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Reviews for Bankhead Academy - Book Two

By : Nick
  • From ANON - amber6675 on December 16, 2004
    Hey, I love this story, when are you going to finish or add on to this? It's been a long time to leave us hanging like this... ;)
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  • From ANON - Roasty on December 14, 2004
    Hey, I've reviewed before, and loved the story, and your writing. It's starting to look like you've given up writing in exasperation at the site's frequent downtime. If that's the case then it is a real, real pity. I hope you'll develop the patience to put more up here or, if not, find a different place to publish all of this.

    Hell, blogging it would do. I miss the kinky goodness.
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  • From ANON - Reggiz_99 on November 30, 2004
    dude loved the whole story, I stumbled onto BA 2 a while back and finally just finished BA 1, good story man. lol I love the character of Faith, you make her so very close to the real Faith, just a little extra slutty.

    Also even though I love that Cordy became a sub, I would enjoy a little more cordelia in the next chapter, maybe a little Faith/cordelia action,

    anyways, good stuff


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  • From ANON - Jimmy on November 28, 2004
    awesome stuff dude, keep on writing
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 12, 2004
    Its been so long since this was updated and it is a great story. I hope you haven't givven up on it.
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  • From ANON - Amanda on October 11, 2004
    ?You know, mom always said not to take rides from strangers??

    Faith reached over, sliding her hand into Dawn?s open shirt and began tugging again at her still stiff nipple.

    ?Yeah? how do you feel about that now??

    ?Mmmmm, well mom was so wrong??

    ?Good. Also, a fistful of cum? says I?m no stranger baby.?

    Laughed my ass off at that.

    Another spectacular chapter. You are a god, Regent, a fucking GOD!

    *bows, worships*
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  • From ANON - Illuxi on September 30, 2004
    Ok, so I realllly don't like Hamilton, but damn is that scene with Lilah HOT!

    Kudos on morod wod work, can't wait to see more.
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  • From ANON - Tris on September 30, 2004
    Yea! More story! As always, I thoroughly enjoyed it. If I promise to review more often, will you keep writing? Thanks for a great - and debauched - tale.
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  • From ANON - Kimberly on September 26, 2004
    I love the way you use real lines from the shows. The description is so vivid I can see the story play out in my mind while I'm reading it. Every time I think I have things figured out, you throw another twist at me. All of this combined means I can't wait for each chapter to come out.
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  • From ANON - Jemima Glory on September 26, 2004
    OK, you want to know whats great and whats not so great about what you write? Great- Hows the characters talk like the real characters in the shows, how you manage that I don't know, the plot mixed with the sex is also good, the best is when you have two to three sex scenes, and two plot scenes per chapter. I also like how the sex can be intertwined into the plot bits like stuff Faith says and stuff. I REALLY like the humour in the story too.

    Keep going plz,
    Jemima Glory
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  • From ANON - Dana on September 22, 2004
    I have to say i'm really enjoying this story as I did the first o ne. I always usually run away from Buffy/Dawn pairings but this is the exception. The whole candle wax thing was hot(I'm still panting) and it was funny to see Buffy conflicted on what to do. Also can't wait to see who the blackmailer is. Also I like how you try to get every possible character from Angel and Buffy in. I don't think you have had Knox(from angel) or Holden(Buffy) and I don't think we've seen Cecily yet. Oh well enough with the suggestions.

    On a side note my sister and I were debating whether or not you were male or female. For some reason I knew you had to be male. Thanks for confirming; I love being right. ;)
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  • From ANON - Brightly on September 16, 2004
    I have to say that i've enjoyed this body of work thus far. And though it's long past i thought it might make you feel better to know that i like the revenge chapter. I thought it was well written, and i was impressed with the way you worked element from the show into it. I'm quite looking forward to seeing more of this from you.
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  • From ANON - lisa marie on September 14, 2004
    I am really enjoying the stroy.. it is very hot and the characters are interesting, please keep writing.
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  • From ANON - towelgirl on September 06, 2004
    Good chapter, you really made Warren, by that I mean that you have him down pat. You also did a great job with the others. I liked the fact that you were makinstatstatement about gay bashing and while I disagree with violence in general, I think that the situation demands it. Good chapter.
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  • From ANON - angela on September 02, 2004
    loving this story... the fight scene was killer...and this scene between Dawn and Buffy?? I've never been more turned on....keep it up
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