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Reviews for Need

By : addielogan
  • From ANON - Wicked on November 13, 2005
    really glad that William told off Cecily! Hope everyone at the finds out. And blows it up even bigger. -lol- And then Buffy finds out, And talks to him. And ya. -hehe- Anywho, loved the new chappie
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  • From ANON - laura on November 13, 2005
    OK Cecily so needs an ass kicking.....Poor Buffy misinterputing what she saw....Poor William wanting to give up.....They need to talk hmmm maybe Willow will have a hand in it since she knows how much Buffy loves him maybe she will see william and how sad he is.......More Soon
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  • From ANON - AJ Hofacre on November 12, 2005
    Let me just say, firstly, that I adore your stories in general. You had me whimpering for ages while you were writing A Pirate's Life For Me. Baby, It's Cold Outside had me rolling, and The Bad Boy Next Door had my heart wrenching (and it's really a rarity when I actually get THAT emotional from reading fiction). So, firstly as I said, I just wanted to tell you what an amazing writer you are, and how much I look forward to your updates. And with that said -- Need. Holy Hell. I popped in on this story probably an hour after you posted the first chapter, and I've been following it since. The sex? Whoa. Not even I can write sex like that (trust me, I've tried. and failed. miserably. i seem to be limited only to oral for some reason.) The emotions? Amazing. I can definitely feel it. Definitely hate Cecily, the bloody c**t. Actually cried right along with Buffy in Chapter 19. And I've adored William throughout the entire story so far (my fixation will always be on William/Spike. I connect with him the most, as the William persona and the Spike persona).

    Now. With all that said? Update faster, or at least as fast as RL permits it, pleeeeeease? :) ;) You rock, chica.
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  • From ANON - Roz on November 12, 2005
    Just wanted to say i love your story and i hate it when people feel the need to flame a writer, if you don't like it don't read it!! No ones forcing you, and just cause you had a bad day dpn't take it out on someone else lets be honest - no one cares and it's kinda sad! It's soo unnecessary especially when the story is actually pretty ace. Can't wait for updates, loving it muchly. xx
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  • From ANON - ariadne on November 12, 2005
    can i just say you write the best sex i have ever read!!! *goes to the cold shower* LOL
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  • From ANON - ariadne on November 12, 2005
    loved the chapter. buffy and william are starting to voice their thoughts. should be fun to see what happens. *G*
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  • From ANON - messy on November 12, 2005
    well, I've been w/out internet for days and it felt like a junkie 'cause I could't read my fics, yours at the top of the list; but then I accumulated few chapters and reading them all at once it's nice :D
    so, I was waiting for the shit to hit the fan or better to the angst to arrive and there it is but I'm (strangel) not disappointed 'cause your angst always leads to the good: I think I read enough of your stories to know by now that you like a Spuffy Happy Ending as much as I do ;-)
    that said, I can't wait to see if William will think of a way to go back to Buffy, I don't care how or what it'll say, I just hope it'll be soon :P
    or are you thinking about a third party intervention?
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  • From ANON - ariadne on November 12, 2005
    great chapter!!! poor william and his insecurities. its gonna get the better of him. i love his mother too. a mom knows. :)
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  • From ANON - ariadne on November 12, 2005
    can i just say how much i love Lorne. that was fabulous and sooo freekin funny. oh and the best was gettin Cecily. put that bitch in her place. oh the hottness of william....mmmmm...yummy
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  • From ANON - ariadne on November 12, 2005
    oh yea...more buffy/wiliam mega-sexapades. damn girl!!! i love the way they are connecting emotionally. Wiliam needs to come clean about seeing the angel thing on buffys notebook. wonder if he will?
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  • From ANON - ariadne on November 12, 2005
    mmmmm......another yummy chapter Addie. this story ROCKS!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - ana0391 on November 12, 2005
    Great fic. love the update. Keep going your great! ~Ana
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  • From ANON - Nat on November 12, 2005

    I have just read ur story and although I don't really like what's happenin at the moment. It's a really good story actually better with the angst involved cos readin them happy all the time although good kinda gets boring cos theres nuthin to make you keep readin. Just wish it wasn't Cecily she'd seen him kiss cos she is a complete bitch. Tho ur story does make it realistic cos you could see buffy and spike both being too scared to go to each other.
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  • From ANON - Danielle on November 12, 2005
    as i said before i love this story
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  • From ANON - Jamafa on November 12, 2005
    Great chapter... and in my opinion, the level of angst you're bringing here is absolutely appropriate. It's entirely consistent with all the little hints of character you showed earlier in the story. You're a great author, you don't have to justify your decisions to asshole anonymous reviewers!
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