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Reviews for A Pirate's Life for Me

By : addielogan
  • From ANON - MarzBar on August 29, 2005
    Good grief! The party will have two guests now; Tara and Anya. The rest of Buffy's so-called friends need to be bitch slapped, at the very least. More soon please.
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  • From ANON - wolfspider on August 29, 2005
    Good Gods you just bring some much emotion off the page that it is amazing. Gods this chapter was intense. Go Buffy with throwing shit in Xander's face...That was a great fight. Spuffy stuff was totally hot. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 22, 2005
    Wow! I had no idea that this was still being updated. Great story!!
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  • From ANON - becky on August 13, 2005
    caught up on all those chappies i missed and am loving the way it progressed! cant wait for the next chapter XD
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  • From ANON - Confused_Muse on August 10, 2005
    I have to say I can completely agree with your representation of Giles in the last few chapters. He's still very capable of the extreme judgemental nature the Watchers Council has, so good on you. And of course, for Buffy and Spike months have passed, not so for the rest of them :) Keep going, the angst only adds to the charm :)
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  • From ANON - fifi on August 10, 2005
    Enjoiying the story, you should carry on as long as you like, you are the author and you are doing a bang up job (ie great job). I think the way you presented Giles is very realistic, he has turned against buffy before because of Spike. Enjoying Spike and Buffy and enjoyed William and Elizabeth.
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  • From ANON - Butterflygurl on August 10, 2005
    *growls at Giles close-mindedness* *cheers for Anya and Tara* *attempts to hug Spike but is probably stopped by his mate as she definetely doesn't know me* Ahem. Great couple of chappies for me to come back to after vacation ^_^ Thank you so much. And yea those reactions are very good. Loved Buffy getting all angry at Xander...i think it was cute. And when i first was reading this I was confused about the claim thingy, thought it was cool but didn't quite get it. I though Spike was getting one heck of a raw deal since she would die...but hey now understand claim = immortal Buffy. Neat. Thankies so much, can't wait for more bye now!
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  • From ANON - MarzBar on August 09, 2005
    YOW! Bad Scooby meeting. I am all for torturing Xander and Giles in any way a vampire sees fit. Vampire mating claims are so much more sacred than human marriages which just end when somebody gets pissy. I am not the least bit concerned in ending this fic. Just want Spuffy to come out alright. More please.
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  • From ANON - cin on August 09, 2005
    i'm still here. i 'm still reading. i'm still loving every chapter. i really don't watn this story to end. it's just so wonderful!
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  • From ANON - Danu on August 09, 2005
    Brillant! I love Spike's speech to Giles, it was so passionate. And I think you did a dead on protrayal of how Giles would react if Spike had ever claimed Buffy.
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  • From ANON - Jerrica on August 09, 2005
    I personally think it's a good thing that you're not about to end the story before you feel it's over. The readers are an essential part of the fanfiction community, but that doesn't mean we get to dictate the writers, or try to bully them into writing their stories according to our wishes. So you just take your time, hon, and I'll be back to read the rest.
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  • From ANON - lucky-112 on August 08, 2005
    Still loving it a lot! Anya is the best! i'm so glad you're dealing with all the stuff afterwards makes it more realistic and i hate it when i story ends just as they get together properly and you don't get to see all the other stuff that goes on! Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - jane on August 08, 2005
    Well I'm not surprised that Anya and Tara were the only Scoobies to congratulate Buffy and Spike. The Scoobies only ever seem to remember the times Spike tried to kill them never the times he actually saved them. Anyway Joyce and Dawns approval is all that really matters. Great chappie
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  • From ANON - Danu on August 08, 2005
    once again, love the story!

    and while I know Giles is just being his usual self, I think he's being a poopy head right now.

    can't wait till the next update
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  • From ANON - chanel 5 on August 08, 2005
    This isn't too long, it's just the right long. please keep going, this is a beautiful story. This is my favourite of the stories you've written so far :)
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