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Reviews for After Her Passing

By : DonnaLynn
  • From ANON - Dlgood on October 03, 2003
    "Angel would never have left Sunnydale if we had never fell in love. Therefor, you would never have been his Seer. Meaning, Angel's relationship and mine was a step to yours and his destiny, " Buffy said.

    "You are his destiny Cordelia...not me. I was just a stepping stone."
    If you're trying to set up a story between Angel/Cordelia, I think that's a lousy way to do it. Instef acf actually showing chemistry, care or passion between two characters - you have an external source claim it's divine sanction. If these characters are together, primarily because they're told to be instead of because they want to be - it's hard to believe the attachment is in any way real. By and large, that's why the Angel/Cordelia relationship fell so flat on AtS, such that it got slammed by reviewers and such that the writing staff had to jettison both the storyline and Cordelia Chase as a character.

    To negate the very real love between Buffy and Angel, by calling it "just a stepping stone" cheapens your new relationship. If you the writer go with the theory that the old love wasn't "real", then what's to make me believe as the reader that the new one is, either? Love doesn't work like that. What happens when some other representative of the PtB tells Cordy and Angel that they're also each other's stepping stones?

    Maybe this "Vision" Cordy is having is a lie. And if Angel really loved Buffy, why would he want to believe what Cordy is telling him. Particularly considering he shared a canonical moment of "perfect happiness" with Buffy, and bargained away his desired hopes for humanity in the hopes he could save Buffy? All those tortures he inflicted upon her and her loved ones were just a "stepping stone"? This is something Angel wants to hear? This is something that made Buffy happy? That all the suffering they went through was a stepping stone? And this is something Cordelia Chase wants to be a part of? Where's her indignation at being treated like a pawn?

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