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Reviews for Bankhead Academy - Book Two

By : Nick
  • From ANON - Earina on September 01, 2004
    Hey, love the story, tried to review the last chapter but my computer was being a bitch. I say if you can't have someone getting fucked then you should have someone getting fucked up. Especially liked the part where Tara let loose. Keep up the good work.

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  • From ANON - Doug on September 01, 2004
    Well, how Buffy read Dawn the riot act over her little fling with her roommates went from DAMN HOT. Doubled over with a blistered ass AND hot wax. You know, its a proven fact that a little competition can be a healthy thing. Now, granted, there are extremes in everything, and some people just don't know when to quit. But lets take siblings for example ( I wonder what brought that to mind...ha), a bit of `catch as catch can` will show up in the simplest things. Who can get the best score on a math or history test, or from the backdoor, be the first to run to the big Maple tree in the back yard and climb to the old wren nest near the top. Get high score on Asteroids... OR whatever, as long as there is a start, a finish, and a good try by all in the middle, yes? Now, for whatever reasons, there is a "race" between Buffy and Dawn, with the by-laws agreed upon, and maybe what the winners' reward is to be a bit...loose, to interpretation at least. And with all things, if you're not the winner, well..... However it goes, I wonder about Buffy's reaction when its found that it is DAWN who crows in victory, alaimlaims her prize.
    Think of a sawhorse, with some black leather padding and four shiny chains at the legs. The `loser`, bent over it and fastened snuggly. A parade of classmates to tan the victims' backside, helped with a choice of toys provided. All the whilethe the winner videotapes it. Wonder what the bottoms' tongue could be doing during all this. And you know, just now thinking about it, if Dawn is just that big of a slut, maybe it could be she who is held tight, but I had Buffy in mind from the get go. And all those friends to `lend a hand` are instead Kit, Janice, Connor, and a few others, either way.
    I could see this happening, and if you all help, maybe we can persuade Regent to make our wished come true?
    As for the meeting, we have to go back to BH-I. Giles had told Buffy they had hired a PI to check her out? And isn't this true for all those who have the potential to be chosen? Just as the school has weathered this kind of storm before, there should have been similar proceedures to follow to fix it. And the school wouldn't hire just anyone, as money can't fix everything, regardless of what some people think. My prior posts for both books and my own notes to the author hold my ideas for who this blackmailer is. And can't wait to see just how Joyce and Jenet aet along. Could Lilah be invited to join???? Please. Thanks
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  • From ANON - Kitty on September 01, 2004
    You're right people like me should review more often. I was VERY happy to see more Bankshead available to read; there's no such thing as too much kink in my world. I read the last of 1 and headed into 2 after thoroughly enjoying the Initiation. It's PWP with the added bonus of the character's still being relatively true to the originals. Keep it up and keep it coming (and it was really hard to avoid punning that).
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  • From ANON - Doug on September 01, 2004
    Okay, first, I'm apologizing for my rude remark, but if you'll "please" read this, maybe we ALL can be a little more forgiving, right?
    I jumped on about a half-hour ago, found that B H - II had #7 ready, and I'm thinking great `another chp` and, `Damn, but I'm going to have alot of reviewing to do`. But thats not how it turned out. I read just ONE paragraph, and take a good guess which one it was. After posting my prior barb I just stepped of myf my hooch and paced, and fumed, for 10 minutes at least. Gave me a chance to watch a couple Vipers punch into the big blue at least. So with soda in hand, I'm taking my day off and doing what I've been waiting for.
    I stopped in last week or so and was pleased to find 5 AND 6 up. Yeah! I had hoped to post my review by the next day at the latest, but what connections we had were proving to be damn slow, and when I say my job leaves me no notice for planning anything else, then I hav have to deal with it. One day turned into 3, plus 2 more days were chewed up from supporting 1st CAV, then theres guard duty, general maintance and, oh yeah, SLEEP!! Okay, Rant almost over. Please keep in mind we try to stay in touch, and there are days it just doesn't go our way.
    Yes, it shows that you put ALOT of effort into this story. So when it comes time to praise your much deserving work, I want to convey all my pleasure and gratitude as possible. Which, in truth, means more than a gushy ?you?re great - more please?. And you are worth all that effort, and more. So.........
    5: WARREN, you *&$#%&@. Loved the phone call to Joyce. Hmho eho else could have been a student, or Faculty, of B H when Joyce was there? Holland Manners and the coach from s2 are the only ones that comes to mind for me people. Lets help out and toss some names into the hat. Oh, and Dawn is going to make a really big splash when shes brought into the fold. As for B playing at being everyones `piss-pot`, well...eeewww. Also, I'm staring to see a few more typos leaking in.
    6: The girls laughing at Spike because he was turned down was too damn funny. "..hey what about Cordy? I bet she?s good at being the bait.? And Lyle as a skuzzy bartender...?This ain?t over?? ha. And its not just the words either, its the scenes as they're unveiled to us. Both Willow's wish to drag Warren into the woods and rip herself a bloody strip, and Tara pointing out the blood-stain, rough. Two things I'm curious about right now after all I've said so far...who were the idiots who helped Warren against Andrew, and Tara is a Black-belt? Oh, and Warren still needs to be GROUND UNDER THEIR HEELS. The smuck.
    And Spike. Good ol' Spike...?Yeah. I?m a bloody animal.? Love that line.
    Well, its been 2 1/2 hours since I started this. Sorry I'm not a faster typer, among other things. Again thank you, and my apologies for my prior outburst. Now, I can go on to #7, and now I realize that your second paragraph references "Alternate Gifts" along with an updated entry for that in the story list. Much thanks. Lots to do, and keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Doug on September 01, 2004
    Read the name that goes with this post. Now find the other ones I've done, for both novels now. Fine. To quote - ?you?re great - more please? . Happy now?
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  • From ANON - Nikki on September 01, 2004
    I really liked this chapter. The actual bit of plot was nice, can can i say, im a sucker for a porn with plot, lol. I especially liked the whole, ?Willow? You were going to tear his skin off!? part. Made me laugh. The dawn thing kinda wigs me but its all good, :)

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  • From ANON - Illuxi on August 31, 2004
    Hey, glad to see more written. Sorry about the lack of reviews. We're all bad, rude men. Except me, because I'm a woman.

    I'd personally like ee mee more Buffy/Dawn/other people action, but the wax scene here was great.

    And I'm trying to figure out who the computer investigator will be...

    Also, wouldn't mind seeing someone else take a trip to receive the Services of Doyle. Like, Spike perhaps?
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  • From ANON - Amanda on August 31, 2004
    Wesley looked attentive then and chimed in.

    ?Oh yes. As a matter of fact, as I?m sure you know, it?s rather common in the western canon of literature for a disgruntled servant to be the antagonist. In fact, in the writings of??

    Buffy looked at him, skepticism written on her face.

    ?The butler did it Wes? What?s next? Colonel Mustard in the library with a wrench??

    He looked queerly at the petite blonde, as her specific comments did not translate, but their implicit meaning was quite clear.

    ?Well, perhaps not, no.? -Brilliance. Pure brilliance.

    ?Calvin Klein guy."-Hilarious!

    Can't wait for the next chapter, anhopehope people start asking Spike how he knows Angel. O.o And I wonder, does Angel perhaps have MPD (multiple personality disorder). Y'know, Angel/Angelus. That'd be pretty cool.

    Another excellent chapter, Regent. *glomps you.*
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  • From ANON - MsSpikester on August 31, 2004
    SOOOOO sorry about not reviewing the last few chapters! I feel extremely guilty, as I enjoyed them fully - even the revenge scenes. Loved it when they tried to gay up Spike and it didn't work (knew that couldn't happen - way too sexy) Perfect way to get even with nasty Warren by sending April in - feel she got some Buffy canon revenge there. Not necessarily into sisterly bonding, but it fits the storyline, and it is all about no boundaries sex, right?! So, what the hell - I can see the attraction to it. Still not sure if Angel is the creepy blackmailer, but he could be - it just seems too obvious to be him. Sad to see him so pitiful, maybe we could give him a little "pick-me-up" scene? Just for his ego's sake....poor man just isn't all there, is he? I mean, Andrew is getting more action than he is...
    (Speaking of stroking egos, David Boreanaz is a mighty fine looking man...)
    Would love to see another chapter soon! And of course I must put in this....
    Very good - more, please!
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  • From ANON - Roasty on August 30, 2004
    Bless you and your story etc etc. (sorry, the fawning praise can get a little too much, we all know this story and your writing kicks all kinds of ass) I particularly loved Willow's nasty scene with Xander and then Oz. On the other hand the Warren chapter was not so great, sto story's better when it's fucking, not fighting. Looking forward (as ever) to more.
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  • From ANON - Amanda on August 27, 2004

    Loved it! *punches the air a few times* Bust Warren up, w00t! Kick his slimy, scumbag ass. Can't wait for the next chappie!
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 27, 2004
    Why? Why God why isn't the godess authour updated reguarly? WHY?
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 26, 2004
    I love it when you use quotes from the show like wTaraTara asks willow whats that on your shirt. I didn't mind that this chapter didn''t have as much sex because there is something to be said about plot. I really wouldn't mind seeing more of Anya. Also I am starting to get just a bit annoyed by how much you mention them tasteing eachothers juices. I really don't mind it it just seems to be getting a bit excessive. But overall I must say I haealleally enjoyed reading this.
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  • From ANON - jamie on August 23, 2004
    oh gawd this story is just getting better and better. I need more. I love it!
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  • From ANON - Alicia on August 23, 2004
    Damn girl. Just finished book one and read thrst rst chappys of book two. You have the greatest and perhaps the most perverted imagination of all time. I applaud you :-). Its all really great smut- and your last chappy was fab- I'm so glad they stood up for Andy- and hell I wanted to do spike too. I could just picture him walking all badass... makes me feel all tingly just thinkin' about it. Keep up the good work. I can't believe you can keep coming up with such great situations. I mean- I bow to your smutty genius. Anyway can't wait for the next update. Cheers!

    Oh and P.S. I would love to read more Giles/Buffy/Spike "interactions." Also, you write Buffy/Faith really well- I always thought there was some underlying sexual tension between those two in the series :-) And I am soooo happy you made Angel the bad guy- I really and truly dislike him as a part of the series and in general. What a sexually disfunctional- wet blanket!
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