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Reviews for Bankhead Academy - Book Two

By : Nick
  • From ANON - Sarah Aless on July 02, 2004
    Loved three. Willow's roleplay with Buffy was just too cute adn so funny - especially her fisting instructions. Tara in Domme boots and Buffy in fuck me pumps - YUM. Almost dies alughing at Tara's 'enthused' wine order. Loved this line
    'Buffy was in the early stages of a lap dance that would put a stripper to shame ? both literally and figuratively.'
    NICE Buffy riding the boot action. I;m perplexed about Angel because it seems like it's too obvious for ti to be h but but there again you could be double bluffing. Hence I am not going to guess anymore about the blackmailer i shall wait and see. Great work as always hun.
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  • From ANON - Sarah Aless on July 02, 2004
    Ok so somehow this dumbass managed to miss part 2. I'm blaming it on the period when AFF was down (ok i'm a muppet). Anyway gonna review 2 now then go read three and review it as long as sitesite lets me in.
    Lol at Buffy adn faith giving away the program to Dawnie. Loooved Faith's little 'who's the best' torture game :D An djust to funny when Xnader came in and had to be told too. Ooooh now the guy taking pics in the tree storyline is tarting to get pay off can't wait to get to three to find out what's happening there. Kudos for gettin Kit Carlos Connor AND Janice in there all in one chapter. Lilah, Jenny and Wes - sooooo good (ok i know i'm a sick puppy but you knew that already anyway).
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  • From ANON - karen on June 26, 2004
    Ok, I'm one that doesn't review much. Sorry. I would like to say that I like this story. It's taking an interesting turn. I like smut as well as the next person, but a little plot goes a long way in holding my attention. I would prefer to see more male/female action too. But that's just my personal likes and dislikes. All in all, a good story. I'm curious to see who the blackmailer is. My money is on Angel.
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  • From ANON - Doug on June 19, 2004
    Ok, hard, fast, and smooth. Thanks for jumping right into the fire with the package. Lilah has the right idea, more so as she also knows all these people, who have quite a varied and broad measure of experience. Its not a direct quote but, " The only single acheivement one needs to reach over their enemies is to live well." And with B and F (and Dawn???) as bait, oh yeah. Somebody is in deep trouble. Well, no, more like instead once they (and us the readers) learn just who it is (and if it is someone we could believe) they might just as easliy tender an invitation as destroy this fool. But I opt for a long, slow, perfectly timed demise. And a small side bet: when Joyce was in the program, was her roommate Maggie Walsh?
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  • From ANON - Illuxi on June 18, 2004
    Hmm....who's the blackmailer? I still think Warren, the little perv. Write more soon.
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  • From ANON - creampuff on June 18, 2004
    love it.....more please that was hot
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  • From ANON - creampuff on June 18, 2004
    that was hot......more please
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  • From ANON - javajane on June 15, 2004
    I am so glad that you decided to do another book. I really enjoyed the first one. Keep up the great writing!!
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  • From ANON - creampuff on June 14, 2004
    OMG! That is sooo good, please review soon i need my fix, thank you.
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  • From ANON - Roasty on June 14, 2004
    Hey, you're back as promised, and keeping up the same standards of writing and smutiness. Looking forwards to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - ReneesFic on June 14, 2004
    I'd like to see more of everyone's background. Did Spike used to be like William on the show? Are they all rich or maybe some people are on a special scholarship (Xander)?
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  • From ANON - Nela on June 13, 2004
    really wanted to be a fly on the wall for the Joyce and Giles conversation. Hope to see some of what happened there. Great book one, can't wait to see what happens with all the loose threads.
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  • From ANON - Sarah Aless on June 13, 2004
    GREAT start to the second book my friend! Sorry I'm pushed for time so you'renot going to get my usual ramble (maybe that's a good thing hehe). Loved it all, poor horny Willow. Great to have Dawn on board somehow i'm seeing a loophole being found about the whole too young for the program thing hehe. More please also is there gonna be more of Alternate Gifts? It was looking really good!!
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  • From ANON - Queen Zulu on June 12, 2004
    Yay! More! I make various encouraging noises!
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  • From ANON - MsSpikester on June 12, 2004
    Fabulous! Just what I was expecting....I am just a twisted gal, aren't I? One question.....What was with the question about the "Cain House Program" from Joyce....are we going to find out she was in it once too? OOOHHH, maybe she knows Giles, somehow?!
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