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Reviews for Au Contraire, Au Pair

By : Stoney
  • From ANON - Pattyanne on June 28, 2004
    I don't know about state fairs, but we definitely have county
    fairs in the summer here in CA. But anyway, who cares if we
    don't. When a story is this good, just go with the flow.

    Looking forward to more!
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  • From ANON - LadyLiz on June 28, 2004
    P.S. Oh, and James going off on the cowboy was priceless! Way to go for him! :-D
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  • From ANON - LadyLiz on June 28, 2004
    First off, YAY! Three chapters in 1 day!! LOL!!! Cook just cracks me up! She's absolutely fantastic! And you know I'm a sucker for your notes! Keep it up! Hope you got some other stories in your head for us!
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  • From ANON - Lily Constancy on June 28, 2004
    Awww. It is just so sweet! I'm still grinning from it. James is so smart and possessive. He knows what he wants and is not going to let some shit-kicker take it from him or his da. And the Cook! She is just too funny and insightful. It's awesoork ork Stoney. I can't wait for more of the story!!
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  • From ANON - LadyLiz on June 27, 2004
    If there is anything as delightful as getting 2 more chapters today, it's reading you're great little notes at the end of your chapters. They always give a nice little laugh after an intense chapter! I'm loving every second of your story! Please tell me William goes to the fwithwith Buffy and James!! I can just seem him shelling out the bucks to win her a stuffed animal, how cute would that be?! And I'm dying to know how James handles it when he figures out that Will and Buffy are a couple!! Ok, I'll shut up nown'tn't wait for more!!
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  • From ANON - HauntedGoddess on June 27, 2004
    I LOVE this story so much...I think its great how you've developed the characters.
    I can't wait till James finds out about them!
    Keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - slackerace on June 27, 2004
    Continuing to enjoy this story! Look at you, churning out the chapters. You've made my weekend much less boring. Thank you!
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  • From ANON - starhawk on June 27, 2004
    I love your story, please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Lex on June 27, 2004
    I'm so in love with this story!!! I can't wait for updates:-)
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  • From ANON - Lily Constancy on June 27, 2004
    You have built great characters. I love James and the Cook. The interactions of them are realistic. Nothing seems forced like in some other stories. It's brill! I cannot wait to read more. Continue on!!
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  • From ANON - Mandi on June 27, 2004
    Very cute story! Can't wait to read more. :)
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  • From ANON - Kar on June 27, 2004
    I am so happy that I started to read this and that you began to write it. Wonderful story!! Keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - Burnz on June 27, 2004
    Aw... that was sweet.
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  • From ANON - JEn on June 27, 2004
    Is there a way to persuade you to give more BEFORE Monday? Just checking! LOL. Love it!
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  • From ANON - LadyLiz on June 27, 2004
    Well, *ahme* After panting and drooling my way through chapter five, I have to admit it was nice to have a break from the intensity for a good laugh. "Am I the only one with my pants off?" LOL!!!!!! It took a second to sink in, then I was just laughing myself nearly sick! And little Jame's ll be so happy! Not to mention there'll be more frime ime for the grownups when he's at school! ;-D Another fantastic two chapters. I waited all day for them to be up and I Can not wait for more. Keep going!
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