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Reviews for Need

By : addielogan
  • From ANON - Whisper on November 11, 2005
    I have to say that you are one of my favorite authors. All of your stories are great and really well written. "Need" is my favorite of your current WIP's and it just keeps getting better. (I for one love angst! It would be boring if it was easy!)
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  • From ANON - spikestheman on November 11, 2005
    hey Addie...just loving this fic...poor Buffy, you are going to make Cecily internally combust or something arent you? Get your act together William and go after your girl!!!! Keep updating Addie and I will keep reviewing:)
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 11, 2005
    Yay! An update! More please!
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  • From on November 10, 2005
    AHHHH I WANTED TO CRY TO LOL that was so sad !! but i loved it as always keep it up !!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - clau019 on November 10, 2005
    This is the last thing I needed today.
    I went back to chapter 1 and re read your note and everything,
    and you clearly said it wouldn't have much of a plot. And you didn't
    warn about the angst from chapter 1.
    I'm tired of this streching the angst and all that. I don't read angsty fics.
    I don't like them. You lost me.
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  • From ANON - Burnz on November 10, 2005
    Yup, that was harsh. It was good that Buffy actually got to see her previous life through William's eyes but I am sorry that she could not be comforted by him. :( I hope that Buffy learns to out-fox Cecily soon. Good chapter.
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  • From ANON - lolita on November 10, 2005
    Oh my goodness I LOVED this chapter - even with all the angsty-ness, the whole Giles/Buffy interaction was phenominal!!! I loved it!! I really truly did, it even got me a little choked up - go you!!!

    Please update again soon, i do so enjoy reading this!!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 10, 2005
    ohhh i love it. more please!
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 10, 2005
    More please!!
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  • From ANON - Mari on November 10, 2005
    It's really good so far. I have to check back every day to see if you've updated more. I'm like addicted to your story.
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  • From ANON - Danielle on November 10, 2005
    I think this story is great just the way it is with everything you put in it the sex the emotion haha i love it keep up the great work && keep it coming!
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  • From ANON - Coquine on November 10, 2005
    Yeah you warned us. Sigh. Doesn't make it any less heart-wrenching, though! More please, soon, so we can move past all this!
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  • From ANON - wildwomen on November 10, 2005
    I love it, and hey its not like we need 19 chapters of pwp, ok maybe we could deals with it, be i love how giles takess her in and plus now buffy can stay, and get back together with William, so all will be right in our world again. have i told you how much i love this story? I really do.
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  • From ANON - wolfspider on November 10, 2005
    Awwww they are both hurting so badly and they just need to talk to one another. I am so happy with Gile's giving Buffy a home and making her know that he cares about her and wants to help her out. That was so touching. I am really glad you posted today,because after yesterdays chapter, i was dying to read what happened next. Nice follow up and showing of emotions. You are doing such an awesome job with this story
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  • From ANON - tammy on November 10, 2005
    Just keep it coming. It is a great fic.
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