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Reviews for A Hero's Prize

By : joirerson
  • From ANON - prettykitty on August 03, 2003
    Oh, if I had to read a Mary Sue, it might as well be one that's blantantly US! Love the end, love the boing-ing. Love the twist on the clock.
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  • From ANON - Coolestchick8000 on July 30, 2003
    P.S. Not only did I love Andrew, but Spike. While a good romance rape from ol' Spike is always good, I'm perpetually tired of reading 'Spike as the loveable fool who changes his eye-gouging, Jeffrey Dahmer, Mike Tyson and Vlad the Impaler ways to be a kinder, more gentle undead that just wnts to cuddle with the Slayer and eat onions". You really accurately got the one thing that Spike , despite his machismo and youthful presence, posesses in spades above blabberBuffy, JabberGiles and even Willow - WISDOM. AGE. I actually felt as if Spike was a hundred and twenty-thirty something vampire, not a depressed fourty year old actor (snide, snide SNIDE I know). He had the feel of that hot older, OLDER guy who shows you the ropes, who doesn't act shocked by your socially unaacceptable desires and thoughts because he's definitely been there. The guy who's fifty and rides a motorcycle and was one dashingly hot and now, despite a weather-beaten face, manages to remain sickeningly like his former self and who's face is somehow ENHANCED by his ample crow's feet. His body is covered with tatoos, he's bisexual he's been around, he's dirty and clean and knows how to fist someone and yet - he's more than that. Old, but still hot. His own animal and one tht just happens to be attractive to the majority of the population. Fuck I'm describing my ex-boyfriend, but whatever. I hope this long over-written literary fart has been effective in conveying my opinion.
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  • From ANON - on July 30, 2003
    In a sea of Johanna Lindsay, you, my dear, are a Susan Johnson (the GOOD years). It was all going great until this:

    "What, you got hubbah hubbah big man on your mind?"

    ????WTF?????!!!! A wonderful fiction, if a little on the sad side cause of the loss of love. It so FEELS like a young gay man going for what he wants and being timid as most young gay men are. This is very evident in the sentence "I will have shared lovers with the Slayer who lived and died and lived again" or something like that.

    And any time a goddamned fic has 1 fucking star, I know that means some uptight blowhard shitfucking ass cow has sought to lay their santimonious, hypocritical and self-righteous mores on what may very well be a bizarre, panty-drenching, lusciously lyrical fic. Couple that with 'JOKING' in the subject line, and it's ALL good. I was not disappointed- for it's sadly small star power it is better written, more empathetically characterized, and more erotic than half the trash on this site. Good job.

    I'm a little curious as to what the 'joke' was??
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  • From ANON - prettykitty on July 28, 2003
    Wow! This is like the coolest! You must be the prettiest! Or just one damn fun roommate. Post that Harry Potter one soon!

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