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Reviews for Need

By : addielogan
  • From ANON - wolfspider on October 28, 2005
    mmmmmm dominate William coming out, very very very nice. Awwwww he said the words to her while she lay sleeping. That was sweet Loved setting the alarm early for morning sex LOL.
    Great chapter as always

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  • From ANON - maia on October 28, 2005
    you were right to call it need : the first thing I do when I have a moment is looking for updates, I'm craving them!...but what will I do when this story is finished? suffice to say I'm not in a hurry to see it end...and I agree with what you said in your note! bye :)
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  • From ANON - Kristy on October 28, 2005
    Don't listen to all the complainers... I think the story rocks. Not really up for the ass sex, but hey, to each their own. But be warned, I will be extremely pissed if Drusilla makes an appearance and snatches Spike away. If that happens, i have a two-by-four and a shovel.....

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  • From ANON - wildwomen on October 28, 2005
    yet another great chapter, and some ideas to file away
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  • From ANON - Michelle on October 28, 2005
    great job. i love your series. i hope you come out with the next part soon.
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  • From ANON - vsnj on October 27, 2005
    I'm enjoying the ride. No complaints here. I just can't wait thought. Great story and very hot. Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 27, 2005
    one of the best i've ever read. sexy, funny n adorable. u r extremely talented.
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 27, 2005
    This fic always makes my knickers wet. Please continue. Ahem - I think I'll go shower now!
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  • From ANON - Spike\'s Girl on October 27, 2005
    I NEED more! PLease update. I love this fic even more with every chapter I read!
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  • From ANON - Coquine on October 27, 2005
    Sorry I haven't reviewed in a while, RL has been spanking me, and not in the fun way. Anyways, still loving the story, yes, even the angsty parts. Can't wait for more yummy chappies and further exploring William and Buffy's relationship!
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  • From ANON - MarzBar on October 27, 2005
    GADZ! He already spanked her. Now what? More please.
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  • From ANON - wolfspider on October 27, 2005
    WOW, I really need a cold shower after that. Naked hide and go seek. That is brilliant totally brilliant. Hey if they don't express themselves and just have really really really really great sex for awhile then hey it's all good. But whatever you add or don't add, I am loving this story soooooooooooo much. You just keep writing and I will be hear reading.

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  • From ANON - wildwomen on October 27, 2005
    please more, want to see buffy get her due. Love it, love how he took control. wants lots more never end the story.
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 27, 2005
    more please
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  • From ANON - Jerrica on October 27, 2005
    Hmm... Do I want to see growly, possessive William making with the bondage...? Oh, hell YEAH!

    Please update soon!
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