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Reviews for Damned if I don't, damned if I do.

By : Battlekitten
  • From Buffillowara on May 30, 2010
    I lost track of the story (around 88 on here) and i swear i was sitting around waiting for updates for months before losing track then i happen upon it again here and realized i was sooo far behind now i rush spent days trying to get to the end and know what happens in this epic journey i set myself upon by reading it. it went so far yet slowly towards the chaos that had to come. i get to the end and was that it? COULD that really be it? i craved more a epilogue or 500, wonderful ride that i didn't think would end so "soon".
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  • From TheDeal on May 16, 2010
    This is probably the greatest piece of AFF I have ever read. I can't wait for the next update!
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  • From baebin on May 16, 2010
    i hate you.
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  • From hollowgirl on May 05, 2010
    I am sickened by Buffy's behavior. make up your damn mind, woman. How can you be thinking of having sex with Toni, when Faith is 'rotting' in hell!? Seriously, SICKENED!!! ... can't wait for the next chapter. You rock, Bkitty!

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  • From Pinkstarburst on May 03, 2010
    Bkitty, you are bringin' me down.

    Also, not gonna lie-- I can't stop thinking about Buffy and Toni having sex either.

    Anyways, what else is there to say without sounding like a broken record? Totally intense, dramatic, emotional, awesome chapter. You're queen of the world, ok? Your words give people instant orgasms. You're the best and I don't even bother reading any other fanfics anymore 'cause they just pale in comparison to yours.

    Have a nice day :-D
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  • From animism on May 02, 2010
    I am excited that you updated, I really love this story. I am finding it hard though the torment that Toni and Buffy are going through. I know Buffy loves Faith but I really think she loves Toni too and the situation is just getting sadder, too bad someone always has to lose in the end but that seems to be the way of life sometimes. I eagerly await more.
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  • From callistosbitch on April 30, 2010
    OH. MY. GOD!!!!

    I'm so excited this fic is back I'm squeeing quite obnoxiously here.

    Jesus, all of them in one household? Funnnn. Buffy and Toni really are incredibly screwed up, and I don't know how they're gonna end up staying there with each other for a week without having angry passionate sex at least twelve times lol

    And DAMN. Toni doing something like that for Buffy is just DAMN. God, this is such a mess and I love every second of it lol
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  • From Stokleyg on April 30, 2010
    I joined this site just so I could send you a comment on Damned if I Don't, Damned if I Do... I literally did nothing in my freetime for the last three days except read this story. There was many, many, MANY, times I just wanted to pull my hair out and reach through the computer and slap Buffy and Faith silly. Seriously, I've never really gotten so involved in a story. This is one of the first Fuffy fics I've read and I have to say, you have set the bar pretty damn high for anyone else. I laughed, I even might have shed a tear or two (dozen).... The way you write, it draws me in and I don't get taken out until my eyes are burning and I think I hear birds in the distance and realize I only have 4 hours to sleep until I have to get ready for work.. it's just that engrossing.

    I love how complicated you make the characters, they're flawed and you don't shy away from that, you seem to stay in that gray area and thrive there, there is no real "good" or "bad" with these characters, just many stupid, emotional choices that feel like the truth. You truly get your characters, a gift many writers seem to lack but you are amazing at getting into their heads and really helping me see why they do the things they do, even if I think they're acting completely stupid, it makes sense why they do these things.

    The only relationship that gives me a slight pause is Buffy and Toni. I think it could be because you have done such a fantastic job at showing me why Buffy has these feelings for Faith and why Faith has these feelings for Buffy, it's in their actions, in the details. But with Toni, it just feels like words.

    Almost as if... Faith and Buffy both were under the misconception that the other was only words, that they didn't truly feel what they said at the beginning but really their actions, their unconscious actions, the small looks, the seemingly unimportant touches and concern, that clearly showed that they did mean what they said, even if neither of them wanted to fully acknowledge it. To me the real relationship that feels as if it's just words is Buffy's and Toni's. Not the actions because let's face it, Toni was playing Buffy from the first... so all we really have to go by is Toni's words seeing as all her actions have a stain on them. What did she do for Buffy and what did she really do for herself that also helped out Buffy? I'm not sure if I'm explaining it right... Like it feels fake or almost forced, the love Buffy has for Toni, it doesn't feel real, nowhere close to the love she has for Faith. It feels as if Buffy has convinced herself she loves Toni. First as a way to try and get over Faith and then to use as a crutch and an excuse. She's using Toni in the same way Faith used Troy, but it felt as if Faith was at least a bit more upfront about it, though that could be because so much of this was told from Buffy's POV. I just don't understand why Buffy feels she's inlove with Toni which again is due to your artful writing, I feel as conflicted about it as Buffy does or did.

    I think Toni clings, possessively now that she is getting her Goddess powers back, to Buffy because she reminds her so much of Helena... The way I'm thinking about it, why would Toni allow Buffy to carry on with Faith? Is it because she's such a great girlfriend? Is it because she's so inlove with Buffy? I don't think so, I think it's because Toni feels Helena in Buffy and is clinging to that, not to Buffy. She is willing to do whatever to keep Buffy in her life not because she loves Buffy herself but because she doesn't want to lose Helena again, a bit of transference my psych prof would say. I don't doubt that Buffy and Toni care about each other but I don't honestly think they are deeply in love. I can't get over the manipulative nature Toni gives off to me, I question all her motives still. Not because she is a "bad" person, she's a gray character like them all, but I question them because I think a large part of it is because she is still holding onto Helena, still trying to fix the wrongs, still trying to keep her from leaving her for another woman. I think it's that fear that is allowing her to be selfless at time, she is trying to correct the wrongs of the past. Does that make sense? And the fact that I've seriously been spending that much time puzzling over, thinking about and analyzing these characters really highlights how talented you are.

    Though on the flip side, I keep going back and forth on what would have happened to Buffy and Faith if Troy and Toni hadn't gotten involved. Would they have worked out their issues and rode off into the moonlight together? Or would they have imploded, not able to ever truly trust that the other one was being fully honest, not ever really getting over their tumultuous past? Maybe this is exactly what they had to go through to fully appreciate and understand and cherish the love they have because neither Faith nor Buffy ever seem to learn the easy way and human nature such as it is only tends to value those things which we have to work the hardest for. And maybe that's another reason why I don't think Buffy and Toni are really in love, it was too easy, even given all the lies and deception, they both got over everything too easy. They never really had to fight for their relationship.

    Now going through hell to get back the one you love, emotionally, mentally and now physically.... if that isn't working for it, if that isn't an epic love, then really I don't know what is. I can't wait to read the rest of this story, I think I might have withdrawals....

    Thanks for reading my ramblings, even if they might not have made much sense, basically, in a nutshell, you rock!


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  • From hollowgirl on April 05, 2010
    excellent! Troy got this coming, so did Toni. The pain inflicted by Buffy! not the fact that Faith is gone. I'm so sad for buffy :(
    Thanks for the short yet great update!
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  • From animism on April 05, 2010
    Wow only two more chapters to go, this has definitely been a great read and I am really looking forward to seeing how you bring it all together in the end.
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  • From Pinkstarburst on April 03, 2010
    How sad :( Except for the part where Troy gets whacked in the family jewels. That part was pretty funny. Curious to see how this'll be resolved... only 2 more parts left? So soon! What are we supposed to do when it's over? :(
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  • From Zarrthtion on March 17, 2010
    you have to write more this story is fucking amazing and i love Greek history and this Fic is one of the best and sooo long bt sooo good i mean most Fics over 30chapters lose alot of their plot but this one has kept it for over 100chapters and i just love it and can't wait for the rest of it so PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ write more im begging
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  • From NaomiCampbell05 on March 16, 2010
    I just want you to know that I've been a silent reader for a very very long time. I love this story and you're pretty much the main reason I come on AFF. After reading this chapter I just had to actually register and tell you that you are a GOD! I didn't see that coming at all...not Toni, not Hera, not Tony, not the baby still being alive, not Faith getting sent to Tartarus, not anything. HOLY MOLY!!!

    I....i....i...think I'm in love with you :O sorry I'm still in shock. HOLY SHIT you Killed FAITH!!! well sent her to eternal damnation. lord...I..I'm.

    ok enough shock rambling please for the love of Zeus update soon :)

    poor Buffy :( every time they are given a chance it gets taken away.
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  • From animism on March 14, 2010
    Hmmm. I was not expecting this chapter ending this way. You just keep the surprises coming don't you?
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  • From Pinkstarburst on March 13, 2010
    So, uh, I'm not so sure I like the idea of Faith going *poof*. But I think I'll be optimistic about this because Buffy came back from the dead twice, so anything's possible right?

    Also, hands down, Toni wins the girlfriend of the year award. I mean, jeez.

    Also, "Mount Olympus and small penis" ha ha ha! And other things that made me laugh like Faith's "you better not fuckin' cheat on me!" and Troy's childish "See, I told you I could care" :)

    And the poor goat, hah! Poor thing can never get a break around here.
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