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Reviews for Need

By : addielogan
  • From ANON - wolfspider on November 16, 2005
    oh oh wonderful great NICE with William being alittle dominate. Go william's mum and Giles helping those two out LOL. Great chapter loved the emotions, loved the desperate sex. I hope that they are able to talk alittle bit,before the next round LOL

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  • From ANON - Anon on November 16, 2005
    Definately worth the wait. More please!
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  • From ANON - maia on November 16, 2005
    worth the wait? you're kidding, right? of course! and more! :)
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  • From ANON - Chanel 5 on November 16, 2005
    Great!!! It out a smile on my face :)
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  • From ANON - Mandi on November 16, 2005
    Have I mentioned how much I love you lately? *happy sigh* Kick ass chapter. :)
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  • From ANON - ddf on November 15, 2005
    Yeah, make up sex is the best. Especially when you've waited so long for the couple to make up... another fantastic chapter. Keep 'em coming! }:)
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  • From ANON - Atterb on November 15, 2005

    Yay for the reunion! Though yes, as noted, many more words left to be said. I want to see Buffy tell William about Cecily's expulsion - I think he'll get a kick out of that! ;) Giles blackmailing the school was awesome. I'd sort of hoped the administration itself was just that awesome, but oh well, a little blackmail is ok I guess. At least the headmaster seemed cool.

    And hooray for Giles and Anne! Those two matchmakers. You know, maybe Giles was heading over to his neighbor's.... hmmmmm....

    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - louie on November 15, 2005
    oh man, how i love your fic. seriously. im all with the grins and giggles. and anyone that's giving you a hard time because you are actually incorporating plot with the sex...they just dont know anything. i cant wait for more.
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  • From ANON - ddf on November 15, 2005
    Yay! Down with Cecily the Skank!
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  • From ANON - MarzBar on November 14, 2005
    Yahoo!! The bitch has gotten a taste of her own medicine! Now, what is Giles doing to help with the William situation? I hope he can get Buffy to shut up long enough to listen to William about what happened at the party. More story please.
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  • From ANON - Lolita on November 14, 2005
    Heh you're right Giles is like the coolest dad ever!! lol, Again I love the story and again I love the relationship between Giles and Buffy it's really sweet and I just wanna say that i totally hope Cecilly has more bad things coming her way lol. x
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  • From ANON - XOXO on November 14, 2005
    Keep up the excellent job Addie!
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  • From ANON - lolita on November 14, 2005
    No no no, WE thank YOU for entertaining US!!! Again another great chapter, so much muddled and so much heartbreak - those gosh darn kids, when are they gonna work it out? x
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  • From ANON - lolita on November 14, 2005
    You go girl chew that anonimous reviewers ass!!! lol, This is so not the worst angst even, geez this is pretty mild compared to some of them and at least there is an actual story to follow - one that i am LOVING BTW, awesome yet again my dear!!
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  • From ANON - Mistress Layne on November 14, 2005
    Dear God that was briliant!!! I just ate this story up with a spoon...and Giles is so cute trying to be all dad-like. You must keep writing, because to stop would be an affront to the gods of smut (with plot and otherwise). I completely loved it all... Please update soon!!!
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