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Reviews for The Slayer

By : norwalker
  • From Zarrthtion on May 16, 2010
    you gotta write more this Fic is jus wonderful haven't seen a Cordy/Faith pairing and i like it and you can't leave us hanging like that i mean a great story like this you gotta keep going PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ keep going.
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  • From animism on February 03, 2009
    Okay it has been a while since I read this story so I started over from the begining, and it only took me about 4 days...... Great story please update soon.
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  • From shadowspet on January 23, 2009
    Ho-ly. Shit. I would say 'and the plot thickens' but I don't think we can get much thicker. I know it will be a difficult battle, but I'm really looking forward to it. Just on a whim I was checking Buffy updates and saw this. Thank you so much for this great story I've been enjoying from the beginning. More plz!!!
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  • From EagleRay on June 05, 2008
    Personally, I'm really enjoying this story. And I hope it ends Willow's the lucky lady for Faith. I think there's much potential for them...
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 02, 2008
    Great chapter (Nr. 37)! You had me guessing for the first third until you finally revealed it was all a dream... Nice little chat between Agatha and Faith, I liked the soft emotional undertones (and the gruesome story of Giles' family). I keep wondering if Willow's potential as a witch will ever come up in this story or if you decided against using it... Anyway, I look forward to reading more of "The Slayer"!
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 26, 2008
    Great chapter! After a little detour with the last chapter this one is right back to being very "Buffy"-like in how you portray the characters and how it unfolds. The right mix of pushing forward the plot, yet enough time for emotional stuff among the main characters. I'm really curious to finding out what Cordy's part in all of this will be... Well done, can't wait to read the next chapter, so please update soon!


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  • From DaPhoenix on January 20, 2008
    I can't wait for the big show down. Good Job.
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 26, 2007
    Oh wow, the latest chapter read like something straight out of a japanese anime porn - the monster with the tentacles penetrating the damsel in distress while an other women does the monsters bidding... Somehow I know this scenario... ;-) Aside from that - fun chapter. I wonder though, what was the point of Cordy picking a fight with Faith if Cornell is still able to detect that Giles tries to play him? Anyway, look forward to reading the next chapter!

    Best, Emanuel
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  • From DaPhoenix on November 18, 2007
    Well that last scene was disturbing. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From SlythRaven on November 14, 2007
    gah! Poor Cordy! Faith needs to buckle up and save her girl!
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  • From SlythRaven on October 18, 2007
    Damn! Ok, so Buffy and Faith are going to fight it out before finally becoming reluctant allies right? But honestly, Faith? Glad she finally realized what's going on with Willow but I don't know how she's going to make it up to Cordelia.
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 13, 2007

    Wow, two great chapters! If I hadn't read it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed there was a way for you to make this story any angstier. Well, silly me - you did! I'm curious and look forward to finding out what Giles' "nut job" plan is. I've got a feeling it somehow involves Cordy... ;-)

    As for 4 of your stories being on my favorite list at FFnet: After you wrote me that message, I checked my list 'cause I couldn't believe I only had 4 of your stories on it. Let me promise you this: Once you've finished "The Slayer", you'll have 5 entries on my favorite's list... ;-)

    Keep the great updates comin', if possible with shorter delays between the updates!

    Best, Emanuel
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  • From SlythRaven on September 21, 2007
    Damnit, can Willow die a painful death? Or can Faith see her for what she really is? A bitch? I mean seriously, Cor doesn't deserve the way she's treated by everyone but Giles. The least she deserved was Faith listening to her and not outright laughing at her.
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 10, 2007
    Yeah... kids... that's about all I have to say about the new chapter, aside from "You're back, how great is that!?" If these were your average teenagers, the world really would be doomed. Good thing they're not just regular teenagers... ;-) Interesting new way of having Faith and Cordy fighting, I also liked the end with Faith spanking Cordy in public. The whole "Cordy submitted to Faith" idea from the earlier part of the story kinda got lost in the shuffle a bit in the last couple of chapters, so picking it up in an other context is a nice treat for us readers.

    Thanks for posting a new chapter, hopefully there'll be more in the near future!

    Best, Emanuel
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 22, 2007
    Geeez, take it easy on the angst, will ya?!? I mean, how much more angst can one possibly put into two chapters?! Chapter 30A is just reaaaaaaaally great angst-stuff, I don't think there's a way to write in any better. Chapter 30B has a lot more humor in it - the guy in the hospital bed next to Faith - , yet also takes on a much darker tone towards the end of the chapter. That's just so you, hinting towards a happy end around the middle of the chapter with the gang finally coming clear on all fronts, only to bring the hammer down with the next overdose of drama.

    Pretty convenient, though, how quiet Faith's roommate was during the whole "we tell everything" phase. Not a peep from him, not after Faith got out of bed, not after Cordy demanded an answer or went off, nothing. It would have ruined the flow of that passage, I'll give you that, so it's quite comprehensible why you wrote it the way you did.

    I can't shake the feeling we're getting closer to the showdown. The cat is out of the bag on Cornell, most likely leading up a research and preparation phase for the gang and some ackward moments for Cordy on all fronts (her dad, her own heritage, her role in the big picture, her gut feeling that Faith isn't telling her everything) before all hell breaks loose and we get to watch things unfold...

    Yet another great addition to a wonderful story. Please don't take as long before you post the next chapter(s)!

    All the best,

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