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Reviews for Bankhead Academy - Book Two

By : Nick
  • From ANON - Jen on September 16, 2005
    Am I wrong to say that the fic got me hot? *Puppy eyes* Lol do update! ;) Can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - wrightie on May 24, 2005
    great story.

    Any change of having flash backs to the others initiations?
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  • From ANON - Doug on May 15, 2005
    Finished browsing A.G., B.A. I & II, and their reviews. Well, as Jaspis asked in a posting in B.A. I, I would guess its Vi who cleans up the play-room after a party.
    And Regent its your story, myself and many others have mentioned before we all are very happy to have some plot with the sex scenes. Take your pacing as you see fit. Please just make sure it Looks right when its posted, typing and the like. Just thought of something. In addition to the gang, could Faith or Anya maybe invite others along for the party. I was thinking Dru and Kendra, Lilah and Wes, perhaps Ethan? Maybe Buffy is having an assistant drop something off, so we maybe get to see Owen get a quickie from somebody???
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  • From ANON - Doug on May 06, 2005
    Well... Hello, Nurse! Spence, you ARE exactly what the doctor ordered.....if his name was Frankenstein. Man you rock.
    Okay everyone, long time no see. And I was pleased to see my guess was right about who was Joyces' roommate back then. Another outstanding display from Ripper and Jenny, they really know hospitality. Vi sounds cute in that outfit. Mr. Hamilton, him I can't place, and it always helps to have a face to picture. Another Red Herring with the guy back then becoming Mayor (and blowing up, that is too cute) because maybe he had offspring??? Still sounding like its a guy, so maybe Wilkens the IV?
    Xander, Faith, and Dawn? Really don't know who to worry about more. And back to Joyce, I think something else is going on with her apparent concerns.
    So its Cordy's Birthday!!! This has possibilities. Ooohhh, Just had a thought... Maybe Buffy could have her Birthday very soon. Because Dawn HAS to get something special for her sister, not just for the occasion itself, but to thank her (see Revenge!) for that display of passion (and Bondage) Buffy dished out with the candle. Its so much easier to learn about one new person than it is to learn about a whole new environment and the people in it. Dawn in many ways could "Think on her feet" quite nicely, and with a couple bits of information thinks she has a good plan, and of whom to ask to help her learn what she needs to know. But those bits are slightly off and incomplete. So when we see her meeting Anya and asking if she and her roommate could help her, and meeting Queen C, Cordy happily aggrees that, "yes, a demonstration to educate you would be ~fun~"... So here comes the gang home from school (or whereever) and the bunch pile into Buffy and Faith's room to find a sticky-note on the TV of course saying "turn me on". They watch as Cordelia and Anya announce on the tape "Happy Birthday, Buffy". After about 40 minutes Anya has turned to the camera and said, "I have a rough idea what your morning was like, Buffy, so after you watching this one I figure we're on our fifth or sixth tape by now. These things are going to sell like Hotcakes!!!! You know where to find us."
    So Buffy, just as in the opening credits of the show, leads the way out the door and down to the basement of Cain House.
    Bet Dawn would be REAL careful of whom she asks for help from next time....
    Lots of other ways it could go, but its all "Dawn, be careful what you Wish for." Ha. Ha.
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  • From ANON - Nikki on May 05, 2005
    Yay! Update at last! I loved this chapter, im a sucker for actual plot points, lol. Also loved the whole Paris Hilton thing, cause really, jokes about hetr could go on forever, :)
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  • From ANON - Kuzui on May 04, 2005
    Woot! Good to see more of the pervy Bankhead kids.

    I like they way you cut up this chapter. I was a little confused about what was going on, but then I was like "'s Cordy's birthday!"

    Good stuff.
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  • From ANON - mmb on May 04, 2005
    Great chapter. The plot thickens, in a good way, not in the lumpy congealed way lots of things do.

    Loved the Xand's reaction to Paris, so very much the way he'd react and loved breakfast at the Giles'. A great way to start your day.

    I have to comment though about your ascertain that this is a chapter with not much sex, cause it seemed like there was lots of nice hot stuff in there for everyone, well for me anyway lol.

    Glad to hear there will be another chapter soon. Can't wait to hear how Cordy's birthday goes and frozen lust sounds pretty good too.

    Great chapter, another in a long line of many.

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  • From ANON - Jen on February 22, 2005
    Come on Regent add another Chapter, I'm loving this so much!!
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  • From ANON - Douglas on February 04, 2005
    Hello one and all... But damn, its good to be back! Back? you all wonder? Well, anyone can drive down a road they have never been on and still get from A to B by following the highway signs. And then its like taking a Sunday drive, because you Now know your way. But if you're not a member of like `AAA`, there'll be the day you take off for cousin Lewis's house, only to find that the On-Ramp and everything after has been torn up. ..."What The Fuck" comes to mind. And thats where I've been the last three months plus. I was only just made aware that there was an address change for from some kind souls who visit And oh, yeah, I've got ALOT to catch up on.
    So, first, I've just browsed over 5, 6, and 7 (and DAMN, but Buffy torturing Dawn is still Damn hot) and I'm now ready to proceed to 8...and 9....and 10!! Yah. But I had to take a moment to say `Hi` to everyone out there and clear up my brain before jumping into the reviews, but no, I'm not. Can't. I've got to read the story first to see if any of my thoughts made in my prior reviews are right or not. So, there are the things that have been said, and now to see how much we're all going to be teased by this fine writing. Thank you, again, Regent for your efforts.
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  • From ANON - Nikki on January 18, 2005
    Reaaly continuing to love this story. Really love the joyce/jenny/giles thing. I thought the "toys" would be a turn off, but it really seems to fit well with them. Keep up the good work, :)
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  • From ANON - Kat on January 18, 2005
    Loved the dirty talk that Faith did in the shower with Buffy. Real turn on.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 18, 2005
    I like the Bankhead stories - particularly that Warren got beat up, and the inclusion of Markus Hamilton.
    But I got to wondering... Why don't any of the females get their period? Hasn't the story taken more than a month?
    If you take requests, I'd like to see officer Riley get some. Perhaps as payment for "forgetting" an offence?
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  • From ANON - Kat on January 15, 2005
    Love the story. I expecially love it when Faith gets all controlling during sex and all, like calling Dawn a dumb bitch, and telling her what to do. Really hot.
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  • From Pankhurst on January 13, 2005
    Dammit, this is still the hottest series of Buffy stories on the net!
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  • From ANON - Nikki on January 04, 2005
    Hey there! Long time no see man, :) Loved the new chapter. I especially enjoyed the dirty scrabble game, lol. And i cant wait for the Giles/Summer "meeting". Please bring more more more!
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