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Reviews for Bankhead Academy - Book Two

By : Nick
  • From ANON - Nikki on August 22, 2004
    Hiya, ive already reviewed but i wanted to read others reviews and i dont know if theres another way so im reviewing again. Wow, that was a long sentence. Love the story. More please, :)
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  • From ANON - Nikki on August 21, 2004
    Hi there! I just discovered bankhead, 1 and 2 and have read all of it in a day, lol. Thats how much i love it, :) This chapter was great, as were all the others. Ooh, the part where Tara pointed out the blood on Willows shirt gave me shivers, lol. Damn them writers! I liked Tara. By the way, are you a guy or girl? i was just curious, :)
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  • From ANON - Ali on August 17, 2004
    Just read the latest chapter of book 2. What can I say - i'm steaat tat the ears! And i'm really enjoying the storylines woven into all the sex! You're a great writer, can't wait till your next post.
    PS. Repeat above for book 1!
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  • From ANON - Tjack on August 16, 2004
    This is the hottest piece of erotica I've ever read!
    Also, even if all the "adult'' material were removed, The Bankhead Acadamy stories have dialog & characterization closer to the original than the mainstream novelizations.
    If you've ever had nasty thoughts about Buffy the the Scoobys this is the place to be.
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  • From ANON - Amanda on August 15, 2004
    Grr @ Warren, the bastard!!! Poor Andrew...

    And yay for phone sex!

    Another excellent chapter.

    *glomps you*

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  • From ANON - Illuxi on August 11, 2004
    Hey!! Good to see Warren and Jonathan. And I KNEW Joyce would be a nasty little slut in this story. Good on you!
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  • From ANON - Dana on July 20, 2004
    I'm finally reviewing! I did more often for the first book but like you said people are busy with summeAnywAnywhoo...I love this second book. I usually get icked out by Dawn and Buffy but for some reason I don't when reading your story(of course it could be a Buffy/Dawn pairing is one of the least perverse things that goes on in the story.;) ) Just when I think this story can't get any more debaucherous it does. lol. Very creative with the Willow/Oz/Xander threesome. Also I liked how you got in Buffy's bad driving in one of the earlier chapters and finally Buffy got to take out poor, patient Tara. I think the blackmail story is making it more interesting. As with the first book your doing a good job with mixing the funny, sexy and disturbed beautifully.
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  • From ANON - Doug on July 18, 2004
    Oooh, sorry, but forgot to comment on the uselinelines from the series. I feel them in there now and again, and please keep it up. It's funny shit.
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  • From ANON - Doug on July 18, 2004
    The GrooSaaLugg has reared his mighty...tail, and ran like hell? Ha.ew iew it'd be too easy for it to be Angel. Come on people, Angel & Angelus only add up to schizophrenia. And this other puppy is prepared and ready. Yes, lets see some of Cordys' practice. Please. Hell, lets look in on Cordy and Anya doing each other, maybe they flip a coin for who gets to be the "bottom", and Cordy wins... Doing just fine so far. Thanks. Well I've done 4, now its off the the R's

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  • From ANON - Renee on July 17, 2004
    Hmmm. I find myself rooting for the blackmailer. Everyone seems so cold (except for Joyce Summers), that they're almost unlikeable.
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  • From ANON - Amanda on July 17, 2004
    "I smell your point." Lmfao! Oh, and with the Angel thing, brilliant! But, I don't believe it'll turn out to be him...he's just pissed off at Buffy, so he's lashing out at everyone, which includes him whacking off while watching through the Cain house windows. o.O This has gotta be someone smarter, and I think it'll turn out to be Warren, the bastard. Or that Diego guy...

    Anyway! Groo! Yay! Lol, that part was excellent.
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  • From ANON - MsSpikester on July 17, 2004
    oooooooo, lucky me! I wake up this AM and there are chappys readread!! Loved the Angel angle....just a little miffed about not being invited along, is he? Poor man, sounds like Darla can't stand him either, lol. I have this little feeling that Dawn is going to be initiated a little bit earlier than the others - am I right? Faith can't seem to be quiet about Miss Buffy's little sex pot sister....
    Loved seeing more...would love to see even more!!
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  • From ANON - Amanda on July 16, 2004
    Regent, I LOVE you, and I LOVE this story! With Buffy an' Tara and the boot. Yowza, that was hot! *glomps you* This is an AWESOME follow-up to Book One. Keep it going. You are a SMUT GOD!
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  • From ANON - spikedchick on July 04, 2004
    uhm, well you certenly do know how to write nc-17. Though there's one thing I'm missing... plot.
    I don't want to tell you how to right this story but even the smuties stories can have a good plot.

    I'm hoping for that blackmailing thing, cause that sure as hell is a good foundation for a good storyline.

    I'm curious.

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  • From ANON - Illuxi on July 02, 2004
    Angelus!!! I knew it! That bastard. It wouldn't sif Wif Warren were his companion--Warren hasn't made an appearence yet, that asshole.

    Also, I'm glad Buffy finally gave Tara that fucking. I was wondering when that would happen. I wouldn't mind seeing some fisting there...

    Good writing, and keep it up.
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