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Reviews for Why do we write this?

By : goolecaptain
  • From ANON - friend on October 16, 2006
    write one were xander does not try to force buff in the Heyena epsoide but has sex with jocye and jenny at once and they all like it, and xander keeps his powers try to go all the way to were faith joins the gang.
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  • From ANON - Amanda on September 17, 2006
    Don't be sorry! Although I did enjoy the arguements they WERE begenning to get repetitive and annoying, plus the lack of flames as of late does indicate that more people are liking your work and that it's probably the same idiot (or the same two... people) who are flaming over and over so you should be happy!! :) Nice job! Although I AM guilty of reading the occasional darkfic ... or dozen (:P) I find it extremely endearing that you take the time to "Save" our beloved characters. Again, I say, NICE JOB!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 14, 2006
    1. well, well, I actually have something to thank these deranged morons for. I did double post the last response but I've now removed it. Big deal

    2. Wow, massive steroetyping of women! If fanfic writing and my female friends have taught me anything it's that you can't say a certain person acts in a certain way due to their gender. Now personally I'm trying to quit fic, I don't publish any more etc. But unfortunately cowardly brain saddos keep attacking me so I'm always going to fight back. Besides, people seem to really like my fic to judge by my reviews and the number of hits I get

    3. Awwww, I have own stalker! i feel so flattered. My god, that someone would go to such lengths and know me so well is just sooooo pathetic I don't have the words for it. Better update your profile of me though, I recently bought a house in London and I now have a beard.

    4. What, you come to my stories and attack me for no reason then whine and complain when I have the temerity to hit back? Christ, do expect me to just sit here and take it? Does the bully want to run to teacher when their victim stands up to them? Get a life you self-pitying hypocrite

    5. As for the whole keyboard thing well, if that's what you do doesn't it make your computer a bit too sticky to use? As the mirror thing, yes, good idea, boost your self esteem! Then you can write your own stories and not just whine about other peoples. Course if you write snuff, rape, male/female incest etc I'll have to come to the rescue

    6. It obviously troubles you that people find me ridiculing my critics amusing but they do and I take pleasure in slamming down idiots like you and entertaining decent people like them. Tough, get over it.

    7. You don't want to do this any more, fine, walk away. You attacked me, I've never been anything but polite and respectful. You sowed the wind, you reaped the whirlwind. We have a little saying back home, no surrender. You don't want goolcap to be on adultfic any more, you just leave well alone.

    "Are we not human?
    Cut us do we not bleed?
    Tickle us do we not laugh?
    Poison us do we not die?
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 14, 2006
    First, just hit the enter button once, dumbass. It's bad enough that you keep reposting your pathetic "stories", but now you've taken to reposting the replies too?

    Second, if only from a simple logic standpoint, it's obvious you're not a woman. A woman wouldn't need the constant ego gratification of reposting this crap on every available site for years. Women have more self-respect than that. You might know that if you'd ever actually spoken to one. And mom doesn't count - although I bet she does to you ;-) Still calling her basement home?

    And third, Patrick, last known to be in Ireland, when you've left the above mentioned slime trail of this crap on every site in creation for 5 years or more, don't assume you haven't left a trail of personal history. So yeah, you're a man, and I use that term very very loosely.

    Oh, and fourth, stop pandering to the one or two people who've said they enjoy the bickering, cause you know what, I control that too. If I (and others like me) stop commenting, you've got no one to bicker with. And gee, wouldn't that be too bad? Then you wouldn't be able to spurt your one drop of cum on the keyboard every time you see a response. Now go stand in front of the mirror and keep repeating: I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!

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  • From ANON - Anon on September 13, 2006
    And just so you know, the line that follows "We hold these truths to be self-evident" is "All men are created equal", but if you just look down, you know that's not true, don't you needledick?
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 12, 2006
    And kudos to you. Everyone knows how difficult it is to be articulate with Steve Irwin's decaying cock stuffed in your mouth.
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  • From ANON - Bufffan on September 05, 2006
    It might be more affectionate if a)you could spell 'crocodile' you illiterate fuckwit
    and b) you didn't plagiarise other,much better fics,and still try and call yourself 'original' haha......
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  • From ANON - spikestheman on September 30, 2005
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  • From ANON - goolecap on August 02, 2005
    always nice to have some really detailed feedback.
    hmmm. I never understood peoples fascination with spike. you feels sorry for him? jeez, this is a mass murdering child rapist here (don't get me wrong, I always found him funny and I LIKE souled spike). yeah Buff treats him badly but he deserves it all.
    and you don't like Buffy? why not? how could you not like our marvellous heroine? (or the gorgeous faith for that matter?)
    you're quite right though, freedom for everyone, we all write for our own reasons and we contain within ourselves the reasons for the type of fic we do write. Personally I see too much injustice and cruelty in the real world so i can never accept them in fanfic, here I can always have happy endings.
    and I don't think this is unrealistic at all, unhappy endings are unrealistic. really, what chance do the mere forces of darkness have against this witty blonde cheerleader with her loving family, faithful friends and keen fashion sense?
    thanks again

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  • From NoFuture on August 01, 2005
    I'm not at all uncomfortable confronting my inner motives for fanfic writing. *laughs* I do tend to kill off those characters I can't stand. And you were spot on with the line, ?Although I think some stories are written by big Faith or Spike fans when they think I treat them badly?. Huge Spike fan here, and I love to see him wreak bloody revenge on the Chosen One. (Faith, I don't care much about...)

    However, I consider parts of this "story" rather stereotypical. I mean, I write solely dark (and somewhat depraved) fics, but I am in no way desperate to vent some sordid personal experience I've undergone. Nor am I some weepy pathetic MM lover slitting my wrists and crying...

    Maybe I just don't enjoy being lumped into a generalization...but that's just me.

    Still, you're correct in one respect. We're all free to write what we like, and this is no exception.


    p.s.-You forgot those of us who prefer the more realistic un-happy ending. I'm not one for clean, gift-wrapped resolutions where "...I always triumph, everything always comes right in the end. Happy endings for us and mankind?.

    And...Buffy is in *no* way my hero.

    No, sir.

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  • From ANON - temperance on June 16, 2005
    Wow, really impressive. This one was almost like a big essay on the art of the fanfic. I really enjoyed it. It brought a lot of insite to me about why we indeed do write this ^_^
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  • From ANON - CPT Skip on June 13, 2005
    It's been a long time since I've laughed so hard and long while reading a fanfic story. Your 20 year retrospective was truly inspired. I just don't want to thing of what it was that inspired you, but I like the results. And I must say, I liked Xander's reward. Not only sexy, but funny too.
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  • From ANON - JT on September 05, 2004
    Well, see there you go. You live in the U.K. whereas I live in the U.S. where, obviously, the laws will be different. Well, nice talking to you! If you ever want to talk outside the review page, my email is up there!^^ Bye!
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 05, 2004
    Easy way to stop annoying people so you get less negative feedback? 1) Stop bumping this crap to the top of the page every so often. There's no reason an older story needs to keep being on the top besides you being desperate for feedback. Instead of coming back months later to "edit" it, just check it before you post the freakin' thing. 2) There's no reason for different parts of the same story to be listed seperatly. Just put them in one story in different chapters like everybody else manages to do. 3) "Why we write this" implies that you have some background/authority/inside knowledge and since you clearly don't, implying such is misleading and just plain annoying. "Why *I* write this" would make more sense. Besides the fact that it doesn't explain that at all. People have different reasons for writing things and you're being rather arrogant assuming that you know all.

    As for the story itself? I have to ask: what story? Writing down a bunch of three sentence to one paragraph long "drabbles" does not make a story. Thiads ads more like a brainstorming session than anything that anybody else could possibly find interesting.
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  • From ANON - JT on September 03, 2004
    The only reason why I'm writing this is to comment on something you said when you reviewed your own story. The comment " women can't rape or indecently expose" is very misleading. If you rape someone, whether you are a man or woman, you will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The reason you don't hear about it very often is because it is a littiffiifficult to have sex with a flaccid penis. Also, most men can "subdue" a woman unless she has gun or some sort of other advantage.
    Also, it is almost damn near impossible for women to commit indecent exposure because womens' breasts are seen everywhere. I can count on one hand the number of R-rated movies I have seen WITHOUT nudity on the female part. Pretty sad, I know. Unfortunately, that's the way it has been and always will be. It will definitely been a cold day in hell when we see a penis in a film that you didn't have to rent from the back of a movie store!
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