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Reviews for lovers dance

By : shell
  • From ANON - spikedchick on August 22, 2004
    love it... interested in how joyce and giles will find out.
    and what about them... i mean spike has to re attend school sometime... and buffy's dancin t... ... can't wait...update soon plz!
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  • From ANON - Essi on July 25, 2004

    I started to read Lovers walk yesterday. Now I'm at chapter 12, so I can't really give the review about the whole story. So far I have really liked the idea. I have couple of suggestions. You don't have to listen to them or do as I say. It's nothing personal just my opinion.

    I think the story would be easier to read if the sentences were little shorter. If you'd cut some sentences and so on, it would be easier cle clearer to read.

    I really like the idea of the story. I hope that in future the dancing comes to story also. I would love to read more about Buffys dancing lessons. Also because the name of the story is Lovers dance, I really hope that they would dance. It would be fun to read Buffy trying to teach Spike to dance.

    But as I said earlier, those are just my thoughts.

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  • From ANON - Kimber on July 23, 2004

    They didn't follow them upstairs and break up the fight, and they didn't hear her scream Spike's they are blind and deaf or the house was in a big case of denial......I was worried Buffy wasn't going to like the caveman, "Me man, you my woman" routine....but I have to say he does have a great way to make a woman forget about that......OH YEAH!

    And, I hope you went to the bathroom to wipe...LOL


    more please soon....LOL

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  • From ANON - txjmfan on July 22, 2004
    Love the new chapters.
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  • From ANON - spikedchick on July 22, 2004
    I am so addicted that Im seriously thinkin about gettin help!
    Please update soon...
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  • From ANON - Kimber on July 19, 2004
    Oh them sneaky kids.......

    I wonder who Joyce has invited to the party to play Romeo to her daugther's Juliet....LOL! How dare the parents think they can make whoopie after talking about separating their children.....bad parents bad parents....I think they should over hear their loved ones talk about how uncomfortable it makes them being together (even if oesnoesn't) and talk about since they can't be together itld hld hurt to much for their parents to be a couple and talk about breaking them up.......let them adults see how it feels....LOL


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  • From ANON - spikedchick on July 18, 2004
    you do know I hate you for the way you ended ch 17, right?!?!?!?!??!

    MAN, I can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
    I'd also like to say that I loved the angsty part after he told her he loved her.
    Cause a little angst always spices up a story.

    I'd love to see a little bit jealousy now and then. Just because possessive/jealous Spike's a HUGE turn on. hehe

    Keep goin!
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  • From ANON - txjmfan on July 10, 2004
    Good chapter. Glad they made up.
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  • From ANON - txjmfan on July 04, 2004
    Love the new chapter. Interested to see what Buffy's reaction to his "slip" will be.

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  • From ANON - shippy on July 03, 2004
    Great fic, more please.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 28, 2004
    more please
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 26, 2004
    more please
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  • From ANON - Nessa on June 18, 2004
    Woaw I loveee it!! Its great!! More please!! ;o)
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  • From ANON - Kimber on June 18, 2004
    OH my

    Here I was hoping to see some Angel/Faith trying to get between the couple at the party.....Angel will not be happy that Buffy has already.....well you know before even getting to the party.....LOL

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  • From ANON - Anon on June 17, 2004
    more please
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