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Reviews for Need

By : addielogan
  • From ANON - Anon on October 20, 2005
    I don't care what anyone says. This fic is the best Spuffy fic I've read in a
    while and besides, you update every single day, contrary to other authors, so whatever.
    Thanks for updating again. I loved this chapter!
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  • From ANON - messy on October 20, 2005
    by chapter 6 I thought I would see "William becomes Spike", instead I got smut-angst-smut...and that's good all the same :-)
    I'm just looking forward to the make over :D
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  • From ANON - mlle on October 20, 2005
    I'm sorry if my comments about Buffy's language came across as a complaint. They weren't meant to. It was just when you said people said Buffy reminded them of Faith, I thought, 'yeah, I can see that,' and I thought I would share why, to set your mind at ease about how she was coming across. I apologize if I gave offense.
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  • From ANON - Denimm on October 20, 2005
    Im loving this story please please continue it. Its nice to read a story where buffy isnt just laying back and letting spike or william in this case take control :))
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 19, 2005
    well, at first (after ch. 5) i thought you resolved the sexual tension issue too fast but now i like it. i think i know where you're going-- (handcuffs, balconey, ect.) looking forward to see where you take this, but i'm here for the ride!
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 19, 2005
    I am soooooooooo in love with this story, especially since the beginning.
    And because of your daily updates everyday I feel like it's Christmas every
    single day with a lemony twist. I hope you continue to update daily!
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  • From ANON - mlle on October 19, 2005
    I definitely see some resemblance between your Buffy and Faith in this story, but it's not a bad thing. I don't think people are thinking Buffy shares Faith's selfishness, or lack of care for her partners' feelings. It's not even the sexual aggressiveness ? that's certainly a Buffy trait. Where I see a similarity to Faith is in how Buffy talks ? in how frank and sometimes crude she is in discussing sexual matters, and satisfying her sexual appetites. Maybe canon Buffy did talk like that to Spike in S7, but we never saw it. But I wouldn't worry about people thinking Buffy=Faith in terms of her emotional involvement, that's certainly not the sense I got.

    I'm curious now as to how Buffy will make over William... and how William's mother will react to the changes. And I'm guessing Buffy can be proper, or closer to it, when she meets Anne... she may not know how to sip tea delicately, but I doubt she'd be like, "Hey, I banged your son." *g*
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  • From ANON - Coquine on October 19, 2005
    Huh! I didn't get "love 'em and leave 'em" out of this fic at all. Maybe at first it was kind of more like Buffy was looking at William like he was a challenge to keep her from being bored, but she was also drunk and afterwards she was embarrassed and more intersted in William as a person. I saw Buffy as more of a Dru in "Fool For Love" than Faith, minus the crazy. Personally, I'm loving the dynamic and the story. More please!
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  • From ANON - katie on October 19, 2005
    This is my first actual review on this site! Ive read a few of your stories and theyre wonderful seriously! I really love this fic. I love how you've written both Buffy and William! Keep up the good work :]
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  • From ANON - wolfspider on October 19, 2005
    Oh what a wonderful way to wake up...damn i already had a shower, might need another one LOL. I don't see any of Faith on this. Buffy is just dominate. We are not used to seeing her as that in character,but this is AU so Buffy and William can be whoever they want to be. Now that they have all had their orgasms this morning, time to shop. Ohhhhhhhhhh I can't wait to see how William let's Buffy dress him. Should be very interesting. MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE
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  • From ANON - lolita on October 19, 2005
    Ok well i just love this story - emphasis on the love, it's an incredible story, it's entertaining and it's sexy and it's also heartwarming, I can't wait to see what happens next and i hope that you can update soon. x
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  • From ANON - jen on October 19, 2005
    Yey makeover:D How Buffy reassured Will was so sweet... seems like a plot is forming afterall.. love it;)
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  • From ANON - maia on October 19, 2005
    of course not, she's not faith-like, at least that was not what I was aiming for when I wrote it. I clearly saw there was more feelings (so on this side, don't worry, your message passed for me), but i guess what disturbs me the most is the crudity of her vocabulary. I find it strange for a buffy character but I suppose you want her like that, and because it's you and I never was disappointed by your stories (the one I read) before, I will trust you on this one. just a thing nonetheless : I flinched when reading of the coming "re-stylisation" (I don't know what to call it) and I suppose there must be a transformation to be spike...but isn't it shallow? (i don't mean in the general sense, because of course it is, but for characters here, couldn't they finf another way for him to be himself?)
    anyway thanks for the update, i appreciate your work ;)
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  • From ANON - HSICDF on October 18, 2005
    this story is so hot. I've read like- ALL of your stories.. and they're ALL so hot... but I love the Spike being innocent twist... very... role reversing. write the next chapter! ahh!
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  • From ANON - J on October 18, 2005
    I'm definitely still interested. Can't wait for the reactions when William and Buffy come out as a couple at school. I'm betting Cecily will be pea-green with envy. I hope she makes a pass at William, just so he gets to reject her. And maybe Buffy and William can find a janitor's closet or something to snog in.

    Please update soon!
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