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Reviews for Need

By : addielogan
  • From ANON - Jerrica on November 12, 2005
    I'm kinda hoping William will show up while Buffy and Willow are waiting for their ride. I'm kinda hoping he will have a row with Cecily and they'll overhear. I'm kinda hoping he'll declare his love for Buffy and they'll overhear.

    Here's to hopin'!

    PS. I just wanted to let you know that I think you're doing a great job with this story. Yes, it's become a bit angsty now, but as you said, you did warn us, and you don't intend to drag it out indefinitely. I'm gonna keep on reading, and check for updates every day, 'cause that's how good this story is; you just can't help wanting more.
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  • From ANON - Burnz on November 12, 2005
    Man alive, the lack of communication between these two have reached ridiculous proportions. Cecily saying she not liked but 'loved' William? huh? That came out of left field. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a bit of a reprieve for Buffy and William, those crazy kids. ;)
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  • From ANON - lovesbitca37 on November 12, 2005
    Awww! Poor Buffy :( She really should have stabbed Cecily with a fork! I love this fic, and can't wait to see how William tries to explain everything!
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  • From ANON - Maria on November 12, 2005
    More more more please!!. I like a lot the angst and... WOW. This story is rally cool. Keep writting, you're doing a great job :D
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  • From ANON - Linsa on November 12, 2005
    I'll be on the look out for more tomorrow. And I personally like a little angst witht he fluff. Makes it better. Anyway, more please!
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  • From ANON - Christy on November 12, 2005
    I really enjoy your story, and I am always excited when you post a new chapter. I also have to say that the recent angst you've added to the story just makes it more complete, and ultimately makes it better. No one can have an absolutely perfect relationship, and what has happened to Buffy and William will most likely make there relationship stronger! So thank you for the quick updates and AWESOME story!
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  • From ANON - MarzBar on November 12, 2005
    Poor Buffy and Spike. Did Cecily see Buffy and make sure she played smash mouth just in time? I hope somebody pokes William soon because getting together with the bitch will just kill him slowly but surely. This is a great story and I look for updates every day.
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  • From ANON - Wicked on November 11, 2005
    Poor Buffy! Cecily is such a bitch. I can't wait for her to *really* get hers.... Hope William and Buffy come around soon. Not too soon, cuz that makes it less interesting, but that they do. -lol- Love the direction the story has gone
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  • From ANON - me on November 11, 2005
    cool story, i've been reading since the beginning. very, very entertaining! keep it up!
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  • From ANON - Michelle on November 11, 2005
    I wonder what's going to happen next? I can't wait to see what cecily has up her sleeves? seems to me she's jealous.
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  • From ANON - Tiffany on November 11, 2005
    WOW! this story is really good! I had seen the title before but never clicked on the link because i though it would be a silly liitle dribble, but it is AWESOME! you took an idea that could have been ho hum and totally ROCKED IT!
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  • From ANON - wildwomen on November 11, 2005
    I by the way still love the story. it is going great and is a joy to read. I start to do a little happy dance when I see that you have posted. thankyou for all your hard work.
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  • From ANON - wolfspider on November 11, 2005
    Go Buffy with getting Willow all glamoured up. I can't believe that Cecily pulled her shit. That is what it was shit. William did not want to kiss anymore than most people want to kiss a pig. Cecily is a pig. Oh gods I hope William and Buffy can talk somehow. Their hearts are breaking. I am so happy you posted tonight thank you. Don't listen to the naysayers. You are the writer and you write how you want to write, if people don't want to read it then don't simple as that. I am with you to the end.
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  • From ANON - Atterb on November 11, 2005
    Sorry to hear someone left you a nasty review. Ignore them!

    Angst is great. It might make us readers upset, but really, it's all about what happens when the angst is done. I think almost every story - at least most good ones - have some angst and tension. Without that, it's not much of a story.

    'Need' is absolutely fantabulous.

    Willow's so right - Cecily is a b-i-t-c-h ;) By the way, I'm glad that you have Willow here for Buffy! I love nervous, geeky, yet still able to pull out her 'Resolve Face,' Willow.

    And Giles. Wow. He's just so cool. I thought he would be all supportive and stuff, but I was glad to see it. His convo with Cecily's mom was hilarious. And offering for Buffy to stay with him after the school year and everything was awesome, too - great set-up so William and Buffy don't have to be parted.

    Once they get back together, that is :)

    Keep up the fantastic work!!
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  • From ANON - XOXO on November 11, 2005
    Fuck Clau019! You don't need him, you are a wonderful, fantastic writer Addie. Please continue! I am sooo in LUST with this story!
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