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Reviews for Beginnings and Endings

By : JuliaBragg
  • From on October 11, 2009
    I like the idea of your story.. but I disagree abgout the facts?
    You made the point that spike was the good guy and buffy was bad? one buffy was having problem he new that she was having a hard time.. one when buffy hit him spike hit her back? you don?t hit the one you love? spike told her that you belong in the dark. And told her that her friends would not understand? spike new that the relationship was over and he TRIED TO RAPE her? ps he sould deamon eggs that would havekill many, tried to bite a girl when he thought his chip did not work? leting him live put many people in danger .

    The lie has been talk about many time in fanfiction.. he lied becouse buffy would have wanted and but the world in danger he did the right think?. Buffy lied when she said anglus got away she let him leave, she lied the second time she said he got away and she lied for over mouth when he retureded and he broke out of his chain and hom many people did he kill then, when she thought that he kill more after he returted form hell, she keep it a secert till she new more? she lies all the time but by doing so people DIE
    Yes he remember they never talk about it becouse it was not his foult,, but came on to him in bad b eear they don?t talk about that, buffy under a deamon spell tried to kill him theydont talk about that either so why are they not getting blamed..

    Every think no humon xander dated buffy kill.. almost as soon as they were a danger?
    Angel was a ass,,, offer xander to spike as a trick, had to be forece by cross point to go to the master layer? and was like 250 hitting on a 15 year old buffy? he had reason to not like him.. and by the start of season 2 he was starting to get along..
    Parker he had no problem till did somethink wrong.. raily was good tillthe end?
    Spike wa s a monster that tried to kil him many time, smash his head in to the wall.. spike call xadner every name in the book told him I will kill you when I get this chip out.. and tired to kill his friend many times with the chip? he did not like him not becouse of buffy but becosue he was a monster?

    I do not free sorry for spike the reason they did not hang out with him was becouse the way spiek was mean to every body?
    As for willow xander keep it a secert for as long as he could about dating cordy? willow never told him she like him so she can not me mad.. xander fell in love with willow told he love when she was in a coma and when she work up she call OZ name.. when they kiss and were cought willow walk away from xander and stop being his friend to keep her boyfriend? xander lost cordy and willow how can she be mad she walk away form her best friend and they kick him out of the group..
    Look most of you point are half truth at best in lies ? xander was there for willow when oz left.. willow did a lot of damage with her magic.
    I don?t feel this is a fair trement of xadner ?
    The girls never had a problem being call his girl they like it,,, they call him there xander?

    I have the right to drink but if I drive drunk then ther eis a problem?

    Xander as attack buffy a few time? when she was letting angus run lose and kill many people.. he was right? when buffy left she yell back.. and when she hid angelus when he came back form hell she put every one life in danger by not telling them? by keeping secert that get people kill I can yell

    Yes xander yell when he found out about buffy and spike but remember two one he SAID it hurt that you did not tell me?. in season 5 buffy ask him to keep spike away form her becouse he had a crush.. he sleep with him in front of xadner when she was invisable.. showing now respect for him that would hurt me to?. The other was would he kill us if that chip breaks that is a real fear spike chips break he started killing again and buffy stand there as every body die?
    Do you remember that he said he was sorry and then took care of buffy and dawn for months..

    A vimprie with out a soul CAN NOT BE GOOD.. that is way they showed evil jessa, evil xander and evill willow? that is why xander can not trust spike? joss just for the hell of it change with they belive for years to make spike the good guy? but spike sould have been evil and started killing again.. after spike tried to rape buffy, if the chip would have broke he should of rape and kill more girls that was the point of a vampire EVIL can not be good. Becouse if they could be good with out a soul then buffy is killing some good people..

    Xander does not have any power when anguls was killing people there was nothing he could do but attack buffy till she did somethink? he was afreaid that would happen so he did not want her with some that could be evil? if he had the power to just kill them if they wen t evil he would have acted differnt

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  • From ANON - Ladyluck523 on December 18, 2003
    oh! an excellent fic! A sensitive in-depth look into all the characters's history and motivations while still staying within canon.
    I love it because I do think Joss leaves a few too many loose ends at times and I do feel the need for some closure with BtVS ending. Thanks for not shredding Xander too much (and for realizing it before it went too far) altho the light your thru upon his actions are extremely intriguing. I can see this becoming a nice long complex series. I'll vote either Woods or Giles next. I'd like to see what they were thinking about in 'Lies My Parents Told Me' in particular. And I know it would be twisting canon a bit but I'd love to see Spike get a turn later on. Continue the good work and update soon!
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  • From ANON - Douglas on October 09, 2003
    Its not a matter of who is singled out for the harsh glare of suffering the virtues of our vices, though whole parts of passages could focus on one or two people at a time for this round-robin. Giles & Wes, Wes & Faith, Giles & Willow, so many combinations. Close your eyes and bow your heads, dear readers. No, please, do this. Envision your coffee-table, or Dining-room table. Now, wonder, who is it that sits there, and who might be more comfortable leaning up against the wall, a small sea of solitude for themself? Who sits to the left and to the right of whom. And there are those (we Know who) by their very natures, because of the burden of Power, well, they are apart from all others. And they know it. And, no, its not something to crow about.
    The dynamic of any social order, holds its own inherent chaos. "Nature abhors a vacuum".
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  • From ANON - NEONEX on October 07, 2003
    I am really enjoying this fic. Are there going to be any kinds of pairings? Like Spike and Buffy? That would be cool. AnywaY, please update as soon as you can, I can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - Douglas on October 07, 2003
    Well, I didn't expect to ring in with another response so soon, but after this short 3rd ch. I'm feeling I've just slightly misspoke. Its' not so much who-to-whom, but who shall drift away. I'm not looking to smack down on just Xander, I just feel what with between his homelife (after the fact, such as it is), . . . look, there is somewhere I want to go with this rant, I don't see a clear way to express it. Verinthalia, I do like how you've tried to follow canon, but recognize that you'll be taking some of these characters down very lonely paths.
    Andrew, Dawn & Buffy, and yes, Faith, will all be going down paths they can no longer see. In this context (story), Willow already understands there will be battles only she can enjoin, let alone see them for what they are. Both Rupert and Wesley have seen what happens when their training and experience, their "I'm Right And My Means True", fly in the face of how they've failed. CIP: Wes with Faith, and Buffy, in B:s3, and Giles with the apt metaphor of Buffy closing the door on him after rescuing Spike from Robin.
    And how about him? Robin Wood is the son of the Slayer and raised by his mothers' Watcher. He knows about the singular existence, the weight of secrecy, and the balm that knowing that Someday, it would all be worth it. With a dose of righteous vengeance thrown in. Heh, well, today he won the Lottery, and has found alot of tax-collectors all ready to share his pie with him. He has the least to offer, having entered this dance rather late, but can learn the most from what he's witnessing. Xanders' been there from the start, and deserves ely aly a break, and a not to gentle slap up the back of the head. Some of these lessons are going to be a bitter thing indeed to swallow. Okay, I'll shut up now, luv just keep them going, okay?
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on October 06, 2003
    I like how you are making Xander answer for all of his crap. It seems like everyone else got called on their mistakes, but for some reasn Xander never did.
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  • From ANON - ladyforash on October 03, 2003
    I'm enjoying this a lot. Just when I was on the edge of my seat, it ended. Hurry and write more! :)
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  • From ANON - Douglas on October 02, 2003
    Well, its only two chapters so far, but I could really see this happening. There are so many things that are going to come out in all this, too. Something was revealed in "SELFLESS" that I don't think the aftermath was properly explored, and I thought it was Very Important. It goes all the way back to "Becoming ptII", and more than realizing that Xander slept with Faith, or exploring the gangs feelings when Buffy came back after her lost summer, or a handful of other problems, Willow should feel truly betrayed learning that Xander had subverted her plan for Angel.
    Sure, they're kids, and have kids' wants and needs. Their loyalty, friendship....greed, envy. Jealousy. But they're kids who have seen and Learned by this time that there are things that jsimpsimply need doing. "Failure is not an option." Now, better than four years later, she's slapped in the face with how his opinion was more important than her truth. Again. I just remembered she was there to hear his comment about Angel at the hospital in "Graduation Day ptII". Or how he talked AT her in the hall back in "The Harvest". He is just one example in all of this.
    With all these people in one room, with all the interconnected moments in their lives, and with all those who could not attend, I'm curious as to who will drift to whom. I've just read from -Holly- - 'Higher Education' this last weekend, another meet and speak Q&A, with a twist. I expect this one to go rather longer in the soul-searching.
    The show is gone, but through these characters, and these stories, from the last seven years, and on into the future, our dreams continue. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - MsSpikester on September 30, 2003
    I am very interested in this are following canon well, and still putting your own spin on it - Good Job! Keep writing, and I will check for updates often!
    Fabulous storyline!
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  • From ANON - Azrielle on September 29, 2003
    This was so good i'm gonna review it twice. Great so far.
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  • From ANON - Azrielle on September 29, 2003
    Excellent so far...Please update soon
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