, and that’s where Faith heads. I stay down here though. Something just isn’t right. I don’t want to sound like a hippy but I’m getting some pretty bad vibes right now. There’s just all this negative stuff in the air, and I don’t like it at all. I go into the kitchen and the first thing I see is the empty paper bag. The next thing that grabs my attention is the trashcan. It has about seven empty beer bottles in it. I jump a little when I hear a door slam and I look up at the ceiling. I can hear Tanner’s voice, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. He doesn’t sound too happy and I think it’s safe to say he’s the one who drank all of those beers. So it’s probably safe to say he’s drunk. I’m not liking this one bit. I have no idea what to do. This has never happened, and I’m pretty sure I would normally have my mom lead, but she’s not here. She’s in San Francisco at a conference thing for the gallery. Ok, Buffy, what would Mom do if she were here right now? I think my mom would try to calm Sam down while the other two fight. She’d give the space, and stay calm. Ok, so that’s what I need to do. I can stay calm and keep quiet. Tanner’s a nice guy, how bad can he be when he drinks? I make my way up the stairs. Sam’s crying is really loud, but their voices are still muffled so I guess she’s in a different room. “I’m not drunk you stupid bitch!” Oh yeah, he’s a real charmer. I totally get what Faith sees in him. “If I were drunk I’d do somethin like this!” I hear something shatter against the wall. I ignore the impulse to go into the bedroom and see what it was. I go into Sam’s room, and she’s still screaming bloody murder. I’ve never heard her scream and cry this hard before. I turn on the light and I can’t help the gasp that gets sucked into my lungs. She looks up at me, her eyes are a dark color because of the crying. So is her face, and neck and judging by how hoarse her voice is I’d say she’s been crying like this for a while. Ok so here’s the reason why I gasped, and most likely the reason why she’s crying: she has bruises, big dark bruises, on her chest and stomach and her right side. Her left wrist is a little red and swollen. She’s coughing now she’s crying so hard. Ok, I need to do something because she’s having trouble breathing. I walk over to her kinda slow ‘cause I don’t wanna scare her. As soon as I’m next to her bed she lifts her arms up and starts reaching for me. I carefully pick her up and prop her on my hip. If she weren’t, obviously, beaten I’d be totally grossed by all of the snot coming out of her nose. I need to stay focused here. I need to calm her down. “And where the fuck were you all night, huh?” I really wish he’d stop yelling so loud. The neighbors might call the cops and if Tanner’s arrested then I can’t kill him. “Were you out on your back getting fucked?! Is’at why you never come, you’re out doin it for someone else?!” Something slams against the door and Sam starts crying harder. Faith is saying something back, but she isn’t yelling and with Sam crying right in my ear I can’t hear what she’s saying. “Don’t you fuckin lie to me you little whore!” Hey, Faith is so not a whore. I should go in there and kick his ass. I would but I have a crying baby in my arms. I walk out of the room and head towards the stairs. I don’t know where I’m gonna go. Maybe the backyard to get Sam away from all of the yelling. But as soon as I step into the hallway I hear: “Would someone shut that fuckin kid up?!” The bedroom door flies open and Tanner is standing there looking really pissed off and also surprised. Why? I don’t know, but he does. “Get your fuckin hands off my kid!” He starts walking towards me and this is the first time since I’ve become a slayer that I’ve been afraid of a human being. He looks so angry, like he wants to murder me, and I don’t know what to do. I know I need to move but my legs aren’t listening to my brain even though they’re screaming at them to run. When he’s about two steps away Faith comes flying out of the room and stands in between us. “Babe, come on. Buffy’s just trying to calm her down so she’ll stop crying. Let’s just go back in the bedroom, ok?” What the fuck is wrong with her? Why isn’t she throwing his ass outside? I’ve never seen her take shit from anybody. In the blink of an eye he slaps her hard across the face. “Get the fuck outta my way, Faith!” he yells but she doesn’t move. She tries to get him to go into the bedroom, but he’s drunk and stubborn. “You little fuckin bitch, you tryin to take my kid from me?” I take it he’s talking to me now. Before I can answer he keeps talking. “Get your own family, you little slut. This one’s mine and you’re not takin it from me.” What the fuck is he talking about? “Buffy, just take Sam out of here. Just go!” Faith screams and Tanner hits her again. My legs decide to work and I run. I run down the stairs and into the foyer. I grab one of my jackets off the hook and wrap it around Sam. She’s only wearing her My Little Pony underwear and it’s kind of cold outside. Plus I don’t want anyone to see her like this. I can hear Tanner screaming at Faith as I make my way down the walkway. I’m not running because if I fall Sam will get hurt worse. So for now I’m going to just walk really fast. Where am I going to go? What the fuck am I supposed to do? I need to think of something and fast. If any vampires or demons nearby hear her they’ll think her cries are a dinner bell or something. Before I really know where I’m going my legs start pumping as I take off down the street. Everything is starting to fade away as I focus on getting there. Sam’s crying becomes a little buzz in the background as I run faster than I’ve ever ran before. I get tunnel vision as I see the building, and I slow down before I reach the stairs. I don’t care that it’s really late, I don’t care if Faith gets pissed off at me, and I don’t care what anyone else says. I’m not going to hide this for Faith. I’m not going to let her justify it in her mind and let her think it’s ok. I’ll kill Tanner the next time I see him but right now I have to make sure that Sam is ok. I need to do it because it seems like everyone else has let her down. Faith didn’t act surprised at all to see Tanner like that, so I can safely guess that it’s happened before. She didn’t do her job as a mother. She didn’t protect her baby, and look what happened. We leave for a couple of hours and when we get back Tanner is drunk out of his mind and Sam is covered in bruises. That is just completely fucked up and no little kid should have to live like that. I repeat that over and over in my head as the door opens because now that I’m really going to reveal this big secret I feel like running away.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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